Sending data from TThread to main VCL Thread - multithreading

I'm writing some software that talks to external hardware via a dll (moving some motors and reading some values back). The calls to the dll are blocking and may not return for in the order of 10 seconds. The software performs a scan by moving the hardware, taking a reading and repeating for a number of points. One scan can take in the order of 30 minutes to complete. While the scan is running I would obviously like the GUI to be responsive and a live graph (in an MDI Child) of the incoming data to be updated at each point. Multithreading seems the obvious choice for this problem.
My question is, what is the best way to thread this and talk back to the main VCL thread to update the graph during a scan?
I currently have a single TThread descendant that performs the 'scan logic' and an array of doubles in the public var section of the ChildForm. I need to fill out this array from the thread but I don't know whether to use Synchronize or CriticalSection or PostMessage or some other method. Each time a new value is added, the main VCL thread needs to update the graph. Should I really have an intermediary object for the data that is a global var and access this from the Thread and the ChildForm separately somehow?

The simplest way to update the GUI from a thread is to use anonymous methods in conjunction with TThread.Synchronize and TThread.Queue.
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
Synchronize( // Synchronous example
// Your code executed in main thread here
Queue( // Asynchronous example
// Your code executed in main thread here
Passing values asynchronous often requires "capturing" a value.
procedure TMyThread.PassAValue(anInteger: Integer);
// Use anInteger in main thread
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
myInt: Integer;
PassAValue(myInt); // Capture myInt
When an anonymous method is using a variable, the reference to the variable is captured.
This means that if you alter the variable value before the anonymous method is executed, the new value is used instead. Hence the need to capture the "value".
A more elaborate example can be found here, synchronize-and-queue-with-parameters, by #UweRaabe.

If you want to invest a little more then a simple Synchronize call which by the way blocks the main thread, you can add a simple FIFO queue with messaging on top of it. The flow of data would be like this:
The thread puts the data into the queue.
The thread post a message to the main thread window. Which one I don't care :)
You handle the message that data is available and process any messages in the queue as you see fit.
The code would look something like this:
the queue...
WM_DataAvailable = WM_USER + 1;
ThreadSafeQueue: TThreadSafeQueue;
the data is put into the queue...
procedure PutDataIntoQueue;
MyObject: TMyObject;
MyObject := TMyObject.Create;
PostMessage(FMainWindowHandle, WM_DataAvailable, 0, 0);
and processing...
procedure ProcessDataInTheQueue(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_DataAvailable;
procedure ProcessDataInTheQueue(var Msg: TMessage);
AnyValue: TAnyValue;
MyObject: TMyObject;
while ThreadSafeQueue.Dequeue(AnyValue) do
MyObject := TMyObject(AnyValue.AsObject);
// process the actual object as needed
The code is written without Delphi and checks so it can contain errors. I showed the example using my freely available thread safe queue and TAnyValue. You can find both here:
Also please note then I did not do any check if PostMessage was actually sent. You should check that in production code.

I find that populating a TThreadList from the background thread, then posting a message to the main thread that there is a new item in the list, then processing the list in the main thread is simple and easily maintainable.
With this method, you could store as many readings as you wanted in the list, and every time the main thread received a message, it would simply process all the items in the list at once.
Define a class for the readings, instantiate them, and add them to the list in the background thread. Don't forget to free them in the main thread when you pop them off the list.

Use postmessage inside you thread and send messages to main form handle.
Register one (or more) custom messages and write a handler for them.
Create a thread class, add a MainFormHandle property (Thandle or cardinal).
Create thread suspended, set MainFormHandle with main form handle, then resume thread.
When you have a new measure, assign data1 and data2 dword with some data from measure, then
In main form you have message handler:
procedure MeasureMessage(var msg: TMessage); message WM_MEASURE_MESSAGE;
// update graph here
// msg.wparam is data1
// msg.lparam is data2
If you need to send much more data from thread to main form, you can create an appropriate structure in main context for the whole measurement data, pass a reference to thread, let the thread write data and use messages just to tell main form new data position (an array index, for example). Use TThread.Waitfor in main context to avoid freeing data structure while thread is still running (and writing into memory).


What is the difference between using TTimer and using TThread

I have developed an application that connects to SQL Server database and reads some data from tables every 1 second.
For this purpose I use TTimer but the delay of the database response affects my application performance.
I know a little about TThread in Delphi, what I want to know now is the difference between using TTimer and TThread? And using TThread instead of TTimer is useful for my application performance in this case?
The main difference between the two can be found in their class definition:
TTimer = class(TComponent)
TThread = class
While the TTimer class extends TComponent and is a component itself, TThread is an abstract class which extends TObject.
TThread exposes static methods like TThread.Sleep and a peculiar protected method called Execute which must be implemented in the derived class in order to perform the desired job.
TThread directly uses the Processes and Threads functions of the guest OS.
... for this purpose I use TTimer but the delay of Database response affect on my application performance
The reason why this happens is because the OnTimer event of the TTimer object is executed in the calling thread: when a TTimer component is put into a form and its OnTimer event is implemented, the code is executed in the main thread.
The TThread approach is more flexible: if for some reason the code must be performed in the main thread, this can be achieved nesting a sinchronized block inside the thread's Execute method.
If you want to execute database requests in a repeated manner after some time interval, you better consider using a TThread in combination with a TEvent object.
An example of class definition using TEvent:
TMyThread = class(TThread)
FInterval: Integer;
FWaitEvent: TEvent;
procedure Execute; override;
procedure TerminatedSet; override;
constructor Create(Interval: Cardinal; CreateSuspended: Boolean);
destructor Destroy; override;
The implemented class:
constructor TMyThread.Create(Interval: Cardinal; CreateSuspended: Boolean);
inherited Create(CreateSuspended);
FInterval := Interval;
FWaitEvent := TEvent.Create(nil, False, False, '');
destructor TMyThread.Destroy;
procedure TMyThread.TerminatedSet;
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while not Terminated do begin
//do your stuff
//wait fo some amount of time before continue the execution
if wrSignaled = FWaitEvent.WaitFor(FInterval) then
The WaitFor method called on the FWaitEvent object allows to wait for the desired amount of time.
The implementation of the thread's TerminatedSet method allows to put the FWaitEvent object in a signaled state and then exit from the thread before the interval has elapsed.
TTimer is a message-based timer. It posts WM_TIMER messages to the message queue of the thread that creates it. Your database operations are blocking that thread from processing new messages in a timely manner. Assuming your TTimer is in the main UI thread, that is why your app performance suffers. Moving the database operations into a worker thread prevents the main thread's message loop from being blocked.
This doesn't specifically address your q, but as noted in a comment to one of
the other answers, polling a database at the frequency you're doing isn't a good idea, especially if other users are trying to access it.
There are various ways to get notifications from database servers when data changes, without needing to continually poll them. This Embarcadero paper has a very useful review of what's available for various DBMSs:
If your Delphi version includes FireDAC, as you'll see from the link that you could use TFDEventAlerter to receive notifications of data changes on the server if your DBMS supports
If you're using Interbase or Firebird (and maybe some others), there are alternate Delphi components available that don't require FireDAC, e.g. TIBEventAlerter in the IBExpress ibrary for Interbase.
I would suggest keeping your TTimer if you want to on your main form
Then inside your TTimer create a TTask
And doing all your DB work in there, but as others have suggested checking every 1 second is not very good practice.
Something like this :
Global var downloaddata : ITask
TimerTimer.Timer(Sender: TObject);
if downloaddata.Status = TTaskStatus.Running then
//If it is already running don't start it again
downloaddata := TTask.Create (procedure ()
var //Create Thread var here
MyConnection : TFDConnection;
MyQuery : TFDQuery;
//Do all your Query logic in here
//If you need to do any UI related modifications
//Remeber to wrap them inside a Syncronize
//If you have Query variables and this is running on mobile with ARC
//remember to set their connection : properties to nil to avoid memory leaks
MyQuery.connection := nil
There are much better solutions available this is just a quick basic answer but it should guide you into something better.
Doing logic in your thread would keep your UI repsonsive, but beware that TThread.Syncronize will wait for the main form and depending on the situation TThread.queue would be a better call.
Whether TTimer or TThread is used, it is recommended to run a query only to get data that has been changed. To do that you need to:
Add a 'modified' (TIMESTAMP) column to each table
Add a 'deleted' (TIMESTAMP) column to each table
Add a trigger for INSERT OR UPDATE to update 'modified' field with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Add a DESC index on the 'modified' field to speed up queries
Never delete a row, only update 'deleted' field with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
After first read, it is enough to ask for new data:
select c.* from 'customers' as c where c.modified > '2019...'
You read all data at once and store the result in a temporary memory-array.
After closed the dataset >> you compare (syncronized) with the main-array.
To update data >> run a separate SQL.

Do I need a thread-safe string list to prevent a deadlock in this scenario?

I'm working with a simple static thread pool, where there are 4 threads, each with a queue, that process individual lines from a string list. After each thread has completed one of the requests in its queue, it synchronizes an event, which is handled in the parent thread. This is done by calling DoComplete() after it's done, like so:
procedure TDecoderThread.DoComplete(const Line: Integer; const Text: String);
FLine:= Line;
FText:= Text;
procedure TDecoderThread.SYNC_OnComplete;
if assigned(FOnComplete) then
FOnComplete(Self, FText, FLine); //Triggers event which is handled in parent thread
On the other end, in their parent thread, these events are handled with this procedure:
procedure TDecoder.ThreadComplete(Sender: TDecoderThread; const Text: String;
const Line: Integer);
FStrings[Line]:= Text; //Updates the original line in the list with the new text
Since I have 4 different threads, each of which might call this OnComplete() event at the same time as each other, do I also have to worry about thread protecting this FStrings: TStrings? Could two threads triggering their OnComplete() event at the same time cause a deadlock in their parent thread when writing to this string list? Or would the main thread be smart enough to wait until one of them is done before handling the other?
PS - Yes, this little project was an attempt to answer another previous question from someone else here on SO, which has been answered far differently, but in order to get myself a little more familiar with multi-threading, I continued this sample project anyway.
Since the OnComplete event is being triggered by Synchronize(), you do not need to use a thread-safe lock around the FStrings list, since all access to the list is being delegated through the main thread, so only one OnComplete event handler can actually run at a time. If you were not using Synchronize(), you would need such a lock around FStrings if items are being added/removed and thus reallocating the list memory, or if other threads were reading the values from FStrings, while the threads were still running. If the processing threads are the only ones accessing FStrings, there is no risk for concurrent access of the individual items, so no lock would be needed.

The best practice on how to wait for data within thread and write it into file?

I am programming multi-threaded app. I have two threads. On is for transferring some data from device to global data buffer and second is for writing those data to file.
Data from device to buffer is transferring asynchronously. The purpose of second thread should be to wait for specified amount of data to be written in main data buffer and finally to write it to file.
Well the first thread is in DLL and second one is in main app. Temporarily I solve this with events. First thread transfers data from device to main data buffer and counts data and when specified amount of data is transferred it sets an event. The second one waits for event to be signalled and when it is it runs some code for data store. Simple as that it is working.
var DataCount, TransferedData: Integer;
DataCounter := 0;
while not Terminted do
TransferData(#pData, TransferedData);
Inc(DataCounter, TransferedData)
if DataCounter >= DataCountToNotify then SetEvent(hDataCount);
hndlArr[0] := hDataCount;
hndlArr[1] := hTerminateEvent;
while (not Terminated) do
wRes := WaitForMultipleObjects(HandlesCount, Addr(hndlArr), false, 60000);
case wRes of
Synchronize(WriteBuffer); // call it from main thread
Now I would like to make second thread more independent... so I can make multiple instances of second thread and I don't need to wait for first thread. I would like to move data counting part of code from first thread to second one so I won't need data counting in first thread anymore. First one will be just for data transfer purpose.
I would like to use second one as data counter and to store data. But now I will have to loop and constantly check manually for specified data amount. If I had while loop I will have to add some sleep so second thread will not decrease computer performances but I don't know how long should sleep be while speed of data transfer in firts thread is not constant and thus speed of counting in second thread will vary.
My guess that this code sample is not good:
var DataCount: Integer;
DataIdx1 := GetCurrentDataIdx;
while (not Terminated) do
if (GetCurrentDataIdx - DataIdx1) >= DataCountToNotify then
DataIdx1 := GetCurrentIdx;
So my question is what is the best approach to solve that issue with data counting and storing it within second thread? What are your experiences and suggestions?
You have some issues. #LU RD has already pointed one out - don't synchronize stuff that does not need to be synchronized. It's not clear what 'WriteBuffer' does, but the file system and all databases I have used are just fine to have one thread opening a file/table and writing to them.
Your buffer system could probably do with some attention. Is there some 'specified data amount' or is this some notional figure that allows lazy writing?
Typically, producer and consumer threads exchange multiple buffer pointers on queues and so avoid sharing any single buffer. Given that this is a DLL and so memory-management calls can be problematic, I would probably avoid them as well by creating a pool of buffers at startup to transfer data round the system. I would use a buffer class rather than just pointers to memory, but it's not absolutely required, (just much more easy/flexible/safe).
Sleep() loops are a spectacularly bad way of communicating between threads. Sleep() does hae its uses, but this is not one of them. Delphi/Windows has plenty of synchronization mechanisms - events, semaphores, mutexes etc - tha make such polling unnecessary.
LU RD has also mentioned the problems of parallel processing of data whose order must be preserved. This often requires yet another thread, a list-style collection and sequence-numbers. I wouldn't try that until you have the inter-thread comms working well.
If you want to avoid the Sleep() call in your second thread, use a waitable timer like TSimpleEvent.
Set the sleep time to handle all your timing conditions.
There is an advantage of using this scheme instead of a normal Sleep(), since a waitable timer will not put the thread into a deep sleep.
To dispose the thread, see comments in code.
FEvent: TSimpleEvent;
FSleepTime: Integer = 100; // Short enough to handle all cases
Constructor TThread2.Create;
Inherited Create( False);
FEvent := TSimpleEvent.Create;
Self.FreeOnTerminate := True;
procedure TThread2.Execute;
DataCount: Integer;
DataIdx1 := GetCurrentDataIdx;
while (fEvent.WaitFor(FSleepTime) = wrTimeout) do
if Terminated then
// Do your work
if (GetCurrentDataIdx - DataIdx1) >= DataCountToNotify then
// Write data to buffer
DataIdx1 := GetCurrentIdx;
// To stop the thread gracefully, call this instead of Terminate or override the DoTerminate
procedure TThread2.SetTerminateFlag;

Synchronizing/sending data between threads

The app is written in Delphi XE.
I have two classes, a TBoss and TWorker, which are both based of of TThread.
The TBoss is a single instance thread, which starts up and then will create about 20 TWorker threads.
When the boss creates a instance of TWorker it assigns it a method to call synchronize on, when the Worker has finished with what it's doing it calls this method which allows the Boss to access a record on the Worker.
However I feel this is a problem, calling synchronize appears to be locking up the whole application - blocking the main (ui) thread. Really it should just be synchronizing that worker to the boss thread....
Previously I used messages/packed records to send content between threads which worked well. However doing it this way is much cleaner and nicer.... just very blocking.
Is there a way to call Syncronize in the worker to only wait for the Boss thread?
My code:
TWorker = class(TThread)
fResult : TResultRecord;
procedure SetOnSendResult(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
property OnSendResult: TNotifyEvent write SetOnSendResult;
property Result : TResultRecord read fResult;
procedure TWorker.SendBossResults;
if (Terminated = False) then
procedure TWorker.SendResult;
if (Terminated = false) and Assigned(FOnSendResult) then
Then in my Boss thread I will do something like this
Worker : TWorker;
Worker := TWorker.Create;
Worker.OnTerminate := OnWorkerThreadTerminate;
Worker.OnSendResult := ProcessWorkerResults;
So my boss then has a method called ProcessWorkerResults - this is what gets run on the Synchronize(SendResult); of the worker.
procedure TBoss.ProcessWorkerResults(Sender: TObject);
if terminated = false then
If TWorker(Sender).Result.HasRecord then
Synchronize is specifically designed to execute code in the main thread; that's why it seems to lock everything up.
You can use several ways to communicate from the worker threads to the boss thread:
Add a callback to each worker thread,
and assign it from the boss thread
when it's created. It can pass back
whatever as parameters, along with a
thread ID or some other identifier.
Post a message from the worker thread
to the boss thread using
PostThreadMessage. The
disadvantage here is that the boss
thread has to have a window handle
(see Classes.AllocateHWnd in the
Delphi help and David Heffernan's comment below).
Use a good quality third-party
threading library. See
OmniThreadLibrary - it's free,
OS, and extremely well written.
My choice would be the third. Primoz has done all the hard work for you. :)
After your comment, here's something along the lines of my first suggestion. Note that this is untested, since writing the code for a TBoss and TWorker thread + a test app is a little long for the time I have right this minute... It should be enough to give you the gist, I hope.
TWorker = class(TThread)
fResult : TResultRecord;
fListIndex: Integer;
procedure SetOnSendResult(const Value: TNotifyEvent);
property OnSendResult: TNotifyEvent write SetOnSendResult;
property Result : TResultRecord read fResult;
property ListIndex: Integer read FListIndex write FListIndex;
FWorkerList: TThreadList; // Create in TBoss.Create, free in TBoss.Free
procedure TWorker.SendBossResults;
if not Terminated then
procedure TBoss.ProcessWorkerResults(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
if not terminated then
If TWorker(Sender).Result.HasRecord then
i := TWorker(Sender).ListIndex;
// Update the appropriate record in the WorkerList
You could use a thread safe queue. In DelphiXE there is the TThreadedQueue. If you don't have DXE, try OmniThreadLibray - this library is very good for all threading issues.
As I mentioned new options in Delphi 2009 and higher, here is a link to an example for Producer / Consumer communication between threads, based on the new objct locks, in my blog:
Thread Synchronization with Guarded Blocks in Delphi
In a note regarding the deprecated methods TThread.Suspend and
TThread.Resume, The Embarcadero DocWiki for Delphi
recommends that “thread
synchronization techniques should be
based on SyncObjs.TEvent and
SyncObjs.TMutex.“ There is, however,
another synchronization class
available since Delphi 2009: TMonitor.
It uses the object lock which has been
introduced in this version ...
public properties of the TWorker class MUST have get and set methods, so you can use a Tcriticalsection to give the values of the properties. Otherwise, you´d be having thread-safe issues. Your example seems ok, but in the real world, with thousands of threads accessing to the same value would result in an read error. Use critical sections.. and you wouldn´t have to use any Synchronize. This way you avoid going to the message queues of windows and improve performance. Besides, if you use this code in a windows service app, (where windows messages aren´t allowed), this example wouldn´t work. The synchronize method doesn´t work unless there´s access to the windows message queue.
Solved!! (answer taken from the question)
The fixes made for this problem where two fold.
First remove the syncronization call in the TWorker SendBossResult method.
Second add a fProcessWorkerResult CritialSection to TBoss class. Create and Free this in create/destroy of the TBoss. In the ProcessWorkerResults method call fProcessWorkerResult.Enter and fProcessWorkerResult.leave around the code which needs to be safe from multiple worker results streaming in.
The above was the conclusion after Kens code and follow up comment. Many thanks kind sir, hats off to you!.

Delphi - Cross-thread event handling

I have a small client-server application, where server sends some messages to the client using named pipes. The client has two threads - main GUI thread and one "receiving thread", that keeps receiving the messages sent by server via the named pipe. Now whenever some message is received, I'd like to fire a custom event - however, that event should be handled not on the calling thread, but on the main GUI thread - and I don't know how to do it (and whether it's even possible).
Here's what I have so far:
tMyMessage = record
mode: byte;
//...some other fields...
TMsgRcvdEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Msg: tMyMessage) of object;
TReceivingThread = class(TThread)
FOnMsgRcvd: TMsgRcvdEvent;
//...some other members, not important here...
procedure MsgRcvd(Msg: tMyMessage); dynamic;
procedure Execute; override;
property OnMsgRcvd: TMsgRcvdEvent read FOnMsgRcvd write FOnMsgRcvd;
//...some other methods, not important here...
procedure TReceivingThread.MsgRcvd(Msg: tMyMessage);
if Assigned(FOnMsgRcvd) then FOnMsgRcvd(self, Msg);
procedure TReceivingThread.Execute;
var Msg: tMyMessage
while not Terminated do begin //main thread loop
if (msgReceived) then begin
//message was received and now is contained in Msg variable
//fire OnMsgRcvdEvent and pass it the received message as parameter
end; //end main thread loop
Now I'd like to be able to create event handler as member of TForm1 class, for example
procedure TForm1.MessageReceived(Sender: TObject; Msg: tMyMessage);
//some code
that wouldn't be executed in the receiving thread, but in main UI thread. I'd especially like the receiving thread to just fire the event and continue in the execution without waiting for the return of event handler method (basically I'd need something like .NET Control.BeginInvoke method)
I'm really beginner at this (I tried to learn how to define custom events just few hours ago.), so I don't know if it's even possible or if I'm doing something wrong, so thanks a lot in advance for your help.
You've had some answers already, but none of them mentioned the troubling part of your question:
tMyMessage = record
mode: byte;
//...some other fields...
Please take note that you can't do all the things you may take for granted in a .NET environment when you use Delphi or some other wrapper for native Windows message handling. You may expect to be able to pass random data structures to an event handler, but that won't work. The reason is the need for memory management.
In .NET you can be sure that data structures that are no longer referenced from anywhere will be disposed off by the garbage collection. In Delphi you don't have the same kind of leeway, you will need to make sure that any allocated block of memory is also freed correctly.
In Windows a message receiver is either a window handle (a HWND) which you SendMessage() or PostMessage() to, or it is a thread which you PostThreadMessage() to. In both cases a message can carry only two data members, which are both of machine word width, the first of type WPARAM, the second of type LPARAM). You can not simply send or post any random record as a message parameter.
All the message record types Delphi uses have basically the same structure, which maps to the data size limitation above.
If you want to send data to another thread which consists of more than two 32 bit sized variables, then things get tricky. Due to the size limits of the values that can be sent you may not be able to send the whole record, but only its address. To do that you would dynamically allocate a data structure in the sending thread, pass the address as one of the message parameters, and reinterpret the same parameter in the receiving thread as the address of a variable with the same type, then consume the data in the record, and free the dynamically allocated memory structure.
So depending on the amount of data you need to send to your event handler you may need to change your tMyMessage record. This can be made to work, but it's more difficult than necessary because type checking is not available for your event data.
I'd suggest to tackle this a bit differently. You know what data you need to pass from the worker threads to the GUI thread. Simply create a queueing data structure that you put your event parameter data into instead of sending them with the message directly. Make this queue thread-safe, i.e. protect it with a critical section so that adding or removing from the queue is safe even when attempted simultaneously from different threads.
To request a new event handling, simply add the data to your queue. Only post a message to the receiving thread when the first data element is added to a previously empty queue. The receiving thread should then receive and process the message, and continue to pop data elements from the queue and call the matching event handlers until the queue is empty again. For best performance the queue should be locked as shortly as possible, and it should definitely be unlocked again temporarily while the event handler is called.
You should use PostMessage (asynch) or SendMessage (synch) API to send a message to' a window. You could use also some kind of "queue" or use the fantastic OmniThreadLibrary to' do this (highly recomended)
Declare a private member
FRecievedMessage: TMyMEssage
And a protected procedure
procedure PostRecievedMessage;
if Assigned(FOnMsgRcvd) then FOnMsgRcvd(self, FRecievedMessage);
FRecievedMessage := nil;
And change the code in the loop to
if (msgReceived) then begin
//message was received and now is contained in Msg variable
//fire OnMsgRcvdEvent and pass it the received message as parameter
FRecievedMessage := Msg;
If you want to do it completely asynch use PostMessage API instead.
Check docs for Synchronize method. It's designed for tasks like yours.
My framework does can do this for you if you wish to check it out (
