Search in a book with speech - search

I am trying to build a program that will find which page/sentence in a book is read to microphone. I have the book's text and its audio content. The user will start reading from a random page and program is supposed to synch to the user and show the section of the book which is being read. It might seem useless program but please bear with me..
Would an approach similar to shazam-like programs work? I am not sure how effective those algorithms for speech. Also, the speaker will be different and might have accent and different speeds to read.
Another approach would be converting the speech to text and searching the text in the book. The problem is that the language of the book is a rare one for which there is no language model available. In addition, the script does not use latin characters which makes programming difficult (for me at least).
Is there any solutions that anyone can recommend? Would extracting features from the audio file and comparing with the "real-time" extracted features (from microphone) would work? Which features?
Any implementation/code that I can start with? Any language is ok but prefer C.

You need to use speech recognizer.
Create a language model directly from the book text. That will make the recognition of the book reading very accurate, both original reading and the reading by the user.
Use this language model to recognize the book and assign timestamps for the words or use more advanced algorithm to perform text to audio alignment.
Recognize user's speech with the book-specific language model and use the recognized text to display a position in a book.
You can use CMUSphinx for the mentioned tasks.


Are there any open-source phoneme sets (for speech synthesis)?

I am trying to make a super basic speech synthesizer, and I need some form of phoneme audio files so that I can piece them together and build words. Are there any open phoneme sets that I would be able to use for this?
For super basic speech synthesizer it's worth to check espeak, it's better than to glue sound files together.
This may be more than you're looking for, but have you checked into by any chance? There are many speech products on the market. You might also be interested in

CMU Sphinx for Voice/Speaker Recognition

I'm looking for a way to match a known data set, let's say a list of MP3s or wav files, each which is a sample of someone speaking. At this point I know file ABC is of Person X speaking.
I would then like to take another sample, and do some voice matching to show who this voice is most likely of, given then known data set.
Also, I don't necessarily care what the person has said, as long as I can find a match, i.e I don't need any transcribing or otherwise.
I'm aware CMU Sphinx doesn't do voice recognition, and it's primarily used for voice-to-text, but I have seen other systems, eg: the LIUM Speaker Diarization ( or the VoiceID project ( which uses CMU as a base for this type of work.
If I am to use CMU, how can I do voice matching?
Also, if CMU Sphinx isn't the best framework, is there an alternate that's open source?
This is a subject which would be adequate in complexity for a PhD thesis. There are no good and reliable systems as of right now.
The task you're up for is a very complex one. How you should approach it depends on your situation.
do you have a limited amount of people? how many?
how much data do you have for each person?
If you have very few people to recognize, you may attempt something as simple as obtaining formants of those people and comparing them to a sample.
Otherwise - you have to contact some academics who work on the subject or jury rig a solution of your own. Either way, as I said, it is a difficult problem.

Open source for Automatic Speech Matching ?

Automatic Speech Matching is not Automatic Speech Recognition, which is to compare two pieces of speech audio signal and return how many percentages these two audio signal match.
This tech will usually be used like such scenarios:
Pronounce learning, for example, there is standard pronounce signal of word "Hello", for students who are learning English, they pronounce their own "Hello", so we need use the ASM tech to compare how similar or how correct the student pronounced. So we need figure out sort of algorithm to compare these two 1-D audio signal.
2.We can extend from above from single word to a sentence. Then how to match these audio signal ?
Question here is to look for some good open source or commercial solution for ASM.
Or any other good solutions for such real requirements ?
Thanks in advance !
The comparison with the template will not give anything good because it will not actually hint what was spoken incorrectly. The good pronunciation learning framework doesn't match with the template but with the acoustic model representing proper and wrong pronunciation. This way it can detect errors in speech which learner make. You can read
The SRI EduSpeakTM System: Recognition and Pronunciation Scoring
For implementation of this algorithm on IPhone you can check

Synchronizing text and audio. Is there a NLP/speech-to-text library to do this?

I would like to synchronize a spoken recording against a known text. Is there a speech-to-text / natural language processing library that would facilitate this? I imagine I'd want to detect word boundaries and compute candidate matches from a dictionary. Most of the questions I've found on SO concern written language.
Desired, but not required:
Open Source
Compatible with American English out-of-the-box
Thoroughly documented
Edit: I realize this is a very broad, even naive, question, so thanks in advance for your guidance.
What I've found so far:
OpenEars (iOS Sphinx/Flite wrapper)
Forced Alignment
It sounds like you want to do forced alignment between your audio and the known text.
Pretty much all research/industry grade speech recognition systems will be able to do this, since forced alignment is an important part of training a recognition system on data that doesn't have phone level alignments between the audio and the transcript.
Alignment CMUSphinx
The Sphinx4-1.0 beta 5 release of CMU's open source speech recognition system now includes a demo on how to do alignment between a transcript and long speech recordings.

Libraries of audio samples (spoken text)

For a project we're currently working on, we need a library of spoken words in many different languages.
Two options seem possible: text-to-speech or "real" recordings by native speakers. As the quality is important to us, we're thinking about going the latter path.
In order to create a prototype for our application, we're looking for libraries that contain as many words in different languages as possible. To get a feeling for the quality of our approach, this library should not be made up of synthesized speech.
Do you know of any available/accessible libraries?
A co-worker just found this community based library, which is nice, but rather small in size:
I've just found this on the Audacity wiki: VoxForge. From their site:
VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines (on Linux, Windows and Mac).
We will make available all submitted audio files under the GPL license, and then 'compile' them into acoustic models for use with Open Source speech recognition engines such as Sphinx, ISIP, Julius and HTK (note: HTK has distribution restrictions).
There is also Old time radio, not sure if this is the sort of spoken word you're after though.
My guess is that you won't find a library anywhere that consists of just individual words. Whatever you find, you're going to have to open the audio up in an editor (like Pro Tools or Cool Edit) and chop it up into individual words.
You would probably be better off creating a list of all the words you need for each language, and then finding native speakers to read them while you record. You can have them read slowly, so that you'll have an easy time chopping up each individual word.
One I use to use a lot:
Easy access to the recordings.
