Top padding for text objects in 1.2.12 - text

since V.1.2.12 I see a top paddding for text objects. I used V1.2.9 before and there I did not have that "issue". Is it possible to remove it. I need to use V1.2.12 because of the image issue with loadFromJSON.
See image:


How to draw custom shapes with draw2d?

I am using draw2d javascript library for drawing predefined shapes and custom shapes in it's canvas.
As I don't have any example made yet, I am trying to copy from it's documentation but doesn't seem to find a good way to research it as it contains a whole lot of it.
Here is the circle example.!/api/draw2d.shape.basic.Circle
and here are some more documentation with examples.
I have premade shapes with html and css and I am trying to drag and drop and render them on canvas like these in this image. Also when dropped, they should have input and output ports too.
Is it possible to convert this html/css to draw2d shapes?
So here this is made possible via extending draw2d's SVGFigure and thus we have ability to provide custom svg to render it as a custom shape.
Below links were useful in this context.!/guide/extending_svg_figure-section-live-example!/api/draw2d.SetFigure

fabricJS - SVG parameters with toSVG

According to this link, it is possible to modify a SVG, depending on the parameters included in the URL used to access this SVG.
Is it possible to do so using the toSVG() method ?
Let's say I create a basic canvas with a few elements. Once I'm done, I export and save the result of my canvas.toSVG() on AWS.
I get this image
Is it possible to modify the way toSVG() behaves, so that adding ?color=red at the end of the URL would make my tshirt red ?
I tried using the example from the documentation, using replace() on my canvas objects, but this generates empty SVGs.

How to get an image srcset inside page.html.twig in Drupal 8?

I've figured out how to get the image link:
{{ node.myfieldname.entity.uri.value }}
I've been poking around with kint for a bit now, but can't figure out if there is a srcset anywhere.
When loading the image normally through {{ content }} it does display a srcset, so it should have one. Just not sure if it is already available on the page.html.twig or where to find it.
The actual goal is to retreive the image srcset to use the image as a background. I'm trying to retreive multiple images to use as backgrounds for multiple div's that are defined in my page--front.html.twig
Getting access to all the node information at the page template level generally means large and painful selectors and extra rendering. It's generally easier to create a helper function and hook within your theme file to make the values easier to access.
Depending on the details of your use case the Background Image Formatter module may do what you need without much custom code.
If that approach doesn't work for you consider a template_preprocess_node() to find and extract the values you want from the field. You can move them into simple to use variables for the template.
Solved this by creating a custom block for my image, that only shows the image.
Then added the custom block to my page.html.twig
Not the prettiest solution, but easy and effective.

Recognised file types for image preview?

Is it possible to add additional file types to be recognised as images and thus trigger automatic creation of an image view when a resource is uploaded?
SVG files will preview in CKAN, but we have to manually add the image view e.g.
With text (for example) we can specify file format extensions to recognise as text and automatically create a text preview (ckan.preview.text_formats...). Is there an equivalent for images?
It would only be possible by modifying the source code for your instance:
Seems like a great idea to have the image view on a par with the text view in this regard, so I made a pull request:

What manager is suggested for Gallery Manager?

I am working on implementing a gallery, I tried GridFieldManager for this, but the images of the thumbnail are not of same size. I sneaked through the gridfieldclass but there are no methods for making the cell size of each image constant.
Is it worth to use flowfieldmnager? When I tried overriding sublayout method for the above two managers it is not giving the desired reults.
Is it possible to sublayout flowfieldmanager?
Device : Blackberry 9780, OS 6.0
The below image is the desired result I am trying to get
I advice you to use a simple FlowFieldManager. But instead of BitmapField inside it, extend a Field to do the following:
setExtent to 1/4 of the Display width in the sublayout method
draw your own focus in the border of the image
draw your own borders and draw the image in the center of the field's extent
