xpages: retrieving database icon - xpages

I want to rewrite the lotus notes workspace using xpages.
So far i am successful but one feature is giving me quit a headache.
How can i access the database icon of a lotus notes application.
I tried to access: http://notespath.mydomain.com/$icon. That problem with that is that
it is not using the login from the current session to access the database and
retrieve the icon. Instead it tries to get it using the anonymous id. If the
anonymous id has no access to the database i get a popup to login.
My question is: Is possible to do this with the user that is logged in to the xpage
or is there is a way to export the database icon into a notes document.

Try following instructions here:
How to extract Lotus Notes database icon?
This should give you a method to get to the DXLExporter, and it looks like the icon is in the IconBitmap object. You're still going to get .ico files out though, which aren't ideal, but could be a good starting point for what you're trying to do here.

As Aaron Brake commented, XPages engine cannot access old Domino URL format for icon. Also see this: Image URL when previewed in Notes and in Web Browser
In our applications we use dedicated 32x32 PNG image resource (img_DBIcon) which is used in XPages. Developers need to maintain this image resource.

What´s about if you change your URL to a database icon??
Don´t use http://notespath.mydomain.com/$icon
Try http://notespath.mydomain.com/DB.nsf/$icon


Lotus Notes User with Editor Access can't delete documents (Option is activated in ACL)

Currently I develop a database for another employee at my company. I have Manager Rights at the database to access everything. The administrator of the database should only be able to create/edit/delete documents. He currently got Editor-Access with selected "delete documents"-option. When he wants to delete a document on the database (i tried it with Simple Actions or with Javascript Code-both don't work) he gets redirected to the same page and nothing happens or with Simple Actions the Server-Login page shows up with the message "You don't have the permission to perform this action".
When im testing the functions with my manager access everything works fine. But when i'm changing my rank to Editor like the normal administrator of the database i also can't delete any documents. Like i already said the option in the ACL is activated.
I hope you can understand my problem and there is a solution for it. Normally that access right works fine on every other database at our company.
Another point: There are no Reader or Editor fields in the Documents. So there is no restriction with fields. Could this be the problem?
Check to see if there is some code in the QueryDocumentDelete event for the database. Perhaps that is failing and / or preventing you from deleting.
Given that you mention redirecting and server login, I presume it's a web enabled database?
In which case have you tried looking at the ACL (Access Control List) for the problem database and clicking the Advanced tab.
In there is a field Maximum Internet name and password, this is the maximum access allowed for internet users. If it's not editor, this could be the problem?
Try deleting with ?DeleteDocument URL. That way it will for sure not try to do anything else.
Check the user's access level at server with Database.getCurrentAccessLevel() and Database.queryAccessPrivileges(String name)
After the great suggestions of you all the problem was the checkbox "Allow document locking" at the database properties was enabled. That caused the problems at deleting documents. As Manager is have enough rights to go over that but for the normal Administrator with Editor Access the deletion request got blocked by the little option.
Thanks to everyone!

How can I refresh the XPages File Download Control and have it display updated attachments without full page refresh?

When I create file download control on a document I can display the attached files from a Rich Text Field.
In a separate process I am attaching more documents to the same document. I want to periodically refresh the download control container to see if there are new attachments. I do not want to do a full refresh of the page.
I have discovered that the partialRefresh of the file download control container either programmatically or manually does not result in the contents (downloadable files) being accurately updated.
A full refresh of the screen shows the newly attached documents but I want to be able to partial refresh the panel container and see the new documents without full page refresh.
I have added a Random() computed text value into the panel and I can see that it is being refreshing correctly. I have even looked at the xhr response from the server and I can see that there is an update being made - but not with the new attachments in it - the "attached files" are not refreshing without full page refresh.
I can only assume this is a feature of the filedownload control in that it does not know that new files are attached at any other time other than page load.
When partially refreshing a XPage, the datasources are not reloaded, only their last state (stored in memory or hdd ) is restored. If you change the scope of your datasource to request, the XPages engine is forced to recreate the datasource instead of using the cached one on each request (which includes partial refreshs).
This should allow you to refresh your fileDownload control without a full refresh.
Yes, I have run into this before. You must do a full refresh with attachments.
The link is fairly old, but I believe it still applies.
Matt White says in the article comments: "...Basically it is not currently possible to post a file attachment over AJAX, you either have to use Flash or a virtual iFrame solution if you don't want the entire page to refresh. As far as I know there is nothing that IBM can do about this at the moment.

xPages xAgent Security

I'm currently implementing the OpenNTF Multiple File Uploader by Mark Leusink.
This very nice custom control uses an xAgent to embed the selected file attachment into the target Notes document. Everything was working fine until I added Authors and Readers fields to the Notes documents. Now I'm getting a security error (402) when uploading the file.
My thought is the Upload xAgent can't edit the target document to attach the file. If I remove the security fields, everything works again.
My question is, do xAgents run with the same security as the current user? If not, can I set a "run as" user for the xAgent like I can for a Lotus Script agent?
I'd suggest that you look at the xAgent's code and rewrite it to use sessionAsSigner to access the database/document to upload the file. This will cause it to run as the signer of the application and bypass the security issues that your running into.
Both Tom's and Declan's answers are correct, but this doesn't count for the file uploader.
It uses a Flash component to do the actual uploading (called SWFUpload). Since browser cookies aren't shared with Flash, it can't send along the user's session cookie with the file and therefore to the Domino server the user performing the upload is nog logged in (aka Anonymous). That's why the uploader requires anonymous users to be allowed to read/write public documents in the ACL and the XPage/ XAgent handling the uploaded files (aUpload.xsp) is set to allow "public access users". It uses the sessionAsSigner object to access the database's content
Normally, the above settings would allow everyone to anonymously upload files. That's why I implemented a custom authentication solution based on an idea by Mark Barton: before every file is uploaded, a request is made to an XPage to retrieve a unique key. That XPage (aGetAuth.xsp) does run under the user's credentials and stores the key in a document in the database. This key is send along with the uploaded file and compared with the stored key. The upload is only allowed if the keys match.
First thing I'd check in your case if the code in the aUpload.xsp XAgent can read and write the target document using the sessionAsSigner call.
Mark, Declan, and Tim, thanks for jumping in.
I modified the xAgent **aGetAuth.xsp** to use sessionAsSigner to get the current database. At first I got the error "sessionAsSigner not found".
Google showed a quick answer was to re-sign the template before testing. After re-signing the template, twice, and preforming a "clean" everything works brilliantly.

Is it possible to autocomplete fields in Sharepoint with user info?

I'm in charge of a Sharepoint collection, and a user asks this. Is it possible that when a user creates an item, some fields are automatically filled with some info, such as email address and location?
Authentication uses Active Directory, so every user is identified when using Sharepoint. The only issue is that, being in a big corporate company, I don't have any access to the server, so it must be feasible through configuration of said site/list or using Sharepoint Designer, but I can't and won't be allowed to deploy anything server side.
Any idea?
With your limitations, your best bet would be a combination of ajax (I suggest jquery) and sharepoint webservices (if necessary), you need to do a XmlHttpRequest in the userdisp.aspx page, if this page has all the info you need, then get it, otherwise, get the currently logged account and use it to query the webservices (this part I'm not sure if theres a method that will return this info).
This all works using only the browser (Content Editor WebPart) or the SharePoint Designer client.

problem with Infopath Form services

I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click new...how is it possible?
Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?
Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks
You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).
1.) Format your URL like this:
2.) You found already! ; )
