find id of latest subdocument inserted in mongoose - node.js

i have a model schema as :
var A = new Schema ({
a: String,
b : [ { ba: Integer, bb: String } ]
}, { collection: 'a' } );
var M = mongoose.model("a", A);
var saveid = null;
var m = new M({a:"Hello"});,model){
saveid =;
}); // say m get the id as "1"
console.log(; //this will print 1, that is the id of the main Document only.
//here i want to find the id of the subdocument i have just created by push
So my question is how to find the id of the subdocument just pushed in one field of the model.

I've been looking for this answer as well, and I'm not sure that I like accessing the last document of the array. I do have an alternative solution, however. The method m['b'].push will return an integer, 1 or 0 - I'm assuming that is based off the success of the push (in terms of validation). However, in order to get access to the subdocument, and particularly the _id of the subdocument - you should use the create method first, then push.
The code is as follows:
var subdoc = m['b'].create({ ba: 234, bb: "World" });
console.log(subdoc._id);, model) { console.log(arguments); });
What is happening is that when you pass in the object to either the push or the create method, the Schema cast occurs immediately (including things like validation and type casting) - this means that this is the time that the ObjectId is created; not when the model is saved back to Mongo. In fact, mongo does not automatically assign _id values to subdocuments this is a mongoose feature. Mongoose create is documented here: create docs
You should also note therefore, that even though you have a subdocument _id - it is not yet in Mongo until you save it, so be weary of any DOCRef action that you might take.

The question is "a bit" old, but what I do in this kind of situation is generate the subdocument's id before inserting it.
var subDocument = {
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
// I already know the id!
This way, even if there are other database operations between the save and the callback, it won't affect the id already created.

Mongoose will automatically create an _id for each new sub document, but - as far as I know - doesn't return this when you save it.
So you need to get it manually. The save method will return the saved document, including the subdocs. As you're using push you know it will be the last item in the array, so you can access it from there.
Something like this should do the trick.
// model.b is the array of sub documents

If you have a separate schema for your subdocument, then you can create the new subdocument from a model before you push it on to your parent document and it will have an ID:
var bSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
ba: Integer,
bb: String
var a = new mongoose.Schema({
a: String,
b : [ bSchema ]
var bModel = mongoose.model('b', bSchema);
var subdoc = new bModel({
ba: 5,
bb: "hello"
console.log(subdoc._id); // Voila!
Later you can add it to your parent document:


unable to find subdocument using mongoose

I wanted to find the subdocument with id and return the subdocument, not the parent document, my schema are as follows :
var coursesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
var parentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
var Parent= mongoose.model('parent', parentSchema );
module.exports = Parent;
let data =;
as given in the docs I tried to find the subdocument using .id, it is throwing error saying Cannot read property 'id' of undefined,
and after searching a lot found this question I tried the same, apparently it also returned the same error.
let data = Parent['courses'].id(_id);
please help me with this, I am not able to get my head around with it๐Ÿ™
In order to get the subdocument, you have to do the following:
Look for the document
Reference the subdocument property
In your case, you have defined a Model. Based on this model, you would need to:
Parent.findOne({ _id: ObjectId("abcd12345678901234567890") }, function(err, doc) {
let subDocument =;
The reason you get the "undefined" error is because the courses subdocument doesn't have a field called id. It only has a field called coursename.
We can solve this using Aggregation operations as #KunalMukherjee pointed out in the comments Here is a quick example to do so

node.js to check out duplication value in mongoose

Now I'd like to save my json data into mongoose but the duplicate value had to be filtered.
my_json = [
Database data is :
Is there some specific method to avoid duplicate data insert to mongoose directly? It might be saved 4 of values except "joan" value.
Once I suppose to try to use "for statement", it was fine.
However I just want to make a simple code for that what could happen in a variety possible code.
for(var i = 0; i < my_json.length; i++){
// to check out duplicate value
db.json_model.count({"name":my_json[i].name}, function(err, cat){
if(cat.length == 0){
my_json_vo.savePost(function(err) {
As you see I need to use count method whether the value is duplicated or not. I don't want to use count method but make it more simple..
Could you give me an advice for that?
You can mark field as unique in mongoose schema:
var schema = new Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true}
Also, you can add unique index for name field into your database:
db.js_model.createIndex( {"name": 1}, { unique: true, background: true } );
then, if new entity with the same name will be asked to save - mongo won't save it, and respond an error.
In Addition to #Alex answer about adding unique key on the name field.
You can use insertMany() method with ordered parameter set to
false. Like this...
let my_json = [
User.insertMany(my_json ,{ordered :false});
This query will successfully run and insert unique documents, And also
produces error later after successful insertion. So You will come to
know that there were duplicate records But now in the database, all
records are unique.
Reference InsertMany with ordered parameter

Create hashid based on mongodb '_id` attribute

I have my mongo db schema as follows:
var MyTable = mongoose.model('items', {
name: String,
keyId: String
I would like to store keyId as a hashid of '_id' for the item being created.
Say, i add an item to db "Hello world", and mongodb would create some '_id' for the item while inserting.
I would like to make use of the _id so that i could use that and generate a hashid for the same item being inserted. Something like this:
var Hashids = require("hashids"),
hashids = new Hashids("this is my salt");
var id = hashids.encrypt("507f191e810c19729de860ea");
Is there a way, I could know the id before hand. Or I could let mongodb generate value for my id field based on criteria I specify.
You can use pre save middleware to perform operations on the object instance before it gets saved.
var MyTableSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
keyId: String
var Hashids = require("hashids");
MyTableSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
if (!this.keyId)
this.keyId = new Hashids("this is my salt").encrypt("507f191e810c19729de860ea");
var MyTable = mongoose.model('items', MyTableSchema);
Just a note on this. The Hashids module has an EncryptHex (or EncodeHex in v1.x), that is intended for use with mongodb ids.

How do you update a collection field and subdocument at the same time?

I'm trying to update a collection field and add a new data to a subdocument(array). Is there anyway it can be done in one call?
I want to update an document from:
To the following:
last_modified:new DateObj,
Assuming your schema is as follows:
var Data = new Schema({
last_modified : Date,
subDoc : [Schema.Types.Mixed]
Then you can modify in one method call (I will be using Mongoose's concept of methods):
Data.methods.addDocument = function(newObj, cb){
this.last_modified =;
This operation will be atomic, e.g., both last_modified and subDoc will be modified, or none of them will.

Mongoose key/val set on instance not show in JSON or Console.. why?

I have some information on my mongoose models which is transient. For performance reasons I dont wish to store it against the model.. But I do want to be able to provide this information to clients that connect to my server and ask for it.
Here's a simple example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
db = require('./dbconn').dbconn;
var PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name : String,
age : Number,
var Person = db.model('Person', PersonSchema);
var fred = new Person({ name: 'fred', age: 100 });
The Person schema has two attributes that I want to store (name, and age).. This works.. and we see in the console:
{ name: 'fred', age: 100, _id: 509edc9d8aafee8672000001 }
I do however have one attribute ("status") that rapidly changes and I dont want to store this in the database.. but I do want to track it dynamically and provide it to clients so I add it onto the instance as a key/val pair.
fred.status = "alive";
If we look at fred in the console again after adding the "alive" key/val pair we again see fred, but his status isnt shown:
{ name: 'fred', age: 100, _id: 509edc9d8aafee8672000001 }
Yet the key/val pair is definitely there.. we see that:
The same is true of the JSON representation of the object that I'm sending to clients.. the "status" isnt included..
I dont understand why.. can anyone help?
Or, alternatively, is there a better approach for adding attributes to mongoose schemas that aren't persisted to the database?
Adding the following to your schema should do what you want:
PersonSchema.virtual('status').get(function() {
return this._status;
PersonSchema.virtual('status').set(function(status) {
return this._status = status;
PersonSchema.set('toObject', {
getters: true
This adds the virtual attribute status - it will not be persisted because it's a virtual. The last part is needed to make your console log output correctly. From the docs:
To have all virtuals show up in your console.log output, set the
toObject option to { getters: true }
Also note that you need to use an internal property name other than status (here I used _status). If you use the same name, you will enter an infinite recursive loop when executing a get.
Simply call .toObject() on the data object.
For you code will be like:
This has been very helpful. I had to struggle with this myself.
In my case, I was getting a document from mongoose. When I added a new key, the key was not visible to the object if I console.log it. When I searched for the key (console.log(data.status), I could see it in the log but not visible if I logged the entire object.
After reading this response thread, it worked.
For example, I got an object like this one from my MongoDB call:
`Model.find({}).then(result=> {
//console.log(result);// [{ name:'John Doe', email:''}];
//To add another key to the result, I had to change that result like this:
var d = result[0];
var newData = d.toJSON();
newData["status"] = "alive";
console.log(newData);// { name:'John Doe', email:'', status:'alive'};
Hope this helps someone else.
