Phone number format - excel

I have a table field 'Phone number', the data in table is imported through a excel file link in database. The data type of the field is text since we are not sure how user enters his phone number(sometime with country code and sometime without country code).
I want to format the 'phone number' field once the table is updated everytime or data is imported into table. Format [countrycode]-[localcode]-[phone num].
I am not sure how to go about it, whether to create an update query or VBA code to update this field. Will appriciate any help in this regards.

It is generally recommended that in database fields, the phone number is maintained in numerical format only (meaning no parenthesis, dashes, or whatnot) because it provides more stability for the data and allows for better/easier future formatting when outputting. The most recommended method is to take the number given to you and strip it of all non-numeric characters and then store that value.
If you are working with an excel sheet containing this information before it is put into the database, then you can simply format the column that contains the phone numbers to convert everything into a single numerical value so 800-555-1212 or (888) 222-1515 would just become 8005551212 and 8882221515. This can be done using the existing cell formatting option built into Excel or if you want it done on the fly a simple VBA code that triggers when the field has a value would do the trick too.
EDIT #1 (super simple function)
Public Function numOnly(sToClean As String) As String
Const NUM_CHARS = "0123456789"
Dim lChar As Long
Dim sResult As String
For lChar = 1 To Len(sToClean)
If InStr(1, NUM_CHARS, Mid$(sToClean, lChar, 1)) > 0 Then
'Found a numeric character
sResult = sResult + Mid$(sToClean, lChar, 1)
End If
'Return the result
numOnly = sResult
End Function
EDIT #2 (more feature advanced version)
Option Explicit
Public Function stripChars(CheckStr As String, Optional KillNums As Boolean = False, Optional AllowedChars As String, Optional NotAllowed As String)
' CheckStr = the string being evaluated
' KillNums [True/False] = remove numbers/remove non-numeric
' AllowedChars = what to allow even if you are removing non-numeric (aka KillNums=False) [ex. "$,."] or removing numbers (aka KillNums=True) [ex. "6,9"]
' NotAllowed = override characters never allowed and processed before any other option (meaning if you have it in both allow/not allow - not allow takes precedence
' NOTE: AllowedChars and NotAllowed arguments are *not* case-sensitive
Dim Counter As Long
Dim TestChar As String
Dim TestAsc As Long
' Loop through characters
For Counter = 1 To Len(CheckStr)
' Get current character and its ANSI number
TestChar = Mid(CheckStr, Counter, 1)
TestAsc = Asc(TestChar)
' Test first to see if current character is never allowed
If InStr(1, NotAllowed, TestChar, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' do nothing
' If current character is in AllowedChars, keep it
ElseIf InStr(1, AllowedChars, TestChar, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
stripChars = stripChars & TestChar
' If KillNums=True, test for not being in numeric range for ANSI
ElseIf KillNums Then 'only allow non-numbers
If TestAsc < 48 Or TestAsc > 57 Then
stripChars = stripChars & TestChar
End If
' If KillNums=False, test for being in numeric ANSI range
Else 'only allow numbers
If TestAsc >= 48 And TestAsc <= 57 Then
stripChars = stripChars & TestChar
End If
End If
End Function
You can drop either of these in your Excel's module (Alt+F11) or in your Access forms or what not, good luck.


Excel FindJobCode's problems

I am new in VBA and I have a code as below to find some job numbers in a description.
However, i have 3 problems on it...
if 1st character is small letter such as "s", "m", then it show error
i cannot solve Example3, the result will show "M3045.67," but all i need is "M3045.67" only, no comma
i don't know why it is failed to run the code Range("E2").Value = "Overhead" after Else in Example5
but for problem 3, i can run result "overhead" before i add 2nd criteria, is something wrong there ? Please help~~~thanks.
P.S. the looping will be added after solving above questions......
Sub FindCode()
'Example1 : G5012.123 Management Fee / Get Result = G5012.123
'Example2 : G3045.67 Management Fee / Get Result = G3045.67
'Example3 : M3045.67, S7066 Retenal Fee / Get Result = M3045.67,
'Example4 : P9876-123A Car Park / Get Result = P9876
'Example5 : A4 paper / Get result = Overehad
'Criteria1 : 1st Character = G / S / M / P
If Left(Range("A2"), 1) = "G" Or Left(Range("A2"), 1) = "S" Or Left(Range("A2"), 1) = "M" Or Left(Range("A2"), 1) = "P" Then
'Criteria2 : 2nd-5th Character = Number only
If IsNumeric(Mid(Range("A2"), 2, 4)) Then
'Get string before "space"
Range("E2").Value = Left(Range("A2"), InStr(1, Range("A2"), " ") - 1)
'If not beginning from Crit 1&2, show "Overhead"
Range("E2").Value = "Overhead"
End If
End If
'If start from "P", get first 5 string
If Left(Range("A2"), 1) = "P" And IsNumeric(Mid(Range("A2"), 2, 4)) Then
Range("E2").Value = Left(Range("A2"), 5)
End If
End Sub
The function below will extract the job number and return it to the procedure that called it.
Function JobCode(Cell As Range) As String
' 303
'Example1 : G5012.123 Management Fee / Get Result = G5012.123
'Example2 : G3045.67 Management Fee / Get Result = G3045.67
'Example3 : M3045.67, S7066 Rental Fee / Get Result = M3045.67,
'Example4 : P9876-123A Car Park / Get Result = P9876
'Example5 : A4 paper / Get result = Overhead
Dim Fun As String ' function return value
Dim Txt As String ' Text to extract number from
' Minimize the number of times your code reads from the sheet because it's slow
Txt = Cell.Value ' actually, it's Cells(2, 1)
' Criteria1 : 1st Character = G / S / M / P
If InStr("GSMP", UCase(Left(Txt, 1))) Then
Txt = Split(Txt)(0) ' split on blank, take first element
' Criteria2 : 2nd-5th Character = Number only
' Isnumeric(Mid("A4", 2, 4)) = true
If (Len(Txt) >= 5) And (IsNumeric(Mid(Txt, 2, 4))) Then
Fun = Replace(Txt, ",", "")
Fun = Split(Fun, "-")(0) ' discard "-123A" in example 4
End If
End If
' If no job number was extracted, show "Overhead"
If Len(Fun) = 0 Then Fun = "Overhead"
JobCode = Fun
End Function
The setup as a function, rather than a sub, is typical for this sort of search. In my trials I had your 5 examples in A2:A6 and called them in a loop, giving a different cell to the function on each loop. Very likely, this is what you are angling for, too. This is the calling procedure I used for testing.
Sub Test_JobCode()
' 303
Dim R As Long
For R = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' I urge you not to use syntax for addressing ranges when addressing cells
Debug.Print JobCode(Cells(R, "A")) ' actually, it's Cells(2, 1)
Next R
End Sub
Of course, instead of Debug.Print JobCode(Cells(R, "A")) you could also have Cells(R, "B").Value = JobCode(Cells(R, "A"))
The reason why your Else statement didn't work was a logical error. The "Overhead" caption doesn't apply if criteria 1 & 2 aren't met but if all previous efforts failed, which is slightly broader in meaning. This combined with the fact that Isnumeric(Mid("A4", 2, 4)) = True, causing the test not to fail as you expected.
In rough terms, the code first checks if the first letter qualifies the entry for examination (and returns "Overhead" if it doesn't). Then the text is split into words, only the first one being considered. If it's too short or non-numeric no job code is extracted resulting in "Overhead" in the next step. If this test is passed, the final result is modified: The trailing comma is removed (it it exists) and anything appended with a hyphen is removed (if it exists). I'm not sure you actually want this. So, you can easily remove the line. Or you might add more modifications at that point.
What you are trying to do is FAR easier using regular expression matching and replacing, so I recommend enabling that library of functions. The best news about doing that is that you can invoke those functions in EXCEL formulas and do not need to use Visual Basic for Applications at all.
To enable Regular Expressions as Excel functions:
Step 1: Enable the Regular Expression library in VBA.
A. In the Visual Basic for Applications window (where you enter VBA code) find the Tools menu and
select it, then select the References... entry in the sub-menu.
B. A dialogue box will appear listing the possible "Available References:" in alphabetical order.
Scroll down to find the entry "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5".
C. Check the checkbox on that line and press the OK button.
Step 2: Create function calls. In the Visual Basic for Applications window select Insert..Module. Then paste the following VBA code into the blank window that comes up:
' Some function wrappers to make the VBScript RegExp reference Library useful in both VBA code and in Excel & Access formulas
Private rg As RegExp 'All of the input data to control the RegExp parsing
' RegExp object contains 3 Boolean options that correspond to the 'i', 'g', and 'm' options in Unix-flavored regexp
' IgnoreCase - pretty self-evident. True means [A-Z] matches lowercase letters and vice versa, false means it won't
' IsGlobal - True means after the first match has been processed, continue on from the current point in DataString and look to process more matches. False means stop after first match is processed.
' MultiLine - False means ^ and $ match only Start and End of DataString, True means they match embedded newlines. This provides an option to process line-by-line when Global is true also.
' Returns true/false: does DataString match pattern? IsGlobal=True makes no sense here
Public Function RegExpMatch(DataString As String, Pattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = True, Optional IsGlobal As Boolean = False, Optional MultiLine As Boolean = False) As Boolean
If rg Is Nothing Then Set rg = New RegExp
rg.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
rg.Global = IsGlobal
rg.MultiLine = MultiLine
rg.Pattern = Pattern
RegExpMatch = rg.Test(DataString)
End Function
' Find <pattern> in <DataString>, replace with <ReplacePattern>
' Default IsGlobal=True means replace all matching occurrences. Call with False to replace only first occurrence.
Public Function RegExpReplace(DataString As String, Pattern As String, ReplacePattern As String, Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = True, Optional IsGlobal As Boolean = True, Optional MultiLine As Boolean = False) As String
If rg Is Nothing Then Set rg = New RegExp
rg.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
rg.Global = IsGlobal
rg.MultiLine = MultiLine
rg.Pattern = Pattern
RegExpReplace = rg.Replace(DataString, ReplacePattern)
End Function
Now you can call RegExpMatch & RegExpReplace in Excel formulas and we can start to think of how to solve your particular problem. To be a match, your string must start with G, S, M, or P. In a regular expression code that is ^[GSMP], where the up-arrow says to start at the beginning and the [GSMP] says to accept a G, S, M or P in the next position. Then any matching string must next have a number of numeric digits. Code that as \d+, where the \d means one numeric digit and the + is a modifier that means accept one or more of them. Then you could have a dot followed by some more digits, or not. This is a little more complicated - you would code it as (\.\d+)? because dot is a special character in regular expressions and \. says to accept a literal dot. That is followed by \d+ which is one or more digits, but this whole expression is enclosed in parentheses and followed by a ?, which means what is in parentheses can appear once or not at all. Finally, comes the rest of the line and we don't really care what is in it. We code .*$ for zero or more characters (any) followed by the line's end. That all goes together as ^[GSMP]\d+(\.\d+)?.*$.
Putting that pattern into our RegExpReplace call:
We wrapped the part we were interested in keeping in parentheses because the "$1" as part of the replacement pattern says to use whatever was found inside the first set of parentheses. Here is that formula used in Excel
This works for all your examples but the last one, which is your else clause in your logic. We can fix that by testing whether the pattern matched using RegExpMatch:
This gives the results you are looking for and you have also gained a powerful text manipulation tool to solve future problems.

Replace Whole Words from a Predefined List

I currently have coding which will review an equipment description field, the aim of which to standardize entries. That is - whatever is found in COL A, replace with COL B
I want to post the answer back to a new clean description column (that will work OK, no dramas on that section, but I don't need any messages etc, and this may be doing 100,000+ descriptions at a time, so looking for efficient coding).
However when it applies the Replace function, it also replaces part words, instead of distinct whole words, no matter how I sort the words on the Dictionary tab.
** 99 times out of a hundred there are no preceding or trailing spaces in Col A entries, but there are rare occasions...
Description Examples:
PRESS as part of word becomes PRESSURE, e.g.:
I think I'm very close to getting this right, but I can't figure out how to adjust to make it run and replace whole words only - I think it is the order of where I have stuff, but not 100% sure, or if something is missing.
I would greatly appreciate your help with this.
Thanks, Wendy
Function CleanUntil(original As String, targetReduction As Integer)
Dim newString As String
newString = original
Dim targetLength As Integer
targetLength = Len(original) - targetReduction
Dim rowCounter As Integer
rowCounter = 2
Dim CleanSheet As Worksheet
Set CleanSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Dictionary")
Dim word As String
Dim cleanword As String
' Coding for replacement of WHOLE words - with a regular expression using a pattern with the \b marker (for the word boundary) before and after word
Dim RgExp As Object
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With RgExp
.Global = True
'.IgnoreCase = True 'True if search is case insensitive. False otherwise
End With
'Loop through each word until we reach the target length (or other value noted), or run out of clean words to apply
'While Len(newString) > 1 (this line will do ALL descriptions - confirmed)
'While Len(newString) > targetLength (this line will only do to target length)
While Len(newString) > 1
word = CleanSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 1).Value
cleanword = CleanSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 2).Value
RgExp.Pattern = "\b" & word & "\b"
If (word = "") Then
CleanUntil = newString
Exit Function
End If
' TODO: Make sure it is replacing whole words and not just portions of words
' newString = Replace(newString, word, cleanword) ' This line works if no RgExp applied, but finds part words.
newString = RgExp.Replace(newString, word, cleanword)
rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
' Once word find/replace finished, set close out loop for RgExp Object with word boundaries.
Set RgExp = Nothing
' Finally return the cleaned string as clean as we could get it, based on dictionary
CleanUntil = newString
End Function
NB: I would strongly recommend adding a reference to the Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 library (via Tools -> References...). This will give you strong typing and Intellisense on the RegExp object.
Dim RgExp As New RegExp
If I understand correctly, you can find the entries that need to be replaced using a regular expression; the regular expression only matches entries where the value in A is a complete word.
But when you try to replace with the VBA Replace function, it replaces even partial words in the text. And using the RegExp.Replace method has no effect -- the string always remains the same.
This is a quirk of the regular expression engine used in VBA. You cannot replace a complete match; you can only replace something which has been captured in a group, using ( ).
RgExp.Pattern = "\b(" & word & ")\b"
' ...
newString = RgExp.Replace(newString, cleanword)
If you want to exclude the hyphen from the boundary characters, you might be able to use a negative pattern which excludes any word characters or the hyphen:
RgExp.Pattern = "[^\w-](" & word & ")[^w-]"
Replace method
Introduction to the VBScript regular expression library - is it possible to output the first character from a string for monday and then the next character for tuesday (and so on)?

i have a string containing special characters ('★☆☽☾☁') and i would like to have ★ printed out for monday, ☆ for tuesday, ☽ for wednesday, ☾ for thursday, and ☁ for friday. i apologize since i am very new to so i have only very basic knowledge about it. i have already tried this:
Dim today As Date = Date.Today
Dim dayIndex As Integer = today.DayOfWeek
Dim specialcharacters() As Char = "★☆☽☾☁"
If dayIndex < DayOfWeek.Monday Then
txtRandomCharacter.Text = specialcharacters
End If
i would be extremely grateful if anyone could help, thank you!
How's this?
Const specialcharacters() As Char = "★☆☽☾☁"
Dim today As Date = Date.Today
Dim dayIndex As Integer = today.DayOfWeek
If dayIndex >= DayOfWeek.Monday andalso dayIndex <= DayOfWeek.Friday Then
txtRandomCharacter.Text = specialcharacters(dayIndex - dayOfWeek.Monday)
End If
It works because the value of DayOfWeek.Monday through DayOfWeek.Friday are sequential.
(Re-edit to correct my previous error of using VBA instead of
Yes. Noting that you only have 5 Char in your array (specialcharacters()) I assume you only want to mark Monday to Friday. However, the answer to this question can be extended to cover all week. Using your original code as the base:
Dim txtRandomCharacter As Char = ""
Dim specialcharacters() As Char = "★☆☽☾☁"
Dim today As Date = Date.Today
Dim dayIndex As Integer = today.DayOfWeek
If (dayIndex - 1) <= UBound(specialcharacters) Then
txtRandomCharacter = specialcharacters(dayIndex - 1)
End If
However, note the mental gymnastics required in dealing with 0-based arrays.
Dim dayIndex As Integer = Weekday(today,vbMonday) is also valid code.
Explanation for Weekday can be found at
specialcharacters is an array, not a string, so that you can access the array element directly. I have used the UBound function so that you don't accidently get an array out of bounds error by calling a subscript (dayIndex) that is higher than your array is long.
Another option is to use the Mid or Substr function with strings. In this example I have also concatenated some code for brevity.
Dim txtRandomCharacter As String = ""
Const specialcharacters As String = "★☆☽☾☁"
Dim dayIndex As Integer = Date.Today.DayOfWeek ' - DayOfWeek.vbMonday + 1
txtRandomCharacter = If(dayIndex >= 0 And dayIndex <= Len(specialcharacters), specialcharacters.Substring(dayIndex - 1, 1), "X")
The 'X' option in the IIF statement was my addition for testing. You can also use "". Unfortunately, the Substr function in VB.Net is a little less tolerant than the Mid function, hence the additional checks on valid values for dayIndex. And Substr is 0-based.
Using the Mid function, which is tolerant of indexes > length of the string but must be > 0 (hence the If statement):
Dim txtRandomCharacter As String = ""
Const specialcharacters As String = "★☆☽☾☁"
Dim dayIndex As Integer = Date.Today.DayOfWeek ' - DayOfWeek.vbMonday + 1
txtRandomCharacter = Mid(specialcharacters, If(dayIndex > 0, dayIndex, Len(specialcharacters) + 1), 1)
Check your Option Base to see if your arrays start by default at 0 or 1. specialcharacters() could be ranging from 0-4 or 1-5 depending on this setting - which means is may or may not align with the Weekday function which is always in the range 1-7 (or the DayofWeek function which ranges from 0 to 6).
The key point is to understand the difference between a string and an array of characters.
With an array of characters - use array subscripts to select the right member. Check to ensure you are not passing an index that is out of bounds for the array.
With a string, use a Mid or Substr function to get the character from the string. Check to ensure you are not passing an index that is out of bounds.
The other point to recognise is to understand how the days of the week are enumerated. The MSDN reference site only notes the enumeration and does not provide an equivalent integer - the IDE provides some more information. This is important to understand if your counting starts from 0 or 1, and whether you must adjust your index to address this.

Check an array for non-numeric characters

I am trying to create a function that will check an array for non-numeric characters. I'm sure there is a way with existing functions, but I was hoping to make a clean function.
This is what I have:
Public Function ContainsAllNumbers(Text() As Variant) As Boolean
For Each element In Text
If Not IsNumeric(element) Then
ContainsAllNumbers = False
End If
End Function
The arguments I want it to take would be something like 11013688 or K03778 or 9005110-4400. I need to know if these strings contain something that is not a number.
Here is a (debugged) function which takes a string input and returns True if and only if all of the characters in the string are digits. This is (perhaps) what you are trying to do:
Function AllDigits(s As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(s, i, 1)) Then
AllDigits = False
Exit Function
End If
Next i
AllDigits = True
End Function
I assume you want a function that takes an array of strings and checks them for nun-numeric values. Then your question would be, why your function always returns False.
The default value of a Boolean is false so you need to set ContainsAllNumbers = True at the beginning of the function.
I also recommend using Option Explicit so you don't forget to Dim your variables.
Convert the characters to their ascii code and check each of them. You can Look up an ascii table to find out the specific values for certain characters.
As an example I just copied this from one of my macros. It checks for non-alphanumeric values in the input string str:
invalidCharacter = false
For pos = 1 To Len(str)
Select Case Asc(Mid(str, pos, 1)) 'ascii value of character at str(pos)
Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122 '0-9,a-z,A-Z
Case Else
invalidCharacter = True
End Select
Next pos
If invalidCharacter Then
MsgBox "only numbers or letters may be used"
End If

Parsing a String in Excel VBA without Leaving Trailing Spaces?

I am currently working on an Excel spreadsheet capable of exporting data from the Yahoo Finance API for dynamic stock quote analysis. I am having problems properly parsing the values into my excel spreadsheet. The issue is that the last column of numeric values have a trailing space character, which prevents Excel from recognizing it as a number and formatting it in comma style.
Here is the function I use currently:
Function UpdateStockData(rawWebpageData As String)
Dim stockQuotes As Variant
Dim stockQuoteValues As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
stockQuotes = Split(rawWebpageData, vbLf)
For i = 0 To UBound(stockQuotes)
If InStr(stockQuotes(i), ",") > 0 Then
stockQuoteValues = Split(stockQuotes(i), ",")
For j = 0 To UBound(stockQuoteValues)
sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value = stockQuoteValues(j)
sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value = Trim(sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value)
Next j
End If
Next i
End Function
Here is some sample data:
The last value of each row of data above is where the problem occurs.
Check the value of the last char on the last iteration it might be a return char. You can use the left function to take what you want or replace.
It would be easier to answer if we I can see the value of rawWebpageData variable.
Check the cell format, you can try to set it to numeric if it is text.
If I was doing it I would debug the data and step through it to look for characters that i'm not checking.
