Cannot send response to TCP client - node.js

I have a TCP server with the following code:
// Start a TCP Server
require('net').createServer(function (socket) {
// Handle incoming messages from clients.
socket.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("received:" + data);
// Do something with the data
// Send result to client
socket.write('OK'); // Code added which make the server crash
Each time a client connects, the server retrieve the data from the socket and process it. This runs well if I do not try to send a response to the client.
If I add the 'socket.write("ok");' line of code I get the following error (seems like the socket is already closed ?):
"memoryUsage":{"rss":22474752,"heapTotal":16571136,"heapUsed":7168552}},"os":{"loadavg":[1.25634765625,1.111328125,1.00341796875],"uptime":185009},"trace":[{"column":11,"file":"net.js","function":"errnoException","line":884,"method":null,"native":false},{"column":19,"file":"net.js","function":"TCP.onread","line":539,"method":"onread","native":false}],"stack":["Error: read ECONNRESET"," at errnoException (net.js:884:11)"," at TCP.onread (net.js:539:19)"],"level":"error","message":"uncaughtException: read ECONNRESET","timestamp":"2013-09-10T14:11:29.354Z"}
Any idea of what is wrong ?
I use the following ruby code to simulate a client, should I use a thread for each socket I open ?
# Send test data to server
[1,2,3,4,5].each do |data|
puts "sending #{data}"
s =, port)
s.puts data

Your ruby client completes execution and exits after sending the message to your server. It does not expect any response from server so it does not wait. You only need to modify your client like so:
s =, port)
s.puts data
puts //wait for response
The read is blocking so client won't send next message until it receives something from server in the loop. To send data parallely you would have to a) use non-blocking I/O in ruby (don't know how) or b) wrap this around a wrapper that spawns a thread for each client.


NodeJS "The data will be lost if there is no listener when a Socket emits a 'data' event."

I am making a server in NodeJS using the Net module. It looks like the following:
const net = require('net');
server = new net.Server();
server.listen("{port: 80}");
server.on('connection', socket =>{
socket.on("data", ()=>socket.write("Hey there!"));
The issue is that when I get two really close requests for the same client only the first gets served with a "Hey there!" response.
What I have read from the Net docs ( is that "If there is no listener when a Socket emits a 'data' event the data will be lost".
Am I loosing the second request because I am still writing the response to the first at ()=>socket.write("Hey there!") when its event arrives?
If that's the case how do I avoid loosing 'data' events when I am serving others?

Socket.IO Emit is emitting to all clients

So I'm writing an app in NodeJS, and to preface my question please understand how my setup currently works:
I have Clients who connect via to "Server X", and then my "Server X" connects via to "Server Y", and they all send data back to each other via
Client <---> Server X <---> Server Y
Clients refer to users and their browsers, and then I have a node app running on both my server x and my server y.
So in the code below on my Server X, if you look at line 4 it works exactly as it should. It emits the message ONLY to the client who requested it.
io.on('connection', function(socket){
// This works just fine.
socket.emit('return_login', 'Test Message');
socket.on('login', function(data){
// This line correctly sends the data to Server Y
server_y.emit('login', data);
server_y.on('return_login', function(data){
// This emits to all connected clients???
socket.emit('return_login', data);
Now my problem is when "Server Y" emits return_login to server x, what I want to happen is for server x to take the value emitted by server y and just send it back to the original client, or web browser. But for some reason that line emits to ALL connected clients.
I have a laptop, this computer and my phone all testing this and every time that emit happens it sends to EVERYONE.
If someone could please help me with this I would greatly appreciate it. If I need to post more code please let me know.
I am not sure about your code. But I usually use room to emit to an user and callback function of socket. This is my solution using callback instead of return_login event
io.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.on('login', function(data, callback){
// Using callback instead of return_login event
server_y.emit('login', data, function(responseData){
// put this socket to room as name = user_id
// return result by callback
// emit to exactly user_id with return_login event if you want'return_login', {key: 'ok'})
It is sending to all clients because you have installed a separate listener for each socket for the return_login message. So, when one client logs in and the return_login message is sent back to your server, you have a separate listener for every single socket that sees that message and forwards it to that socket. In this way, it gets sent to every connected socket.
One way to fix that is to make sure that the return_login message is only sent to the socket that it belongs to. If you can send a with that message and have that server echo that id back as part of the response, then you can check that when you receive the message to make sure you only send it to the socket that it belongs to.
This is one of the issues with a pure message-based system. You are trying to do a request/response where only the requester sees the response, but isn't a request/response system. A response is sent to all listeners of that particular message and since you have a listener for that message for every single socket that is connected, every single socket is seeing it and then forwarding it on to it's client.
So, with a corresponding modification to the other server to echo back the id value, you could do this:
io.on('connection', function(socket){
// This works just fine.
socket.emit('return_login', 'Test Message');
socket.on('login', function(data){
// add our id so we can identify our response back =;
server_y.emit('login', data);
let fn = function(data) {
// check to see if this message is destined for this socket
if ( === {
// make data copy with id value removed so
// we don't send that to the client
let tempData = Object.assign({}, data);
socket.emit('return_login', tempData);
// we're done with this listener so remove it
server_y.removeListener('return_login', fn);
server_y.on('return_login', fn);
It might be tempting to just remove your listener for the return_login message after you receive it, but that causes a race condition if two clients happen to both be in the process of logging in at the same time and thus both have listeners at the same time, then the first message would be received by both listeners. emit looping

I would like to be consistent with my "hooks". I use this format below pretty consistently, and it does not appear to fall into an infinite loop.
// inside my nodejs app
socket.on('foo', function (data) {
It only runs once when the hook is triggered from the client side, so it appears to be safe. But why would it not go in an infinite loop in the server side ? is this by accident or design ?
This behavior is by design, not a coincidence or accident
client: emit a message to server with a method
server: receive message from client with an event handler
server: send a message to client with a method
client: receive a message from server with an event handler
server socket receive a message from client
client.socket.emit('foo',aMessage) on foo event
socket.on('foo', function (data) {
//then server emit a message to connected clients
//not to server this is why not go through an infinite loop
then 'client' receive the message from server
chat.socket.on('foo', function(data){
console.log('got new message from server...',data)
}) : How to handle/manage multiple clients requests and responses?

I am very eager to integrate to my node.js project, but I have some confusions on how to properly use I have been looking through documentations and tutorials, but I have not been able to understand some concepts on how works.
The scenario I have in mind is the following:
There are multiple clients C1, C2, ..., Cn
Clients emit request to the server R1,...,Rn
Server receives request, does data processing
When data-processing is complete, Server emits response to clients Rs1, .., Rs2
The confusion I have in this scenario is that, when the server has finished data processing it emits the response in the following way:
// server listens for request from client
socket.on('request_from_client', function(data){
// user data and request_type is stored in the data variable
var user =
var action = data.action
// server does data processing
do_some_action(..., function(rData){
// when the processing is completed, the response data is emitted as a response_event
// The problem is here, how to make sure that the response data goes to the right client
socket.emit('response_to_client', rData)
But here I have NOT defined which client I am sending the response to!
How does handle this ?
How does make sure that: response Rs1 is sent to C1 ?
What is making sure that: response Rs1 is not sent to C2 ?
I hope I have well explained my doubts.
The instance of the socket object corresponds to a client connection. So every message you emit from that instance is send to the client that opened that socket connection. Remember that upon the connection event you get (through the onDone callback) the socket connection object. This event triggers everytime a client connects to the server.
If you want to send a message to all clients you can use
and if you want to send an event to every client apart the one that emits the event

Node.JS net module handling unexpected connection loss

I can't figure out one problem I got.
I'm using the Net module on my Node.JS server which is used to listen to client connections.
The client do connect to the server correctly and the connection remains available to read/write data. So far, so good. But when the client unexpectedly disconnects (ed. when internet falls away at client side) I want to fire an event server side.
In it would be done with the 'disconnect' event, but this event doesn't seem to exist for the Net module. How is it possible to do?
I've searched on Google/StackOverflow and in the Net documentation ( but I couldn't find anything usefull. I'm sry if I did mis something.
Here is a code snippet I got:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(connection) {
console.log('client connected');
connection.wildcard = false;//Connection must be initialised with a configuration stored in the database
connection.bidirectional = true;//When piped this connection will be configured as bidirectional
connection.setKeepAlive(true, 500);
connection.on('close', function (){
console.log('Socket is closed');
connection.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('An error happened in connection' + err.stack);
connection.on('end', function () {
console.log('Socket did disconnect');
connection.on('timeout', function () {
console.log('Socket did timeout');
connection.on('data', function (data) {
//Handling incoming data
serverUmrs.listen(40000, function () {
console.log('server is listening');
All the events(close, end, error, timeout) don't fire when I disconnect the client(by pulling out the UTP cable).
Thanks in advance!
I did add a timeout event in the code here above but the only thing that happens is that the socket does timeout after 3 seconds everytime the client does connect again. Isn't KeepAlive enough to make the socket not Idle? How is it possible to make the socket not idle without to much overhead. It may be possible that there are more than 10,000 connections at the same time which must remain alive as long as they are connected (ie respond to the keepalive message).
I think the KeepAlive is not related with the Idle state of socket, sort of.
Here is my test, I remove the following code in your example.
//connection.setKeepAlive(true, 500);
Then test this server with one client connect to it var nc localhost 40000. If there is no message sending to server after 3 seconds, the server logs as below
Socket did timeout
Socket did disconnect
Socket is closed
The timeout event is triggered without KeepAlive setting.
Do further investigation, refer to the Node.js code
function onread(nread, buffer) {
We know timeout event is triggered by onread() operation of socket. Namely, if there is no read operation after 3 seconds, the timeout event will be emitted. To be more precisely, not only onread but also write successfully will call _unrefTimer().
In summary, when the write or read operation on the socket, it is NOT idle.
Actually, the close event is used to detect the client connection is alive or not, also mentioned in this SO question.
Emitted when the server closes. Note that if connections exist, this event is not emitted until all connections are ended.
However, in your case
disconnect the client(by pulling out the UTP cable).
The timeout event should be used to detective the connection inactivity. This is only to notify that the socket has been idle. The user must manually close the connection. Please refer to this question.
In TCP connection, end event fire when the client sends 'FIN' message to the server.
If the client side is not sending 'FIN' message that event is not firing.
For example, in your situation,
But when the client unexpectedly disconnects (ed. when internet falls away at client side) I want to fire an event server side.
There may not be a 'FIN' message because internet is gone.
So you should handle this situation in timeout without using keepAlive. If there is no data coming data, you should end or destroy the socket.
EDIT: I did add a timeout event in the code here above but the only
thing that happens is that the socket does timeout after 3 seconds
everytime the client does connect again. Isn't KeepAlive enough to
make the socket not Idle? How is it possible to make the socket not
idle without to much overhead. It may be possible that there are more
than 10,000 connections at the same time which must remain alive as
long as they are connected (ie respond to the keepalive message).
For your edit, your devices should send to the server some heartbeat message between a time period. So that, server understands that that device is alive and that timeout event will not fire because you get some data. If there is no heartbeat message such cases you cannot handle this problem.
