How to register custom ISiteMapNodeUrlResolver in MvcSiteMapProviderRegistry - mvcsitemapprovider

For the MvcSiteMapProvider v4, I've written a custom sitemap url resolver by overriding SiteMapNodeUrlResolverBase.
But I don't know how to register it in the MvcSiteMapProviderRegistry to make sure that a node's Url is always resolved using my own SiteMapNodeUrlResolver.
I expected something like:
But this doesn't work, how should I do this?

The SiteMapNodeUrlResolvers (along with visibility providers and dynamic node providers) use a strategy pattern so you can wire up multiple instances and then refer to each instance by name. That name is then used by the AppliesTo() method to determine which URL resolver to use for each node.
If you inherit from SiteMapNodeUrlResolverBase rather than implement ISiteMapNodeUrlResolver, the default implementation of AppliesTo() will work in most cases. Then, this line (which is already included in the module by default) will automatically wire up all SiteMapNodeUrlResolvers:
// Multiple implementations of strategy based extension points
(interfaceType, implementationType) => this.For(interfaceType).Singleton().Use(implementationType),
By default, it only scans MvcSiteMapProvider.dll and your MVC project. If you have your URL resolver defined in a separate assembly, you will need to modify the allAssemblies variable to ensure that it includes your custom assembly.
Once it is loaded, then you need to call it by name. The default implementation uses the "ShortAssemblyQualifiedName", which is the same string that you would normally use to refer to a type in a configuration file (as long as your assembly is not strong named).
<mvcSiteMapNode title="Home" action="Index" controller="Home" urlResolver="MyNamespace.MySiteMapNodeUrlResolver, MyAssembly" />
The urlResolver property/attribute must be set on every node you wish to override the default implementation on.
If you prefer, you can implement the AppliesTo() method yourself so you can shorten the amount of configuration that is required. Note this will only work when using an external DI container because the internal DI container uses the type names from the configuration to instantiate the objects.
public override bool AppliesTo(string providerName)
return "myUrlResolver".Equals(providerName, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
<mvcSiteMapNode title="Home" action="Index" controller="Home" urlResolver="myUrlResolver" />


MvcSiteMapProvider how to make a node match the current url

The current node is coming up null. I can't figure out how to make MvcSiteMapProvider resolve the node under this circumstance.
Here's the node it needs to match
<mvcSiteMapNode title="Policy" route="Details" typeName="Biz.ABC.ShampooMax.Policy" preservedRouteParameters="id" />
Here's the route:
new { Controller = "Object", Action = "Details" }
).RouteHandler = new ObjectRouteHandler();
The link that gets clicked:
It's hitting the route ok. Just the MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.Current.CurrentNode is null.
A null result for CurrentNode indicates the incoming request doesn't match any node in the SiteMap In your case there are 4 different problems that may be contributing to this:
The URL you are inputting http://localhost:36695/MyGreatWebSite/Details/121534455762071 does not (necessarily) match the URL pattern you specified in the route, "Details/{id}". It may if your site is hosted as an IIS application under IISROOT/MyGreatWebSite/.
Your mvcSiteMapNode doesn't specify a controller or action to match. route only acts like an additional piece of criteria (meaning only the named route will be considered in the match), but all of the parameters also need to be provided in order for there to be a match with the route.
You are passing in a custom RouteHandler, which could alter how the route matches the URL. Without seeing the code from your ObjectRouteHandler, it is impossible to tell if or how that will affect how the route matches the URL.
You have a custom attribute, typeName in your mvcSiteMapNode configuration. Unless you have specified to ignore this attribute, it will also be required in the URL to match, i.e. http://localhost:36695/MyGreatWebSite/Details/121534455762071?typeName=Biz.ABC.ShampooMax.Policy.
I recommend against using a custom RouteHandler for the purpose of matching URLs. The effect of doing so makes your incoming routes (URLs into MVC) act differently than your outgoing routes (URLs generated to link to other pages). Since MvcSiteMapProvider uses both parts of the route, it will cause URL generation problems if you only change the incoming routes without also changing the outgoing routes to match. Instead, I recommend you subclass RouteBase, where you can control both sides of the route. See this answer for an example of a custom RouteBase subclass.
However, do note that conventional routing is pretty powerful out of the box and you probably don't need to subclass RouteBase for this simple scenario.
I arrived at the answer by adding the mvc sitemap provider project into my own solution and stepping through the mvc sitemap provider code to see why my node wasn't being matched. A few things had to be changed. I fixed it by doing the following:
<mvcSiteMapNode title="Policy" controller="Object" action="Details" typeName="Biz.ABC.ShampootMax.Policy" preservedRouteParameters="id" roles="*"/>
name: "Details",
url: "details/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Object", action = "Details", typeName = "*" }
).RouteHandler = new ObjectRouteHandler();
Now at first it didn't want to work like this, but I modified the provider like so:
RouteValueDictionary.cs (added wildcard to match value)
protected virtual bool MatchesValue(string key, object value)
return this[key].ToString().Equals(value.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || value.ToString() == "*";
SiteMapNode.cs (changed requestContext.RouteData.Values)
/// <summary>
/// Sets the preserved route parameters of the current request to the routeValues collection.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method relies on the fact that the route value collection is request cached. The
/// values written are for the current request only, after which they will be discarded.
/// </remarks>
protected virtual void PreserveRouteParameters()
if (this.PreservedRouteParameters.Count > 0)
var requestContext = this.mvcContextFactory.CreateRequestContext();
var routeDataValues = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;// requestContext.RouteData.Values;
I think the second modification wasn't strictly necessary because my request context wasn't cached; it would have worked if it was. I didn't know how to get it cached.
It's the first modification to make route values honor a wildcard (*) that made it work. It seems like a hack and maybe there's a built in way.
Ignoring the typeName attribute with:
<add key="MvcSiteMapProvider_AttributesToIgnore" value="typeName" />
makes another node break:
<mvcSiteMapNode title="Policies" url="~/Home/Products/HarvestMAX/Policy/List" productType="HarvestMax" type="P" typeName="AACOBusinessModel.AACO.HarvestMax.Policy" roles="*">
so that's why I didn't do that.

Java 9 module and double dispatch in DDD

On some of my projects, I use the double dispatch mechanism to provide at run time a "view" of my infrastructure module to my domain module (Strengthening your domain: The double dispatch pattern). What I call 'modules' above is simply separate jar files where the dependency from service.jar->domain.jar is enforced at compile time only. Will I be able to have this working on java-9 if I define my service and domain as 'true' java 9 modules?
module domain
L Payment recordPayment(double, BalanceCalculator)
module service
L // implements BalanceCalculator
L double calculate(Fee fee) //call fee.recordPayment(amount,this)
Yes that is possible. Here are some things to consider:
The module domain needs to export the package containing Fee. Possibly to everyone but at least to service.
The module service will have to require domain as BalanceCalculatorImpl has to access BalanceCalculator since it implements it.
It looks like clients of service need to know about domain as well, which is a textbook case for implied readability.
In a simple setup either service or some third module will have to instantiate BalanceCalculatorImpl and pass it to Fee, this can not happen in domain or it would create a cyclic dependency.
A more advanced solution would be services, where all code that can access BalanceCalculator, even inside domain, can get hold of all its implementations.
Taking all of these into account, this is what the two module declarations might look like:
module com.example.domain {
// likely some requires clauses
// export packages containing Fee and BalanceCalculator
exports com.example.domain.fee;
exports com.example.domain.balance;
module com.example.service {
requires public com.example.domain;
// likely some more requires clauses
// expose BalanceCalculatorImpl as a service,
// which makes it unnecessary to export the containing package
provides com.example.domain.balance.BalanceCalculator
with com.example.service.balance.BalanceCalculatorImpl;
Then every module that likes to use BalanceCalculator can declare it in its module declaration with uses com.example.domain.balance.BalanceCalculator and get instances of that using Java's ServiceLoader.
You can find more practical applications of the module system (particularly for services] in a demo I created.
(Note: The answer was revised after this exchange.)

Swap out repositories with a flag

I have an IRepository< T > interface with many T's and several implementations (on-demand DB, web service, etc.). I use AutoFac to register IRepository's for many T's depending on the kind of repository I want for each T.
I also have a .NET-caching-based implementation that looks for T's in cache and then calls a 'real' IRepository.Find to resolve a cache miss. It is constructed something like this:
new CachingRepository(realRepository, cacheImplementation);
I would like to use a configuration flag to decide if AutoFac serves up caching-based IRepository's or the 'real things.' It seems like 'realRepository' comes from asking AutoFac to resolve IRepository < T > but then what do clients get when they ask to resolve the same interface? I want them to get the CachingRepository if the flag is set.
I can't get my head around how to implement this flag-based resolution. Any ideas?
Simplest Option: Conditional Registration Delegate
There are a number of ways to do this. Using your cache setting in a registration delegate is probably the simplest (and illustrates the power of delegate registrations):
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
bool cache = GetCacheConfigSetting(); //Up to you where this setting is.
builder.Register(c => cache ? (IRepository<string>)new CachingRepository<string>(new RealRepos<string>(), new CacheImpl()) : new RealRepos<string>());
The code above will only read the cache config once. You could also include the GetCacheConfigSetting() in the registration delegate. This would result in the setting being checked on every Resolve (assuming InstancePerDependency).
Other Options: Autofac Decorators and Modules
There are some more advanced features of Autofac that you may also find useful. The cache class in your question is an example of the Decorator Pattern. Autofac has explicit support for decorators. It also has a nice model for structuring your registrations and managing configuration information, called Modules.

How do I tell ReSharper that an attribute means that a method is used?

I'm playing with SpecFlow, and ReSharper thinks that my step definitions are unused (I guess because they're used via reflection):
public class StepDefinitions
// ...
[When(#"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd() // R# thinks this is unused
// ...
How can I tell ReSharper that methods with [Given], [When], [Then] attributes (etc.) are actually used? I don't want to use // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global comments.
I could also mark each method (or the whole class) with [JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitly]. I don't particularly want to do that either.
You need to use JetBrains Annotations, and mark the attribute with an MeansImplicitUseAttribute. You can either reference JetBrains.Annotations.dll directly, or you can copy the annotations source code (from ReSharper / Options / Code Inspection / Code Annotations) into your solution.
If you need to annotate some external assembly you don't own, you need to create an External Annotation file (xml) in the following folder: %ReSharperInstallDir%\Bin\ExternalAnnotations. There are plenty of examples, you can just copy some.
The external annotations file can also be in the same path as the DLL if you name it DllNameWithoutExtension.ExternalAnnotations.xml.
There are plenty of examples, but I wanted to be a little more explicit in case you don't want to track down an example. :)
Create a file with the name of the attribute's assembly (.xml) in %ReSharperInstallDir%\Bin\ExternalAnnotations. For example, I made Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework.xml and put this XML inside it:
<assembly name="Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework">
<member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.CodedUITestAttribute">
<attribute ctor="M:JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute.#ctor" />
Restart VS and you're on your way!
these answers have helped but note worthy if you are looking to decorate an interface you will want to use the UsedImplicitly attribute
public interface ISomeInterface
//... stuff

Is it secure to use a controller, module or action name to set include paths?

I want to set up include paths (and other paths, like view script paths) based on the module being accessed. Is this safe? If not, how could I safely set up include paths dynamically? I'm doing something like the code below (this is from a controller plugin.)
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) {
$modName = $request->getModuleName();
$modulePath = APP_PATH.'/modules/'.$modName.'/classes';
I'm not sure whether it is safe or not, but it doesn't sound like the best practice. What if someone entered a module name like ../admin/? You should sanitize the module name before using it.
It's fine as long as you sanitize your variables before using them, but it won't be very performant. Fiddling with include paths at runtime causes a serious impact performance.
You're trying to load models/helpers per module? You should look at Zend_Application:
Zend_Application provides a bootstrapping facility for applications which provides reusable resources, common- and module-based bootstrap classes and dependency checking. It also takes care of setting up the PHP environment and introduces autoloading by default.
Emphasis by me
