How to run cronjobs on local files on cloudControl PaaS? - cron

On cloudControl, I can either run a local task via a worker or I can run a cronjob.
What if I want to perform a local task on a regular basis (I don't want to call a publicly accessible website).
I see possible solutions:
According to the documentation,
"cronjobs on cloudControl are periodical calls to a URL you specify."
So calling the file locally is not possible(?). So I'd have to create a page I can call via URL. And I have to perform checks, if the client is on localhost (=the server) -- I would like to avoid this way.
I make the worker sleep() for the desired amount of time and then make it re-run.
// do some arbitrary action
// e.g. sleep 1 day
// restart worker
Which one is recommended?
(Or: Can I simply call a local file via cron?)

The first option is not possible, because the url request is made from a seperate webservice.
You could either use HTTP authentication in the cron task, but the worker solution is also completely valid.
Just keep in mind that the worker can get migrated to a different server (in case of software updates or hardware failure), so do SomeAction() may get executed more often than once per day from time to time.


Cron job on NodeJS server runs multiple times simultaneously due to load balancers

I have cron job services on my nodeJS server (part of a React app) that I deploy using Convox to AWS, which has 4 load balancer servers. This means my cron job runs 4 times simultaneously on each server, when I only want it to run once. How can I stop this from happening and have my cron jobs run only once? As far as I know, there is no reliable way to lock my cron to a specific instance, since instances are volatile and may be deleted/recreated as needed.
The cron job services conduct tasks such as querying and updating our database, sending out emails and texts to users, and conducting external API calls. The services are run using the cron npm package, upon the server starting (after server.listen).
Can you expose these tasks via url? That way you can have an external cron service that requests each job via url against the ELB.
Another advantage of this approach is you get error reports if a url does not return a 200 status. This could simplify error tracking across all jobs.
Also this provides better redudency and load balancing, as opposed to having a single instance where you run all jobs.
I had the same issue. Se my solution here. Two emails was sent because of two instances on AWS. I lock each sending by unique random number.
My example based on MongoDB.

No Mongo Query gets result when cron is running in background

I have been NodeJS as server side and MongoDB as our database. It really works great together.
Now I have added node-schedule library into our system , to call a function like a cron-job.
The process takes around hours to complete.
My issue is whenever cron is running , all users to my site gets No response fro server i.e database gets locked.
Stuck on the issue from a week , needs good solution to run cron , without affecting users using the site.
Typically you will want to write a worker and run the worker in a different entry point that is not part of your server. There are multiple ways you could achieve this.
1) Write a worker on another server to interact with your database
2) Write a service worker on another server that interacts with your api
3) Use the same server but setup a cronjob to execute the file that does the work at a specified time.
But you should not do this from the same entry point that your server is running on. You need a different execution file.
There is one thing you can do to run this where it will not bog down your server and that would be for your trigger for node-schedule to run a child process.

Run Node JS on a multi-core cluster cloud

Is there a service or framework or any way that would allow me to run Node JS for heavy computations letting me choose the number of cores?
I'll be more specific: let's say I want to run some expensive computation for each of my users and I have 20000 users.
So I want to run the expensive computation for each user on a separate thread/core/computer, so I can finish the computation for all users faster.
But I don't want to deal with low level server configuration, all I'm looking for is something similar to AWS Lambda but for high performance computing, i.e., letting me scale as I please (maybe I want 1000 cores).
I did simulate this with AWS Lambda by having a "master" lambda that receives the data for all 20000 users and then calls a "computation" lambda for each user. Problem is, with AWS Lambda I can't make 20000 requests and wait for their callbacks at the same time (I get a request limit exceeded error).
With some setup I could user Amazon HPC, Google Compute Engine or Azure, but they only go up to 64 cores, so if I need more than that, I'd still have to setup all the machines I need separately and orchestrate the communication between them with something like Open MPI, handling the different low level setups for master and compute instances (accessing via ssh and etc).
So is there any service I can just paste my Node JS code, maybe choose the number of cores and run (not having to care about OS, or how many computers there are in my cluster)?
I'm looking for something that can take that code:
var users = [...];
function expensiveCalculation(user) {
// ...
return ...;
users.forEach(function(user) {
Thread.create(function() {
save(, expensiveCalculation(user));
And run each thread on a separate core so they can run simultaneously (therefore finishing faster).
I think that your problem is that you feel the need to process 20000 inputs at once on the same machine. Have you looked into SQS from Amazon? Maybe you push those 20000 inputs into SQS and then have a cluster of servers pull from that queue and process each one individually.
With this approach you could add as many servers, processes or add as many AWS Lambda invokes as you want. You could even use a combination of the 3 to see what's cheaper or faster. Adding resources will only reduce the amount of time it would take to complete the computations. Then you wouldn't have to wait for 20000 requests or anything to complete. The process could tell you when it completes the computation by sending some notification after it completes.
So basically, you could have a simple application that just grabbed 10 of these inputs at a time and ran your computation on them. After it finishes you could then have this process delete them from SQS and send a notification somewhere (Maybe SNS?) to notify the user or some other system that they are done. Then it would repeat the process.
After that you could scale the process horizontally and you wouldn't need a super computer in order to process this. So you could either get a cluster of EC2 instances that ran several of these applications a piece or have a Lambda function invoked periodically in order to pull items out of SQS and process them.
To get started using an EC2 instance I would look at the docs here. To start with I would pick the smallest, cheapest instance (T2.micro I think), and leave everything at it's default. There's no need to open any port other than the one for SSH.
Once it's setup and you login, the first thing you need to do is run aws configure to setup your profile that way you can access AWS resources from the instance. After that install Node and get your application on there using git or something. Once it's setup though, go to the EC2 console and in your Actions menu there will be an option to create an image from the instance.
Once you create an image, then you can go to Auto Scaling groups and create a launch configuration using that AMI. Then it'll let you specify how many instances you want to run.
I feel like this could also be done more easily using their container service, but honestly I don't know how to use it yet.

How can I prevent similar queues from running at the same time?

We currently process a set of tasks using Queue workers in Laravel. When I am using multiple threads of php artisan queue:work jobs end up running together (async). We are using Beanstalkd as the queue driver.
The issue is that in the queue work we are polling an API that only allows one concurrent session for a particular agent_id. That is, only one API call with the same agent_id can run at a time.
We thought of spinning up multiple php artisan queue:work threads with a filter on the queue_name matching the agent_id but we have over 500 agents therefore we would need 500 threads so this is not ideal.
Is there anyway to implement a lock style feature for each agent_id so that if a job is already running for a particular agent_id it will send it back to the queue? Or are there any features of beanstalkd that would allow for this?
The other option could also be to gracefully handle the rejection from the API when the user is already logged in (and send the job back to the queue). But this could get messy and could clutter the logs.
You could either run only a single worker that is capable of running the fetch-from-API job, or use some sort of external marshalling/lock service.
The options for that, may be either an internal rate limiting system, or some kind of common atomically locking system. A memcached or redis server where a worker tries to set a lock-key, and only the agent that successfully sets it, gets to work on the task. An advantage of that may be that as soon as the API request has been completed, you can remove the lock, and then while the worker processes the results, a different worker can make a new request.

Long running process remote termination?

I am developing an application that allows users to run AI algorithms on the server remotely. Some of these algorithms take a VERY long time. It is set up such that AJAX calls supply the algorithm parameters and launch a C++ algorithm on the server. The results and status of the computation are tracked via AJAX calls polling status files. This solution seems to work well for multiple users concurrently using the service, but I am now looking for a way to cancel the computation from the user's browser. I have a stop button that stops the AJAX updating service and ceases any communication between the browser and the running process on the server. The problem is that the process still runs, and I would like to free up the server resources when the user cancels the operation. Below are some more details.
The web service where the AJAX calls hit are run under the user 'tomcat' and can be listed by ps -U tomcat. The algorithm executions are all child processes of 'java' and can be listed by ps --ppid ###.
The browser keeps a record of the time that the current computation began (user system time, not server system time).
Multiple computations may be going on at once from users connected from different locations, resulting in many processes under the same name and parent process.
The restful service executes terminal commands via java runtime.exec().
I am not so knowledgeable about shell scripting, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Can anyone think of a way to either use java process object or shell script/awk to locate a process via timestamp (maybe the closest timestamp to user system time..?) or some other way?
Thanks in advance.
Is there even a way in java to get a handle for a given process if you have the pid...? Doesn't seem like it.
I cannot change the source code of the long running process on the server. :(
Your AJAX call should be manipulating some sort of a resource (most conveniently a text file) that acts as a semaphore to the process, which in every iteration of polling checks whether that semaphore file has been set to the stop status. If the AJAX changes the semaphore file to stop, then the process stops because your application checks it and responds accordingly. Which in turn means that the functionality needs to be programmed into your Java AI application rather than figuring out what the PID is and then killing it at the OS level. That, of course, assumes you have access to the source code of the app.
Of course, the semaphore does not have to be a file but can be a value in the DB etc., whichever suits your taste and configuration.
I have finally found a secure solution. From the restful java service, using Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec() gives you a handle on the running process. The only way, however, to get the pid is through a technique called reflection.
Field f = p.getClass().getDeclaredField();
String pid = Integer.toString(f.getInt(p));
How unbelievably awkward...
Anyways, due to the passing of p from the server to the client being impossible, and the insecurity of allowing a remote call to kill an arbitrary server process by a pid passed by parameter, the only logical strategy I could come up with was to write the obtained pid to a process-unique file indicated by the initial client timestamp, and to delete this file upon restful service function return. This unique file can be used as a termination handle via yet another restful service which reads the file, and terminates the process with pid equal to the contents of the file. This
You could keep the Process instance returned by runtime.exec and invoke Process.destroy to kill the subprocess. Not knowing much about your webservice application I would assume you can keep the process instances in a global session map that maps users to process lists. Make sure access to this map is thread-safe. Also it only works if you have one webservice process that allows to share such a global session map across different requests.
Alternatively take a look at Get subprocess id in Java.
