How to kill a single TCP connection in Linux? - linux

I have a process that opens several tcp connections to several browsers on separate ports.
Using netsat the output is something like this :
tcp 0 0 server1.something:myprog client1.something:49987 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 server1.something:myprog client1.something:65987 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 server1.something:myprog client1.something:89987 ESTABLISHED
Now i would like to kill exactly one of the connections? How do i do it? (Since killing the process will kill all connections)

On linux kernel >= 4.9 you can use the ss command from iproute2 with key -K
ss -K dst client1.something dport = 49987
the kernel have to be compiled with CONFIG_INET_DIAG_DESTROY option enabled.

Here are some options:
Attach with gdb and call close() on the fd. You can map from addr/port to inode number via /proc/net/tcp and from inode number to FD inside the process with ls -la /proc/$pid/fd.
Spoof a RST packet. You'll need to generate it locally and guess the SEQ number somehow.
Maybe setup an iptables rule to generate a RST on the next packet.
Write a kernel module.
There doesn't seem to be a well supported way to do this. It is likely that processes will crash if their FDs are unexpectedly closed anyway.

You can't kill a single connection of a process.
But you could block it with iptables. So the connection can't provide or receive data and the client will run in a timeout.

You can kill by destination port:
ss -K dport = 65987


Close established TCP connection on Linux

I am not able to find an answer to a simple thing I will try to achive:
once a tcp connection is established to my linux server, let's say ssh / tcp 22 or x11 / tcp 6000 display -> how do I close this connection without killing the process (sshd / x11 display server).
I saw also some suggestoin to use iptables, but it does not work for me, the connection is still visible in netstat -an.
would be good if someone can point me to the right direction.
what I tried so far
tcpkill: kills the process, not good for me
iptables: does not close the established connection, but prevent further connections.
Thanks in adavnce
Ok, I found at least one solution (killcx) which is working. Maybe we will be able to find an easier solution.
Also, i saw the comment from "zb" - thanks - which might also work, but I was not able to find a working syntax, since this tool seems to be really useful but complex.
So here is an example how to work with the 1. solution which is working for me:
netstat -anp | grep 22
output: tcp 0 0 VERBUNDEN 25258/0
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP -s (to prevent reconnect)
perl (to kill the tcp connection)
killcx can be found here:
it "steals" the connection from the foreign host ( and close it. So that solution is working fine, but to complex to setup quickly if you are under stress. Here are the required packages:
apt-get install libnetpacket-perl libnet-pcap-perl libnet-rawip-perl
wget -O
however, would be good to have an easier solution.
tcpkill wont work, since it will only kill any new connection, it doesnt kill existing ESTABLISHED connections
heres how you remove an Established TCP connection
find the PID of the process and the IP of the client connecting,
lets say you are on serverA and someone is connecting from serverB
root#A> netstat -tulpan | grep ssh | grep serverB
should see something like,
tcp 0 0 <serverA IP>:<port> <serverB>:<port> ESTABLISHED 221955/sshd
use lsof utility to get the File Descriptor of this connection using the parent PID
root#A> lsof -np 221995 | grep serverB IP
should see something like this
sshd 221955 <user> 17u IPv4 2857516568 0t0 TCP <serverA IP>:<port>-><serverB IP>:<port> (ESTABLISHED)
get the File Descriptor number (4th column) = 17u
use GDB to shut down this connection, w/out killing sshd
root#A> gdb -p 211955 --batch -ex 'call shutdown(17u, 2)'
should see something similar,
0x00007f0b138c0b40 in __read_nocancel () from /usr/lib64/
$1 = 0
[Inferior 1 (process 211955) detached]
that TCP connection should now be closed

Traffic forwarding

I have an application that sends HTTP GET requests and receives answers from some web server.
Is it possible to accomplish following: read the incoming data on on wire on port 80 using Linux commands (no code) and forward it to multicast group or just any upd port. Tried to do it with nc, no success.
I am aware it can be easily done on application level, I am trying to avoid unnecessary latency on bringing the data up to application level and then putting it down to wire. Time is very crucial here.
Thanks all.
You can use tcpflow to capture the actual data in a TCP stream. For example I can start:
sudo tcpflow -C -v -i eth0 "tcp src port 80"
Then for example if I run curl in another window, then tcpflow dumps the TCP stream.
You can then pipe this output to socat to send it to a UDP socket.
UDP listener:
socat -u UDP-RECV:5555 STDOUT
Pipe the tcpflow output to this UPD listener:
sudo tcpflow -C -v -i eth0 "tcp src port 80" | socat STDIN UDP-SENDTO:localhost:5555
Bear in mind that TCP and UDP are quite different protocols, and thus have quite different use-cases. TCP is stream-oriented, whereas UDP is datagram-oriented. Trying to stuff a stream over a datagram-oriented socket will at best be unreliable.
Also while you may be able to get the above to work, I'm not sure how much performance gain you'll actually see. No matter what happens, TCP stream reassembly must happen and the kernel will generally do this very efficiently. Unlikely that tcpflow will do this any better than the kernel.

Can I simulate pulling out the network cable?

I'm running a long-running socket connection, locally. When I kill the server application it closes cleanly. I now want to see how the client behaves when it does not close cleanly. If they were on different servers I could pull out the network cable. When the connection is local I have nothing to pull. [Insert rude joke here.]
I can do netstat -an |grep tcp | grep :80 and see the connection, which looks something like this:
Can I use that 40494 port number to kill or hang the socket, the same way I can use a program's PID to kill it?
Very similar question: How can I simulate a 'plugged network cable' (TCP/IP)? (That question is asking about Windows, I am on Linux)
Unload the kernel module for the network driver might kill it the way you want.
Pick your network interface from the list of active (eth0, eth1, etc...)
ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 18:A9:05:68:6F:B0
inet6 addr: fe80::1aa9:5ff:fe68:6fb0/64 Scope:Link
To find the driver module for eth0 interface
ls -l /sys/class/net/eth0/device/driver/module
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Aug 15 18:39 module -> ../../../../module/bnx2
To list the kernel modules for your system run
lsmod | grep bnx
bnx2i 48158 0
cnic 55511 1 bnx2i
bnx2 81890 0
To remove the module from memory will require root or sudo access
rmmod -f -w bnx2
This is not a safe operation and you messing with the operating system in an unsafe way. Expect bad things(tm) to happen when you do this. Don't do it in a production environment. Also this may not work depending on the driver behavior itself.
That said, this is an interesting problem and I'm interested in hearing how it turns out.
It appears the answer is "no", there is no way to kill a particular connection.
What I ended up doing was sudo ifdown eth0 (then afterwards sudo ifup eth0 to restore the network). Obviously this is a sledgehammer approach, as it takes down all connections.
For completeness, another approach was to guess which Apache process was running the socket connection, and kill just that process. But apart from involving guessing, that is also more application specific than the question I was asking.

TCP Socket hanging - both sides stuck in sendto()

We have an linux application (we don't have the source) that seems to be hanging. The socket between the two processes is reported as ESTABLISHED, and there is some data in the kernel socket buffer (although nowhere near the configured 16M via wmem/rmem). Both ends of the socket seem to be stuck on a sendto().
Below is some investigation using netstat/lsof and strace:
[root#hosta ~]# lsof -n -u df01 | grep 12959 | grep 12u
q 12959 df01 12u IPv4 4398449 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
[root#hosta ~]# netstat -anp | grep 38521
tcp 268754 90712 ESTABLISHED 12959/q
[root#hosta ~]# strace -p 12959
Process 12959 attached - interrupt to quit
sendto(12, "sometext\0somecode\0More\0exJKsss"..., 542, 0, NULL, 0 <unfinished ...>
Process 12959 detached
[root#hostb ~]# netstat -anp | grep 38521
tcp 72858 110472 ESTABLISHED 25512/q
[root#hostb ~]# lsof -n -u df01 | grep 38521
q 25512 df01 14u IPv4 6456715 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
[root#hostb ~]# strace -p 25512
Process 25512 attached - interrupt to quit
sendto(14, "\0\10\0\0\0Owner\0sym\0Type\0Ctpy\0Time\0Lo"..., 207, 0, NULL, 0 <unfinished ...>
Process 25512 detached
We have upgraded the NIC driver to the latest and greatest. The systems are running RHEL 5.6 x64 (2.6.18-238.el5), I have checked the eratta for RHEL 5.7 and 5.8 but I can see no mention of bugs with the bnx2 driver or the kernel.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to debug this further?
Is either side actually reading? If not, it could be that both sides' receive buffers are full, leading to not sending data (due to the receive window being filled), leading to both send buffers being filled, which will cause sendto to block. (It's possible that this could happen despite your setting of wmem/rmem if the application is setting the SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF socket options.)
To debug this, I'd synchronize both machine's clocks, then run both applications under strace with the -e trace=network and -tt options, so you can compare the logs and see if the application isn't reading.
You could also use a network analyzer (such as Wireshark) to determine if the TCP receive window gets stuck on 0.
If this is the case, you could probably work around this by creating a small caching proxy, which would recv/send from both sides, buffering whatever can't be sent at the time.

How to tie a network connection to a PID without using lsof or netstat?

Is there a way to tie a network connection to a PID (process ID) without forking to lsof or netstat?
Currently lsof is being used to poll what connections belong which process ID. However lsof or netstat can be quite expensive on a busy host and would like to avoid having to fork to these tools.
Is there someplace similar to /proc/$pid where one can look to find this information? I know what the network connections are by examining /proc/net but can't figure out how to tie this back to a pid. Over in /proc/$pid, there doesn't seem to be any network information.
The target hosts are Linux 2.4 and Solaris 8 to 10. If possible, a solution in Perl, but am willing to do C/C++.
additional notes:
I would like to emphasize the goal here is to tie a network connection to a PID. Getting one or the other is trivial, but putting the two together in a low cost manner appears to be difficult. Thanks for the answers to so far!
I don't know how often you need to poll, or what you mean with "expensive", but with the right options both netstat and lsof run a lot faster than in the default configuration.
netstat -ltn
shows only listening tcp sockets, and omits the (slow) name resolution that is on by default.
lsof -b -n -i4tcp:80
omits all blocking operations, name resolution, and limits the selection to IPv4 tcp sockets on port 80.
On Solaris you can use pfiles(1) to do this:
# ps -fp 308
root 308 255 0 22:44:07 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
# pfiles 308 | egrep 'S_IFSOCK|sockname: '
6: S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:326,0 ino:3255 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
sockname: AF_INET port: 22
For Linux, this is more complex (gruesome):
# pgrep sshd
# ls -l /proc/3155/fd | fgrep socket
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 May 22 23:04 3 -> socket:[7529]
# fgrep 7529 /proc/3155/net/tcp
6: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 0 0 7529 1 f5baa8a0 300 0 0 2 -1
00000000:0016 is Here's the equivalent output from netstat -a:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Why don't you look at the source code of netstat and see how it get's the information? It's open source.
For Linux, have a look at the /proc/net directory
(for example, cat /proc/net/tcp lists your tcp connections). Not sure about Solaris.
Some more information here.
I guess netstat basically uses this exact same information so i don't know if you will be able to speed it up a whole lot. Be sure to try the netstat '-an' flags to NOT resolve ip-adresses to hostnames realtime (as this can take a lot of time due to dns queries).
The easiest thing to do is
strace -f netstat -na
On Linux (I don't know about Solaris). This will give you a log of all of the system calls made. It's a lot of output, some of which will be relevant. Take a look at the files in the /proc file system that it's opening. This should lead you to how netstat does it. Indecently, ltrace will allow you to do the same thing through the c library. Not useful for you in this instance, but it can be useful in other circumstances.
If it's not clear from that, then take a look at the source.
Take a look at these answers which thoroughly explore the options available:
How I can get ports associated to the application that opened them?
How to do like "netstat -p", but faster?
