awk/sed/grep command to compare the contents of three files - linux

Hi I am trying to automate some data entry, and I am using a tcp server/client to send filenames around for other server to go into a repository and pull these files. as part of testing this I am running the program with logging the filenames that are supposed to be sent, what was received, and if it got received I am sending a reply back with the filename.
so I have three text files with file names inside of them.
I know that awk could do what I am trying to do but I am not sure how to set it up, I need to compare the three files for elements that does not exists in any of the other files, so if one entry is missing from any file i need to know which one and from which file.
I can write a program for this which will take much longer to write and to run since these files are getting 5 elements/minute dumped into them

paste -d '\n' SupposedToSend.txt Recieved.txt GotReplyFor.txt | uniq -c | grep -v '^ 3'
It's tolerable if you have no errors, deeply suboptimal otherwise. Or if the data in the different files is out of sequence... (In which case you might need to sort them somehow.)
Or you could just run diff3 to compare 3 files...


How to code for iterating through multiple files in linux?

I have code which I am trying to update from another example. The aim is to run plink using files of: each chromosome, snp ids, and a file containing only 1 ID which is an individual's ID. Running these files in plink ultimately makes a vcf file per individual for a given chromosome.
I have 22 chromosome files, 1 snp file (which is always the same), and 500 individual files. For each individual I am aiming to make a vcf for each chromosome, so I have 22*500 (11000) vcf files as output.
With doing this at the moment I have tried a bash script with this:
plink --bed chr${ID}.bed --bim chr${ID}.bim --fam chr${ID}.fam --extract snps.txt
--recode vcf-iid --out output${indiv}chr${ID}vcf --keep-fam individual${indiv}.txt
This runs, however it only runs through 1 individual, giving me 22 chromosome vcf files for that one person, and stops there. How do I make this run for all 500 people, would it be with a for loop? Looking through other questions I haven't been able to find one that matches my question and is in linux, any help would appreciated.
${indiv} would just be a number, so the text file that runs looks like individual1.txt and increases through the 500 individuals (individual1.txt, individual2.txt, individual3.txt)
Assuming that ${indiv} contains no spaces,
for indiv in $(<; do
plink [...] individual${indiv}.txt
The file would name the individuals, separated by spaces or newlines.
If unsure what the Bash shell's $(<...) operator does, try this:
for A in $(<; do
echo "[$A]"
Note that, as #Kaz has observed, if wish your script to work also in shells other than Bash, then you might write $(cat ...) rather than $(<...)

How to stream log files content that is constantly changing file names in perl?

I a series of applications on Linux systems that I need to basically constantly 'stream' out or even just 'tail' out but the challenge is the filenames are constantly rolling and changing.
The are all date encoded (dates being in different formats) and each then have different incremented formats.
Most of them start with one and increase, but one doesn't have an extension and then adds an extension past the first file and the other increments a number but once hitting 99 rolls to increment a alpha and returns the numeric to 01 and then up again as it rolls so quickly.
I just have the OS level shell scripting, OS command line utilities, and perl available to me to handle this situation for another application to pickup and read these logs.
The new files are always created right when it starts writing to the new file and groups of different logs (some I am reading some I am not) are being written to the same directory so I cannot just pickup anything hitting the directory.
If I simply 'tail -n 1000000 -f |' them today this works fine for the reader application I am using until the file changes and I cannot setup file lists ranges within the reader application, but can pre-process them so they basically appear as a continuous stream to the reader vs. the reader directly invoking commands to read them. A simple Perl log reader like this also work fine for a static filename but not for dynamic ones. It is critical I don't re-process any logs lines and just capture new lines being written to the logs.
I admit I am not any form a Perl guru, and the best answers / clue I've been able to find so far is the use of Perl's Glob function to possibly do this but the examples I've found basically reprocess all of the files on each run then seem to stop.
Example File Names I am dealing with across multiple apps I am trying to handle..
As denoted above the files do not have the same inode and simply monitoring the directory for change is not possible as a lot of things are written there. On the dev system it has more than 50 logs being written to the directory and thousands of files and I am only trying to retrieve 5. I am seeing if multitail can be made available to try that suggestion but it is not currently available and installing any additional RPMs in the environment is generally a multi-month battle.
ls -i
24792 APPA_180901.log
24805 APPA__180902.log
17011 APPA__180903.log
17072 APPA__180904.log
24644 APPA__180905.log
17081 APPA__180906.log
17115 APPA__180907.log
So really the root of what I am trying to do is simply a continuous stream regardless if the file name changes and not have to run the extract command repeatedly nor have big breaks in the data feed while some script figures out that the file being logged to has changed. I don't need to parse the contents (my other app does that).. Is there an easy way of handling this changing file name?
How about monitoring the log directory for changes with Linux inotify, e.g. Linux::inotify2? Then you could detect when new log files are created, stop reading from the old log file and start reading from the new log file.
Try tailswitch. I created this script to tail log files that are rotated daily and have YYYY-MM-DD on their names. To use this script, you just say:
% tailswitch '*.log'
The quoting prevents the shell from interpreting the glob pattern. The script will perform glob pattern from time to time to switch to a newer file based on its name.

How can I run two bash scripts simultaneously and without repetition of the same action?

I'm trying to write a script that automatically runs a data analysis program. The data analysis takes a file, analyzes it, and puts all the outputs into a folder. The program can be run on two terminals simultaneously (each analyzing a different subject file).
I wrote a script that can do all the inputs automatically. However, I can only get my script to run one automatically. If I run my script simultaneously it will analyze the same subject twice (useless)
Currently, my script looks like:
for name in `ls [file_directory]`
[Data analysis commands]
If you run this on two terminals, it will start from the top of the directory containing all the data files. This is a problem, so I tried to do checks for duplicates but they weren't very effective.
I tried a name comparison with the if command (didn't work because all the output files except one were of a unique name, so it would check the first outfput folder at the top of the directory and say the name was different even though an output folder further down had the same name). It looked something like..
for name in `ls <file_directory>`
for output in `ls <output directory>`
If [ name==output ]
echo "This file has already been analyzed."
<Data analyis commands>
I thought this was the right method but apparently not. I would need to check all the names before some decision was made (rather one by one which that does)
Then I tried moving completed data files with the mv command (didn't work because "name" in the for statement stored all the file names so it went down the list regardless of what was in the folder at present). I remember reading something about how shell scripts do not do things in "real time" so it makes sense that this didn't work.
My thought was looking for some sort of modification to that if statement so it does all the name checks before I make a decision (how?)
Also are there any other commands I could possibly be missing that I could possibly try?
One pattern I use often is to use split command.
ls <file_directory> > file_list
split -d -l 10 file_list file_list_part
This will create files like file_list_part00 to file_list_partnn
You can then feed these file names to you script.
for file_part in `ls file_list_part*`
for file_name in `cat file_part | tr '\n' ' '`
data_analysis_command file_name
Never use "ls" in a "for" (
I think you should use a fifo (see mkfifo)
As a follow-on from the comments, you can install GNU Parallel with homebrew:
brew install parallel
Then your command becomes:
parallel analyse ::: *.dat
and it will process all your files in parallel using as many CPU cores as you have in your Mac. You can also add in:
parallel --dry-run analyse ::: *.dat
to get it to show you the commands it would run without actually running anything.
You can also add in --eta (Estimated Time of Arrival) for an estimate of when the jobs will be done, and -j 8 if you want to run, say 8, jobs at a time. Of course, if you specifically want the 2 jobs at a time you asked for, use -j 2.
You can also have GNU Parallel simply distribute jobs and data to any other machines you may have available via ssh access.

Download multiple files, with different final names

OK, what I need is fairly simple.
I want to download LOTS of different files (from a specific server), via cURL and would want to save each one of them as a specific new filename, on disk.
Is there an existing way (parameter, or whatever) to achieve that? How would you go about it?
(If there was an option to input all URL-filename pairs in a text file, one per line, and get cURL to process it, would be ideal)
E.g. --> new-image-1.png --> new-image-2.png
OK, just figured a smart way to do it myself.
1) Create a text file with pairs of URL (what to download) and Filename (how to save it to disk), separated by comma (,), one per line. And save it as input.txt.
2) Use the following simple BASH script :
while read line; do
IFS=',' read -ra PART <<< "$line";
curl $PART[0] -o $PART[1];
done < input.txt
*Haven't thoroughly tested it yet, but I think it should work.

Concatenate PDFs while preserving rank in list

I am currently struggling to concatenate my various PDF files into one file in an automated way while at the same time preserving the order the files are provided in.
The main problem is, that I include a rank for each file (they are visualizations of list items), ranging currently from 1 to 100. If I run
pdftk *.pdf cat output all.pdf
the combined PDF pages will not be ordered from 1 to 100 accordingly. My PDFs are named in a similar way to the following example, please note that "rank_XXX" determines obviously their rank in the list. However, the fact that in the terminal 10 and 100 are listed prior to 2 messes up my sorting. I was thinking that ls -v could somehow be useful for pipe the filenames into pdftk or a similar tool, but I could not get it working.
I managed to get at least partially what I want by using
pdftk rank_[1-9]*.pdf cat output all.pdf
Nevertheless, this somehow does not work for numbers larger than 9.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
ls -v seems to do the job:
pdftk `ls -v` cat output all.pdf
