chromecast on chrome packaged app - google-cast

I would like to add the ability to cast my chrome packaged app to a google chromecast device.
So far google states that all you have to do is add
to your page and the API will inject itself.
For me that doesn't happen. No code is injected.
Am I doing something wrong?
There doesn't seem to be a demo showing this type of capability.
I just wanted to clarify a bit. All that I would like to do is display my app to a screen.
I have no media. I simply want to display it exactly as the chrome extension in the chrome browser would.Therefore I would follow the directions for a sender only. The app is packaged so it is running only CSS/JS/HTML5 code. The app is designed to run offline.
Steps I've taken to cast:
1. I've added the extra bit to the HTML line:
2. I've followed the whitelisting, to the best of my understanding, by adding my "website address" to the chrome extension. So I've added the only two address that should matter.

There is a good chance Content Security Policy is blocking the implementation of the cast API being injected. I see that you've filed Issue 287254: Google cast (chromecast) ability for packaged apps, and suspect we will need to wait for it to be implemented in a packaged apps compliant way.

You must whitelist your device and your Chrome app. See here for more details:


How to build web application that run in WeChat in app browsers?

I am trying to build a simple web application, which capture users photo and sent it my custom server there by connected to some other business use-case. My web page uses HTML's file input control to launch native camera or gallery pick up option.
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*');
input.setAttribute('capture', 'camera');
input.setAttribute('type', 'file');;
This web app, I placed in local webserver with a name "PhotoLocker" and testing with url like
https://localhost(ipaddress to access via mobile browser)/PhotoLocker/index.html
This link is working fine both on desktop and mobile chrome browsers and am able to debug any issues. Where as same link, I try to access from WeChat browser (just opening above link from chat window), it is not at all opening my application in WeChat in app browser.
After googling, I found that https URL scheme is not supported by WeChat. is it True? When I paste the same app url as weixin://ipaddress/PhotoLocker/index.html, I am able to see my web app home page but it is not working as expected.
My Question is - how to debug my webpage opened in WeChat browser? Do I need a official WeChat Dev account even to develop and test sample apps?
Additional Info :
I am able to debug webpage from WeChat web devloper tool as mentioned in below link. But, unable to debug mobile wechat page in this tool. It is always opening chrome dev tools.
I am a frontend developer in China, Chinese. Forgive my English for any mistake, misunderstanding I could make. Some links (dev docs mostly) below contain sites complete in Chinese, because I can not find corresponding English ones for now.
how to debug my webpage opened in WeChat browser?
Tencent provide an IDE for developing regular web interface and WeChat-mini-program, with which developer can directly interact with:
JSSDK (basically a special weixin
Object lives only in in-WeChat-browser);
API provided in WeChat-mini-program.
If you download that IDE:
First it will ask you is to use you WeChat to scan the QRCode, then confirm login with your WeChat account;
Next it will show up two square button (image below), left one is for WeChat-mini-program, the right one is for you to testing regular web page.
Click the right blue one, then you can find your way out, it's just something built top on project Blink.
As you can see the part of debugging regular webpage in WeChat IDE is no more than a simulator (in the WeChat-mini-program part, developer can write code directly in it), and in my experience it does have bugs, you will still need to test code in real machine.
For that Tencent provide another tool called vConsole, tutorials here, with it you can do following things directly in in-WeChat-browsers:
View console logs;
View network requests;
View document elements;
View Cookies and localStorages;
Execute JS command manually
and so on
Do I need a official WeChat Dev account even to develop and test sample apps?
You may know the Official Account inside WeChat, with webpages directly opened in any context inside in-WeChat-browser, it will have the ability to interact the weixin Object, or have some API like login with WeChat, pay with WeChat Pay:
API like close current in-WeChat-browser, hide-share-button will not required anything special, you don't need to register any Official Account;
But if you want yo do the Pay, Login thing, you need an Official Account and pay for the ability every year (not sure about this outside China).
The localhost problem you faced
I don't have my working machine with me now so I can not test. Regularly I can proxy localhost with Charles then debugging in WeChat, but never do the https, I will try it later.
All the information got regarding how to debug webpage opened in wechat browser redirects to how to see log or ajax/netwrok calls analysis.
Even with WeChat web devloper tool as mentioned in below link, I am unable to debug mobile wechat page in this tool. It is always opening chrome dev tools.
Hence further analyzed remote mobile webpage debugging and found that there is no way to put break points, watch, expressions and all just like in chrome dev tools is not possible.
As a work around - you are able to debug code, when you simulate page in dev tools but no way to debug webpage in mobile device.
Same webpage when tried to do remote debugging as per WeChat web devloper tool documentation. here we can only see console logs and network calls.

Chrome extension to change Desktop wallpaper

I'm diving into the world of Chrome Extension development, primarily because there is a very small feature that is missing in Chrome that I miss dearly. The context-menu option to "Set as background/wallpaper" like that found in Firefox. Sounds trivial, but it's convenient.
I have most of the "basic" stuff worked out with the manifest file, am able to install it, even managed to get it to show up as a context menu item.
The problem obviously is that I am wanting to mess with a user's OS-level settings which is extremely difficult because of security issues (fully understand this).
I found an extension that allowed this in older versions of Chrome, and it looked like the developer used some type of .dll and C++ to accomplish this.
I'm not really sure how to make this work.
Since that Chrome doesn't allow these kind of manipulations (such as your PC's settings), you will need to create a native application that will run beside your extension. When the user chooses the image from your extension and selects "use as wallpaper", you will use the native messaging API to send a message to your desktop application, that will set the wallpaper (and do whatever else you can't do within a chrome extension) for you.
You can use the chrome.wallpaper app api to set the wallpaper after using the messaging api to send the image from your extension.

How to launch a chrome packaged app using a URL scheme

I have a chrome packaged app that I update form time to time - when I'm creating an update I want to send email to subscribed customers with a link the that extension -that will launch it.
Anyone knows if there is a chrome url scheme i can use?
Currently this is not possible, but there is an API proposal and an implementation being developed for a chrome-app://appid URL schema that would do pretty much what you describe.
Follow the status here
I also want to be able to do this. It seems that one possible solution is to install both an extension and a packaged app, and have the extension register a context menu that then communicates with the app, or something similar.

Embedded bookmark in J2ME app

Does anyone know if this is possible in J2ME;
I want to have an app that simply launches a browser when opened and directs the browser to a specific web page.
If so, is it widely supported.
You can use javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet.platformRequest() to launch the browser on almost all phones that support JavaME. This article tells more about invoking platform services such as browser.

Why does look different on blackberry & phonegap vs. blackberry & browser

I'm tyring to get phonegap up and running on blackberry storm (9530 simulator). I had been testing my webapp from withing BB's built in browser, and it was looking ok, but then it totally bit once I tried to look at the some code from within phonegap, even though I was pointing phonegap to the same url (I hadn't yet gotten to the point of running code locally on the device).
I tried a test case on google and got similiar results. see below. I suspect that I'm missing something basic here. I would have expect both images to be nearly identical.
To shed some light on what is happening, I ran the browser and the embedded browser (phonegap) against the W3 mobile web acid test:
I definitely notice differences between the two, but I don't yet know the 'why' and the 'how-to-address'.
Acid via built-in browser
BTW - I ran this earlier today and got a couple more green square than just now.
Acid via browser embedded into phonegap
Disclaimer: I don't know anything about phonegap, but have a pretty good theory. By default the embedded browser control on BlackBerry uses an older version of the rendering engine than the BlackBerry browser itself does.
At the BlackBerry developer conference last year, a talk was given about this, and there's an undocumented option to use the newer rendering engine. \
The option ID is 17000 (yes, a magic number, which could change, use at your own risk etc), and should be set to true. Not sure how you'd pass this option through phonegap (I'm not familiar with the toolkit) but using the BlackBerry APIs it's something like:
BrowserContent content;
content.getRenderingOptions().setProperty(RenderingOptions.CORE_OPTIONS_GUID, 17000, true);
I don't know the specifics of the browsers you are using, but I do know that most of the big sites will detect your OS + browser combination to decide what HTML to show you.
If Google is seeing a different user agent, you might get a generic mobile version of the HTML instead os the Blackberry specific HTML you get for the built in browser.
If you have access to a web server, try hitting it with both browser setups and see if there is any difference in the log file. That might tell you something interesting.
As we can see in your Acid tests...
One browser (the built-in one) is reporting correctly as a BlackBerry9530, and the other (phonegap) is not presenting the user-agent ["Testing with ."].
In this case, Google is providing you with the default view of their homepage, whereas when you are reporting yourself as a BlackBerry device, you will get the BlackBerry specific rendering.
By the sounds of things, using phonegap is removing the default user-agent (most probably because it's not recognising your device). As phonegap is open-source, the best bet is to get in there, and debug it and find out what happens with the user-agent when the http requests leave the device and track it back from there.
Maybe one browser has capabilities that another one does not?
Hm. By looking at the screenshot I would say that the second page is probably missing some resources. It may be missing some images, scripts and the CSS files, which would explain different l&f. Knowing how Blackberry Browser Field API works, I would guess that the implementation that uses the BrowserField was not done correctly. Just my guess. In addition to that, when the browser field is initialized the caller needs to configure it properly by enabling the appropriate browser features - scripts, styles etc. Again, the API is done in a very weird way, I have gotten myself into this trap once. When setting the options, you cannot just create one mask (like CSS | WML | SCRIPT) and make one call. Options are numeric and, I believe, non-overlapping - but you still need to call the API for setting each option independently.
Also the way asynchronous loading of the resources for BrowserField takes time to understand.
Just my $0.02.
