Why is there an error in the following code? - watir

I would be grateful for help in sorting the error in the following code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir'
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'test/unit'
class TestGoogle < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
def testSignInLink
#browser.goto "http://google.com/"
po = PageObjects.new(#browser)
class PageObjects
def initialize( browser )
#browser = browser
def clickLinkSignIn()
#browser.link(:id, "gb_70").click
tg = TestGoogle.new
The error is:
Uncaught exception: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:971:in `initialize'
C:/RubymineProjects/ditto/Google_01_TU_02.rb:28:in `new'
C:/RubymineProjects/ditto/Google_01_TU_02.rb:28:in `<top (required)>'
Line 28 is:
tg = TestGoogle.new
Strangely enough, the script then runs to completion with the google login page being presented.
Note that there are no asserts yet - I'm doing this one small step at a time.
Added after edit:
The initializer in C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/minitest/unit.rb:971
def initialize name # :nodoc:
#__name__ = name
#__io__ = nil
#passed = nil

I think this whole question was unfair to all the good commenters.
Reason: As an experiment, I commented out the last 3 lines of the code:
tg = TestGoogle.new
The test ran perfectly.
I was previously assuming that I needed some way to "kick start" the methods in the TestGoogle class. Similar to a "Main" program that calls all the methods in turn.
Maybe that's what #justinko was referring to? So, the TestGoogle class is a test runner?
I think I need to apologize to the commenters.


GameMaker Studio 2; Weapon System. Error: DoConv :1: illegal undefined/null use; how to fix it?

Im trying to implement a weapon switching system in GameMaker Studio 2 and I'm following a tutorial to do so since I'm not too experienced with GML.
When I'm trying to run this script I'm getting the following error, and I can't find a way to get it to work.
action number 1
of Create Event
for object :
DoConv :1: illegal undefined/null use
at gml_GlobalScript_ChangeWeapon (line 2) - var wp_map = weapons[weapon];
gml_GlobalScript_ChangeWeapon (line 2)
And the script is:
weapon = argument0;
var wp_map = weapons[weapon];
sprite = wp_map[? "sprite"];
recoil = wp_map[? "recoil"];
recoil_push = wp_map[? "recoil_push"];
damage = wp_map[? "damage"];
projectile = wp_map[? "projectile"];
startup = wp_map[? "startup"];
bulletspeed = wp_map[? "bulletspeed"];
length = wp_map[? "length"];
cooldown = wp_map[? "cooldown"];
automatic = wp_map[? "automatic"];
This error may mean a few things:
You did not wrap the contents of the script in function <name>() { ... } (as per the message that you get when you create new scripts in 2.3), causing your code to be executed on game start (and, surely enough, without arguments)
You called your script without an argument (ChangeWeapon() vs ChangeWeapon(arg)).
You called your script with an argument, but argument's value is undefined.
Based on the error message, I would assume this to be the first of three.

Why does my code stuck after speak function?

I try to create a Voice Assistant on python3
This is my function Speak (with pyttsx):
def speak(what):
print("Gosha: " + what)
speak_engine.say( what )
in the main body it works fine, but in function execute_cmd, after Speak function my code stucks.
One part of execute_cmd:
def execute_cmd(cmd, voice):
global finished
finished = False
#import debug
if cmd == 'ctime':
now = datetime.datetime.now()
hours = str(now.hour)
minutes = str(now.minute)
if (now.minute < 10): minutes = '0' + minutes
speak("Now " + hours + ":" + minutes)
finished = True
finished will never True
This happens anywhere in the function
pls help me
(sorry for my eng, I'm from Russia)
UPD: I debugged my code and noticed, my code get stuck on speak_engine.runAndWait()
I know, many people have same problem, but their solutions didn't help me
I'm not sure I understand you problem. What exactly do you mean by your code getting "Stuck"? Since you said that your finished variable will never be False, I assume that the code runs through and doesn't get stuck. My best guess is that your code simply doesn't produce sound.
If that's the case, I could imagine it's due to the previous loop still being active. So maybe try adding the following to your speak() function:
ef speak(what):
print("Gosha: " + what)
except Exception as e:
speak_engine.say( what )

how to stub a method that takes and argument

I'm kind of stuck (Maybe because this is my first time using Minitest) wherein I want to stub a method that takes an argument.
def self.bonsai_site_configuration(since=nil)
data = []
Site.all.reduce(data) do |data, site|
data << JSON.parse(site.bonsai_desc)
rescue StandardError => exception
return {data: data`}
All I'm looking over here is that if test cases wherein if the site.bonsai_desc fails(i.e throw an exception). It should invoke notify_exception with given exception
Here how my minitest looks like
test "should return bonsai_site_configuration even on exception" do
site = Site.first
raises_exception = -> { raise 'boom' }
Site.stub(:all, [site]) do
site.stub(:bonsai_desc, raises_exception) do
Site.stub(:notify_exception) do
bonsai_information = Site.bonsai_site_configuration
assert_equal(0, bonsai_information[:data].count)
Upon running the minitest the test passes but I want to ensure that argument check is also included.
What am I suppose to do?

page-object gem seems not working

I am trying to use page-object gem in my watir-webdriver scripts and I think I might be missing something.
Here is my code for log_in.rb:
require "./all_deals"
class LogIn
include PageObject
text_field(:email, :id => 'UserName')
text_field(:password, :id => 'Password')
checkbox(:remember_me, :id => 'RememberMe')
button(:log_me_in, :value => 'Login')
def initialize(browser)
#browser = browser
def log_in (email, password)
self.email = email
self.password = password
My home_page.rb
require "./log_in"
class HomePage
def initialize(browser)
#browser = browser
def visit
#browser.goto "http://treatme.co.nz/"
def go_to_log_in
#browser.goto "https://treatme.co.nz/Account/LogOn"
Here is my log_in_test.rb
require "rubygems"
require "test/unit"
require "watir-webdriver"
require "page-object"
require "./home_page"
class LogInTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#browser ||= Watir::Browser.new :firefox
def teardown
def test_fail
#home_page = HomePage.new(#browser)
#log_in_page = #home_page.go_to_log_in
#all_deals = #log_in_page.log_in("test#gmail.com","test")
assert (#all_deals.get_title == "GrabOne Daily Deals - Buy Together, Save Together")
The result of the test run is:
Finished tests in 22.469286s, 0.0445 tests/s, 0.0000 assertions/s.
1) Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `text_field_value_set' for nil:NilClass
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/page-object-0.9.2/lib/page-object/accessors.rb:142:in `block in text_field'
I am using Ruby 1.9 with page-object gem 0.9.2.
Can you please help me?
Also in each of those rb file, I need to require the class files it references, is there a way I don't have to declare it every time?
Thanks so much.
Addressing the Exception
That exception is occurring do to the LogIn page re-defining the initialize method.
class LogIn
include PageObject
def initialize(browser)
#browser = browser
When you include PageObject, it already adds a specific initialization method. Your class is overriding that initialization and presumably causing something to not get setup correctly.
Removing the initialize method will get you past that exception.
However, you will then hit a remember_me is not a variable/method exception. Assuming you want to check the checkbox, it should be check_remember_me.
Requiring Class Files
I usually have my test file require a file that requires all my page_objects. It is a similar concept to how your would require any other gem or library.
For example, I would create a treatme.rb file with:
require 'log_in'
require 'home_page'
Assuming you require the files in the required order (ie files that are needed by others are required first), none of your page object files (ie log_in.rb and home_page.rb) should need to do any requiring.
Your test files would then just require your treatme.rb file. Example:
require './treatme'

Watir implicit_wait doesn't seem to work

We are currently using watir-webdriver (0.6.2) with firefox to run acceptance tests.
Our tests take a long time to run, and often fail with timeout errors.
We wanted to decrease the timeout time, for them to fail faster.
We tried:
browser = Watir::Browser.new("firefox")
However, we are still experiencing 30s timeouts.
We couldn't find any documentation or question regarding this issue. Does anyone know how to configure Watir waiting timeouts properly?
It depends exactly what you mean by 'timeout'. AFAIK there are three different definitions of timeout commonly discussed when talking about Watir-Webdriver:
How long does the browser wait for a page to load?
How long does Watir-Webdriver explicitly wait before considering an element 'not present' or 'not visible' when told to wait via the '.when_present' function
How long does Watir-Webdriver implicitly wait for an object to appear before considering an element 'not present' or 'not visible' (when not waiting via explicitly call see #2)
#1: Page load
Justin Ko is right that you can set page load timeout as described if your goal is to modify that, though it looks like the canonical way to do that is to set the client timeout before creating the browser and passing it to the browser on creation:
client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.new
client.timeout = 180 # seconds – default is 60
b = Watir::Browser.new :firefox, :http_client => client
- Alistair Scott, 'How do I change the page load Timeouts in Watir-Webdriver'
#2: Explicit timeout
But I think #p0deje is right in saying you are experiencing explicit timeouts, though it's not possible to say for sure without seeing your code. In the below I experienced the explicit declaration overriding the implicit (I am unsure if that's intentional):
b = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
b.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 3
puts Time.now #=> 2013-11-14 16:24:12 +0000
browser.link(:id => 'someIdThatIsNotThere').when_present.click
rescue => e
puts e #=> timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for {:id=>"someIdThatIsNotThere", :tag_name=>"a"} to become present
puts Time.now #=> 2013-11-14 16:24:43 +0000
Watir-Webdriver will wait 30 seconds before failure by default thanks to 'when_present'. Alternatively you can say 'when_present(10)' to alter the default and wait 10 seconds. (Watir-Webdriver > Watir::Wait#when_present.) I can not divine any way to do this globally. Unless you find such a thing - and please tell me if you do - it must be done on each call. :( Edit: Fellow answerer Justin Ko gave me the answer as to how to do what I described above. Edit 2: #jarib added this to Watir, per #justinko in the linked answer: "Update: This monkey patch has been merged into watir-webdriver and so will no longer be needed in watir-webdriver v0.6.5. You will be able to set the timeout using: Watir.default_timeout = 90"
#3 Implicit timeout
The code you provided sets the time Watir-Webdriver will wait for any element to be come present without you explicitly saying so:
b = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
b.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 3
puts Time.now #=> 2013-11-14 16:28:33 +0000
browser.link(:id => 'someIdThatIsNotThere').when_present.click
rescue => e
puts e #=> unable to locate element, using {:id=>"someIdThatIsNotThere", :tag_name=>"a"}
puts Time.now #=> 2013-11-14 16:28:39 +0000
The implicit_wait is the amount of time selenium-webdriver tries to find an element before timing out. The default is 0 seconds. By changing it to "3", you are actually increasing the amount of time that it will wait.
I am guessing that you actually want to change the timeout for waiting for the page to load (rather than for finding an element). This can be done with:
browser.driver.manage.timeouts.page_load = 3
For example, we can say to only wait 0 seconds when loading Google:
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
browser.driver.manage.timeouts.page_load = 0
browser.goto 'www.google.ca'
#=> Timed out waiting for page load. (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError)
Update: Since Watir 6.5, the default timeout is configurable using
Watir.default_timeout = 3
We experienced the same issue and chose to override Watir methods involving timeouts, namely
Watir::Wait.until { ... }
Watir::Wait.while { ... }
Here is the code, you can put it in your spec_helper.rb if using rspec
# method wrapping technique adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/4471202/177665
def override_timeout(method_name, new_timeout = 3)
if singleton_methods.include?(method_name)
old_method = singleton_class.instance_method(method_name)
define_singleton_method(method_name) do |timeout = new_timeout, *args, &block|
old_method.bind(self).(timeout, *args, &block)
old_method = instance_method(method_name)
define_method(method_name) do |timeout = new_timeout, *args, &block|
old_method.bind(self).(timeout, *args, &block)
# override default Watir timeout from 30 seconds to 3 seconds
module Watir
module Wait
module EventuallyPresent
override_timeout(:when_present, 5) # 5 secs here
We used answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/4471202/177665 to get it working.
