How to make installer using installshield - visual-c++

I developed windows service in visual c++ using VS2012. Usually I install it using sc create .... command for testing purpose. Now i want to create installer for my service using install shield limited. How can I do that? can anyone show me the steps to do that.

I guess your best bet is try to look up some InstallShield IDE tutorials as the installation package is created in a standalone IDE, but from my experience with InstallShield, Nullsoft and others I would recommend you take a look at WIX (, it integrates with Visual Studio, creates a fully functioning MSI package and it is easy to do things like installing a service - take a look at an example here: How to install and start a Windows Service using WiX.


Is it possible to create an MSI file from a Windows 8.1 Store Application?

I am trying to create an MSI file format from a Windows 8.1 store application in visual studio instead of the standard APPX file format it usually creates using the create app packages function in visual studio.
I have tried using the visual studio installer project but when the MSI file is created. I have tried to use the file to install the application then when I try to run the file it does not run.
There is no documentation on this. So is it possible to do so and if so how can I do this?
There are two approaches you can take in this case:
Figure out what dependencies your app requires and include them in the setup.
Put enough debugging in your program to tell you what's failing. If the first code you run is (fort example) a messagebox and it never shows then you know your code isn't being loaded, probably because of a missing dependency.
Your question is currently to general to be specific about an answer.

Can't install Azure SDK 2.7.1

When I try to install the Azure SDK 2.7.1, it says the the web development feature must be turned on. Does anyone know where it is or how it can be turned on. The dialog said use VS2015 help, but there is no reference for it.
Thanks up front ....
It's likely that you unselected the Web development tools when you installed VS. Changing this is easy: in Control Panel, launch the VS installer from Programs and Features (it might say uninstall but that just fine). You'll be able to select the Web development components.

InstallAware 18 VS InstallShield 2013

We are planning to create setup file for our project, our research lead us to:
InstallAwere 18
InstallShield 2013
We have some requirements that must be supported:
Windows Server 2012
Able to run other MSI/EXE
Full support for patches/updates
Run Powershell script
Database support (Create db/Execute sp)
Web site deployment
Nice to have:
- Windows features identification (run installation if necessary)
- Web installer (small package that will download all the necessary components)
Did I miss any other product on the market that can support all this? And the final question is what would you suggest for our setup package between these two?
Firsthand experience would be great.
Actually there is another application you can use for creating setup packages. It is Advanced Installer.
I'm using it for several years and it is really easy to use. I think it can help you with all of your requirements. They also have a great support team.
i think that InstallAware is more power full than InstallShield

SQL Server CE runtime in C# project?

I have an app using SQL Server Compact Edition. So I need the runtime to be on all the machines. I've been looking for the merge modules for the runtime however I've had no luck there.
Is there a way to bring the runtime into the app itself? And in so doing not not requiring the user to install the runtime?
Or is there a way of extracting the modules from the msi and loading them into my installer?
I am using Visual Studio 2012. And playing around with a few installer creators like Create install free. As a side, does anyone have a good freeware installer creator?
Any help would be great,
many thanks in advance
You can include the SQL Server Compact DLL files with your app, so you do not need to install anything in addition to your app - see my blog for long, detailed description - which SQL Server Compact version do you use?

Can i include the "vcredist_x86.exe" in my setup

I have an application developed using c++\cli on vs2008. As you are aware to deploy this application on any machine, i need the vc++ redistributable to be installed on the target machine.
I wanted to know if i could include the vcredist_x86.exe in my setup (created using InstallShield) and install it as a pre-build event?
If you want to know if it is allowed: Yes. This is why it is called redistributable.
This MSDN page describes exactly what you want to do.
