How to specify the size of a MessageDlg box? - messagebox

On Lazarus I have this code:
MessageDlg('HRS: Data error!.',
'Either the system is not properly configured or you have an error' + chr(13) +
'that requires expert assistance. This may be due to several reasons like' + chr(13) +
'bad hardware, tampering, etc. Please contact Marha Online or your admin.' + chr(13) +
'Please do not continue to use the HRS software until it is fixed.', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
The output is like this:
I am using chr(13) to break line but as you can see the lines are broken elsewhere as well. I'm also concerned about how this will show on Windows... BTW, I'm using Ubuntu.
Is there a way to control the size of this box or a way around it?

In a word, no, there's no way you can control the size of a MessageDlg. By design, MessageDlg and friends are meant to behave in pretty much a standarrd way.
Although I'm guessing you already thought about it, a way around it would be to simply create your own. That way you would have much more control over it than just its size.
And a side note: I would place LineEndings only on paragraph endings. These dialogs try to adjust to their content, so I guess it's the only way they'd play nice... JMHO.


How can I have text (file extention) after an input option in python?

Soo, How can I have text display after an input()?
I'll explain with an example:
import os
docname = input(f"Where do you wanna save your document? {os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))\\images\\")
As user is typing, the .pdf extension is after what they typed (am not native English)
Where do you wanna save your document? C:\Users\Public\Downloads\project\(here user can type).pdf
(I don't worry about the extention; docname = docname + ".pdf"
I saw this question, but that doesnt answer my question (This isn't a duplicate of that, because that doesnt appear as I type). Here's how far i've came:
text = f"File destination: {os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}\\images\\"
while True:
answer = input(text)
fileExtension = ".pdf"
while not answer:
# print(f"\33[1A\33[{len(fileExtension)}C {fileExtension}")
# print("\033[A\033[A")
The main problems are that:
This doesnt run lol
I can't (or don't know how to) identify the length of characters as user is typing. Also, I dunno if I would need it, but it's probably needed to determine if it has to print(f"\33[1A\33[{len(input)}]C)
The while loop doesn't appear as the input is running. If I would do more research, I maybe will figure out how to run 2 lines at the same time, but then there's gonna be a way more simple answer.
Even if I had all of these together, would it run at all? Or is the cursor jumping left and right without any possible input

Searching closest venues using ll and radius not working properly

I know there are a lot of questions about this issue, but I've reached a point where I can't really do anything else but to ask if somebody else has a solution for this issue...
Using the Foursquare api explorer to test out my query I can't seem to obtain an accurate or even good fit for the data I need to obtain.
It is quite simple. I need to obtain the closest venue from a set of coordinates. I don't mind not having results if nothing is found near by.
So, reading the API documentation ( I conclude that I need a search and not an explore because I don't want sugestions of recommended venues (and the results when I tested it proved that it wasn't what I was expecting).
So, using search api I want to find places (the place, but places would do...) close to these coordinates
considering that I want places close by, I add
and I don't really want many results
from the documentation I see that radius is
Only valid for requests with intent=browse, or requests with
intent=checkin and categoryId or query
so, I use
which concludes my query to:
Query Result:,-122.162989%26radius%3D51%26limit%3D2
Here we can see that the first result is straight outside of the radius ... distance: 135
the second result however is cool ... distance: 50
What am I doing wrong to get these results? If I increase the limit all I get is more results that are also outside the radius, I could iterate through them and find the one with the smallest distance... but I have no guarantee that the closest result will be on the top X that I limit, even If I had that guarantee, it would be a tiresome solution to an apparently simple question...
Thanks for the help...
I managed to make have the query perform as I intended ... But I had to add all of the parent categories from:
4d4b7104d754a06370d81259, Arts & Entertainment
4d4b7105d754a06372d81259, College & University
4d4b7105d754a06373d81259, Event
4d4b7105d754a06374d81259, Food
4d4b7105d754a06376d81259, Nightlife Spot
4d4b7105d754a06377d81259, Outdoors & Recreation
4d4b7105d754a06375d81259, Professional & Other Places
4e67e38e036454776db1fb3a, Residence
4d4b7105d754a06378d81259, Shop & Service
4d4b7105d754a06379d81259 Travel & Transport
making my query into:
Query Result:,-122.162989%26radius%3D60%26categoryId%3D4d4b7104d754a06370d81259,4d4b7105d754a06372d81259,4d4b7105d754a06373d81259,4d4b7105d754a06374d81259,4d4b7105d754a06376d81259,4d4b7105d754a06377d81259,4d4b7105d754a06375d81259,4e67e38e036454776db1fb3a,4d4b7105d754a06378d81259,4d4b7105d754a06379d81259
It still has results outside of my radius still ... but it's an acceptable error margin ... it is weird however.
I managed to make have the query perform as I intended ... But I had to add all of the parent categories from:
4d4b7104d754a06370d81259, Arts & Entertainment
4d4b7105d754a06372d81259, College & University
4d4b7105d754a06373d81259, Event
4d4b7105d754a06374d81259, Food
4d4b7105d754a06376d81259, Nightlife Spot
4d4b7105d754a06377d81259, Outdoors & Recreation
4d4b7105d754a06375d81259, Professional & Other Places
4e67e38e036454776db1fb3a, Residence
4d4b7105d754a06378d81259, Shop & Service
4d4b7105d754a06379d81259 Travel & Transport
making my query into: venues/search?
Query Result:,-122.162989%26radius%3D60%26categoryId%3D4d4b7104d754a06370d81259,4d4b7105d754a06372d81259,4d4b7105d754a06373d81259,4d4b7105d754a06374d81259,4d4b7105d754a06376d81259,4d4b7105d754a06377d81259,4d4b7105d754a06375d81259,4e67e38e036454776db1fb3a,4d4b7105d754a06378d81259,4d4b7105d754a06379d81259
It still has results outside of my radius still ... but it's an acceptable error margin ... it is weird however.
Although this question is old I'm responding for others. I was working on something similar to this recently and what I learned was that in order to use radius you also need to use the 'query' parameter. What I did was to use the star character '*' and it worked for me. I have to say though that the limit of 50 is something I haven't solved yet which I'm working on at the moment.

X3270 Connection and Programming

I'm looking at using a X3270 terminal emulator. I have looked over this source material and still don't see how to start using the tool or configure it.
I'm wonder how I can open a terminal and connect. Another question is how could I integrate this into a python program?
here is a snippet:
em = Emulator()
em.send_string('*user name*')
em.send_string('*user password*')
looking at the save screen i see that the cursor hasn't moved? I can move the cursor using
but after that i don't get any text sent through. Any Ideas?
Here's what I do; it works 100% of the time:
from py3270 import *
import sys, os
host = "%s" % sys.argv[1].upper()
e = Emulator()
except WaitError:
print "py3270.connect(%s) failed" % (host)
print "--- connection made to %s ---" % (host)`
If you haven't got a network connection to your host, that wait_for_field() call is going to wait for a full 120 seconds. No matter what I do, I don't seem to be able to affect the length of that timeout.
But your user doesn't have to wait that long, just have him kill your script with a KeyboardInterrupt. Hopefully, your user will grow accustomed to success equaling the display of that "--- connection made ..." message so he'll know he's in trouble when/if the host doesn't respond.
And that's a point I need to make: you don't connect to a terminal (as you described), rather you connect to a host. That host can be either a VTAM connection or some kind of LPAR, usually TSO or z/VM, sometimes CICS or IMS, that VTAM will take you to. Each kind of host has differing prompts & screen content you might need to test for, and sometimes those contents are different depending on whose system you're trying to connect to. Your script becomes the "terminal", depending on what you want to show your user.
What you need to do next depends on what kind of system you're trying to talk to. Through VTAM? (Need to select a VTAM application first?) To z/VM? TSO? Are you logging on or DIALing? What's the next keystroke/field you have to use when you're working with a graphic x3270/c3270 terminal? You need to know that in order to choose your next command.
Good luck!
Please read my comment above first - it would be helpful to have more detail as to what you need to do.
After considering that…have you looked at the py3270 package at ? The summary says it talks to x3270.

Side-Step Application.MsgBox in VBA (Excel)

In order to head off a storm of "comment it out" replies, here is my situation:
I have a process is normally run 1 iteration by 1 iteration. A user manually hits a button that calls a macro which, upon completion, pops up a message box that reports the total time length the macro ran for. It's pretty handy for diagnosing issues. This code is locked down and I cannot modify it.
I am trying to do this at scale. Because the code in the main spreadsheet and workbook are locked, I have a separate workbook open in the same instance of excel with a macro that operates the locked down workbook. Rather than 1 by 1, I've got a set of 300 I'm trying to run through. Right now I have to babysit the thing and hit space to get past the MsgBox. Does anyone know of any tricks to prevent me having to monitor the thing? Either disabling the pop-ups or some way to make them non-modal. Maybe a trick to make the mouse click?
You're right in knowing that the best way to fix the issue is to correct the code. In which case you would probably make the pop-ups toggle-able.
However, I wrote this for you which could be used as a potential work around. It utilizes VBScript to "sort-of" simulate multithreading so that you can send a key to the modal Msgbox. Assuming you can do what you want to do via code, simply call SendDelayedKeys before the action that will cause a Msgbox. You may have to tinker with the Delay based upon your circumstances as 100 milliseconds may not be enough. To change the Delay, just call like this: SendDelayedKeys 500 for 500 milliseconds.
Sub SendDelayedKeys(Optional Delay As Long = 100, Optional keys As String = """ """)
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim sFile As String
sFile = "C:\SendKeys.vbs" 'Make this a valid path to which you can write.
'Check for the .vbs file.
If Not Len(Dir$(sFile)) Then
'Create the vbs file.
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sFile)
oFile.WriteLine "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")"
oFile.WriteLine "WScript.Sleep CLng(WScript.Arguments(0))"
oFile.WriteLine "WshShell.SendKeys WScript.Arguments(1)"
End If
Shell "wscript C:\SendKeys.vbs " & Delay & " " & keys
End Sub
Sub ProofOfConcept()
'Using default parameters which sends a space after 100 milliseconds
MsgBox "I disappear on my own!"
End Sub
A word of warning: Any solution that utilizes SendKeys is a fragile solution and should be avoided when possible. However, when your options are limited and you need to avoid a manual process, sometimes it's your only option.
Since SiddhartRout rightly pointed out that this could be solved using API calls: here's a link with C# code that would close your msgbox every second.
The problem here really isn't strictly a problem more code can (or indeed should) solve.
There are a great many things to consider and any solution will be more complex AND less reliable than the problem it is initially trying to solve. But lets look at your options...
SendKeys is not reliable for that kind of use, what happens if the dialogue says "would you like me to save this workbook?" just after making a change that was meant to be temporary or "would you like to play global thermonuclear war?" Plus with a batch process like that you want to get on with something else while you wait, even if it's only to come here to downvote trolls. If nothing else you may not be in control of this code so what kind of mess will it cause when the maintainers realise msgbox is bad UX and kill it?
FindWindow API calls would let you check the content in the window to make sure it says what you're expecting but then you're potentially asking some bit of quick & dirty vbscript to go into a race condition until the right window comes up. Can you guarantee that the threads won't lock up?. What about platform issues - what happens if someone wants to run your code on their shiny new surface? What happens when your 64 bit modal Excel dialogue window can't be seen by the 32-bit api calls you were making? What about a new version of office that doesn't present modal dialogues in the same way? None of those problems are insurmountable but each adds complexity (aka opportunity for failure.)
The best solution is fix the actual problem you have identified from the outset which is that the original code throws up an unnecessary modal dialogue. Someone needs to fix that - it doesn't have to be you but if you estimate how much time that modal dialogue wastes in lost productivity that should get you a solid business case for getting it sorted.

Increasing the number of suggests shown in omnibox

Is it in anyway possible to increase the number of suggests that your extension may show in the omnibox?
By default it looks like 5 rows is the limit. I've read about a command line switch to change the number of rows (--omnibox-popup-count) but I am really interested in dynamically being able to set this in my extension.
5 rows isn't really enough for the information my extension want to show.
[Update 2018 - thanx version365 & Aaron!]
» Not hardcoded anymore! chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches . Credit goes to #version365 answering below: « – Aaron Thoma
..[historical] detail: since the removal of --omnibox-popup-count flag ( in May 2010 the number [was] hardcoded:
const size_t AutocompleteResult::kMaxMatches = 6;
a discussion two years later on the chromium-discuss mailing list about the 'Omnibox default configuration' "concluded"
"On lower performing machines generating more result would slow down the result display. The current number look like a good balance."
[which is not a very valid argument, considering the probably infinitesimal overhead retrieving more items than the hard-wired number]
why the heck is there no chromium fork that removes stupid UX limitations like this (or the no tabbar in fullscreen mode)^^
Since there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag; you can use another flag which is new.
chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches lets you select a maximum of 12 rows.
In fact there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag
So I think there is no way to enlarge the omnibox.
