setting textarea text based on current input field - node.js

I have two input fields
input(ng-model='form.firstName', name='firstName', id='familyName')
input(ng-model='form.lastName', name='lastName')
I also have a textarea field
textarea(id='fieldInfo', ng-model='fieldInfo', name='fieldInfo' cols='15', rows='10')
I would like to change the text in the TextArea to "Please enter your first name" when the focus or cursor is in the First Name input and change it to "Please enter your last name" when the is on the last name inout and it should be able to toggle as the user switches focus from first name to last name and last name to first name.
Any assistance will be much appreciated.

The ng-focus directive will not work for you if you are using one of the stable 1.0.x versions of AngularJS. However, I have created a working CodePen example of how you could do it without the ng-focus directive.
I created my own on-focus directive that evaluates an expression, which results in an update to the scope model being used by the textarea. I'm sure it could use some refinement, but the concept should still work for your application.

You can use the ngFocus directive if you are using angular 1.2.0.
In your controller:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.text = "";
And in your view:
<input type="text" data-ng-model="" ng-focus="text = 'Please enter your first name'" />
<input type="text" data-ng-model="form.last" ng-focus="text = 'Please enter your last name'" />
<textarea name="area" id="textarea" cols="30" rows="10"> {{ text }} </textarea>
You can check this fiddle
Edit: Wrong fiddle link


VBA how to fill in search bar with ID?

Web page has the following HTML without an ID - how do I set the value of the form?
<input name="loanxFindBorrower" onkeypress="if((window.event&&window.event.keyCode==13) ||
(event.which&&event.which==13 )){ findByBorrowerAction()}" type="text" size="25" value="">
I've tried
IE.Document.getElementByTagName("loanxFindBorrower").Value = "New Value"
Aswell as
IE.Document.getElementByTagName("loanxFindBorrower").Value = "NewValue"
Any help would be much appreciated
You should use getElementsByName() to get the element. It returns a collection, you'll need to specify the index to get the element you want.
For example, if it's the first element with name "loanxFindBorrower" in the page, the index is 0:
IE.Document.getElementsByName("loanxFindBorrower")(0).Value = "New Value"

Dynamically assign value to Submit button in MVC

I have a mvc program which can be run in 2 environments dev and prod.
I referred to this program in and attached
ConfitIt.dll to my MVC program. In Global.asax.cs and Application_Start method, I included
String environment = EnvironmentSettings.Environment;
In the Index.cshtml, I have a button whose value needs to change depending on environment
I want it to display "Push to" + whatever environment it's in
This is the code I have
<input type="submit" value="Push to" +EnvironmentSettings.Environment style="height:40px; width: 60px;font-weight: bold;background-color:#b6ffff; " /> <br />
I know this is wrong because I don't see the value. I tried this
#Html.Label("dynamic settings", EnvironmentSettings.Environment)
and I see the correct value
How can I do this or is there an alternate way instead of ConfigIt.dll?
Write as follows:
<input type="submit" value='#("Push to" + EnvironmentSettings.Environment)' style="height:40px; width: 60px;font-weight: bold;background-color:#b6ffff; " /> <br />

Search title from input tag by classname and action

I want to get the title called "ABCD" as output from below :
Note I can't use input id to search and have to use classname. Also, note that I have several <div class="promptChoiceListBox" > and class="promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly" exist and this is just one example.
Also this Title is dynamic and changed with dropdown selection.
How can I check it in onclick event if the text inside the text is changed?
How can I achieve this ? any help is appreciated.
<div class="promptChoiceListBox" >
<input id="xyz123" type="text" class="promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly" readonly="" title="ABCD">
I have tried below and it doesn't work:
Javascript way of doing it:
JQuery (on-click example):
$("input:promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly").click(function(){
$("input:promptTextField promptTextFieldReadOnly").toggle();

rich:toolTip not handling String values that contain quotes

I have ran into a particularly strange problem when implementing a RichFaces tool tip component. In my project I have a table that displays a list of Strings that are entered by the user, and I want there to be a pop-up of additional information when a user mouses over the strings in the list.
One of the requirements is that any string that is more than one word must contain double quotes "" when input by the user--e.g. a single word would be input as Java vs. a phrase "Java is cool".
So, I added a <rich:toolTip> to render additional info if it exists--and it works, except for strings that contain double-quotes. For example (as it's displayed in the table) "sample string" will not show additional information on mouseover.
My JSF code is simply:
<h:outputText id="keywordText" value="#{keywordData.keyword}"/>
<rich:toolTip for="keywordText" rendered="#{keywordData.comments != null}" value="#{keywordData.comments}"/>
Like I said, this works for words/strings that do not contain quotes. I am wondering if there is a workaround within JSF/RichFaces I can use in order to get this to work properly with a string that contains quotes. Or perhaps some assistance in writing a custom JavaScript function that forces or "tricks" RichFaces into handling quotation marks in a string correctly?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Edit: I am using RichFaces 3.3.3
In the page source, for the string "Testing Quotes" (does not work) I found this:
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText">"Testing Quotes"</span>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159" class="rich-tool-tip " style="z-index:99; ">
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159content">
<p>This comment should display</p>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159script" style="display:none">
<script id="scriptj_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:" quotes":j_id159"="" testing="" type="text/javascript">
new ToolTip("j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159","j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText",{'showEvent':'mouseover'} );
You can see that the quotations in the string itself (which appears to supposed to be part of the id attribute) are being misinterpreted in the new ToolTip parameters. And for a string testkeywordawesome without quotes you can see it works (because it does not contain quotes):
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:keywordText">testkeywordawesome</span>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159" class="rich-tool-tip " style="z-index: 99; visibility: hidden; display: none; left: 63.7833px; top: 210.75px;">
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159content">
<p>the best comment in the world</p>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159script" style="display:none">
<script id="scriptj_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159" type="text/javascript">
new ToolTip("j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159","j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:keywordText",{'showEvent':'mouseover'} );
Edit2: The tool tips exists in a rich:column, of which exists in a rich:extendedDataTable. Below are their code:
<rich:extendedDataTable value="#{keywordEntry.globalKeywordsDataModel}"
rendered="#{fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords) gt 0}"
styleClass="removeEDTSortIcon removeEDTContextMenu"
id="keywordTable" rowClasses="row1, row2"
var="keywordData" rows="0" noDataLabel=" "
headerClass="#{displayHeader == null or displayHeader ? 'rich-table-header' : 'hide'}"
rowKeyVar="keywordRowIdx" enableContextMenu="false"
sortMode="#{globalKeywordListSort.multiSortEnabled ? 'multi' : 'single'}"
width="#{eStaffUser.userKeywordAdmin ? '750px' : '750px'}"
height="#{((fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords)*30 + 50) lt 480) ? (fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords)*30 + 50) : 480}px"
<rich:column id="#{globalKeywordSortFieldEnumBean.KEYWORD}" selfSorted="false" width="#{eStaffUser.userKeywordAdmin ? '48%' : '52%'}" sortBy="#{keywordData.keyword}"
id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText"
This means that one of the parents of <h:outputText id="keywordText"> has its id defined by something that evaluates to "Testing Quotes", that's obviously bad.
OK, so the root of the issue was that the rich:extendedDataTable uses an ID supplied by each entry to generate a unique ID for each table row. So the problem ended up being in the underlying "Model Managed-Bean" that implemented a generic data entity interface, this interface defines a getEntityId() method and in this case, the "ID" returned was the keyword value itself, since there was no true (i.e., database) entity ID such as a primary key:
public class KeywordDataBean implements SummaryDataEntityIF<String>
The problem was resolved by changing the interface's implementation to Integer and returning the hash as the unique ID for each keyword object:
public class KeywordDataBean implements SummaryDataEntityIF<Integer>
This forced the html id generated by the rich:extendedDataTable to be a simple integer number instead of a (keyword) string containing quotes, allowing the rich:toolTip to work properly.

How to "document.write();" on the same page?

Basically, I have made a form which allows you to input 2 numbers, and when you press the 'Add' button, the program writes the answer onto the screen, the only thing is when the answer is written, it appears on a separate page. How do I get it to write to the same page, below is the HTML code:
<form type="twoNum" method="get">
<input type="float" placeholder="Enter first number here..." name="num1" id="n1"/>
<input type="float" placeholder="Enter second number here..." name="num2" id="n2"/>
<input type="button" value="Add" name="sndfunct" onClick="twoNum(this.form);"/>
Below is the Javascript code:
function twoNum(form)
var num1 = form.num1.value;
var num2 = form.num2.value;
var intNum1 = parseFloat(num1);
var intNum2 = parseFloat(num2);
document.writeln(intNum1 + intNum2);
Please note that using document.write() is considered bad practice. E.g. see the warning on the W3C web site.
Furthermore, you can’t use it to edit a closed document. document.write() can only be used while the document is being loaded.
In order to do what you want, you should have a <span id="foo"></span> somewhere in your document, and then do:
document.getElementById("foo").textContent = intNum1 + intNum2;
This will insert your number inside your span element. Actually, it replaces the content of the (previously empty) span element.
Edit: Of course, it can be any kind of element. I used a span element just for the example.
You can write <p id="answer"></p> in the form. Then create var answer=intNum1 + intNum2 and after that instead document.writeln(intNum1 + intNum2) write document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML=answer!
