GKMatch delegate function didStateChange calling Two times or delayed call - game-center

I am working on a multiplayer game and my match is started successfully. I have 3 players in my case. Player1, Player2, Player3.
from Player3, I call disconnect method of GKMatch object and my disconnect method is
-(void)disocnnectOnlineMatch {
[self.currOnlineMatch disconnect];
self.currOnlineMatch.delegate = nil;
self.currOnlineMatch = nil;
on the Player1 and Player2 Devices this didChangeState function is called first time than after some times it is called again for the Player3 again. It is expected to be called one time only but its calling 2 times for both players
- (void)match:(GKMatch *)match player:(NSString *)playerID didChangeState:(GKPlayerConnectionState)state {
Any thing I am doing worng?
what is the best practice to disconnect a match?
Also some times this is happening the didChangeState method is called but after a certain delay. While that some updates of disconnected player are required in game.
What could be the reason of delayed response?
- (void)matchmakerViewController:(GKMatchmakerViewController *)viewController didFindMatch:(GKMatch *)match {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setIdleTimerDisabled:YES];
currOnlineMatch = match;
currOnlineMatch.delegate = self;
[PuzzleLogicManager sharedManager].onlineNextRound = 2;
[self setupRandomNumberToSend:2.0f];
[presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^() {
Please help
thanks in advance

I think this was a bug that was introduced in iOS 6 because we've seen it as well. Not only will we get duplicate disconnect callbacks, but sometimes we get disconnect callbacks from players who are actually still in the game and moving around just fine.
What I've done to get around this is to verify that the GKPlayer really is disconnected when I get the disconnect callback. All I do is check the global copy of the GKMatch that I keep around during the game, and see if the GKPlayer is still in there. If so, then that player didn't actually disconnect, so I can ignore the message:
NSString *id;
for (id in gCurrentMatch.playerIDs)
if ([id isEqualToString:playerID])
NSLog(#"player is NOT really disconnected!!!");
return; // just bail and ignore this


This "if else" statement don't work in my socket.io/Node.js environment

So I am developing a simple game. The logic flow is when 2 players connect to the room, the game will initialize and emit a 3 seconds countdown event alongside with a button . if one player clicks the button, that player will emit an event making him/her the host of the game.
The button will appear for 3 seconds. If it disappear without being clicked, the server will randomly pick the host.
Whether or not the button is clicked,after 3 seconds all clients will emit a "ready" event.
Here is my code.
if the button is clicked, the "host" event will be emitted by the client,and my server side code is
var player = room.getPlayer(client.id);
Then here is the server side for the "ready" event.
client.on("ready", function() {
var player = room.getPlayer(client.id);
var table = room.getTable(player.tableID);
if (2>1) {
for (var i = 0; i < table.players.length; i++) {
if (table.players[i].isHost===true){
console.log("you are the host")
} else {
console.log("we are going to randomly pick a host")
Now if no players click the button the terminal will show
we are going to randomly pick a host
we are going to randomly pick a host
we are going to randomly pick a host
we are going to randomly pick a host
Otherwise it will be like
we are going to randomly pick a host
you are the host
we are going to randomly pick a host
you are the host
At this stage only 2 clients are allow for the game so the players.length is 2.It seems like the if/else will be executed same time as the players.length?
I think the first thing to mention is that the if (2>1) { ... is completely unnecessary. The code will simply go through to the for loop as if it's not there.
Your code besides the if statement, is honestly ok. There's nothing that screams 'I cause more loops then necessary'. At this point I would suggest posting anything in the project related to:
Socket Handling / connecting the socket outside of this
I believe more information is due.
Thanks for the helps. Yes the for loop is not necessary and it is the cause of the problem. My solution is to detach it from the if-else statement.
for (var i = 0; i < table.players.length; i++) {
//test if Host exit in the table
if (table.ifHost===true){
console.log("you are the host")
} else {
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * table.playerLimit);
var Host=table.players[randomNumber]
The interesting thing I found out about the socket io is when two sockets fire this event, if Host doesn't exit,the first one will execute the else(noHost) and then create a Host. The second socket will execute the if condition as the host was created by the previous socket....

dataTaskWithURL for dummies

I keep learning iDev but I still can't deal with http requests.
It seems to be crazy, but everybody whom I talk about synchronous requests do not understand me. Okay, it's really important to keep on a background queue as much as it possible to provide smooth UI. But in my case I load JSON data from server and I need to use this data immediately.
The only way I achieved it are semaphores. Is it okay? Or I have to use smth else? I tried NSOperation, but in fact I have to many little requests so creating each class for them for me seems to be not easy-reading-code.
func getUserInfo(userID: Int) -> User {
var user = User()
let linkURL = URL(string: "https://server.com")!
let session = URLSession.shared
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
let dataRequest = session.dataTask(with: linkURL) { (data, response, error) in
let json = JSON(data: data!)
user.userName = json["first_name"].stringValue
user.userSurname = json["last_name"].stringValue
semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
return user
You wrote that people don't understand you, but on the other hand it reveals that you don't understand how asynchronous network requests work.
For example imagine you are setting an alarm for a specific time.
Now you have two options to spend the following time.
Do nothing but sitting in front of the alarm clock and wait until the alarm occurs. Have you ever done that? Certainly not, but this is exactly what you have in mind regarding the network request.
Do several useful things ignoring the alarm clock until it rings. That is the way how asynchronous tasks work.
In terms of a programming language you need a completion handler which is called by the network request when the data has been loaded. In Swift you are using a closure for that purpose.
For convenience declare an enum with associated values for the success and failure cases and use it as the return value in the completion handler
enum RequestResult {
case Success(User), Failure(Error)
Add a completion handler to your function including the error case. It is highly recommended to handle always the error parameter of an asynchronous task. When the data task returns it calls the completion closure passing the user or the error depending on the situation.
func getUserInfo(userID: Int, completion:#escaping (RequestResult) -> ()) {
let linkURL = URL(string: "https://server.com")!
let session = URLSession.shared
let dataRequest = session.dataTask(with: linkURL) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
let json = JSON(data: data!)
var user = User()
user.userName = json["first_name"].stringValue
user.userSurname = json["last_name"].stringValue
Now you can call the function with this code:
getUserInfo(userID: 12) { result in
switch result {
case .Success(let user) :
// do something with the user
case .Failure(let error) :
// handle the error
In practice the point in time right after your semaphore and the switch result line in the completion block is exactly the same.
Never use semaphores as an alibi not to deal with asynchronous patterns
I hope the alarm clock example clarifies how asynchronous data processing works and why it is much more efficient to get notified (active) rather than waiting (passive).
Don't try to force network connections to work synchronously. It invariably leads to problems. Whatever code is making the above call could potentially be blocked for up to 90 seconds (30 second DNS timeout + 60 second request timeout) waiting for that request to complete or fail. That's an eternity. And if that code is running on your main thread on iOS, the operating system will kill your app outright long before you reach the 90 second mark.
Instead, design your code to handle responses asynchronously. Basically:
Create data structures to hold the results of various requests, such as obtaining info from the user.
Kick off those requests.
When each request comes back, check to see if you have all the data you need to do something, and then do it.
For a really simple example, if you have a method that updates the UI with the logged in user's name, instead of:
[self updateUIWithUserInfo:[self getUserInfoForUser:user]];
you would redesign this as:
[self getUserInfoFromServerAndRun:^(NSDictionary *userInfo) {
[self updateUIWithUserInfo:userInfo];
so that when the response to the request arrives, it performs the UI update action, rather than trying to start a UI update action and having it block waiting for data from the server.
If you need two things—say the userInfo and a list of books that the user has read, you could do:
[self getUserInfoFromServerAndRun:^(NSDictionary *userInfo) {
self.userInfo = userInfo;
[self updateUI];
[self getBookListFromServerAndRun:^(NSDictionary *bookList) {
self.bookList = bookList;
[self updateUI];
if (!self.bookList) return;
if (!self.userInfo) return;
or whatever. Blocks are your friend here. :-)
Yes, it's a pain to rethink your code to work asynchronously, but the end result is much, much more reliable and yields a much better user experience.

GCD with runloops and background refresh of app, iOS7

Maybe I mix too many different technologies together and run in some roadblock; some advise would be much appreciated.
I have an app which connects to several server; each connection with one input and output socket stream. The connection goes to a defined port and is close to telnet protocol. Text input/output. quite simple.
First I have an openStream function as wrapper called from main thread which create a client-specific GDC queue and dispatch the input/output-stream creation within that queue asynchronously:
gcdQueue = dispatch_queue_create([self.client.hostName cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
// possible priorities:
if (self.runASync)
// dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
dispatch_async(gcdQueue, ^{
[self openStreamsInternal];
Code for the technical open of steams
// in openStreamsInternal()
CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(NULL, (__bridge CFStringRef)self.client.hostName, [self.client.hostPort intValue], &_readStream, &_writeStream);
self.inputStream = (__bridge_transfer NSInputStream *)_readStream;
self.outputStream = (__bridge_transfer NSOutputStream *)_writeStream;
[self.inputStream setDelegate:self];
[self.outputStream setDelegate:self];
self.runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
[self.inputStream scheduleInRunLoop:self.runLoop forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.outputStream scheduleInRunLoop:self.runLoop forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.inputStream open];
[self.outputStream open];
// ... some lines later
if (self.runASync && (self.inputStream || self.outputStream))
[self.runLoop run];
I open both socket streams and link them to a runloop within the GCD-queue (assuming it will indirectly create a thread; not sure if that is always guaranteed).
Then via the delegate (a member function of my connection class) for the streams in
- (void)stream:(NSStream *)stream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
I do what I have to do with in data flooding in. No issues until I stay in foreground. I close the streams when I go into background to release the resources.
Now with iOS 7 I want to enable background refresh for the streams. For that i don't close the streams anymore when moving into background and have the notification code in
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application performFetchWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler
NSLog(#"called in background for data fetch");
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
for (Connection *connection in self.document.clientList)
// Add a task to the group
[connection parseResponseInQueue:group];
dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
NSLog(#"finished with background for data fetch");
This is one of my variants of background processing; not working well. This one supposed to wait a second and check if the input stream has data copied. If thats the case the parser would be called and the method comes to and end; removing one item from the dispatch group created in the iOS7 background app notification.
I don't like the dispatch_after as it seems very brute; but without I run in an endless loop as the streams seems not be triggered at all times.
- (void)parseResponseInQueue:(dispatch_group_t)group
if (gcdQueue != nil)
dispatch_group_async(group, gcdQueue, ^{
while ([self.data length] > 0)
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC), gcdQueue, ^{
NSLog(#"%#, wait for parser in background", self.client.hostName);
#if 0
if ([self.data length] > 0)
NSLog(#"%#, start working on buffer %d from background", self.client.hostName, [self.data length]);
[self parseResponse];
NSLog(#"%#, finish working on buffer, left %d in background", self.client.hostName, [self.data length]);
// NSLog(#"data : %#", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:self.data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
NSLog(#"%#, no data for background processing", self.client.hostName);
But somehow I don't get the refresh done. Sometimes the completionHandler finish without any update and sometime my dispatch group never finish.
So my question is mainly:
1) what is your suggestion to combine background app refresh with multiple streams in GCD queues.
2) does those runloops still be active when I trigger in background
3) are the GCD queues still active
4) should I better schedule in one runloop for all client connection in addition to one main runloop ?
Somehow I need to fresh thoughts on the way forward.
I have been working on a cross platform real time multiplayer game and ran into similar problems. The core issue I faced was with multiple threads competing for compute cycles and bottlenecks while trying to update common resources. I also had a bunch of scheduled threads that updated my game state.
I ended up switching to a single run loop for all my connections and background scheduled events. That helped in clearly identifying and properly isolating critical sections. This also simplified my control flow. I also saw an increase in performance since there were only 4 threads now that were competing for cycles instead of the earlier 20+
So for your Q4 I recommend that you switch to a single schedule.
For Q1 again, A single combined process for app refresh will not only speed up your app but make it easier to manage and debug.
For Q2 and Q3 It's best if you tested it out on your code by using logs as there may be factors involved that are not apparent in the code you shared.

Updating a cocoa interface while processing code in a separate thread, using performSelectorInBackground

I am writing an app that can revert the firmware of a particular device. While executing this revert code, I wish to display a progress indicator.
This problem is of course best tackled with the use of multiple threads (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225700/can-i-start-a-thread-by-pressing-a-button-in-a-cocoa-interface-and-keep-using-in).
I have implemented the performSelectorInBackground method, which (according to the documentation) launches the specified selector in a separate thread. Meanwhile, my GUI is updated from the main thread by querying the 'reverter' object.
However, the GUI does not seem to be updating until the code in the secondary thread has finished executing. I obviously need the two to run in parallel. Here is what I've got so far - I'd be really grateful for any help as this is my first time with threading.
//instatiate reverter object, which does all the firmware processing
Reverter *reverter = [[Reverter alloc] init];
//update the GUI to show a tab with a progress indicator
[tabView selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:#"RevertProgressTab"];
//process revert code in a separate thread
[reverter performSelectorInBackground:#selector(revertFirmware) withObject:nil];
//process is complete when reverter progress reaches 100
while (!([reverter progress] == 100)) {
//check for failure
if ([reverter hasFailed]) {
[self showRevertFailureTab:nil];
//update the progress indicator in the interface
[revertProgressBar setDoubleValue:(double)[reverter progress]];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.05];
[self showRevertSuccessTab:nil];
Have I done anything obvious that would stop the GUI from being updated while the revertFirmware method runs?
Your while loop
while (/*condition*/) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:x];
will prevent your UI from updating. Your UI will only update as soon as your pushButton: method returns.
Instead of polling I would advice you start using an asynchronous event model:
Add a delegate to your reverter object
#protocol ReverterDelegate <NSObject>
- (void) reverterProgressDidUpdate:(float)progress;
#interface Reverter : NSObject {
id<ReverterDelegate> delegate;
#property(assign) id<ReverterDelegate> delegate;
Register your controller class as a delegate to your reverter
reverter.delegate = self;
and handle that event
- (void) reverterProgressDidUpdate:(float)progress {
// update ui
In your background thread send out events to the main thread
- (void) revertFirmware {
// once in a while send notifications of progress updates
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(reverterProgressDidUpdate:)]) {
[self.delegate performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(reverterProgressDidUpdate:) withObject:[NSNumber numerWithFloat:progress] waitUntilDone:NO];
Make sure you retain your reverter somewhere, and release it when it's done working. You are now leaking in your pushButton: method. Also this is just a suggestion towards a better model. Instead of using performSelectorInBackground you could take a look at NSOperation and NSOperationQueue for example.

What's the good way to synchronize calls to a NSView?

I have a view that receives new data from a secondary thread. Every time it does, it should redraw itself. However, it doesn't play nice with the run loop, and after some time (it's non-deterministic), I end up getting <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region messages in the console.
I'm not sure what's the right way to synchronize the calls to [view setNeedsDisplay:YES] across threads; can you help me?
To clarify a little, thread B (actually a dispatch queue) gives new contents to a view by calling this:
-(void)setImageBuffer:(unsigned char*)buffer
/* image handling stuff; thread-safe */
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // but this is not thread-safe
And then thread A, on which runs the run loop, should redisplay the view.
-(void)setImageBuffer:(unsigned char*)buffer
/* image handling stuff; thread-safe */
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(induceRedraw)
// Don't just copy this; pick one...
waitUntilDone:YES or NO];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // but this is not thread-safe
With GCD you don't need the extra proxy method:
dispatch_queue_t q = dispatch_get_main_queue();
dispatch_async(q, ^(void) {
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
