Handling of device insertion and removal on Embedded Linux - linux

I have an application for the USB interface in QT (Embedded linux).
When Pendrive inserted kernel sends a signal for that and i want to recognize that signal and want my QT application to detect it.
I went through the unix signal handling tutorial of QT but i could not find any way of my problem.
I implemented the same thing as done in the tutorial but i did not find the way to detect the pendrive. It only kills the processes.
Please go through the following link.
QT Unix Signal Handling
I have also found using QdBus library of qt. I cross compiled it but gave me the errors of lidbus version.
Is there any other way to detect the external pendrive from the application ?

The kernel is broadcasting netlink information. You can,
write a custom QSocket() to get netlink information. See: Qt Projects thread
write socket code directly to get the netlink info
use an off the shelf toolkit like libusb, which will use netlink.
add a script to udev.conf or mdev.conf to write a file and use QFileSystemWatcher; possibly /etc/fstab as well. udev and mdev are the standard hotplug handlers and they have configuration files that allow you to run a script on an event. The underlying mechanism is again netlink.
Parsing netlink or using /etc/fstab maybe better if you want to automount the file system. If you choose the parsing route, you need to parse the name=value informationSearch for netlink, which is quite easy.

I got the solution i Have used the busybox facility of mkdev.conf. In which i have added the support for the USB pendrive detection and used the udev utility to make the bridge between the linux and Application signal handler.


debugging Device driver using GDB

I'm new to device drivers in Linux. And my first day task is to debug driver using GDB in Linux.
I need to debug some XYZ (PCIe device driver supports ethernet) device driver to know about the flow and what is going on device's registers and all.
I have installed the driver with patch file and insmod command.
The device is working properly. But am not getting any solution to debug the device driver.
All I know is that how to debug C program using GDB in Linux(fedora20). I got one link similar to my Problem but from that also I have not got any knowledge.
Can anybody please share your thoughts that how can I start from scratch.
I am very specific to learn about Debugging device drivers in Linux. Especially that init or probe function inside my driver I need to know the flow.
The gdb debugger is useful to debug user-space application level programs (since it uses ptrace(2)).
For kernel code, things are different. Consider using kgdb (I don't know the details). You might also add debug prints ....
I recommend at least reading more about operating systems, e.g. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (freely downloadable), and reading something about Linux programming (perhaps the old ALP, and also intro(2), syscalls(2) and related stuff). Don't dare coding Linux loadable kernel modules without good familiarity with Linux programming (in user-land). See also kernelnewbies.
BTW, you should prefer writing user-land code than kernel modules. A very simple rule of thumb is to avoid writing kernel code when possible.
To begin with, you may need to understand basics of device driver and kernel in linux. Subsequently focus as per the type of driver in-hand. You also need to understand the functionality (specification / manual / datasheet) of the device you are working on.
The very basic approach for debugging can be using printk. Normally there will be debug logs that can be enabled through compilation flags. If it is present, enable it so that it can give important pointers else you might need to add it on your own.
Start with verification of driver registration and verification of loading of your driver (static or loadable module as per your requirement). Check whether it is getting listed as part of sysfs or proc as applicable. Check whether probe is successful and subsequently the appropriate read/write/open/close/other calls as per your driver / device functionality.
The dmesg shall be very helpfull for viewing the kernel messages. There are also tools like kdb, LTT, strace that can be useful as per the scenario.

Run script on Linux startup as late as possible

I created a simple module that controls wheter a USB supplies power for a device when in host mode or not. When loaded, this module cuts off the power to any device connected until told otherwise.
It is also desired that when booted, the system comes with both my module loaded, and the USB supply cut off. To this end, so far I've tried:
Setting my module as a kernel built-in: had no effect, modules that are loaded later overrun my configuration;
Creating an init.d script: Created the script, and set it up to run on rc5. No luck as well, I run into multiple problems with USB devices (such as usb 2-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110);
I'm running Kernel 3.12 on a custom board, and I've tested that the module works as intended if I load it manually (via modprobe) into the system, after logging in.
Ideally, I want to keep these configurations to be done during boot, without any need of logins and such.
So, my question is: how can I postpone the module loading until the last possible minute, assuring that any other configuration is already finished? Also, is udev a good solution for this sort of thing? From what I read, I had the impression it wouldn't be the best fit...
So, I've figured out how to get rid of the errors when using an init.d script. All that is needed is to unbind the devices before loading the module. the following line before the modprobe did the trick for me:
echo "2-1" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind

How to get notified by the Linux kernel if a new interface has been attached?

I want to be able to detect when a new external device is connected to the linux system and upon that send a notification message to a running process.
I was wondering if there is any other solution than periodically scan for /dev/
and detect if anything has changed.
While you can use udev, the underlying mechanism is netlink. Interfaces themselves are not normally in /dev, but do show up under /sys/class/net as sub-directories. However, the hotplug.txt gives a good start to inspecting kernel events. Run the sample code and examine the netlink data when an interface is connected. The text is ASCII that any user space application can parse and use.

What's the simplest way to detect CDROM media removal/insertion in Linux

What's the simplest way to detect CDROM media removal and insertion in Linux? I want to write some simple code to handle this. For example, just bind an event for media insertion and implement the handler.
Try man udev, or man hotplug.
The desktop 'standards' have options for this.
For example I think Gnome uses dbus for this:
[..] These applications are mainly used by desktop environment to carry out tasks when an event occurs such as open the file browser when a USB drive is inserted or image application when a camera is inserted.
D-Bus is used for example to launch media players when a audio CD is inserted and to notify other applications of the currently playing song for example.
You could just have your desktop shell (e.g. Gnome/nautilus) call your application when the even happens:
For the non-desktop version of this, man udev is indeed your friend. Info on writing udev rules is here:
The simplest way from user space is to grep the output of the mount command, provided you have configured the CDROM for automount ( in /etc/fstab).But if you want to have an asynchronous notification, you might need to look into udev rules and uevents.

Detecting CDROM media removal/insertion in Linux

Is there a clean way to detect or receive events when a user inserts or removes a CD on a Linux platform?
Udev monitors hardware and forwards events to dbus. You just need some dbus listener. A quick check using the dbus-monitor tool shows this in my system:
dbus-monitor --system
signal sender=:1.15 -> dest=(null destination) serial=144 path=/org/freedesktop/UDisks; interface=org.freedesktop.UDisks; member=DeviceChanged
object path "/org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sr0"
This is the DeviceChanged event from Udisks, and the device path is included.
So, in whatever programming language you want that supports dbus bindings you can listen for those (system bus) events.
Traditionally there has been HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) for this, but the web page says
HAL is in maintenance mode - no new
features are added. All future
development focuses on udisks, UPower
and other parts of the stack. See
Software/DeviceKit for more
and the DeviceKit page lists
udisks, a D-Bus interface for dealing with storage devices
So udisks should probably be what you are asking for.
The best way I was able to find was Halevt. Halevt is apparently a higher level abstraction than using HAL directly. It uses an XML based configuration file that may or may not be to your liking. The configuration file properties documentation is somewhat lacking. A list of all the supported properties are listed here:
Also, the link to Halevt: http://www.nongnu.org/halevt/
