I'm working with a particularly stubborn keyboard where the SHIFT key simply doesn't seem to stay down when I need it to, especially when I'm typing stuff that includes keys that are further towards the top of the keyboard. Typing '~' somehow almost always types '`', and typing special characters almost always leads to the corresponding numbers being typed eg. when I try to type '#' I get '2','4' for '$' and so on
I primarily use vim these days, and was wondering is it's possible to map to so that when I want to close a file without writing, I can do it without having to worry about whether I have typed '1' or '!'
Help much appreciated
If you are able to enter colon easily then you can add cnoremap q1 q! to your .vimrc so it wouldn't matter if you entered ! or 1 at the end of a command. If colon is also a difficult to enter character then you can create mapping in the normal mode by adding noremap q1 :q!<CR>. Obviously you can create both mappings.
However i'd think of a new keyboard (:
Sorry for a noob question, but i find it struggling to just put a ";" at the end of line after writing a function. For example, I am coding in C and many time i need to write things like:
what i usually type is (from normal mode, using bracket autopair-like feature):
and it need changing mode twice! Comparing to normal editor (sublime):
does anyone have more efficient way do do those typing? thanks for any help.
I think you have some "auto-close" plugin installed.
I have that kind of plugin too, and I don't press arrow keys either, since I don't have them on my keyboard. I have this:
" moving cursor out of (right of ) autoClosed brackets
inoremap <c-l> <esc>%%a
So with your example: it would be (assume already in INSERT mode)
Thus, your fingers never leave the home row.
If you're a vim user, you can hit Shift-a.
Shift-a takes you from normal mode to insert mode, and starts your cursor at the end of the line.
(If you want to be an efficient vim user, you should remap esc to something like caps-lock.)
Comparing to normal editor (sublime):
Well… that's exactly how you would do it in Vim if you use Delimitmate or some other "autoclosing" plugin. Why do you insist on making things more complicated than they are?
Vim/vi shortcuts are awesome, but there is one behavior that I would be very happy if it could be configured. My machine uses Brazilian Portuguese(abnt2) keyboard map,and some accents(like caret) needs an extra spacebar to be print, obviously because they wait/expect another character, mostly vowels. Example of the "cut until you find an empty line":
Keystrokes actually needed on br-abnt2:
d / <shift + ~ , spacebar>(to result ^) $ <enter>
I could use { d } as it is explained on this awesome thread, but i would benefit much more on other accents(backslash) where the extra backspace trick is needed, and most important, without change my keyboard mapping to "US" for example.
Edit: I also know that this is a keymap limitation, since our language expect something after the accent, and this is why i'm asking if there is a way to circunvent this limitation inside vim.
Any ideas?
The problem does not come from the editor, but your keymap. In fact, the caret is set to be a "dead key". Meaning that it should wait for other input before being printed.
What you probably need is a new keymap that has the caret as a non dead-key. As for example, uk-gb map has caret on the key as well as another dead-key ( if I remember correctly).
If you don't want/can't remap your keyboard, you can use vim mapping function do act so.
Just choose an unused key and map it like this:
imap g ^
This will insert ^ while typing g on insert mode (other mapping for other- mode exists, nmap, ...).
For example, to use the vim mapping in the vim command-line, you shall use :
cmap g ^
Then your example will be working.
I've been using vim for somewhat longer than a year now and during this time I have never feel really comfortable with the way vim works with yanking and pasting text (or maybe it is just me not using it in the most efficient way)
For example, I have the word "World" yanked onto a register, and I want to paste it after "Hello". (Note that there are no spaces on either of the words). So, what I would do is
Place cursor here, and press "p". Then, what I will end up with is
So, in order to avoid this, I have always to swith into insert mode, insert a espace, and go back into normal mode (or either make sure that the yanked word has a space before it). Be as it may, this is quite annoying behaviour I can't think of a solution for... Am I missing something here?
Suggestions will be appreciated.
option zero
just live with what you have now.
option one
create a mapping for your workflow. for example
nnoremap <leader>p i<space><esc>p
option two
:set ve=all
then you could move your cursor to anywhere and paste
option three
you could in insert mode use <c-o> do normal mode stuff or <c-r> to get register values
I recommend option zero
You can use the Smartput : Adjust spaces and commas when putting text plugin for that. It modifies the p / P commands (this can be toggled on / off).
I want to map a key so that it will do the following actions in Vim. Suppose I am editing a file; I want it set up so that if I press F2, I will accomplish the same thing I would if I did the following:
press ESC
type colon (:)
type w
press Enter
press ESC again
type i to go back to insert mode
Is this possible?
Yes it's possible, but it doesn't do what you want if the cursor is at the end of line.
To get file saved on F2 in insert mode, use the following mapping:
:imap <F2> <C-O>:w<CR>
Literal answer: Yes. You can use this:
:inoremap <F2> <Esc>:w<CR>I
but it won’t do exactly what you want (the cursor will be at the wrong place).
Anton beat me to the less literal (but correct) answer.
The best answer, though, is this: Don't use Vim incorrectly. You should never spend so much time in insert mode that you need a shortcut to get out of it, save the file, and then get back in. With all other editors, you’re in “insert mode” all the time, and only temporarily pop into a menu or dialog or whatever; in Vim, you should learn to reverse this. Only pop into insert mode to edit or add something; never use arrow keys to move the cursor while in insert mode; spend the majority of your time in command (normal) mode, and after a bit of adjustment to the new paradigm, you will find that your editing speed has increased.
Writing the mapping is almost easier than your description.
First, you need to determine from which mode the mapping will be used, because that determines what :map variant you will use. You’ll probably want to use this in insert mode, so you’ll use :inoremap.
The format of the mapping is:
:..noremap {keys} {rhs}
You want <F2> (see :help key-notation) for keys. For {rhs}, just concatenate the keys listed in your description.
To persist the mapping, add it to ~/.vimrc. (See :help vimrc.)
P.S. The alternative given by Anton Kovalenko is probably better for what you’re trying to do, but here I’ve given you the general recipe for future key mappings.
I'm trying to create two mappings which are efficient for myself:
map X ddp
Which I'd use to delete and paste in one go.
map X "_dw
Which would delete a word without yanking into a register.
However I don't want to break any existing, useful shortcuts so I'm wondering what keys I could use - any suggestions? Am I being too uptidy?
vim help has a section :he map-which-keys
1.7 WHAT KEYS TO MAP *map-which-keys*
If you are going to map something, you will need to choose which key(s) to use
for the {lhs}. You will have to avoid keys that are used for Vim commands,
otherwise you would not be able to use those commands anymore. Here are a few
- Function keys <F2>, <F3>, etc.. Also the shifted function keys <S-F1>,
<S-F2>, etc. Note that <F1> is already used for the help command.
- Meta-keys (with the ALT key pressed). |:map-alt-keys|
- Use the '_' or ',' character and then any other character. The "_" and ","
commands do exist in Vim (see |_| and |,|), but you probably never use them.
- Use a key that is a synonym for another command. For example: CTRL-P and
CTRL-N. Use an extra character to allow more mappings.
See the file "index" for keys that are not used and thus can be mapped without
losing any builtin function. You can also use ":help {key}^D" to find out if
a key is used for some command. ({key} is the specific key you want to find
out about, ^D is CTRL-D).
Many Vim plugins use an initial <Leader> to start their key sequences; this is an (otherwise normally) unused key that is configurable by the user.
*<Leader>* *mapleader*
To define a mapping which uses the "mapleader" variable, the special string
"<Leader>" can be used. It is replaced with the string value of "mapleader".
If "mapleader" is not set or empty, a backslash is used instead. Example:
:map <Leader>A oanother line<Esc>
Works like:
:map \A oanother line<Esc>
But after:
:let mapleader = ","
It works like:
:map ,A oanother line<Esc>
Note that the value of "mapleader" is used at the moment the mapping is
defined. Changing "mapleader" after that has no effect for already defined
Every single ASCII character, upper and lower case, is used for something in Vim. So you're going to wind up overwriting something--just pick something that you don't use. It may help to use a common idiom for your own extensions. I use a leading comma, for example:
map ,w :w!<CR>
map ,e :e #<CR>
imap ,, <ESC>
(The last is particularly useful for me, since I pretty much never need to write two consecutive commas in insert mode, and it's nice not to have to go all the way to the Esc key.)
Typically I use control + [letter] or alt + [letter] for most mappings and it's safe, but watch out for 'w' since that's needed for window commands. You might also be interested in arpeggio.vim which lets you create mappings to simultaneously pressed groups of keys - it will massively expand the possibilities for your mappings with no danger of over-mapping something. For example, you could map "dp" (pressed simultaneously) to execute "ddp" to delete and paste in one command.
Uhmm, no, don't. When creating your mappings try not to overwrite anything ... not so much because you don't use the command you're overmapping, but because some plugin which you have/or will have maybe using it.
And then you overmap it, and then you have to worry.
Personally, for commands such as you gave as an example, I like Ctrl+some key combinations. There are a lot of free ones in vim, and the letters on the left side near Ctrl make a nice pair then.
Btw, what are you trying to do with those mappings ... I understand the second one (delete word by word), but the first doesn't make sense to me. What is it supposed to do ? Transpose lines ?