Programming with threads, what is the benefit? [closed] - multithreading

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Given a single core CPU, what is the benefit to coding using threads?
At least with the Java implementation, and it seems intuitive to naturally extend to any other language considering the single core restriction, you may have several threads performing various actions but the processes are time-limited and switched.
Given process A and process B:
What is the benefit of performing half of process A, finish process B, and then finish the second half of process A VS performing process A then B?
It seems that the switching between the threads would introduce time delays that would prolong the overall completion time of both processes VS not switching and just completing A then B.

The reason to use threads on a single-core system is simply to allow processes that would otherwise use all the CPU to be preempted by other tasks that need to get done sooner. The most common reason to make a system multi-threaded is to have a responsive user interface even while performing long calculations.
Of course, any operation can take a long time (reading a file, accessing a database, resizing a photo, recalculating a spreadsheet), and those operations can be performed on a separate thread to allow the thread responding to user input to operate the whole time.
Twenty years ago, for example, it was rare to have a multi-CPU system or an OS that allowed multi-threading, so nearly every program was single-threaded and there were many frameworks created to allow systems to have UIs and still do I/O. The standard mechanism for this is an event loop, where all events (UI, network, timers, etc.) are processed in a big loop.
This type of system means that the UI is held up during things like file I/O and calculations. In order to not hold up the UI too much, you have to do the I/O in chunks (say, read the file 4k at a time), processing any incoming UI events between chunks. This is really just a hack to keep the system running, but it's hard to make the system run smoothly like this because you don't know how often you need to process events.
The solution is to have a separate thread to recalculate your spreadsheet or write your file. That way the OS can give those threads fair timeslices while still preempting them to run the UI, allowing the UI to always be responsive.

An executing thread is not necessarily doing anything useful. The canonical example is reading from disk -- that data isn't going to be there for another few milliseconds, during which time the processor would be sitting unused. Threads allow one piece of the program to use the CPU while other pieces of the program are waiting for operations to complete.

There are many reasons. Wikipedia gives a decent overview on its page about threads.
Here's a few OTOH:
I/O bound tasks benefit from threading (especially network applications).
Hyperthreaded processors may speed up multithreaded applications even on a single core.
Threads can be instructed to wait (block) and wake up on specific events, enabling responsive event-driven programming.

If your program has to do several things "at the same time" then threads are a good way to go, particularly is some of those tasks are quite long running. Otherwise you find yourself writing code that looks like an operating system scheduler inside your program, which is always a waste of time if the OS underneath you has a perfectly good one already. You'd find that your source code was mostly 'scheduler' and not much 'program', which is very inelegant. A good threaded program can be very elegant and economic in source code, which makes oneself look good and saves time.
Some run times get/got it wrong. In the early days of Ada the runtime environment would do its own thread scheduling, and it was never very satisfactory. That was partly due to the fact that whilst the Ada language spec included the concept of threads, the OSes we had back then quite often didn't provide them. Ada got a lot better when the compiler writers started using the underlying OS threads instead.
Similarly Python doesn't really properly use the underlying OS threads; it spoils it with the Global Interpreter Lock. Python has sidestepped the whole issue by going for multiprocessing instead (not necessarily a good thing on Windows hosts...).
Early versions of Windows didn't do threads either, they did cooperative multitasking. This depended on each process in the whole machine calling any OS routine at least now and then. Each OS routine would first consult the 'scheduler' to see if anything else was waiting to run before getting on with whatever it was supposed to be doing on behalf of the program. There were many terrible programs back then that wouldn't play ball and hogged the entire machine. You couldn't get on with playing a game of Solitaire when something else embarked on a length calculation.

What's the mental model of your program?
IF it depends on multiple external inputs that can happen in unpredictable orders, and if what you want to do in response to those inputs is not simple and can overlap in time ...
THEN it makes sense to devote a separate thread to each input request, and have that thread perform the response needed by that request.
So, for example, if your program is waiting for input requests from an external channel, and each request must trigger its own protocol of outgoing and incoming messages, it can very much simplify the code to create a new thread (or re-use an old one) for each request.
Somehow people seem to enter the workforce thinking that threads are only there for speed (through parallelism).
That's one use, provided it allows multiple CPU chips to get cranking,
but it is by no means the only use.


Does multithreading actually work in uniprocessor environment

Suppose we have a process with multiple threads in a uniprocessor.
Now I know that if we have several processes, only one of them will be processed at a time in a uniprocessor and hence the processes are not concurrent.
If my understanding is correct, similarly each thread will be processed at a time and not concurrent in a uniprocessor. Is this statement true? If so then does multithreading mean having more than one thread in a process and does not mean running multiple threads at a time? And does that mean there's no benefit of creating user threads in a uniprocessor environment?
TL;DR: threads are switching more often than processes and in real time we have an effect of concurrency because it is happens really fast.
when you wrote:
each thread will be processed at a time and not concurrent in a uni processor
Notice the word "concurrent", there is no real concurrency in uni processor, there is only effect of that thanks to the multiple number of context switches between processes.
Let's clarify something here, the single core of the CPU can handle one thread at a given time, each process has a main thread and (if needed) more threads running together. If a process A is now running and it has 3 threads: A1(main thread), A2, A3 all three will be running as long as process A is being processed by the CPU core. When a context switch occur process A is no longer running and now process B will run with his threads.
About this statement:
there's no benefit of creating user threads in a uni processor environment
That is not true. there is a benefit in creating threads, they are easier to create ("spawn" as in the books) and shearing the process heap memory. Creating a sub process ("child" as in the books) is a overhead comparing to a thread because a process need to have his own memory. For example each google chrome tab is a process not a thread, but this tab has multiple threads running concurrency with little responsibility.
If you are still somehow running a computer with just one, single-core, CPU, then you would be correct to observe that only one thread can be physically executing at one time. But that does not negate the value of breaking up the application into multiple threads and/or processes.
The essential benefit is concurrency. When one thread is waiting (e.g. for an input/output operation to complete), there is something else for the CPU to be doing in the meantime: it can be running a different thread that isn't waiting. With a carefully designed application, you can get much better utilization of every part of the hardware, more parallelism, and thus, more throughput.
My favorite go-to example is a fast food restaurant. About a dozen workers, each one doing different things, cooperate to bring your order to you. Even if one of them (say, "the fry guy") is standing around, someone else always has something to do. Several orders are in-process at once. This overlap, this "concurrency," is what you are shooting for – regardless of how many CPUs you have.
Multithreading is also commonly used with GUI applications that also need to do some kind of "heavy lifting." One thread handles the GUI interaction (and has no other real responsibilities) while other threads, with a slightly inferior priority (or "niceness") do the lifting. When a GUI event comes in, the GUI thread pre-empts the others and responds to it immediately, then of course goes right back to sleep again. But in this way the GUI always remains very responsive – even though the other threads are doing "heavy lifting" things, GUI messages are still handled very promptly. (I scooped-up about a 25% performance improvement by re-tooling an older application to use this approach, because the application was no longer "polling" for GUI events.)
The first question I ask about any thread is, "what does it wait for?" To me, a thread is defined by what event it waits for and what it does when that event happens.
Threads were in wide-spread use for at least a decade before multi-processor computers became commercially available. They are useful when you want to write a program that has to respond to un-synchronized events that come from multiple different sources. There's a few different ways to model a program like that. One way is to have a different thread to wait on each different event source. The next most popular is an event driven architecture in which there's a main loop that waits for all events and calls different event handler functions for each of the different kinds of event.
The multi-threaded style of program often is easier to read* because there's usually different activities going on inside the program, and the state of each activity can be implicit in the context (i.e., registers and call stack) of the thread that's driving it, while in the event-driven model, each activity's state must be explicitly encoded in some object.
The implicit-in-the-context way of keeping the state is much closer to the procedural style of coding a single activity that we learn as beginners.
*Easier to read does not mean that the code is easy to write without making bad and non-obvious mistakes!!
The main impetus for developing threads was Ada compliance. Prior to that, different operating systems had their own ways of handing multiple things at once. In eunuchs, the way to do more than one thing was to spin off a new process. In VMS, software interrupts (aka Asynchronous System Traps or Asynchronous Procedure Calls in Windoze). In those days (1970's) multiprocessor systems were rare.
One of the goals of Ada was to have a system independent way of doing things. It adopted the "task" which is effectively a thread. In order to support Ada, compiler developers had to include task (thread) libraries.
With the rise of multiprocessors, operating systems started to make threads (rather than processes) the basic schedulable unit in a system.
Threads then give a way for programs to handle multiple things simultaneously, even if there is only one processor. Sadly, support for threads in programming languages has been woefully lacking. Ada is the only major language I can think of that has real support for threads (tasks). Thread support in Java, for example, is a complete, sick joke. The result is threads are not as effective in practice as they could be.

What's the point of multi-threading on a single core?

I've been playing with the Linux kernel recently and diving back into the days of OS courses from college.
Just like back then, I'm playing around with threads and the like. All this time I had been assuming that threads were automatically running concurrently on multiple cores but I've recently discovered that you actually have to explicitly code for handling multiple cores.
So what's the point of multi-threading on a single core? The only example I can think of is from college when writing a client/server program but that seems like a weak point.
All this time I had been assuming that threads were automatically
running concurrently on multiple cores but I've recently discovered
that you actually have to explicitly code for handling multiple cores.
The above is incorrect for any widely used, modern OS. All of Linux's schedulers, for example, will automatically schedule threads on different cores and even automatically move threads from one core to another when necessary to maximize core usage. There are some APIs that allow you to modify the schedulers' behavior, but these APIs are generally used to disable automatic thread-to-core scheduling, not to enable it.
So what's the point of multi-threading on a single core?
Imagine you have a GUI program whose purpose is to execute an expensive computation (for example, render a 3D image or a Mandelbrot set) and then display the result. Let's say this computation takes 30 seconds to complete on this particular CPU. If you implement that program the obvious way, and use only a single thread, then the user's GUI controls will be unresponsive for 30 seconds while the calculation is executing -- the user will be unable to do anything with your program, and possibly unable to do anything with his computer at all. Since users expect GUI controls to be responsive at all times, that would be a poor user experience.
If you implement that program with two threads (one GUI thread and one rendering thread), on the other hand, the user will be able to click buttons, resize the window, quit the program, choose menu items, etc, even while the computation is executing, because the OS is able to wake up the GUI thread and allow it to handle mouse/keyboard events when necessary.
Of course, it is possible to write this program with a single thread and keep its GUI responsive, by writing your single thread to do just a few milliseconds worth of computation, then check to see if there are GUI events available to process, handling them, then going back to do a bit more computation, etc. But if you code your app this way, you are essentially writing your own (very primitive) thread scheduler inside your app anyway, so why reinvent the wheel?
The first versions of MacOS were designed to run on a single core, but had no real concept of multithreading. This forced every application developer to correctly implement some manual thread management -- even if their app did not have any extended computations, they had to explicitly indicate when they were done using the CPU, e.g. by calling WaitNextEvent. This lack of multithreading made early (pre-MacOS-X) versions of MacOS famously unreliable at multitasking, since just one poorly written application could bring the whole computer to a grinding halt.
First, a program not only computes, but also waits for input/output and so can be considered as executing on an I/O processor. So even single-core machine is a multi-processor machine, and employing of multi-threading is justified.
Second, a task can be divided in several threads in the sake of modularity.
Multithreading is not only for taking advantage of multiple cores.
You need multiple processes for multitasking. For similar reason you are allowed to have multiple threads, which are lightweight compared with processes.
You probably don't want to spawn processes all the time for things like blocking I/O. That may be overkill.
And there is fiber, which is even more lightweight. So we have process, thread, and fiber for different levels of needs.
Well, when you say multithreading on a single core, there are things you need to consider. For example, the thread API that you are using - is it user level or kernel level. Most probably from you question I believe you are using user level threads.
Now, user level threads, depending upon the host OS or the API itself may map to single kernel thread or multiple. Many relations are possible like 1-1,many-1 or many-many.
Now, if there is a single core, your OS can still provide you several Kernel level threads which may behave as multiple processes to the CPU. In which case, OS will give you a time-slicing (and multi-programming) on the kernel threads leading to superfast context switch and via the user level API - you/your code will seem to have multithreaded features.
Also note that eventhough your processor is a single core, depending on the make, it can be hyperthreaded and have super deep pipelines allowing the concurrent running of Kernel threads with very low overhead.
For references: Check Intel/AMD architecture and how various OS provide Kernel threads.

Multithreading in Uniprocessor [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I wish to know how multi-threading in a uniprocessor system is helpful my doubt is
when you create the thread it is going to take the execution time slice from the main thread only and other thing is scheduling of threads (context switch between the threads) will also takes considerable amount of time (preemptive kernel) and at a time processor is going to execute only one thread.
Many processes have their speed bound by the slow speed of I/O devices such as disks. Using multiple threads, you can do useful work even while waiting for a slow disk access to complete. Of course, if your process is not I/O bound, then multi-threading on a single processor can cause slow-downs, rather than speed-ups - it's a question of horses for courses.
It can also be helpful to the user experience to use multiple threads, even if things don't actually run faster because of it.
Nothing worse than seeing an entire window refuse to repaint when an operation is going off in the background, especially when there's a progress bar which of course becomes useless.
Because sometimes threading is the most natural way to express your program. Threads provide a way for you to represent tasks that should conceptually run at the same time. Even though, on single processors they obviously can't run at the same time.
One common area to use threading is GUIs, for example. You don't want your GUI to be unresponsive just because there is a lot of work going on in another area of the program. So by splitting off the GUI into another thread, you can still have your GUI responsive despite a lot of computation somewhere else in your program.
If you put the heavy work in separate threads, the gui is still responsive.
Multithreading was invented because it was found that most of the time a program is waiting for I/O. If the processor is shared among other programs this idle time can be made use of. Even though some processor time is spent managing thread/processes this practice was found to be more productive than running one program at a time to the end in sequence.
It depends on the OS, but the scheduler usually considers thread priority as well. For example, for 'real-time' audio applications (e.g. recording the audio with some processing), the processing and recording is more important than the UI refreshment, since the audio signal is lost forever if you miss even a few samples.
Most "pro-grade" audio applications used multi-threading long before multi-core CPU became common-place.
With Uniprocessor systems, multithreading helps in sharing the CPU among multiple tasks so that no one task hogs the CPU till it gets completed.
A good example is a game, where you have to do many things concurrently.
The common approach is to have a main loop where you process events, game logic, physics, graphics and sound; but if those task need to be interleaved in a non static-deterministic way, because some of them take more than one iteration to complete (for example, you're dropping some frames, but the game logic is still running) or you need to sample sound more frequently because otherwise glitches can be heard; the scheduler of you game is likely to become more and more complex...
In that case, you could just split your tasks in threads and let the OS to do the scheduling job for you. But you'll need to design that very carefully because it's very probable that all the threads have to read the same data (the world state) and one or two of them also write it (the game logic and physics) so it's imperative to stablish the proper locks.
Interestingly, when I tried a PLINQ sample (Parallel LINQ i.e. automatic multithreading expressed using LINQ expressions) on my uniprocessor PC, I still gained a roughly 2x speed increase. This baffles me, but my best guess is that it's to do with Hyperthreading. So a single-core CPU can apparently behave as though it is using simultaneous multithreaded execution. I don't really understand hyperthreading, but what I guess is happening is that a second thread is fitted into some time that the first thread would see as the CPU idling.
Worth experimenting.
Multi threading is useful in uniprocessors because a process can be run simultaneously on I/O devices and CPU with the help of multiple threads.

Why should I use a thread vs. using a process?

Separating different parts of a program into different processes seems (to me) to make a more elegant program than just threading everything. In what scenario would it make sense to make things run on a thread vs. separating the program into different processes? When should I use a thread?
Anything on how (or if) they act differently with single-core and multi-core would also be helpful.
You'd prefer multiple threads over multiple processes for two reasons:
Inter-thread communication (sharing data etc.) is significantly simpler to program than inter-process communication.
Context switches between threads are faster than between processes. That is, it's quicker for the OS to stop one thread and start running another than do the same with two processes.
Applications with GUIs typically use one thread for the GUI and others for background computation. The spellchecker in MS Office, for example, is a separate thread from the one running the Office user interface. In such applications, using multiple processes instead would result in slower performance and code that's tough to write and maintain.
Well apart from advantages of using thread over process, like:
Much quicker to create a thread than
a process.
Much quicker to switch
between threads than to switch
between processes.
Threads share data
Consider few disadvantages too:
No security between threads.
One thread can stomp on another thread's
If one thread blocks, all
threads in task block.
As to the important part of your question "When should I use a thread?"
Well you should consider few facts that a threads should not alter the semantics of a program. They simply change the timing of operations. As a result, they are almost always used as an elegant solution to performance related problems. Here are some examples of situations where you might use threads:
Doing lengthy processing: When a windows application is calculating it cannot process any more messages. As a result, the display cannot be updated.
Doing background processing: Some
tasks may not be time critical, but
need to execute continuously.
Doing I/O work: I/O to disk or to
network can have unpredictable
delays. Threads allow you to ensure
that I/O latency does not delay
unrelated parts of your application.
I assume you already know you need a thread or a process, so I'd say the main reason to pick one over the other would be data sharing.
Use of a process means you also need Inter Process Communication (IPC) to get data in and out of the process. This is a good thing if the process is to be isolated though.
You sure don't sound like a newbie. It's an excellent observation that processes are, in many ways, more elegant. Threads are basically an optimization to avoid too many transitions or too much communication between memory spaces.
Superficially using threads may also seem like it makes your program easier to read and write, because you can share variables and memory between the threads freely. In practice, doing that requires very careful attention to avoid race conditions or deadlocks.
There are operating-system kernels (most notably L4) that try very hard to improve the efficiency of inter-process communication. For such systems one could probably make a convincing argument that threads are pointless.
I would like to answer this in a different way. "It depends on your application's working scenario and performance SLA" would be my answer.
For instance threads may be sharing the same address space and communication between threads may be faster and easier but it is also possible that under certain conditions threads deadlock and then what do you think would happen to your process.
Even if you are a programming whiz and have used all the fancy thread synchronization mechanisms to prevent deadlocks it certainly is not rocket science to see that unless a deterministic model is followed which may be the case with hard real time systems running on Real Time OSes where you have a certain degree of control over thread priorities and can expect the OS to respect these priorities it may not be the case with General Purpose OSes like Windows.
From a Design perspective too you might want to isolate your functionality into independent self contained modules where they may not really need to share the same address space or memory or even talk to each other. This is a case where processes will make sense.
Take the case of Google Chrome where multiple processes are spawned as opposed to most browsers which use a multi-threaded model.
Each tab in Chrome can be talking to a different server and rendering a different website. Imagine what would happen if one website stopped responding and if you had a thread stalled due to this, the entire browser would either slow down or come to a stop.
So Google decided to spawn multiple processes and that is why even if one tab freezes you can still continue using other tabs of your Chrome browser.
Read more about it here
and also look here
I agree to most of the answers above. But speaking from design perspective i would rather go for a thread when i want set of logically co-related operations to be carried out parallel. For example if you run a word processor there will be one thread running in foreground as an editor and other thread running in background auto saving the document at regular intervals so no one would design a process to do that auto saving task separately.
In addition to the other answers, maintaining and deploying a single process is a lot simpler than having a few executables.
One would use multiple processes/executables to provide a well-defined interface/decoupling so that one part or the other can be reused or reimplemented more easily than keeping all the functionality in one process.
Came across this post. Interesting discussion. but I felt one point is missing or indirectly pointed.
Creating a new process is costly because of all of the
data structures that must be allocated and initialized. The process is subdivided into different threads of control to achieve multithreading inside the process.
Using a thread or a process to achieve the target is based on your program usage requirements and resource utilization.

What kinds of applications need to be multi-threaded?

What are some concrete examples of applications that need to be multi-threaded, or don't need to be, but are much better that way?
Answers would be best if in the form of one application per post that way the most applicable will float to the top.
There is no hard and fast answer, but most of the time you will not see any advantage for systems where the workflow/calculation is sequential. If however the problem can be broken down into tasks that can be run in parallel (or the problem itself is massively parallel [as some mathematics or analytical problems are]), you can see large improvements.
If your target hardware is single processor/core, you're unlikely to see any improvement with multi-threaded solutions (as there is only one thread at a time run anyway!)
Writing multi-threaded code is often harder as you may have to invest time in creating thread management logic.
Some examples
Image processing can often be done in parallel (e.g. split the image into 4 and do the work in 1/4 of the time) but it depends upon the algorithm being run to see if that makes sense.
Rendering of animation (from 3DMax,etc.) is massively parallel as each frame can be rendered independently to others -- meaning that 10's or 100's of computers can be chained together to help out.
GUI programming often helps to have at least two threads when doing something slow, e.g. processing large number of files - this allows the interface to remain responsive whilst the worker does the hard work (in C# the BackgroundWorker is an example of this)
GUI's are an interesting area as the "responsiveness" of the interface can be maintained without multi-threading if the worker algorithm keeps the main GUI "alive" by giving it time, in Windows API terms (before .NET, etc) this could be achieved by a primitive loop and no need for threading:
MSG msg;
while(GetMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0))
// do some stuff here and then release, the loop will come back
// almost immediately (unless the user has quit)
Servers are typically multi-threaded (web servers, radius servers, email servers, any server): you usually want to be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously. If you do not want to wait for a request to end before you start to handle a new request, then you mainly have two options:
Run a process with multiple threads
Run multiple processes
Launching a process is usually more resource-intensive than lauching a thread (or picking one in a thread-pool), so servers are usually multi-threaded. Moreover, threads can communicate directly since they share the same memory space.
The problem with multiple threads is that they are usually harder to code right than multiple processes.
There are really three classes of reasons that multithreading would be applied:
Execution Concurrency to improve compute performance: If you have a problem that can be broken down into pieces and you also have more than one execution unit (processor core) available then dispatching the pieces into separate threads is the path to being able to simultaneously use two or more cores at once.
Concurrency of CPU and IO Operations: This is similar in thinking to the first one but in this case the objective is to keep the CPU busy AND also IO operations (ie: disk I/O) moving in parallel rather than alternating between them.
Program Design and Responsiveness: Many types of programs can take advantage of threading as a program design benefit to make the program more responsive to the user. For example the program can be interacting via the GUI and also doing something in the background.
Concrete Examples:
Microsoft Word: Edit document while the background grammar and spell checker works to add all the green and red squiggle underlines.
Microsoft Excel: Automatic background recalculations after cell edits
Web Browser: Dispatch multiple threads to load each of the several HTML references in parallel during a single page load. Speeds page loads and maximizes TCP/IP data throughput.
These days, the answer should be Any application that can be.
The speed of execution for a single thread pretty much peaked years ago - processors have been getting faster by adding cores, not by increasing clock speeds. There have been some architectural improvements that make better use of the available clock cycles, but really, the future is taking advantage of threading.
There is a ton of research going on into finding ways of parallelizing activities that we traditionally wouldn't think of parallelizing. Even something as simple as finding a substring within a string can be parallelized.
Basically there are two reasons to multi-thread:
To be able to do processing tasks in parallel. This only applies if you have multiple cores/processors, otherwise on a single core/processor computer you will slow the task down compared to the version without threads.
I/O whether that be networked I/O or file I/O. Normally if you call a blocking I/O call, the process has to wait for the call to complete. Since the processor/memory are several orders of magnitude quicker than a disk drive (and a network is even slower) it means the processor will be waiting a long time. The computer will be working on other things but your application will not be making any progress. However if you have multiple threads, the computer will schedule your application and the other threads can execute. One common use is a GUI application. Then while the application is doing I/O the GUI thread can keep refreshing the screen without looking like the app is frozen or not responding. Even on a single processor putting I/O in a different thread will tend to speed up the application.
The single threaded alternative to 2 is to use asynchronous calls where they return immediately and you keep controlling your program. Then you have to see when the I/O completes and manage using it. It is often simpler just to use a thread to do the I/O using the synchronous calls as they tend to be easier.
The reason to use threads instead of separate processes is because threads should be able to share data easier than multiple processes. And sometimes switching between threads is less expensive than switching between processes.
As another note, for #1 Python threads won't work because in Python only one python instruction can be executed at a time (known as the GIL or Global Interpreter Lock). I use that as an example but you need to check around your language. In python if you want to do parallel calculations, you need to do separate processes.
Many GUI frameworks are multi-threaded. This allows you to have a more responsive interface. For example, you can click on a "Cancel" button at any time while a long calculation is running.
Note that there are other solutions for this (for example the program can pause the calculation every half-a-second to check whether you clicked on the Cancel button or not), but they do not offer the same level of responsiveness (the GUI might seem to freeze for a few seconds while a file is being read or a calculation being done).
All the answers so far are focusing on the fact that multi-threading or multi-processing are necessary to make the best use of modern hardware.
There is however also the fact that multithreading can make life much easier for the programmer. At work I program software to control manufacturing and testing equipment, where a single machine often consists of several positions that work in parallel. Using multiple threads for that kind of software is a natural fit, as the parallel threads model the physical reality quite well. The threads do mostly not need to exchange any data, so the need to synchronize threads is rare, and many of the reasons for multithreading being difficult do therefore not apply.
This is not really about a performance improvement, as the (maybe 5, maybe 10) threads are all mostly sleeping. It is however a huge improvement for the program structure when the various parallel processes can be coded as sequences of actions that do not know of each other. I have very bad memories from the times of 16 bit Windows, when I would create a state machine for each machine position, make sure that nothing would take longer than a few milliseconds, and constantly pass the control to the next state machine. When there were hardware events that needed to be serviced on time, and also computations that took a while (like FFT), then things would get ugly real fast.
Not directly answering your question, I believe in the very near future, almost every application will need to be multithreaded. The CPU performance is not growing that fast these days, which is compensated for by the increasing number of cores. Thus, if we will want our applications to stay on the top performance-wise, we'll need to find ways to utilize all your computer's CPUs and keep them busy, which is quite a hard job.
This can be done via telling your programs what to do instead of telling them exactly how. Now, this is a topic I personally find very interesting recently. Some functional languages, like F#, are able to parallelize many tasks quite easily. Well, not THAT easily, but still without the necessary infrastructure needed in more procedural-style environments.
Please take this as additional information to think about, not an attempt to answer your question.
The kind of applications that need to be threaded are the ones where you want to do more than one thing at once. Other than that no application needs to be multi-threaded.
Applications with a large workload which can be easily made parallel. The difficulty of taking your application and doing that should not be underestimated. It is easy when your data you're manipulating is not dependent upon other data but v. hard to schedule the cross thread work when there is a dependency.
Some examples I've done which are good multithreaded candidates..
running scenarios (eg stock derivative pricing, statistics)
bulk updating data files (eg adding a value / entry to 10,000 records)
other mathematical processes
E.g., you want your programs to be multithreaded when you want to utilize multiple cores and/or CPUs, even when the programs don't necessarily do many things at the same time.
EDIT: using multiple processes is the same thing. Which technique to use depends on the platform and how you are going to do communications within your program, etc.
Although frivolous, games, in general are becomming more and more threaded every year. At work our game uses around 10 threads doing physics, AI, animation, redering, network and IO.
Just want to add that caution must be taken with treads if your sharing any resources as this can lead to some very strange behavior, and your code not working correctly or even the threads locking each other out.
mutex will help you there as you can use mutex locks for protected code regions, a example of protected code regions would be reading or writing to shared memory between threads.
just my 2 cents worth.
The main purpose of multithreading is to separate time domains. So the uses are everywhere where you want several things to happen in their own distinctly separate time domains.
If you like affiliate marketing multi-threading is essential. Kick the entire process off via a multi-threaded application.
Download merchant files via FTP, unzipping the files, enumerating through each file performing cleanup like EOL terminators from Unix to PC CRLF then slam each into SQL Server via Bulk Inserts then when all threads are complete create the full text search indexes for a environmental instance to be live tomorrow and your done. All automated to kick off at say 11:00 pm.
BOOM! Fast as lightening. Heck you have so much time left you can even download merchant images locally for the products you download, save the images as webp and set the product urls to use local images.
Yep I did it. Wrote it in C#. Works like a charm. Purchase a AMD Ryzen Threadripper 64-core with 256gb memory and fast drives like nvme, get lunch come back and see it all done or just stay around and watch all cores peg to 95%+, listen to the pc's fans kick, warm up the room and the look outside as the neighbors lights flicker from the power drain as you get shit done.
Future would be to push processing to GPU's as well.
Ok well I am pushing it a little bit with the neighbors lights flickering but all else was absolutely true. :)
