htaccess rewrite rule/condition gives file not found - .htaccess

This is what I am trying..
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond $1 ^(.*)/__ver([0-9]+)__/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /$1 [L]
What I am ultimately trying to do is version my file structure without actually changing the physical directory structure. I am also trying to set something up that will help prevent caching in some browsers. Either way I am basing this logic off of trying to remove the index.php from the URL with codeigniter but am failing.
I want to be able to in my html provide a uri in the src="" like
but as far as the server acts or is concerned I want it to remove the ver333 and pull the file accordingly. So its the equivilant of or /js/script.js

RewriteCond $1 ^(.*)/__ver([0-9]+)__/(.*)$ does not mean anything. $1 is the first capture group in the regex in the first argument on that line. As this is the first argument, you are currently matching a file path against the characters $1. This will obviously never match.
What you want can easily be done with a regular rewriterule:
RewriteRule ^(.*)/__ver[0-9]+__/(.*)$ /$1/$2
Make sure that you enable the RewriteEngine and set RewriteBase /.


Redirect from asp to php not working

I'm trying to redirect all asp files to php files. At this point it doesn't matter if the parameters are lost. I tried the code below to accomplish this. But it seems to be ignored. If the asp page is default.asp, the url is rewritten to default.php, which doesn't exist.
I'm wondering if there is something on the server that is overriding my command or if the command is wrong?
RewriteRule ^.asp$ /index.php [R=301,L,QSA]
You are using anchors on both the ends of your URL match pattern. The ^ marks the beginning and $ marks the end. Since you only want to match URLs ending with .asp, use just $:
RewriteRule \.asp$ /index.php [R=301,L,QSA]
The rule you're looking for is:
# Does the file exist?
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1.php -f
# If so, rewrite the request
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)\.asp$ /$1.php [R=301,QSA]
The ^/? on there is because it's not clear from context whether you're doing this in your main config, or in a .htaccess file. I presume .htaccess since you've used that tag, but, just to be sure.

my .htaccess rewriteRule is failing

I'm having trouble understanding why this rewrite isn't doing what its told.
NOTE: the first rewrite in my .htaccess file works properly so its not a problem with using mod_rewrite on local host.
i have URIs which i know will be in the format:
when site goes live:
my .htaccess file reads thus:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)$ $1.php [L]
RewriteRule ^my-manager-([0-9]+)-([a-z]+) my-manager.php?i=$1&t=$2 [PT]
To achieve clean URls like:
Ideally i dont really want the first capture group ([0-9]+) since i dont really want the 'i' value in the resultant
clean url - so ideally id like:
However ive not even got the rewrite to work so far at all having tried:
leading forward-slash on the target (though i dont think it was necessary)
tried changing the '&' ampersand in the target to use &
removing the [PT] passthru flag replaced with and without [L] flag
tried most 'least' restrictive character classes in the pattern i.e. (.*) instead of ([0-9]+)
commented 'out' the first RewriteRule which works flawlessly BTW - so using the troublesome rule in isolation
Non of these have worked - the second rewrite rule has no effect on the target urls so i cant even see were the discrepancy is. I'm still new to mod_rewrite so sort of rely on an informative fail so i can work out were my reg-ex is wrong but i suspect its just being ignored since im getting 'zilch' back!!
Any help appreciated - maybe with a pointer to my folly.
Your htaccess file, I'm assuming, is in the "managerhub" directory. That's where those rules need to be. You may need to add a base as well:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /managerhub/
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)$ $1.php [L]
RewriteRule ^my-manager-([0-9]+)-([a-z]+)$ my-manager.php?i=$1&t=$2 [L,PT]
which you'd need to change when they get to the live site. You can remove the first capture group via:
RewriteRule ^my-manager-([a-z]+)$ my-manager.php?t=$1 [L,PT]
The L flag isn't exactly 100% needed.

Targeting single directory for rewrite rule

I have edited this question to use the actual URLs. I need the url
To be rewritten like
I have tried
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)/$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [L]
Which works on this page but breaks every other page on the site. I was wondering if there was a way to force the rewriterule to only operate on files within the mine_db directory. I had tried RewriteCond but with no success:
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/mine_db
I really don't know they proper syntax for this though. Any ideas?
First of your rule can be shortened and written without needing RewriteCond. Also it appears that you want to capture 2 variables after test_db.
You can try this rule instead:
RewriteRule ^(mine_detail)/([0-9]+)/?$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [QSA,L,NC]
Which will work with URIs like /mine_detail/12345 (trailing slash is optional). Also note that above rewrite will happen silently (internally) without changing the URLi in browser. If you want to change URL in browser then use R flag as well like this:
RewriteRule ^(mine_detail)/([0-9]+)/?$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [QSA,L,NC,R]

mod rewrite exclude all but php

Is it possible to edit htacces in such a way that only the following url is rewritten and the rest isn't?
I want the pages not having x=... as a variable to behave normally
I got the following but that doesn't work
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*)/ index.php?x=$1
RewriteCond $1 !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|html|swf|mp3|wav|txt)$
Who can help me?
First off, the RewriteCond must be put before the RewriteRule to which it belongs.
But I think that you need another approach for your case, something like this:
RewriteRule (.*)\.php - [PT,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ index.php?x=$1
The first rule Passes Through (PT) every PHP page, so the second rule is only applied to all non-PHP requests.
That second rule only applies to a "simple path", no matter if this path has a dot in it or not (e.g. hello.gif/ will match, too).
If this does not work for you, then you might consider one of these points to start further research:
the pattern ([^\.]*) matches everything that does not have a dot in it
see RewriteCond to skip rule if file or directory exists for RewriteConds where the following RewriteRule is only used if the request does not point to an existing file or directory
Hope this helps.

Redirect to fallback file if first attempt fails

I have this in my .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^images/([^/\.]+)/(.+)$ themes/current/images/$1/$2 [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^images/([^/\.]+)/(.+)$ modules/$1/images/$2 [L,NC]
The idea is that it does the following:
// Rewrite this...
// ... to this
// HOWEVER, if that rewritten path doesn't exist, rewrite the original URL to this:
The only things that change here are calendar and gear.png, the first of which could be any other single word and the latter the file name (possibly with path) to an image file.
I can rewrite the original URL to the first rewrite as shown in the example just fine, but what I cannot do is get my .htaccess to serve up the file from the other, fallback location if the first location 404s. I was under the impression that not using [L] in my first RewriteRule would rewrite the URL for RewriteCond.
The problem I'm having is that instead of serving the fallback file, the browser just shows a 404 to the first rewritten path (themes/current/calendar/gear.png), instead of falling back to modules/calendar/gear.png. What am I doing wrong?
Please note that my regex isn't perfect, but I can refine that later. Right now I'm concerning myself with the rewrite logic itself.
Fallthrough rules are fraught with bugs. My general recommendation is than any rule with a replacement string other than - should trigger an internal redirect to restart the .htaccess parse. This avoids the subrequest and URI_PATH bugs.
Next once you go to 404, again in my experience this is unrecoverable. I have a fragment which does something similar to what you are trying to do:
# For HTML cacheable blog URIs (a GET to a specific list, with no query params,
# guest user and the HTML cache file exists) then use it instead of executing PHP
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !blog_user
RewriteCond %{ENV:DOCUMENT_ROOT_REAL}/blog/html_cache/$1.html -f
RewriteRule ^(article-\d+|index|sitemap.xml|search-\w+|rss-[0-9a-z]*)$ \
blog/html_cache/$1.html [L,E=END:1]
Note that I do the conditional test in filesystem space and not URI (Location) space. So this would map in your case to
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/themes/current/images/$1/$2l -f
RewriteRule ^images/(.+?)/(.+)$ themes/current/images/$1/$2 [L]
Though do a phpinfo() to check to see if your hosting provider uses an alternative to DOCUMENT_ROOT if it is a shared hosting offering e.g an alternative environment variable as mine uses DOCUMENT_ROOT_REAL.
The second rule will be picked up on the second processing past after the internal redirect.
