running example in drool planner 5.5 - drools-planner

I am new to the drool planner, and try to run example using runExamples.bat,but when try to import that example in exclipse and try to run following exception is getting
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: The directory dataDir (D:\OfficeWork\Eclipse_work\Cloudbalancing2\data\cloudbalancing) does not exist. The working directory should be set to the directory that contains the data directory. This is different in a git clone (drools-planner/drools-planner-examples) and the release zip (examples).

For OptaPlanner 6.0.0.CR4, I've made that exception message clearer:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The directory dataDir (...) does not exist.
The working directory should be set to the directory that contains the data directory (which is not the data directory itself).
The working directory is different in a git clone (optaplanner/optaplanner-examples) and the release zip (examples).
In an IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans), open the "Run configuration" to change the field "Working directory".
As for your second question:
Are you using the eclipse drools plugin? Try disabling it.
That DRL is fine, but the eclipse drools plugin might incorrectly mark it as an error. Note that Eclipse doesn't actually compile the DRL, so the only advantage of having the eclipse drools plugin enabled is syntax coloring in DRL.


How to add file permissions with universal plugin in sbt scala

I am trying to give executable permissions to the file through universal plugin in sbt. I have tried giving with Linux package mappings but I am getting run time errors.

Undefined reference to `PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable' when compile paex_record_file.c from Portaudio using Eclipse

I need to compile PortAudio's paex_record_file.c file using Eclipse and CDT on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS.
Dev libraries (libportaudio-dev) was installed via Synaptic.
I create new Eclipse project and create (copy) this only file to it (so project contains only one user source file 'paex_record_file.c', 1752 2011-09-08 03:21:55).
Then i use Eclipse's Pkg-config to add 'portaudio' (dev) library.
But it not compiles with error
../src/paex_record_file-test.c:47:27: fatal error: pa_ringbuffer.h: No such file or directory
Then source branch taken from git
$ git clone
sudo male install
But still get same error (no 'pa_ringbuffer.h').
Then during blind trials and errors i use Project - Properties - C build - Settings - Tool settings - Includes, and add '/home/test/portaudio/src/common' path which contains needed .h file, and (this) error disappear.
Question 1: Is this step is correct use of Eclipse settings in this case? (i believe not, because i never need to use this setting before).
But then it shows multiple errors like
/home/doc/prog/paex_record_file-test/Debug/../src/paex_record_file-test.c:110: undefined reference to `PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable'
and this is unrecoverable.
Question 2. How it can be fixed using Eclipse, BUT without copying all Portaudio source tree to my project?
I have pa_ringbuffer.o file somewhere in system, but no any something like files.
I have compiled and running under Eclipse other PA apps which are do not use PA's ring buffer, and just
#include "portaudio.h"
and adding PA lib via PkgConfig is enough.
I had to add those 3 files to source code as well as main.c , then it compiled.
I use Code Block, Mingw c compiler
code block IDE view of 3 files added
Please have a look into the portaudio.git :
cd portaudio/
find . -name pa_ringbuffer.h
The reply is : ./src/common/pa_ringbuffer.h
... so you will have to copy the header to a location, where it can be found. But : Do not expect to compile a single file → often not possible with a complex application. I.e. the setup is meant for compiling the complete portaudio/.

trouble creating an axis 2 .aar file: xml/services not found error

I am trying to create an aar file using OSX 10.7.5 (as a part of this tutorial). To generate the .aar, I navigate to the directory holding my webservice in my eclipse workspace and type
jar cvf FirstWebService.aar ./*
This is the command that Apache says to use to generate the aar in their Code Listing 9 from the apache axis 2 documentation.
The command creates an.aar -- but something is wrong with the process that I am using to create the .aar because when I go to load the .aar file into tomcat's /webapps I get an .xml/services not found error.
I am not sure what to do to fix this error. If I search my computer's file system for the services.xml file, I can find it in /path to eclipse workspace/workspace/MyFirstWebService/WebContent/WEB-INF/services/FirstWebService/META-INF
but I am not sure if this file is supposed to be rolled in to the .aar file somehow or if I can just manually plunk this file somewhere into the apache directory structure to get the thing to run.
Note: I do not think I am manually unzipping or unpacking the aar like in this question. Axis2 web service error: services.xml not found I am just running the command listed above from the apache documentation.
Here is the .aar file
note I am using all of the same versions of the software as in the tutorial -- but I am using OSX 10.7.5 where they use windows in the tutorial. Accordingly, I have changed the make-aar command for windows shown in the tutorial (jar cvf FirstWebService.aar com META-INF) into the one shown above. If I just try to run the command from the tutorial jar cvf FirstWebService.aar com META-INF I get the same xml/services not found error. It gives this output in the terminal...
com: no such file or directory
META-INF: no such file or directory
added manifest
I found the issue. When you type the command to create the aar file you have to be in the directory .../EclipseWorkspace/EclipseProjectName/WebContent/WEB-INF/services. This directory contains /META-INF/services.xml. The process that makes the .aar file must be looking in this folder.

Eclipse Helios fails to load toy plugin

I am trying to install a toy plugin that I wrote in Eclipse Helios 20100617-1415 under Fedora 12. Attempts at installing the plugin have all failed. The plugin does actually run when executed as an Eclipse Application (another copy of Eclipse is loaded and the plugin appears on the menu and does what it's supposed to). I put the jar file for the plugin in the /dropins/plugins directory and after several reboots Eclipse fails to load it and seems to not generate any error messages either. I also tried to load it directly using the Install New Software UI and that failed (added a directory where the toy plugin is and the response is: a dialog box pops up: No software site found at DIR_NAME. Do you wish to edit the location? At the same time in the name list area box behind the popup it says: Could not find file:DIR_NAME (the directory is valid and the jar file is there) - the other attempts are to load the jar file directly selecting archive instead of local in the Add Repository dialog - that too fails: first the jar name is mangled somewhat to jar:file:/DIR_NAME/TOY_NAME.jar!/ and then the same error messages come up already mentioned for just trying to use the directory location). So the installation mechanism is a complete failure but - how can I get it working? (Yes I can install plugins from the Eclipse marketPlace and other repositories). Thanks!
There are several ways to install your plug-in,
put your plug-ins into "dropins" folder if your eclipse enables polling that folder. The structure should look like below,
export your plug-ins to your eclipse via menu 'File' - 'Export' - 'Plug-in development' - 'Deploy plug-ins and fragments' - 'Install to'

how to use log4j with Netbeans 6.9.1 for Java desktop application

I am trying to use log4j for my Java desktop application that i am developing using Netbeans IDE 6.9.1. I have file in META-INF folder for logging during development. I also tried to put it along with the executable jar(after installation) but both of them did not work. It also throws exception when i call the method.
and it always throws this exception irrespective of the location of file META-INF\ (The system cannot find the path specified)
at Method)
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(
at fi.xmldation.common.SharedMethods.readSettingsFile(
Is it a bug in the IDE or I am doing something wrong?
If you run your program with an IDE such as NetBeans, check an extra time that the file is in the output directory of the IDE. Usually, log4j looks for this file on the classpath, so you must make sure that NetBeans actually copies it there.
Your IDE will most likely set it's own output directory as part of the classpath, so i think you have (at least) two options here: either to add the directory where you've put to the classpath, or to make sure it is copied to the IDE:s output directory. Good luck!
it worked if i load the properties from the properties file
PropertyConfigurator.configure((new Properties()).load(new FileInputStream ("")));
