App pool identity, Users group and iis isolation - security

I followed these two questions:
IIS 7.5 App Pool Identity permission not assigned to folder, but application still can write to its folder?
IIS AppPoolIdentity and file system write access permissions
To try to understand how it is possible to isolate IIS ApplicationPoolIdentity users although they are members of the Users group that has read access practically everywhere.
I think that should be more secure that the App Pool\myapp could only read the contents of the site (or read/write its virtual directory), but what is the best practice to do that without removing the Users group ACL from everywhere?? my Windows server defaults has the "users" group on the volumes acl with read access and inherits to all folders...

This question is also answered in the answer you linked to, by Kev. You should preferably set up your web root on a separate non-system drive. There you can remove the Users group from the top level and grant rights to the home folder of each site to the respective application pool identities only.

AMit - that still doesn't solve the issue that his web app can read practically any file on the c:/ drive. But it's even worse than that. The web app can WRITE to the c:/ drive. Because the users group has permission to do so...
It's a fundamental security flaw in Microsoft's design. I've been searching for a solution myself and yet to find one.
Putting the web site on a different partition is security through obscurity... Which is basically no security at all - rather the mere hope that they don't find...


dose someone know core app 503 error with ApplicationPoolIdentity?

when i change identity to localservice restart,it`s work,but why?applicationPoolIdentity created by default,it should has power with site folder,and when site run,i change identity to ApplicationPoolIdentity again,still work,dose some one know doc with it?
"it should has power with site folder". No. That's not correct.
Many permissions are granted by server administrators after deploying a web app and they don't come automatically.
For example, IIS_IUSRS has read and execute permissions in \inetpub\wwwroot only because that's the folder for the sample Default Web Site.
If you create a new site then you are responsible to grant IIS_USRS the permissions there. From security perspective, that's the right way to go, and this behavior was there since at least IIS 6 (two decades ago).

IIS_IUSRS and IUSR permissions in IIS8

I've just moved away from IIS6 on Win2003 to IIS8 on Win2012 for hosting ASP.NET applications.
Within one particular folder in my application I need to Create & Delete files. After copying the files to the new server, I kept seeing the following errors when I tried to delete files:
Access to the path 'D:\WebSites\\companydata\filename.pdf' is denied.
When I check IIS I see that the application is running under the DefaultAppPool account, however, I never set up Windows permissions on this folder to include IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool
Instead, to stop screaming customers I granted the following permissions on the folder:
Read & Execute
List Folder Contents
Read & Execute
List Folder Contents
This seems to have worked, but I am concerned that too many privileges have been set. I've read conflicting information online about whether IUSR is actually needed at all here. Can anyone clarify which users/permissions would suffice to Create and Delete documents on this folder please? Also, is IUSR part of the IIS_IUSRS group?
Update & Solution
Please see my answer below. I've had to do this sadly as some recent suggestions were not well thought out, or even safe (IMO).
I hate to post my own answer, but some answers recently have ignored the solution I posted in my own question, suggesting approaches that are nothing short of foolhardy.
In short - you do not need to edit any Windows user account privileges at all. Doing so only introduces risk. The process is entirely managed in IIS using inherited privileges.
Applying Modify/Write Permissions to the Correct User Account
Right-click the domain when it appears under the Sites list, and choose Edit Permissions
Under the Security tab, you will see MACHINE_NAME\IIS_IUSRS is listed. This means that IIS automatically has read-only permission on the directory (e.g. to run ASP.Net in the site). You do not need to edit this entry.
Click the Edit button, then Add...
In the text box, type IIS AppPool\MyApplicationPoolName, substituting MyApplicationPoolName with your domain name or whatever application pool is accessing your site, e.g. IIS AppPool\
Press the Check Names button. The text you typed will transform (notice the underline):
Press OK to add the user
With the new user (your domain) selected, now you can safely provide any Modify or Write permissions
IUSR is part of the IIS_IUSER group, so I guess you can remove the permissions for IUSR without worrying. Further reading
However, a problem arose over time as more and more Windows system services started to run as NETWORKSERVICE. This is because services running as NETWORKSERVICE can tamper with other services that run under the same identity. Because IIS worker processes run third-party code by default (Classic ASP, ASP.NET, PHP code), it was time to isolate IIS worker processes from other Windows system services and run IIS worker processes under unique identities.
The Windows operating system provides a feature called "Virtual Accounts" that allows IIS to create unique identities for each of its Application Pools. DefaultAppPool is the default pool that is assigned to all Application Pools you create.
To make it more secure you can change the IIS DefaultAppPool Identity to ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Regarding permissions, Create and Delete summarize all the rights that can be given. So whatever you have assigned to the IIS_USERS group is all that they will require.
When I added permissions for IIS_IUSRS to the site folder, resources like JavaScript and CSS were still inaccessible (error 401, forbidden). However, when I added IUSR, it started working. So for sure you cannot remove the permissions for IUSR.
You can create an IUSR_[identifier] account within your AD environment and let the particular application pool run under that IUSR_[identifier] account:
"Application pool" > "Advanced Settings" > "Identity" > "Custom account"
Set your website to "Applicaton user (pass-through authentication)" and not "Specific user", in the Advanced Settings.
Now give that IUSR_[identifier] the appropriate NTFS permissions on files and folders, for example: modify on companydata.
IIS_IUSRS group has prominence only if you are using ApplicationPool Identity. Even though you have this group looks empty at run time IIS adds to this group to run a worker process according to microsoft literature.
I would use specific user (and NOT Application user). Then I will enable impersonation in the application. Once you do that whatever account is set as the specific user, those credentials would used to access local resources on that server (Not for external resources).
Specific User setting is specifically meant for accessing local resources.

Which IIS Account should I grant directory access privileges to?

I've moved my codebase to a new directory and need to grant the IIS account read/write privileges on a few folders to allow access by the ASP.Net runtime. I believe NETWORKSERVICE is no longer used for this purpose (as mentioned in this earlier question:
ASP.Net which user account running Web Service on IIS 7?) but, try as I might I can't seem to be able to add the IISAppPool/IIS Worker Process the article links to.
I've found a MyDomain/IIS_WPG account but this isn't the one that is listed in Task Manager for the w3wp process. Can someone help?
Even odder - the Application Pool for the website in question uses the LocalSystem identity which I thought would be able to access pretty much the entire machine. Is there something incorrect about my basic machine/Windows setup?

Security for a web app through Active Directory

Here is a situation I am currently addressing. I am working on a Web project with its security being tied up with the Active Directory. Which means technically when you add a user through the application we are adding a new user to the Active Directory on the Server. Now my question is, is this a good practise?
At this point I think of a vulnerabilty which is you could do a remote desktop on to the deployment server with the account you created through the Application (Please correct me if I am wrong). But I just want to confirm this before I could inform this to my Architect.
Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated.
Awaiting your response.
If the web application has permission to create accounts in Active Directory, then this means that the web application presumably has an account with (possibly limited) administrative rights to the Active Directory domain. That could potentially be used for all sorts of bad things if you're not careful.
If you're going to proceed, then the first step, if you haven't already done so, is to delegate administrative rights to your web application's account so that it can only create accounts within a particular OU. See this article for details, or search Google for other descriptions.
You'll probably also want to set up Group Policy and group memberships to further restrict the newly created accounts (for example, disabling Remote Desktop), and you'll want to do so in a way that doesn't rely on the web application doing the right thing (as an extra layer of security in case the web application is compromised).
ServerFault would be a better place to find out about Active Directory's security model and how to best set up these various restrictions.
Finally, if you don't need to have users automatically created within your Active Directory domain, then you should consider other approaches. If you're only looking to use Active Directory as a stable, robust source of user authentication, for example, then you can use Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (formerly known as Active Directory Application Mode) to get Active Directory's functionality without any affect on your domain's security.

What permissions does Network Service require on Vista / IIS7?

Doing some more tinkering with development on VS2008/Vista/IIS7, I'm wondering at a few things regarding the Network Service account. It had no issues running my website until I attempted to set up the Sql Role Membership Provider, which creates a local database in the App_Data folder. Somewhere in there, Network Service ran out of the permissions needed to auhenticate my client.
I solved the problem by changing the app pool to run under my admin account (and later by granting Network Service admin permissions for now), but I'm curious as to what permissions Network Service is missing as I'd ultimately like to keep it (and my sites) out of the admin group. Any ideas?
Also, where's a good place to go debug this stuff? EventLogs have nothing useful, so I'm not sure where else would be a good place to find out when an account tries to do something and is denied. Maybe I just don't have the logs configured properly?
Oddly enough, it looks like gving Network Service write access to the folder containing the mdb file wasn't enough. It apparently wants read access to everything under the "Documents\Visual Studio 2008 directory" as well (the site is hosted from within that directory). Seems ok now. Thanks ProcessMonitor!
