Automatically remove dependencies from package.json when using npm uninstall - node.js

After npm init I can add dependencies in my package.json using this:
npm install package --save
And say, I want to uninstall the package and I do so by doing:
npm uninstall package
but I want my package.json to be updated accordingly too without me having to manually go to the file and delete that line.
From the npm docs it says:
It is strictly additive, so it does not delete options from your package.json without a really good reason to do so.
So, I just wanted to know if this is even possible.

Use the same --save flag. If you installed a dependency with:
$> npm install grunt-cli --save
you can uninstall it, with package.json getting updated, using:
$> npm uninstall grunt-cli --save
The 'save' flag tells npm to update package.json based on the operation you just made it do.

In my case --save did not clear the entry from package.json, the command as suggested by ionic-check I think if the uninstall happens to exit with any errors package.json will not be updated in which case you only have an option to manually change package.json, this is tedious but the only way I guess
when you uninstall a package which has a dependency on other package which is active then which case uninstall may fail with errors/warnings, the safe method is through following dependency graph not sure if there any tool available, a handy tool under such operations, warning messages are quite misleading though "you must install peer dependencies.." doesn't make any sense when we are uninstalling a package


how to update warn deprecated

I'm trying to learn node and npm, using express for a little project.
When i install it, i got
npm WARN deprecated core-js#2.6.10: core-js#<3.0 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js#3.
I understood that if everything works, it's not necessary to update everything, but i'm trying to learn and go the extra, unnecessary, mile.
How can i update only core-js?
npm install core-js#^3
will update it adding it to the dependencies in package.json.
Is this the right way to do it?
Or it's better to update the parent package that use it? If so, how can i understand which is the package that need an update and how to update it?
Or is there a way to update only the modules listed in package-lock.json.
You provided one way to update a package. However, there are a few more.
To update a global package, you could run:
npm update -g <package_name>
To update a package that's in your package.json (i.e., local to your project), run:
npm update <package_name>
You could also see what outdated package are there as follows:
npm outdated
You could again add -g option to check outdated global packages.
Also: man npm may help (in Linux).
To update to a new major version all the packages, install the npm-check-updates package globally:
npm install -g npm-check-updates
this will upgrade all the version hints in the package.json file, to dependencies and devDependencies, so npm can install the new major version.
You are now ready to run the update:
npm update
or npm install

Doesn't npm install check for a global version first?

I just setup a test, and tried to npm install express even though express already exists globally on my system. To my surprise, instead of using the global version, it ended up re-installing a version locally!? Isn't it supposed to use the global version... Or am I suppose to use -g every time, even when I only want to use the existing global version. Otherwise, what's the point of installing anything locally!?
The answer is "NO". It isn't supposed to use your global version.
If you want to use your global version, then you doesn't need to execute npm install at all because it is already installed.
If you do it then, obviously, you are saying "I want to install it locally to my project". And more than that: "I want to install its latest version unless it is declared in my package.json with other explicitly specified version".
In fact, the actual question is: Why in the hell would you want to not install a dependency of your project locally? To have more version mismatch issues?
As #anshuman_singh says, best practice is to always do an npm install --save.
You are able to use globally installed packages, of course. It could be handy for fast testing code that you will drop just after a few hours or so.
But, anyway: If you doesn't have really hard disk or network bandwidth issues, installing all dependencies locally will avoid you too much trouble in the future.
On the other hand, uploading that modules to your code repository is also a bad idea (maybe that is what you were trying to avoid) because, with different versions of node, most native modules won't work if not rebuild. But most VCS support ignoring files and or directories that must not be uploaded.
For example, in git (.gitignore file):
In summary:
npm init (if you didn't already it).
npm install --save for all your project dependencies.
npm install --save-dev for dependencies not needed in production (testing stuff).
Don't upload node_modules to your VCS.
After new checkout: npm install or npm install --production (to not install dev-dependencies).
npm install -g only for tools you will use in console.
This way, you are sure that you will have in production (or other dev environments) the exact same version of each package.
And, finally, if you ever want to upgrade some package to its latest version, simply run:
npm install --save <pagkage_name>#latest.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your program, using require('whatever'), then install it locally, at the root of your project.
If you’re installing something that you want to use in your shell, on the command line or something, install it globally, so that its binaries end up in your PATH environment variable.
The first option is the best in my opinion. Simple, clear, explicit. The second is really handy if you are going to re-use the same library in a bunch of different projects
Install locally-
npm install moduleName
install locally and save in package.json-
npm install moduleName --save
install globally-
npm install moduleName -g

npm install fails because package is missing in registry

I have an issue with a project where we are using node and brunch. The issue is current specific to brunch, but could occur for any module would be my guess.
The easiest way to currently reproduce this, is to do the following in a new folder:
npm init
npm install --save-dev brunch
The issue here is that brunch depends on loggy, which in turn depends on ansi-color, which no longer has an entry in the npmregistry:
I think this might be the github project:
In any case, I am unable to proceed, and all our builds fail because they are not able to fetch the given dependency.
I could perhaps use npm shrinkwrap in some way, but that depends on the modules already existing in node_modules, which I am currently missing.
So how can I force npm to use ansi-color from a different location, or ignore the dependency?
Not sure about npm 2 but you can fix this with beta npm 3. npm 3 has flat node_modules directory. So sub modules can sit in the top level. Read the Changelog.
The missing modules can be installed directly from their Github repo as a toplevel dependency in your project. If npm finds the module with the same version in node_modules directory, it won't look for it anymore in the registry.
Install npm 3:
npm install -g npm#3-latest
Then install depencies:
//install missing module from other location
npm install --save-dev
npm install --save-dev brunch
It looks like ansi-color is back on the npm registry ("" is back online)

npm install --save, what is the use of not saving

I understand the differences between npm install something and npm install something --save (for anyone wondering, the first one will install the dependency only while the latter will install the dependency and add it to your package.json).
However I do not understand why there is a --save option in the first place. In other words, why would you ever want to install a dependency without adding it to your package.json file? Why is the --save option not default?
A lot of websites/npm modules/SaaS suggest installing their module using npm install something (newrelic is one of them for instance), am I missing something?
Edit: Starting from NPM 5, --save is now on by default.
You would have a scenario such as you need some module to install without adding dependency to package.json file, for ex. you just want to try some module, and not sure you would be really using that module in production or while deploying, so instead adding the module dependency to package.json, just give it a try without using --save. this is why npm install without --save exists.
But For most of your modules you might require using --save, for ex. npm install express --save,
in this case you surely know that you are going to use express for you application.
The other scenario, for not using --save, would be, npm install heapdump or npm install nodemon, I would use it for testing my apps performance, but not add a dependency in the package.json :)
Also, As #surajck said in comment below: when you are doing global installs, in that case adding dependencies using --save, to the package.json would not make sense.
I just learned a nice trick from Jonathan Mills' JavaScript Best Practices course on Pluralsight. From the terminal:
npm config set save=true
Now I don't need to remember --save anymore. And I also now use
npm config set save-exact=true
Because I want the exact version of the package not the ^ prefix.
By default with version npm 5.0+ npm install adds the module to the dependencies list in the package.json file; with earlier versions of npm, you must specify the --save option explicitly. Then, afterwards, running npm install in the app directory will automatically install modules in the dependencies list.

Clarification of the --save option for npm install

First experiences with node.js/npm. From the npm-install docs I read:
npm install takes 3 exclusive, optional flags which save or update the package version in your main package.json:
--save: Package will appear in your dependencies.
--save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies.
--save-optional: Package will appear in your optionalDependencies.
But I can't understand how it works in practice. If, for example, I run the command:
npm install bower --save-dev
I'd expect to find a package.json file in the current directory with devDependencies set to the installed version of bower, instead I find nothing.
Am I doing/expecting something wrong?
Using node v0.10.21, npm 1.3.12 on Ubuntu 12.04 x64
npm won't create package.json for you, but it will create the necessary dependencies for you as long as package.json exists and is legal JSON.
Create it like so
echo {} > package.json
Then, doing npm i --save whatever will add whatever#~x.x.x as a dependency as expected. The file needs to be there, and be JSON, that's it.
npm install only fetches the packages from the registry and puts them in your ./node_modules. It updates your package.json to register this new dependency if you tell it to.
Your package.json has three dependency blocks :
dependencies - these are needed for your app to run.
devDependencies - these are needed for the developer environments for your app (this is how your teammates can get the packages that you recently added to the project. The dependencies listed here are not required on production hosts.)
optionalDependencies - These packages are optional and it is OK if npm cant reolve the package to install. i.e a build failure does not cause npm install to fail (Note however, that your app should handle cases where the package cannot be found.)
Here is the behavior with the different usages of the npm install command:
$ npm install async #Only installs, no change made to package.json
$ npm install async --save #Installs, adds async#version to dependencies block
$ npm install async --save-dev # Installs, adds async#version to the devDependencies block
$ npm install async --save-optional # Installs, adds async#version to the optionalDependencies block
