Git/Egit configs - linux

I am trying to migrate to git and would like to stay inside my familiar IDE (Eclipse), and apparently Egit is the plugin to use.
A few questions:
Does Egit require git? Meaning, do I need to first install git on my machine, prior to installing the Egit plugin?; and
If the answer to #1 above is "yes", and I do need to first install git, then after I install git, are there any system-level configurations, or git commands (to be ran from the shell) that I need to perform before I install Egit? Note I do plan on using a private repo on GitHub which I believe uses SSL keys...if that changes the answer to this question at all...
Also I'm on Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 - just fyi in case there are linux-specific settings, etc.
Thanks in advance!

No, EGit does not require Git as it is based JGit, which is a pure Java implementation of Git.


Linking my own Git server with my Windows Eclipse IDE

I'm trying since two days to set up a private Git and link it with my Eclipse IDE.
First of all, I have a Raspberry running Rasbian as a server. SSH is working with SSH keys.
I created a new user to store my Git projects on. Git is installed too.
My dev computer is running Windows 10 and Eclipse Neon.1 with the Git plugin installed on. I have MSysGit installed too.
And here I can't link anything to make it working well together.
First, I didn't find how can I tell to EGit to use a SSH key. So I wanted to use the Git GUi provided by MSysGit but I don't know how to link it with my server.
I'm not here to ask you to setting up for me or even tell me how to do it step by step, I'm just looking for a detailled tutorial or video which can helps me with it. Most of tutorial I rode use Linux as dev OS, or link Eclipse directly on GitHub so I didn't find a situation like mine.
First you need git setting done in eclipse that provide GUI for git commands.
Then to link local server, add you local git server URL to your project remote URL. and it should be able to pull & push commit to your server.
This tutorial should be enough for all you need.

Update the local debian packages using ansible

I am trying to come up with a deployment strategy in developer environments using Ansible.
I have a few builds (node.js) coming out every day usually in the form of debian packages.
Eg: my_product_1.0.0_33.deb is the corresponding debian for build#33.
I am trying to automate the deployment on existing as well as new environments using Ansible. So what is the preferred way of updating the build packages using Ansible?
Eg: my_product_1.0.0_44.deb is my new build with build id #44 which I want to install on top of the existing build.
I am going through the Ansible documentation and below mentioned is the way I think will work for now.
Check if any package of "my_product" is installed and if not installed, install the latest debian.
If yes, check if the right build id of my_product is installed
If yes, don't restart the service and leave as is
If no, uninstall the existing package, install the new build debian and restart the service.
Is this the preferred approach of updating the debian packages in an environment or is there a better way to do this in Ansible?
The debian packages I receive are not hosted in any repository and are local .deb files.
Is this the preferred approach of updating the debian packages in an
environment or is there a better way to do this in Ansible?
This is a reasonably common approach. It could be simplified a bit by hosting your debs on an internal repo, but that's not necessary.
In general, you don't need to do things like "check if a package is installed and if not, install the latest version". You just specify the package name to the apt module and it handles the conditional logic for you.
For restarting the service if a new version has been deployed, look into handlers.

Does Gitlab comes with a windows client?

Does gitlab has its own windows client or does it support any other compatible windows client ? if so, could you please help with the same.
Thnks in advance for any help.
I use and it works like a charm with GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket.
When you run the msys2 console for the first time, issue:
pacman -Syu git
This will update the system and install a fresh copy of git.
pacman is a powerful package manager and you may discover more potentially interesting packages with:
pacman -Ss <search string>
Note that git is a standard for source control (like SVN). In so far as a service claims it is git based, it must work with a git client. However, companies hosting the git server usually offer other services too: release repositories, continuous integration/delivery, wiki pages etc. These are not part of the git standard and therefore might require additional client software.

Mercurial / IIS / No module named osutil

I am trying to get Mercurial to be hosted via "hgweb.cgi" on IIS 7.5. I have everything configured according to except for that I installed python 2.6 and Mercurial 1.7.3. When I try to go to the hgweb.cgi script, I get the following error:
"No module named osutil"
After a bit of searching, I've found that I need to install the python-dev packages, but that seems to only apply to unix. Is there anything else I need to get this working on windows?
Note that I tried the mercurial binaries/ on both both HgTortoise and the Mercurial x86 installer available here:
(Mercurial 1.7.3 Inno Setup installer - x86 Windows - does not require admin rights)
I had the same issue trying to re-create an HgWeb server with Mercurial 2.1.1. I posted a question on the Mercurial mailing list.
Because HgWeb requires Python, you have to get Mercurial as a Python module. Fortunately, the Mercurial folks supply one; it's tagged py2.6 with the description
installs Mercurial source as Python modules and thus requires Python 2.6 installed. This is recommended for hgweb setups
Once I ran that installer, HgWeb started working.
Looking at the available downloads and the version specified in the question, it looks like you might have installed TortoiseHg 1.1.8 with Mercurial 1.7.3, which is probably missing some python packages.
I've been researching this problem myself (except I'm trying to run Mercurial via ISAPI), and it appears 1.7.1 is the last version that works with IIS due to dependency problems with msvcr90.dll in all later versions, including the newly released 1.8.2.
See this issue, which ultimately seems to be caused by this still open 1-year-old Python issue.
Judging by the conversation, a fix is not easy. I know of no workarounds, so I am forced to use 1.7.1 in the meantime.
Edit: CGI works with 1.8.2 though, so the above issue seems to only affect running Mercurial through ISAPI.

How can I install Git to my server which does not have apt-get?

My host is Bluehost. My server is on Linux.
I have tried to follow the tutorial.
You can quite easily compile it from source, with the usual ./configure && make && sudo make install commands.
See "How to install git". Specifically the Mac OS X section (which applies to Linux also)
If the machine doesn't have apt-get, then chances are it isn't a Debian or Ubuntu machine, which means that using a tutorial designed for Debian or Ubuntu is unlikely to get you very far.
Either use the packaged releases for whatever Linux distribution you are running, or build from source.
Get the source from
Maybe you have the same problem I have that I cannot have an outgoing connection but I can have an incoming connection, that´s why I cannot use apt-get. What I do to move files is just use WinSCP and move the files there and after do whatever I want with them.
