It's well known that the powerset of a list:
{1,2,3,4} is {{},{1},{2},{1,2},{3},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3},{4},{1,4},{2,4},{1,2,4},{3,4},{1,3,4},{2,3,4},{1,2,3,4}}
the haskell code I got for that problem is:
potencia [] = [[]]
potencia (a:bs) = potencia bs ++ map (a:) (potencia bs)
Now, how would I get a list of sublists of the same length?, for example, the list above would generate the next list of sublists of length 3 = {{1,2,3},{1,2,4},{1,3,4}}
I'm a student sorry for my english, thanks in advance... XD
How about
sublists _ 0 = [[]]
sublists [] _ = []
sublists (x:xs) n = sublists xs n ++ map (x:) (sublists xs $ n - 1)
Which is very similar to the code you had but just has two decreasing parameters, the length and the list.
Also, for more advanced Haskellers
powerset = flip runCont id . foldM step [[]]
where step xs x = cont $ \c -> c xs ++ c (map (x:) xs)
is a powerset implementation without recursion using continuations. Doing the same with the sublists function is an interesting challenge.
I'm thinking just
subsequencesOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
subsequencesOf n = filter ((== n) . length) . subsequences
Which will give you
> subsequencesOf 3 [1, 2, 3, 4]
Although I find it weird that this isn't an operation in Data.Set, and that Set isn't a monad (and therefore has its own version of replicateM.) I guess there might be obstacles in the way there.
Here is the list of lists: [[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3]]
How can I increment each element of the second list by the length of the first list, and increment the third list by the length of the first list + second list? The first list should remain unchanged.
Intended output: [[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10]]
Since the first list has length 3, the second list is generated by [1+3, 2+3, 3+3, 4+3].
Since the first list + second list combined have length 7, the third list is generated by [1+7, 2+7, 3+7].
Ideally it should work with any number of lists.
So far, I've had slight sucess using this:
scanl1 (\xs ys -> [y + length xs | y <- ys]) [[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3]]
which outputs: [[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[5,6,7]]
scanl1 is a good idea, but it's not quite right, because you don't want your accumulator to be a list, but rather to be an integer. So you really want scanl, not scanl1. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to see how to adjust your solution - given that you managed to write something almost-right with scanl1, I don't think you'll find it too hard once you have the right function.
In the comments, jpmariner suggests mapAccumL :: (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b])). That's perfectly typed for what we want to do, so let's see how it would look.
import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
addPreviousLengths :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
addPreviousLengths = snd . mapAccumL go 0
where go n xs = (n + length xs, map (+ n) xs)
λ> addPreviousLengths [[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3]]
mapAccumL really is the best tool for this job - there's not much unnecessary complexity involved in using it. But if you're trying to implement this from scratch, you might try the recursive approach Francis King suggested. I'd suggest a lazy algorithm instead of the tail-recursive algorithm, though:
incrLength :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
incrLength = go 0
where go _ [] = []
go amount (x:xs) =
map (+ amount) x : go (amount + length x) xs
It works the same as the mapAccumL version. Note that both versions are lazy: they consume only as much of the input list as necessary. This is an advantage not shared by a tail-recursive approach.
λ> take 3 . incrLength $ repeat [1]
λ> take 3 . addPreviousLengths $ repeat [1]
There are many ways to solve this. A simple recursion is one approach:
lst :: [[Int]]
lst = [[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3]]
incrLength :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
incrLength [] _ result = result
incrLength (x:xs) amount result =
incrLength xs (amount + length x) (result ++ [map (+amount) x])
(Edit: it is more efficient to use (:) in this function. See #amalloy comment below. The result then has to be reversed.
incrLength :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
incrLength [] _ result = reverse result
incrLength (x:xs) amount result =
incrLength xs (amount + length x) (map (+amount) x : result)
End Edit)
Another approach is to use scanl. We use length to get the length of the inner lists, then accumulate using scanl.
map length lst -- [3,4,3]
scanl (+) 0 $ map length lst -- [0,3,7,10]
init $ scanl (+) 0 $ map length lst -- [0,3,7]
Then we zip the lst and the accumulated value together, and map one over the other.
incrLength' :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
incrLength' lst =
[map (+ snd y) (fst y) | y <- zip lst addlst]
addlst =init $scanl (+) 0 $ map length lst
main = do
print $ incrLength lst 0 [] -- [[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10]]
I want to create one function that returns a list of all possible ways of splitting a list into two non-empty parts.
split :: [([a], [a])]
For example:
> split [1,2,3,4]
> [ ([1], [2,3,4]), ([1,2], [3,4]), ([1,2,3], [4]) ]
I'm far away from the solution. Can anyone help me?
Here is another approach using inits and tails:
Let xs = [1,2,3,4]. Note:
import Data.List
inits xs -- returns: [[] , [1], [1,2], [1,2,3], [1,2,3,4]]
tails xs -- returns: [[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4], [3,4], [4] , []]
So zipping these two lists together give you all the ways of splitting the list into two parts:
zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
= [ ([], [1,2,3,4]),
([1], [2,3,4] ),
([1,2], [3,4]) ,
([1,2,3,4], []) ]
If you don't want the first and last pairs, just trim appropriately:
split xs = init $ tail $ zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
If you wanted to implement this yourself not using library functions
splits :: [a] -> [([a],[a])]
splits [] = []
splits xx = splits' ([],xx)
where splits' :: ([a],[a]) -> [([a],[a])]
splits' xy#(x,[]) = [xy]
splits' xy#(x,y:yy) = let z = (x++[y],yy)
in xy:splits' z
Sure, that's easy using map, splitAt and flip.
First do import Data.List
let split x = map (flip splitAt x) [1..length x-1]
split [1,2,3,4]
Explanation of flip - We are using map and flip to generate results in this example
[splitAt 1 x, splitAt 2 x, splitAt 3 x]
Flip simply allows us to flip the expected arguments. Otherwise we could have written a lambda like so:
let split x = map (\z -> splitAt z x) [1..length x-1]
another approach with iterate
split (x:xs) = takeWhile (not . null . snd) $ iterate (\(x,(y:ys)) -> (x++[y],ys)) ([x], xs)
I am trying to create a generic (type-o-polymophism?) shuffle function with Haskell. I needs to sort a couple of thousand elements in a fraction of a second to be deemed "good enough".
evens :: [a] -> [a]
evens l = [l !! i | i <- [0,2..(length l) - 1]]
odds :: [a] -> [a]
odds l = [l !! i | i <- [1,3..(length l) - 1]]
shuffle :: [a] -> [a]
shuffle s | length s == 1 = s
| otherwise = l ++ shuffle r
where l = evens s
r = odds s
A perfect shuffle can be implemented as
perfectShuffle = concat . transpose . chunksOf 2
The speed improvements will come from:
Not calculating the length of the list repeatedly.
Not building up a chain of (++) inefficiently, which will require repeated traversals of the list and give an O(n2) runtime.
Example output:
λ> perfectShuffle [1..10]
chunksOf is available in the split package. transpose is in Data.List in base.
You should avoid indexing repeatedly into the same list with !! like you do in
evens l = [l !! i | i <- [0,2..(length l) - 1]] -- bad
This takes O(n^2) time where n is the length of l, since l !! i takes O(i) time.
Instead just write something like this:
evens [] = []
evens (x:xs) = x : odds xs
odds xs = evens (drop 1 xs)
Your shuffle itself is fine.
How can I group a list into smaller lists of equal length (except last sublist) in haskell?
sublist 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] -> [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]]
sublist 2 [4,1,6,1,7,3,5,3] -> [[4,1],[6,1],[7,3],[5,3]]
import Data.List.Split
> splitEvery 2 [4,1,6,1,7,3,5,3]
If you want to stick to prelude, you can pull this off using splitAt.
splitEvery _ [] = []
splitEvery n list = first : (splitEvery n rest)
(first,rest) = splitAt n list
The Data.List.Split module has a chunksOf function for this:
Prelude> import Data.List.Split
Prelude Data.List.Split> chunksOf 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Prelude Data.List.Split> chunksOf 3 []
It seemed to be installed by default on my machine, but you might need to get it with cabal.
Another solution that I like is:
splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitEvery n = takeWhile (not.null) . map (take n) . iterate (drop n)
Yet another solution:
split :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
split n = unfoldr (\s -> if null s then Nothing else Just $ splitAt n s)
I know this is old, but since this seems to be a post for people who are fairly new to Haskell, I felt like posting my solution too. I tried to solve this problem by using Prelude, only:
sublist :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
sublist n ls
| n <= 0 || null ls = []
| otherwise = take n ls:sublist n (drop n ls)
sublist 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6] -- λ> [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
sublist 5 [1,2,3] -- λ> [[1,2,3]]
sublist (-1) [1,2,3] -- λ> []
sublist 20 [] -- λ> []
This list comprehension uses tails. Since the first set starts with one, all subsequent subsets start with an odd number.
ts n ls = [take n l|l<-init$tails ls,odd (head l)]
n is the size-of-sublist, ls is the source list.
The next one will take any list and include unmatched elements. It is set up to do pairs only. It is obvious how to parameterize it to do any chunk size.
np ls = [take 2 (drop a ls)|a<-[0,2..(length ls)-1]]
Just include an n as a parameter and replace the 2's in the formula, one after take and one after 0 in the generator.
How to define a rotates function that generates all rotations of the given list?
For example: rotates [1,2,3,4] =[[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,2],[4,1,2,3]]
I wrote a shift function that can rearrange the order
shift ::[Int]->[Int]
shift x=tail ++ take 1 x
but I don't how to generate these new arrays and append them together.
Another way to calculate all rotations of a list is to use the predefined functions tails and inits. The function tails yields a list of all final segments of a list while inits yields a list of all initial segments. For example,
tails [1,2,3] = [[1,2,3], [2,3], [3], []]
inits [1,2,3] = [[], [1], [1,2], [1,2,3]]
That is, if we concatenate these lists pointwise as indicated by the indentation we get all rotations. We only get the original list twice, namely, once by appending the empty initial segment at the end of original list and once by appending the empty final segment to the front of the original list. Therefore, we use the function init to drop the last element of the result of applying zipWith to the tails and inits of a list. The function zipWith applies its first argument pointwise to the provided lists.
allRotations :: [a] -> [[a]]
allRotations l = init (zipWith (++) (tails l) (inits l))
This solution has an advantage over the other solutions as it does not use length. The function length is quite strict in the sense that it does not yield a result before it has evaluated the list structure of its argument completely. For example, if we evaluate the application
allRotations [1..]
that is, we calculate all rotations of the infinite list of natural numbers, ghci happily starts printing the infinite list as first result. In contrast, an implementation that is based on length like suggested here does not terminate as it calculates the length of the infinite list.
shift (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
rotates xs = take (length xs) $ iterate shift xs
iterate f x returns the stream ("infinite list") [x, f x, f (f x), ...]. There are n rotations of an n-element list, so we take the first n of them.
The following
shift :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
shift l n = drop n l ++ take n l
allRotations :: [a] -> [[a]]
allRotations l = [ shift l i | i <- [0 .. (length l) -1]]
> ghci
Prelude> :l test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> allRotations [1,2,3,4]
which is as you expect.
I think this is fairly readable, although not particularly efficient (no memoisation of previous shifts occurs).
If you care about efficiency, then
shift :: [a] -> [a]
shift [] = []
shift (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
allRotations :: [a] -> [[a]]
allRotations l = take (length l) (iterate shift l)
will allow you to reuse the results of previous shifts, and avoid recomputing them.
Note that iterate returns an infinite list, and due to lazy evaluation, we only ever evaluate it up to length l into the list.
Note that in the first part, I've extended your shift function to ask how much to shift, and I've then a list comprehension for allRotations.
The answers given so far work fine for finite lists, but will eventually error out when given an infinite list. (They all call length on the list.)
shift :: [a] -> [a]
shift xs = drop 1 xs ++ take 1 xs
rotations :: [a] -> [[a]]
rotations xs = zipWith const (iterate shift xs) xs
My solution uses zipWith const instead. zipWith const foos bars might appear at first glance to be identical to foos (recall that const x y = x). But the list returned from zipWith terminates when either of the input lists terminates.
So when xs is finite, the returned list is the same length as xs, as we want; and when xs is infinite, the returned list will not be truncated, so will be infinite, again as we want.
(In your particular application it may not make sense to try to rotate an infinite list. On the other hand, it might. I submit this answer for completeness only.)
I would prefer the following solutions, using the built-in functions cycle and tails:
rotations xs = take len $ map (take len) $ tails $ cycle xs where
len = length xs
For your example [1,2,3,4] the function cycle produces an infinite list [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2...]. The function tails generates all possible tails from a given list, here [[1,2,3,4,1,2...],[2,3,4,1,2,3...],[3,4,1,2,3,4...],...]. Now all we need to do is cutting down the "tails"-lists to length 4, and cutting the overall list to length 4, which is done using take. The alias len was introduced to avoid to recalculate length xs several times.
I think it will be something like this (I don't have ghc right now, so I couldn't try it)
shift (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
rotateHelper xs 0 = []
rotateHelper xs n = xs : (rotateHelper (shift xs) (n - 1))
rotate xs = rotateHelper xs (length xs)
myRotate lst = lst : myRotateiter lst lst
where myRotateiter (x:xs) orig
|temp == orig = []
|otherwise = temp : myRotateiter temp orig
where temp = xs ++ [x]
I suggest:
rotate l = l : rotate (drop 1 l ++ take 1 l)
distinctRotations l = take (length l) (rotate l)