Another string to datevalue conversion for Excel - excel

This is another question on date string to datevalue conversion.
Input format is "March 17, 2013 7:04:28 PM GMT-07:00".
(Output of SAP tool)
=DATEVALUE(B26) fails.
Any chances?

This should work:

Your looking at two different things. Datevalue is seperate from time. For example, March 17, 2013 in Datevalue is equal to 41350.
=DATEVALUE(March 17, 2013)
Timevalue of 7:04:28 PM is equal to 0.794769
=TIMEVALUE(7:04:28 pm)
Both of these require the input to be in text format, not date or time.
You'll have to parse out the string and strip off the GMT at the end. I don't think excel can evaluate time zones.

If you are using US regional settings then your text is a valid date/time format once you remove "GMT" and everything after so you can use a formula that will simply remove that part and "co-erce" to a date/time value, i.e.
format result cell in the required date/time format, e.g. m/d/yy hh:mm


How can I split" Feb 9 2022, 9:55 PM" in excel by a formula?

The Format is Date
=INT() didn't work
Just because you format it as a date does not make it so. This is probably a date stored as text not a true date which if you changed to general format would change to a number. You will need to parse the string and put the "date" in a format that excel can understand then take the INT to get just the date:
=INT(--REPLACE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""),FIND("{{{",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","{{{",2)),0,","))
One note, this method only works if the month value like Feb is in the local language. If one has a local language of Portuguese Feb is not the correct abbreviation, and as such will fail.
Use the builtin date functions Day() Month() Year() Hour() Minute().

Convert date Excel

Trying to convert Italian date. I got dates from pdf like 21 Giu 2020 which I paste into Excel and then try to format cells and choose option "Date" and 14-mar-12 there but it does not respond. It does only when I change 21 Giu 2020 to 21.12.2020 then it is 21-giu-2020.
Is there any way to automate it, else I need to search upon Italian months and conver Ago to 08, Giu to 12 etc etc?
If your locale isn't Italian, I doubt that Excel would ever recognize a string like that as a date. Here is a formula that would create the date for you:
The avobe usage of SEQUENCE requires ExcelO365. I also made the assumption your text is always in the pattern "dd mmm yyyy".
You'll end up with a date which you can then use number formatting of your liking.

Converting date in excel

I need to convert the below date format in excel.
Currently I have: Fri Jan 06 05:10:31 2017
Current Format : ddd MMM dd hh:mm:ss yyyy
I wanted to be in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
You need to remove the day from the string, convert it to a number then format the way you want.
To do the first two steps use this formula:
The third is a custom format:
As per the comment:
Yet another approach:
If you are running into trouble with regional DMY vs. MDY system settings, parse it out longhand so no interpretation is performed; i.e. give the conversion no options.
=DATEVALUE(REPLACE(MID(A2, 4, LEN(A2)), 8, 9, ","))+TIMEVALUE(MID(A2, 12, 8))
You can format it and everything from the formula bar (no need to go in and set formatting).
=TEXT(MID(A1,5,LEN(A1)),"dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss")

Excel adding dates to specific date format

I have dates coming out of a database into a column that have this format:
Column K
AUG-14-2015 08:31:32 AM
AUG-12-2015 06:10:03 PM
AUG-12-2015 05:17:51 PM
I want to add like '2.2' days to each of these and put them in Column L. I have formatted the column in this format:
mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM
I wasn't sure if the dashes are causing the problem, but when I do a =K15+2.2 I get a !VALUE. Any ideas what I need to do? Thanks.
After some experimenting, it seems that while you can specify a date format "mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM", the actual entry into the cells must be either a date in the system wide locale specific format, or a number of days since 1 January 1900.
So for example when you set a cell's format to custom:
"mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM"
In my case (Windows 10 default UK locale settings, Excel 2010) for AUG-12-2015 06:10:03 PM, I can enter any of:
12/08/2015 06:10:03 PM
12/08/2015 18:10:03
And also exchange the month 08 for Aug or AUG in any case and change the '/' for '-' in the dates.
For cells formatted "mmm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM", the output for any of the above inputs is:
Aug-12-2015 06:10:03 PM
Note that there does not appear to be a means to force all-capitals for the month.
Note also that if you enter a date/time in the locale format it is automatically recognised and formatted as date/time.
So really your only option is to either change the format of the source data, pre-process the data into locale date/time format, or write a macro to do it within the spreadsheet. It may also work perhaps if you change your locale settings (System Settings, Language & Time), but that is perhaps less than satisfactory because it will affect date presentation for the whole system.
If you want to avoid VBA, then you can add a column("L") next to your data and enter:
Another solution would be to write code to do just that to your existing "K" Column

Parse non-standard Date/Time format to Date in VBA

I have many strings of text preceded by a timestamp with the form
Oct 19, 2011, 5:00:40 AM GMT
I tried using isDate to check if some subset of the string is a Date, but the only section that seems usable is
Oct 19, 2011
and I would like to have the time data as well.
Thanks in advance!
I'm sure there are cleaner ways to do it but this might help you get by:
For Date value enter (shown in cell B2): =DATEVALUE(MID(A2,1,FIND(",",A2,FIND(",",A2)+1)-1))
For Time value enter (shown in cell C2): =TIMEVALUE(MID(A2,FIND(",",A2,FIND(",",A2)+1)+1,12))
