More efficient way than nested ifs - excel

In Excel, I want to use something other then nested if statements to execute a task. Is there a cleaner way of doing cases besides nested if statements? Is there a cases statement in excel? For example given a ordered tuple with ones and zeros (e.g (1,1,0)), I want the value of a cell to be something. Can I specify the ordered tuples in advance without something besides nested if statements?

If you already know the ordered tuples and what you want the final value to be, why not create a reference table somewhere else on your sheet with Col1 = tuple ; Col2 = Wanted output?
Then just use a Vlookup() statement on that table...
Hope this makes sense / does what you want....


Writing custom condition inside .withColumn in Pyspark

I have to add a customized condition, which has many columns in .withColumn.
My scenario is somewhat like this. I have to check many columns row wise if they have Null values, and add those column names to a new column. My code looks somewhat like this:
df= df.withColumn("MissingColumns",\
Problem is I have many columns which I have to add to the condition. So I tried to customize it using loops and f-strings and tried using that.
df = df.withColumn("MissingColumns",condition)
But this condition is not working. May be because, the condition I have written is of data type String.
Is there any efficient way to do this?
You need to unpack your list inside the array as follows:
columns = ["firstName","salary"]
condition = array(*[when(col(c).isNull(),lit(c)) for c in columns])

Excel IF statement Not returning the appropriate Value

I'm trying to grade students by giving them A or B depending on their score. If someone is having absent instead of a score, I return a value of the cell.
However, it does not return the value of the cell. The reference records are in a separate sheet called raw. I think it may be because I'm trying to return a string data.
I am using Excel 2007. Here's the formula:
Don't use Nested IFs if you can avoid it. Instead, use a banded VLOOKUP: it's many times more efficient, and a heck of a lot simpler to troubleshoot. Something like this:
The above uses Tables and the associated Table Notation. I always use
Tables when I can, because they reduce spreadsheet administration and
the Structured Table References have intrinsic meaning.
The VLOOKUP must have TRUE as the forth argument, and the lookup
table must be sorted in ascending order.
The lowest score must be zero, so that anything below 40 gets a "Retake" grade.
Depending on whether or not the students' scores are in whole percentage figures (i.e. 75, 63, etc), you could use the INT-function to force interpretation of the input field as an integer (not that it always round down a score, which I suppose seem to be ok with the nested if-structure you're using here. Your function would then be:
you just need to change you last IF condition (raw!E6<40,"RT) because excel will give RT to all the score which is below 40 so add a and condition like if raw!E6>0 , this should resolve your work
Hope this helps

How to include Multiple IFs in Excel formula?

I have the formula below that has two IF Statements however it is given an error. Any help is appreciated.
What I am trying to Achieve is the following:
IF B11>65 and D15 >65 Then select value from D$47. IF B11<65 and D15<65 Then Select value from D$44. Else VLOOKUP(D15,Sheet!$A$2:$K$51,4,FALSE))
You can have multiple IF() calls embedded such as this:
=IF(AND(), Sheet!D$47, IF(AND(), Sheet!D$44, VLOOKUP())
The complete form in your case would be:
=IF(AND(B11>65,D15>65), Sheet!D$47, IF(AND(B11>61,D15>61), Sheet!D$44, VLOOKUP(D15,Sheet!$A$2:$K$51,4,FALSE)))
Basically, this uses the 'Else' clause as a means to add additional clauses. It is possible to do it the other way around but I personally find that harder to read.

Display multiple results using an Nested if statement

Display multiple results using an Nested if statement.
Is there a way to display multiple results from a nested if statement? or how do i change it to do so.
I am currently using:
If more than one is yes I would like to display both results.
Would I need to create a long IF(AND( statement including all of the possible outcomes or does someone know a quicker way ??
The order in your formula is incorrect.
First you need to check all the ANDs and then you can check for the single occurrences. So, your formula should start with
and towards the end of your formula you are adding the single checks

Multiple arrays within multiple arrays

I have multiple lookup values that I am trying to match across multiple arrays. I would like to match one of those lookup values across several arrays within the same match but I keep getting "#VALUE" or "#N/A".
Current formula I try to use is below simplified for ease of reading.
In this case, I am trying to match B2 either in $E$2:$E$10 or $F$2:$F$10. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
At first: You misinterpret the OR function. OR needs boolean values as parameters. And it will not return arrays of values, even not boolean values. It will return either TRUE or FALSE.
At second: Even if OR would work as you seem to think, MATCH needs an one dimensional lookup_array, a row vector or a column vector. It can't work with two dimensional matrices like {$D$2&$E$2&$G$2 , $D$2&$F$2&$G$2 ; $D$3&$E$3&$G$3 , $D$3&$F$3&$G$3 ; ...}
So simplest solution with your example would be to have one INDEX MATCH combination each possible lookup_array:
Or, if you really need this the way you seem to think your formula should work, then you can't use MATCH and need calculate the row number on other way. For example like so:
The T is used assuming the values in A2:G10 are text values. If they are numeric, N must be used instead.
