System calls made by KVM - linux

Is it possible to trace all the system calls/Interrupt generated by KVM to interact with hardware. I know there are tools like strace which can trace all the system calls generated by any C program but how to do the same if you want to get all the system calls for a hypervisor.

User space part (e.g. qemu) is a regular process, so strace will work for syscall tracing. Kernel-space part (KVM) may be traced via SystemTap or similar tool.


Difference between ftrace and strace in Linux

both strace and ftrace seem to be used for tracing function calls in Linux. What's the difference?
strace is a utility which allows you to trace the system calls that an application makes. When an application makes a system call, it is basically asking the kernel to do something, eg file access. Use the command man strace to get strace documentation and man syscalls to get information on system calls.
ftrace is a tool used during kernel development and allows the developer to see what functions are being called within the kernel. The documentation is here and states:
Ftrace is an internal tracer designed to help out developers and
designers of systems to find what is going on inside the kernel.
It can be used for debugging or analyzing latencies and
performance issues that take place outside of user-space.

How they do debugging Linux Kernel Core

Now a days debugging become so advanced that even 'core kernel source code' can be debugged using Virtual environment.
But after reading couple of blog related to Kernel Core development it was not clear whether they are debugging using Virtual environment.
They have mentioned that they rely on 'Printing message' rather than using debugging tool, at-least for core component.
So, I Request from 'Linux Kernel Experts' to let me know what is good practice followed while debugging Kernel?
I've tried multiple approaches when trying to debug the kernel.
Sometimes, the easiest way is to just add a few printk statements based on my own conditional values, monitor the serial log and see what's going on. Its especially useful when the function in question is invoked quite often, but you are interested only in a subset of those.
QEMU GDB debugging. I have a buildroot filesystem setup. This means the kernel is lean and it boots up real fast. I start qemu with the -s -S flags, and attach gdb as target remote :1234. Additionally, there aren't very many userspace processes in this setup so its easier to debug the kernel.
VMWare stub. Assuming you are running an Ubuntu VM, it is possible that you can attach gdb to a VMware stub and debug the kernel. Personally, I never have had to pursue this route, but I look forward to trying it out someday.
If you have a kernel for a device that gets stuck in a bootloop and it does not print out any debug information out onto serial, it still might be helpful to try and boot it up using QEMU. Sure, the booting up will probably fail as the kernel tries to load up drivers, but you should be able to attach gdb, get a stack trace and see what the root cause is(perhaps a recursive call).

How to trace the memory access on an arm processor

I am analyzing the memory accessing of a program on the ARM processor. Basically, I want to get 'instruction_address : R/W : memory_address' by tracing the instruction execution flow.
For Intel processors, pintool can do this by instruction instrumentation, and the perf can also do this by sampling (simply use 'perf mem' command).
Is there any similar way to trace the memory accesses on an ARMv8 architecture (the ARM-Linux is running on it)?
You can just use perf for ARM.
Alternatively have a look at the strace tool in Linux. It traces system calls and signals (including: network, file activity, memory calls). It is not dependent on the processor type, but it needs advanced knowledge to interpret those messages.
For instructions how to use it, this is a good thread.

Difference between system API and system call API

I have read "system call APIs are for user-space access and
system APIs are for system space access". I am new to Linux OS concepts, I don't have any knowledge about the System API. Can anyone explain the difference between these two?
A system call is an explicit request to the kernel made via a software interrupt. It is the lowest level thing which talks to the Operating system. System call is when you call the kernel. System-calls are actually intended to be very low-level interfaces, you can say to a very specific functionality which your program cannot accomplish on its own.
Whereas a System API are used to invoke system call
Read system call and linux kernel wikipages first.
As Rahul Triparhi answered, system calls are the elementary operations, as seen from a user-mode application software. Use strace(1) to find out which syscalls are done by some program.
The system calls are well documented in the section 2 of the man pages (type first man man in a terminal on your Linux system). So read intro(2) and then syscalls(2).
Stricto sensu, syscalls have an interface, notably specified in ABI specifications like x86-64 ABI, defined at the lowest possible machine level - in terms of machine instructions and registers, etc... The functions in section 2 are tiny C wrappers above them. See also Linux Assembly HowTo
Please read also Advanced Linux Programming which explains quite well many of them.
BTW, I am not sure that "System API" has a well defined meaning, even if I guess what it could be. See also the several answers to this question.
Probably "System API" refers to the many functions standardized by POSIX, implemented in the POSIX C library such as GNU libc (but you could use some other libc on Linux, like MUSL libc, if you really wanted to). I am thinking of functions like dlopen (to dynamically load a plugin) or getaddrinfo(3) (to get information about some network things) etc... The Linux implementation (e.g. dlopen(3)) is providing a super-set of it.
More generally, the section 3 of man pages, see intro(3), is providing a lot of library functions (most of them built above system calls, so dlopen actually calls mmap(2) syscall, and getaddrinfo may use syscalls to connect to some server - see nsswitch.conf(5), etc...). But some library functions are probably not doing any syscall, like snprintf(3) or sqrt(3) or longjmp(3) .... (they are just doing internal computations without needing any additional kernel service).

what tool for debugging a linux kernel?

I am new to linux kernel.
wandering how to browse the complete flow, right from the power up of CPU.
Basic idea on BIOS/ROM code.
can I have some tool to debug the complete kernel ?
raw code browsing is preferable ?
The following tools may help you to debug Linux kernel
Dynamic Probes is one of the popular debugging tool for Linux which developed by IBM. This tool allows the placement of a “probe” at almost any place in the system, in both user and kernel space. The probe consists of some code (written in a specialized, stack-oriented language) that is executed when control hits the given point. Resources regarding dprobes / kprobes listed below
Linux Trace Toolkit is a kernel patch and a set of related utilities that allow the tracing of events in the kernel. The trace includes timing information and can create a reasonably complete picture of what happened over a given period of time. Resources of LTT, LTT Viewer and LTT Next Generation
MEMWATCH is an open source memory error detection tool. It works by defining MEMWATCH in gcc statement and by adding a header file to our code. Through this we can track memory leaks and memory corruptions. Resources regarding MEMWATCH
ftrace is a good tracing framework for Linux kernel. ftrace traces internal operations of the kernel. This tool included in the Linux kernel in 2.6.27. With its various tracer plugins, ftrace can be targeted at different static tracepoints, such as scheduling events, interrupts, memory-mapped I/O, CPU power state transitions, and operations related to file systems and virtualization. Also, dynamic tracking of kernel function calls is available, optionally restrictable to a subset of functions by using globs, and with the possibility to generate call graphs and provide stack usage. You can find a good tutorial of ftrace at
ltrace is a debugging utility in Linux, used to display the calls a user space application makes to shared libraries. This tool can be used to trace any dynamic library function call. It intercepts and records the dynamic library calls which are called by the executed process and the signals which are received by that process. It can also intercept and print the system calls executed by the program.
KDB is the in-kernel debugger of the Linux kernel. KDB follows simplistic shell-style interface. We can use it to inspect memory, registers, process lists, dmesg, and even set breakpoints to stop in a certain location. Through KDB we can set breakpoints and execute some basic kernel run control (Although KDB is not source level debugger). Several handy resources regarding KDB
KGDB is intended to be used as a source level debugger for the Linux kernel. It is used along with gdb to debug a Linux kernel. Two machines are required for using kgdb. One of these machines is a development machine and the other is the target machine. The kernel to be debugged runs on the target machine. The expectation is that gdb can be used to "break in" to the kernel to inspect memory, variables and look through call stack information similar to the way an application developer would use gdb to debug an application. It is possible to place breakpoints in kernel code and perform some limited execution stepping. Several handy resources regarding KGDB
First, see related question Linux kernel live debugging, how it's done and what tools are used?. Try to use KDB or Ftrace.
If your intention is understanding whole flow of Linux kernel, running Linux kernel on QEMU can be easy way to learn how Linux works. Esp. you can emulate many CPU types without real H/W. or how about user mode Linux?
This document can be helpful to debug kernel on QEMU.
Just adding, the Linux kernel is not very suitable for debugging. Linus Torvalds once stated that he's againts supportng kernel debugging in Linux because it leads to badly written code.
I used kdbg, however I didn't find it very useful, what I suggest is to debug the kernel the oldschool way, using printk.
