Plugin missing from organisation - dynamics-crm-2011

Dynamics CRM 2011 on premise.
We have had a plugin registered for a few months. It was referenced by a solutions in two organisations and I could see it in Solution > Components > Plug-in Assemblies in each organisation.
Yesterday I noticed it was not visible in this view. The Plugin Registration Tool shows it still installed.
I unregistered it using the Plugin Registration Tool and then registered it again but it still isn't visible in the solution that references it in either organisation.
We get a "Could not load file or assembly" exception when the plugin is called.
How can I investigate this?

Registering a plugin doesn't put it in a solution. You'll have to add it back manually to whatever solution(s) you want.
Go to Customizations > Solutions > Open your solution you want the plugin added > Plug-in Assembly > Add Existing. If the dll doesn't show up there, you either didn't register it at all, or registered it for a different org

Go to Customization > Customize the System > Plug-in Assemblies
When you deployed, it might be installed in default solution. You can always add it back to your Solution as #Daryl said.

Ok, I'm not sure why, but it seems to be working again.
I removed all trace of the plugin from both servers and from the orgs and solutions and then added it back and now it seems to be ok.
Is annoying because I don't think I learnt anything and it used a lot of time.
Thanks for your help.


Validation error when publishing customization containing Smartsheet SDK reference

I have an Acumatica customization that uses a third-party (Smartsheet) API reference. This works fine in a development environment - even re-publishing the customization project - but when it's packaged up and deployed on another instance, I get the following error:
Not sure if anyone would have any suggestions on what might possibly cause this error, but I just thought I'd check...
The answer is that you have to include all dependent dlls for the third party API in the Acumatica Customization project's 'Files' section, even though they're compiled as references in the Acumatica customization project's Visual Studio project.
Thanks to Brian Stevens (above) for his answer and making me realize this...

Prevent VS2017 from connecting to SQL database

I am working on a ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio.
Since today I see am seeing every now and then
a dialog window "Connect to SQL Server" that uses {0} as user name:
I always click Cancel as the user name is just a place holder. It is read - as the rest of the database configuration - from Web.config.
The documentation just states:
This dialog box appears when specific access permission is required
for the current database process.
I believe I do not need this access. How can I prevent Visual Studio from showing this dialog?
PS: I do not want to remove the configuration from Web.config as it is needed by my project.
After a little debugging, it turned out that it was the awesome Meene VS Tools 2017 extension which caused this problem. Specifically, the Enable tasks provider option. Just disabling it helped to get rid of the nasty dialog. Maybe one could also add the Web.config to the Excluded file name patterns to fix the problem. Since I do not use the tasks, I did not try though.

CRM 2011 - Audit Settings do not overwrite correctly after deployment

We have an existing issue with the Audit Setting on individual entities. When a managed solution is deployed from Dev environment to another, the 'Enable Audit' setting is turned off after the deployment (while the imported CRM soultion has the Enable Audit turned on for the corresponding entity). This only happens for a few entities.
Does anyone have any idea why this might occur ? and is there a way to fix this ? Please assist.
This is one of the managed solution "gotchas" in crm 2011. Importing a managed solution that contains those entities will effectively turn off Auditing.
For verification, more info take a look here:
Quote: "What we found is that the Enable Auditing in the following areas checkboxes are transferred from one environment to another, without needing to select any of the system settings for export. However, the Start Auditing is not. When documenting the steps to perform a deployment, make sure that manually checking this important box if you are performing auditing on any of your entities is one of those steps."
So you will have to make sure start auditing is enabled on these entities manually. I assume you would be able to automate "start auditing" using a C# Console App as well if automation is an important part of your deployment process.
So, to clarify, when exporting the managed solution, it seems like the following line is transferred:
Here's a work around for this problem that I found here:
Simply open up the managed solution zip and edit the setting for IsAuditEnabled to read 1. After that zip up the solution again and import at will.
A bit of manual work but it should work. Also, make sure going forward you remember to do this. If Auditing is turned off you will lose all Audit Data for the entity...

How do I safely add an attribute to an Opportunity?

I am building a plugin that utilizes the new Business Process Flow in Dynamics 2013, and in order to take full advantage of the easy to use check-list style menu I have added two new attributes to the default Opportunity entity in Dynamics CRM.
I have done this in the plugin's customizations.xml file by adding the attributes to the Opportunity Entity under the EntityInfo->Entity->Attributes section of the Entity xml.
The addition of this field to the Opportunity works just as expected, though I am running into issues when uninstalling the plugin.
Since this plugin will be widely available, I can't expect users to keep it on their systems forever.
On uninstallation of the plugin, however, Opportunities can no longer be viewed in the CRM 2013 Online. When I try to view one I get the following:
Query Builder Error
The specified field does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Is there something I can do within the customizations.xml file to ensure that once the plugin solution has been uninstalled, Dynamics CRM will no longer reference these fields?
note: This issue occurs on a brand new instance of Dynamics CRM 2013 (trial) with the plugin simply installed / uninstalled, so no other customizations are linking to changes from the plugin and causing the crash
If you were to make this change via the UI, it would block you from deleting these fields until all dependencies have been removed as well. Because you chose to do this without the assistance of the UI, it is breaking on you. If you go back and make this change via the UI, the customizations.xml file should be properly updated and you should be good to go (or it will error and say where there is still a dependency - making it easy to go and fix it).

Sharepoint 2010 - feature not appearing in UI

Does anyone here know what could cause a new feature to not show up in the SharePoint UI?
The solution it is part of has been correctly deployed to the GAC and shows up in the central administration list of deployed farm solutions, the feature appears in the FEATURES folder of the 14 hive, yet the feature itself does not appear in the features list for the site collection, either in the UI or in PowerShell using Get-SPFeature.
Yes, the feature is correctly scoped, and no, it is not hidden. :)
Any thoughts or pointers would be very welcome!
Answer supplied on, with thanks to Simon Doy.
Somehow, something had gone wrong with the installation of the feature, and neither the UI nor commands like Get-SPFeature revealed its existence, although the Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures command emboldened below displayed the missing feature.
"Check that the feature has been installed. For example, if you are
performing Update-SPSolution and a new feature has been added between
solution deployments then the feature is not installed by default.
To check do the following:-
Run SharePoint 2010 Management Shell from one of the SharePoint
servers Type Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures This will show you any
features that are available in the SharePoint Root but have not been
installed. You can install any missing features using the command :-
Install-SPFeature -AllExistingFeatures
See the following TechNet
Article for more information."
Look in central admin to see what site collection the feature is deployed to. Make sure in that site collection the feature is turned on.
Also, check the deploy job status to see if it actually finished.
Is there a on install event receiver? If it errors out, the feature will not finish installing even after the DLL is copied.
