Mysql auto increment number in case there are a large of insertions - auto-increment

what does happening to get auto increment number when there is a large of insertions on the same time? for exemple we have 100 visitors add a posts on the same time (22:10:10 12/09/2013) how the Mysql Auto increment make unique ID for each post?


Remote pagination and last_page: filter during, or after, database query?

I would like to use Tabulator's remote pagination to load records from my database table, one page at a time. I expect that I should be able to use the page and size parameters sent by Tabulator to my remote back-end to determine which records to select from the database.
For example, with page=2 and size=10, I can use MySQL's LIMIT 10,20 to select the records to be shown on page 2 (if size is set to 10).
However, doing this precludes me from using the count of all records to determine the number of pages in the table. Doing a count on the returned records will only yield 10 records, even if there are a total of 500 records (for example), so only one pagination button will be shown (instead of the expected 50 buttons).
So in order to do remote pagination "correctly" in Tabulator, it seems I must do a query to count all records from my database (with no limits), then do a count to determine the last_page, and then do something like PHP's array_slice to extract the nth page's worth of records to return as the dataset. Or I can do 2 database queries: count all records to determine # of pages, and then do a LIMIT [start],[end] query.
Is this correct?
Tabulator needs to know the last page number in order to layout the pagination buttons in the table footer so that users can select the page they want to view from the list of pages.
You simply need to do a query to count the total number of records and divide it by the number of page size which is passed in the request. you can run a count query quite efficiently returning only the count and no data.
You can then run a standard query with a limit set on the records to retreive the records for that page.
If you want to optimize things further you could stick the count value in cache so that you dont need to generate it on each request.

How to implement pagination in nodejs + postgresql

I am novice in Node.js. I want to implement pagination in my Api writing in Node.js using express as a framework and Postgresql as database. I want to get the data in form of pagination.
Thanks in advance.
You can use LIMIT and OFFSET in order to get chunks of data from the database. You need 2 variables to do the pagination, page and itemsPerPage. You'd get the page variable from the route itself, for example /api/items/:page, and for the itemsPerPage, you can make it default 20 items for example, but allow the clients to specify it through a query ?items=50 or the request body or a header or however you want. Then when you have both variables you can perform the query on the database, like:
FROM items
LIMIT {itemsPerPage} OFFSET {(page - 1) * itemsPerPage}
LIMIT means retrieve me X number of items, OFFSET means skip Y items. Both of them combined would be: "skip Y items and get me the next X items". Page - 1 means if you're on the 1st page we don't want to skip any items, but retrieve the first X items. This is valid when the page number is >= 1.
You can use indexes on columns used for sorting in pagination. Instead of limit & offset you can use where condition on column values (unique values) for efficiency. I have created a post regarding this

Mongodb aggregating large collection

So i have a large collection storing messages and i would like to produce time series data from this collection.
Now i had issues with time series data before when i had 10 million records to group by time interval and count / average the values.
Timestamp => values
I sort of fixed it by putting all my data into one collection by day so now i have less documents but larger documents. This helped reduce the seek and search time the db needs to find the relevant document. However i am not sure how could i speed up my queries on documents that are not time series. Also i want to search text in this large document, so i have to seek all documents no exepction.
As i said i am storing messages in a single document and the schema looks something like this:
Id: string
Author: string
MessageType: string,
Group: string,
Message: string
Votes: number
Date: date
I would like to count all the records that contain a word in the message or all the records that has the author Joe. Or sum the votes and so on.
So i would end up with time series data that i can put on a chart.
Now if i have to go through one year data that is about 50 million records. And the query is gona take forever since it has to fetch so many records and filter out the ones i am interested in.
How could i achieve better performance?
I have indexing set up on the date and author fields only. Yet my queries are slow and the database is super busy processing one query.
Should i pre aggregate my data somehow, what would be a good way?
Or generate the time series data in a background worker?
Can someone direct me to the right way so i can implement a proper solution that can either reduce the load on the database, or increase query performamce?
What are the best practices for handling such a large collection that contains messages?
How could i segment this kind of data?
Would it be a good idea to set up a replica set and shard the database between multiple machines already?
Any help and input would be appriciated.

Mongoose update same column with different values in single query

I am trying to make a mongoose query that modify two records at once but with different updated value.
Scenario: Increase User A's balance while decrease User B's balance.
Any idea???

How to iterate over a SOLR shard which has over 100 million documents?

I would like to iterate over all these documents without having to load the entire result in memory which seems to be the case apparently - QueryResponse.getResults() returns SolrDocumentList which is an ArrayList.
Can't find anything in the documentation. Am using SOLR 4.
Note on the background of problem: I need to do this when adding a new SOLR shard to the existing shard cluster. In that case, I would like to move some documents from the existing shards to the newly added shard(s) based on consistent hashing. Our data grows constantly and we need to keep introducing new shards.
You can set the 'rows' and 'start' query params to paginate a result set. Query first with start = 0, then start = rows, start = 2*rows, etc. until you reach the end of the complete result set.
I have a possible solution I'm testing:
Solr paging 100 Million Document result set
I am trying to do deep paging of very large result sets (e.g., over 100 million documents) using a separate indexed field (integer) into which I insert a random variable (between 0 and some known MAXINT). When querying large result sets, I do the initial field query with no rows returned and then based on the count, I divide the range 0 to MAXINT in order to get on average PAGE_COUNT results by doing the query again across a sub-range of the random variable and grabbing all the rows in that range. Obviously the actual number of rows will vary but it should follow a predictable distribution.
