MSI installed VSPackage is loaded in Experimental Instance only - visual-studio-2012

My package is only loaded in Experimental Instance.
I have the following package class attributes:
[PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true)]
[InstalledProductRegistration("#110", "#112", "3.6.1365", IconResourceID = 400)]
[ProvideMenuResource("Menus.ctmenu", 1)]
public sealed class VSixPackage : Package
pkgdef file content:
"{011cc127-af13-4974-903a-9e6518b2b641}"=", Menus.ctmenu, 1"
extension.vsixmanifest :
<PackageManifest Version="2.0.0" xmlns="">
<Identity Id="011cc127-af13-4974-903a-9e6518b2b641" Version="3.6.1365" Language="en-US" Publisher="Ltd." />
<DisplayName>Package 3.6.1365</DisplayName>
<Installation InstalledByMsi="true" AllUsers="true">
<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="[11.0,12.0)" />
<InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,12.0)" Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium" />
<InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,12.0)" Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate" />
<Dependency Id="Microsoft.Framework.NDP" DisplayName="Microsoft .NET Framework" Version="4.5" />
<Dependency Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.11.0" DisplayName="Visual Studio MPF 11.0" Version="11.0" />
<Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsPackage" Path="Vsix3_6_1365.pkgdef" />
These files (including Vsix3_6_1365.dll) are installed to
"%VSInstallDir%\Common7\Ide\Extensions\Your Company\Your Product\Version"
When .vsix file is created it registers the Package successfully but I need to do this automatically with msi.
How can it be registered for original Visual Studio (not Experimental Instance)?
I have several packages (different versions) with
in .pkgdef file. Can it be the reason of the problem?
I tried different names instead of "VSixPackage" (added version like VSixPackage3_6_1382) but this did not help.
Strange thing these VSPackages - they were working for a while - I used VSExtension:VsixPackage to install my package - it ceased to delete it during uninstall. And it could not register the Package for VS2013. Now this problem.

The provided attributes on the package class, package definition file and extension manifest seem to be okay. I guess the reason why the extension is only loaded by the experimental hive is because Visual Studio registers the extension when you build it (at least before you run the extension through the debugger when pressing F5).
When you install your extension via MSI you must register the extension programmatically... just copying the extension assembly files to the extensions folder within Visual Studio´s installation directory does not work. If you´re using the WiX toolset to assemble the Windows installer package, you can use the VsixPackage element to register the extension.
You´ll find the documentation at:
If your extension does not require any special installation tasks (like writing to the registry or setting up other tools and/or third-party components), an MSI installation is not needed, instead you can install the extension by just executing the vsix file from Windows Explorer; this will show a dialog where you´ve to confirm the installation.
I never tried to setup an extension manually, but you could try to set the following keys (maybe some more might be required; just examine the configuration of the experimental hive to figure all required keys and values)...
REGSZ: (Default) = #110
REGSZ: LogoId = #400
REGSZ: Package = <package-guid>
REGSZ: PID = <package-product-id>
REGSZ: ProductDetails = #112
REGSZ: <package-installation-folder-path> = ""
REGSZ: (Default) = <package-name>
REGSZ: Class = <package-class-fullname>
REGSZ: CodeBase = <package-assembly-fullpath>
REGSZ: InprocServer32 = "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCOREE.DLL"


Sencha Architect - Directory *** does not contain a valid framework

I installed and registered Sencha Architect However, after I created a new classic ExtJs 7.6.0 project, it doesn't initialize Cmd properly, and in the command output I see:
Exception in thread "Thread-15"
com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Directory C:\Users\costa\Documents\Architect\frameworks/ext76/ does not contain a valid framework.
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$
at java.base/
Caused by: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Directory C:\Users\costa\Documents\Architect\frameworks/ext76/ does not contain a valid framework.
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sencha.util.MethodInvoker$Arguments.invoke(
at com.sencha.cli.Command.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.BasePluginCommands$BasePluginCommand.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.AbstractCommand.dispatch(
... 4 more
The Cmd base directory is set to: C:\Users\costa\bin\Sencha\Cmd which contains the subdirectory
Any idea on how to fix the exception? Time to open a ticket?
Edit: I've got the previous error on Windows 2016. I just gave SA for macosx a try. It has a different problem. I created a blank ExtJs 7.6.0 Modern project. When I save the project in the folder I get (I set the app name to App) :
/Users/costa/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 41: cordova: command not found
/Users/costa/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 41: phonegap: command not found
[INF] Initializing empty workspace at /Users/costa/Documents/development/javascript/TestAppModern01
[INF] Copying framework to /Users/costa/Documents/development/javascript/TestAppModern01/ext
[INF] Added framework ext to workspace.json
[ERR] The specified string cannot be converted into a valid namespace identifier
Exception in thread "Thread-61" com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : App
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$
at com.sencha.util.ThreadUtil$
at java.base/
Caused by: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : App
at com.sencha.util.NameUtil.stringToNamespace(
at com.sencha.command.generator.GeneratorCommands$AppCommand.validateAppName(
at com.sencha.command.generator.GeneratorCommands$AppCommand.execute(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sencha.util.MethodInvoker$Arguments.invoke(
at com.sencha.cli.Command.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.BasePluginCommands$BasePluginCommand.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.AbstractCommand.dispatch(
... 4 more
An identical error occurs when I save a classic project.
What am I missing? There seems to be something wrong overall with SA 4.3.2, or maybe it's missing something.
Both versions, windows & macosx, don't allow me to set Build Tools to Enabled. I click Save, I come back to the dialog and Build Tools is set to Disabled.
More than that, I downloaded ExtJs 7.6.0 and unzipped in a local folder, then in the above dialog I chose Complete or Custom Path, I entered the folder where I unzipped ExtJs, clicked Save, came back to the dialog and Build Tools is Disabled again.
Thank you
ok, I found a workaround for the first problem I had on windows. I installed Sencha Cmd from the installer - I don't know if that made a difference or not.
After creating the classic app, and saving it in SA, I went to the command line and I ran inside the project folder: C:\Users\costa\bin\Sencha\Cmd\\sencha.exe app init -n App -e ..\..\ext760 --classic
You'd have to adjust the parameters according to your needs. I re-opened the project in SA, and it got its brains back. In my case I used a workspace, and the folder for the workspace was 2 levels up from the project folder. I placed the 7.6.0 ExtJs files in the ext760 directory.
Update: I created a ticket with Sencha and they came back with the fix.
The framework code has been incorrectly installed by SA 4.3.2 in this folder: C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Architect\frameworks\ext76\\commercial\ext-7.6.0. The solution is to copy the files in this folder one level up, i.e. in C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents\Architect\frameworks\ext76\\commercial, and then it's going to work.

Cannot run PowerShell scripts in Azure Functions v2

I'm trying to write a Function App using .NET Core in Azure Functions v2. When using the Microsoft.Powershell.SDK package from Nuget (required for .NET Core PowerShell runtime) I cannot get Visual Studio to copy the System.Management.Automation library to the bin with my Function App.
This results in the following error:
System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Function1. TestPowershellInFunction: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. The system cannot find the file specified. System.Private.CoreLib: Could not load the specified file.
I've reproduced this in an existing Azure Function and a new Solution by simply creating a Timer function and adding the following snippet:
PowerShell shell = PowerShell.Create();
IEnumerable<PSObject> result = shell.AddScript("Write-Output 'Hello, World!'").Invoke();
foreach(PSObject line in result)
This works on a new Console App with the PowerShell Nuget installed, but when added to the Function App I get the error. I do notice that System.Management.Automation doesn't get put in the bin directory with a regular Console App but I'm not sure how to interpret this. I know it's a System library but I can't use it unless the Nuget is installed, so I don't know if this is a special case. In both scenarios I'm using v6.1.1 of the PowerShell Nuget.
Is this a known bug with Functions v2? Or am I missing something?
It's a known issue that Function can't load runtime assemblies([FunctionProject]\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\bin\runtimes) correctly.
The workaround is to move assemblies to output dir bin manually. Right click on your function project and Edit <FunctionProject>.csproj. Add following items to achieve our goal.
<None Include="
<Target Name="CopyRuntimeToBin" AfterTargets="Build">
<Copy SourceFiles="
" DestinationFolder="$(OutputPath)\bin" />
Note that is set to win10-x86 on my side(Win10), you may need to change according to your pc platform. Assemblies are x86 as VS uses x86 Function CLi by default, we don't need to worry about it unless we need to work with x64.

ClickOnce fails on download

OK, I have a similar problem as Download ClickOnce fails from setup.exe and Download ClickOnce fails from setup.exe , where I have deployed a ClickOnce installer for a desktop app I am selling.
Different than those examples, I am using Visual Studio 2012 (Pro Version). Using .Net 3.5. I am deploying on a hosted LINUX machine. It worked for me and other people running Windows 7 & 8, possibly earlier versions of Widnows. Then after running a few tests in Debug mode, I built and deployed in Release mode. Now, the auto-installer breaks when it gets to the spot where it wants to download the .application file. Here's the log file.
The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [InstallMode] = HomeSite {string}
Property: [NTProductType] = 1 {int}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = AMD64 {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 6.2.0 {version}
Running checks for package 'Microsoft Visual Basic PowerPacks 10.0', phase BuildList
Attempting to find 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=YADDAYADDA' in the Global Assembly Cache
AssemblyCheck: Error querying assembly info: -2147024894
Attempting to find 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=YADDAYADDA, processorArchitecture=msil' in the Global Assembly Cache
Assembly found at 'C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs\\Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll'
Setting value '11.0.50727.1 {version}' for property 'VBPowerPacksInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'Microsoft Visual Basic PowerPacks 10.0':
Property: [VBPowerPacksInstalled] = 11.0.50727.1 {version}
Running checks for command 'VBPowerPacks\VisualBasicPowerPacksSetup.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'VBPowerPacksInstalled': true
Result of checks for command 'VBPowerPacks\VisualBasicPowerPacksSetup.exe' is 'Bypass'
'Microsoft Visual Basic PowerPacks 10.0' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Running checks for package '.NET Framework 3.5 SP1', phase BuildList
Reading value 'SP' of registry key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5'
Read integer value 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'DotNet35SP'
The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 3.5 SP1': Property: [DotNet35SP] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX35SP1\dotNetFx35setup.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueGreaterThanEqualTo' on property 'DotNet35SP' and value '1': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX35SP1\dotNetFx35setup.exe' is 'Bypass'
'.NET Framework 3.5 SP1' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Launching Application.
URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697205'
Error: An error occurred trying to download ''.
I've looked at , after which I set the MIME type of .application to x-ms-application. No difference.
When I put the url into my browser, I get the text of the file, rather than a download.
Any thoughts??? Thanks!
OK, the first thing that got me closer to the solution was simply to reboot the PC I was dwonloading onto. This got me further into the install, but I then ran into another problem, the solution to which I found at ClickOnce application replace current installed fliles . Clearing out the folder C:\Users\Charles\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0got me to where I could install and run the app fully.
Window application in C #. My solution, I hope it serves someone. The domain server was damaged, I just changed the IP of the new DNS server. It was not necessary to join that new domain server IP.
The "An error occurred trying to download.." error occurs with one of our click-once apps and the solution is to turn off IE Enhanced Security from Server Manager (Server 2012R2+) on the target machine.

VSIX with Project Templates and NuGet Packages

I have been following this post about how to build a VSIX project that will add some custom MVC project types:
I also want to include some additional Nuget packages, so I was following this page from Nuget, but it seems to be for VS2010 and I'm working in 2012.
I have the project building, and everything works peachy on my machine. The install works, the new project type appears, and when I create a new project of this type, everything works perfectly.
However, when I send the installer to a coworker, things break. The installer works, they see the new project type, but when creating the project he gets error messages about not being able to install any of the packages in the extension node. I've confirmed the Product Id of the extension is correct (I intentionally malformed it in the .vstemplate file during testing and it gave an entirely different error). I've added the packages to the extension manifest, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've also confirmed the .nupkg files get deployed to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions.
Any suggestions on what to do?
Custom Project's .vstemplate section
<Assembly>NuGet.VisualStudio.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a</Assembly>
<packages repository="registry" keyName="AspNetMvc4VS11" isPreunzipped="true">
<package id="EntityFramework" version="5.0.0" skipAssemblyReferences="true" />
<package id="jQuery" version="1.8.2" />
<!-- snip -->
<packages repository="extension" repositoryId="SampleExtensionId">
<package id="Unity" version="3.0.1304.0" targetFramework="net45" />
<package id="Unity.WebAPI" version="0.10" targetFramework="net45" />
<!-- snip -->
source.extension.vsixmanifest Asset tags
<Asset d:VsixSubPath="ProjectTemplates\CustomMVCTemplate" etc/>
<Asset Type="Unity.3.0.1304.0" Path="Packages\Unity.3.0.1304.0.nupkg" />
<Asset Type="Unity.WebAPI.0.10" Path="Packages\Unity.WebAPI.0.10.nupkg" />
<!-- snip -->
File Structure
Extension Project
NugetPackage 1
NugetPackage 2
<custom project files>
I've made a step by step video on how to make a VSIX that auto downloads nuget packages.
Since there are many steps and I never wrote them down, I won't type them here. I've definitely tested my VSIX package on other people's machine and it worked so hopefully this will work for you.
To download latest versions of NuGet packages plus all their dependencies add a following class to your vsix:
public class MyProjectWizard : IWizard
IEnumerable<string> _packages;
public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
if (customParams.Length > 0) {
var vstemplate = XDocument.Load((string)customParams[0]);
_packages = vstemplate.Root
.Select(e => e.Attribute("id").Value)
public void ProjectFinishedGenerating(Project project)
var componentModel = (IComponentModel)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SComponentModel));
var _installer = componentModel.GetService<IVsPackageInstaller2>();
foreach (var package in _packages) {
_installer.InstallLatestPackage(null, project, package, false, false);
And then use following in vstemplate:
<Assembly>MyProjectWizard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=22c2a1a5fa7b6905</Assembly>
Check out this link which helped me. However, I'm still running into the issue where all my references' paths are empty.
Note especially the following comment from the article linked above:
I spent a considerable period of time attempting to work out what the v2 equivalent of CustomExtension was, but to cut a long story short, you don’t need to make any changes to the .vsixmanifest — it’s enough to include all of the packages in the VSIX under a ‘Packages’ directory.

VS 2012 Publishing Profiles and Copy Files Using MSBuilld Commands

I've set up website on Azure with TFS online for source control using VS 2012. I'm trying to copy files using VS 2012 new publishings profiles and MSBuild. Reading this article Visual Studio 2012 Web Deployment Projects are Dead – Long Live Publishing Profiles, in which Doug says you can use build scripts in your publishing profile.
So I setup a test that works in my .csproj on my local build. I'm just simply copying the robots.txt file from the root directory to the css directory. Here is my test. I set my pubxml in the TFS Build Process template under process > 6. Publishing -- Azure Website, Web Deploy Pubish Profile.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)robots.txt" DestinationFolder="$(ProjectDir)css\" />
I dropped this Code into my my pubxml file and I get a big nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible to copy files afterbuild on Azure?
Additional Information
The log file contains these lines so I'm sure the publishing profile is running.
Creating directory "C:\a\src\...\css".
Copying file from "C:\a\src\...\robots.txt" to "C:\a\src\...\css\robots.txt".
Here are the build steps that Azure's default build template uses:
So it looks like Azure packages all the files up during the "31. CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeploy" step. It would appear that running copy during the AfterBuild step is to late. I moved the Copy command to the target "BeforeBuild" but the files are still not ending up in the CopyAllFilesToOneFolderForMsdeploy step.
Thanks to Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi for his article How to compress CSS/JavaScript before publish/package for helping me solve this.
It's possible to copy directly Package Temp Directory. I ended up adding this target to my publishing profile (pubxml) file. After the "CopyAllFilesTOSingleFolderForMsdeploy" step finishes this step will run which will copy a file from one part of the solution into the destinationfolder you specify.
<Target Name="AdditionalFilesForPackage" AfterTargets="CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeploy">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(ProjectDir)robots.txt" DestinationFolder="$(_PackageTempDir)\css\" />
