Get view name in xpages view control - xpages

I'm using a view control to display a notes view. We are also using a search function, to search the first column of each view. As we want to save the search parameter a user has entered, we've created a bean saving the search key for each user.
To save the seach key, we are using this code in the data > keys property of a view control:
var dbName:String = database.getFilePath();
var viewName:String = "vwCurrentRequests";
var searchValue:String = searchUserBean.getSearchValue(dbName+viewName);
if(searchValue.isEmpty() || searchValue==null) {
return "";
} else {
return searchValue;
But we always have to define the viewName value for each view. So the question is: How can we get the view name of the current view?

You can access the name of the view with this SSJS code:
viewPanel1 is the id of your view panel.
As Frantisek Kossuth wrote, you can use the this keyword instead of the getComponent.


Load data in custom form by using Kentico 9

I searched the whole web and I couldn't found any good topic which expose the proper way to do it.
I have a very simple web which I developed using Kentico 9 CMS. This web only contains two subpages and a header to navigate between those.
The "Home" subpage contains a custom form which remains connected to a SQL table which is populated every time you press submit with certain data.
On the other hand, the other page, shows the stored data by using a custom web part which connects to the DB by using BizFormItemProvider and this object is used as a layer to binding the data in a control.
Now is my point. If you see, there is a button to "Edit" a certain row and my intention is to Redirect to "Home" (which contains the form) and sending via QueryString the ID of the row attempted to edit.
I was unable to understand how can you re-fill the form with its data using an ID.
Maybe because I never worked with a CMS before, I'm looking the development such as pure ASP.NET and it could not be the correct one.
Given that your solution uses a custom form for entering the data, as well as a custom web part for listing the stored data, you will need to use a custom solution to handle the editing of data, as well.
In the custom webpart on the Home page, in a load event, you can retrieve the form data and set the values on the form controls.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Ensure that the form is not being posted back,
// to prevent entered data from being overwritten
// Get the form item ID from the query string
var personId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("personId", 0);
if(personId > 0)
// Get the biz form item, and set form control values
var bizFormItem = BizFormItemProvider.GetItem(personId, "customFormClassName");
txtFirstName.Text = bizFormItem.GetStringValue("FirstName", string.Empty);
Similarly, when Submit is clicked, you can update the existing form item with the new data
protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the form item ID from the query string
var personId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("personId", 0);
if(personId > 0)
// Retrieve the existing biz form item,
// and update it from the form control values
var bizFormItem = BizFormItemProvider.GetItem(personId, "customFormClassName");
bizFormItem.SetValue("FirstName", txtFirstName.Text);
// Your code for inserting a new form item...
The Kentico way
You should really consider using the Kentico form engine for accomplishing this task. Instead of using a custom form for entering the data, use the built-in On-line form webpart.
The benefits are numerous, such as:
Ability to set the form layout through the CMS, and use alternative layouts
Automatic confirmation email to the submitter of the form, as well as notification emails to the administrators
To accomplish your task, you can customise the On-line form webpart to support loading of existing data.
In the bizform.ascx.cs file, add code to the SetupControl method:
protected void SetupControl()
if (StopProcessing)
// Existing code...
// Existing code...
// Get the form item ID from the query string
var personId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("personId", 0);
if(personId > 0)
// Get the biz form item, and set form control values
var bizFormItem = BizFormItemProvider.GetItem(personId, "customFormClassName");
if(bizFormItem != null)
// Set the item ID
viewBiz.ItemID = bizFormItem.ItemID;
This will automagically switch the form to Edit mode, instead of Insert mode, as soon as you set the ItemID property. Clicking the Submit button will save changes on the existing form item.
You will not need to worry about validation in your code, and inserting data will still work.
Is this a contact form that you are using Kenticos built in form application for, or is it a custom form? If it is a custom form you can create a transformation with a link that will contain the ID. If it is a biz form, you can still create a transformation in Page Types (create a new page type and select "The page type is only a container without custom fields"), then write a custom query to get the biz form data, and use a repeater to display the data with that transformation.

How to add button + to subgrid of hierarchical relation?

I have a hierarchical relation inside an entity X, I Have parent lookup which allow to give parent to a record of this entity, and I have created a Subgrid attached to this lookup within the same form of the entity:
The problem is that the display of the button + is unstable in this subgrid, sometimes it appears sometimes no. I dont know if this problem is related to some setting or it is a bug of dynamics crm online last version?
For information, I don't have this problem with other sub-grids.
Thanks in advance,
if you want to add a custom button you may do this as follows
function CreateButton() {
var connectionSubGridPlusBtn = document.getElementById("Connections_addImageButton").parentNode.parentNode;
//Connections_addImageButton is the id of + button
if (connectionSubGridPlusBtn != null) {
//New Button
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "ms-crm-contextButton";
div.innerHTML = "<button id='newButton' type='button' style='width:80px;cursor: pointer;padding:0px' >New Button</button>";
//Event and url for new
document.getElementById("newButton").onclick = function () {
//Write codefor the button click event
call this function on load of the form
The entity has to be created before you're able to add related entities. You can add disable all required fields, and perform a save in the onload, and you should always see the plus sign.
A slightly better solution is to override the create button for the entity, and rather than directing to the create form, perform a rest entity creation, then direct to that form. Then you don't have to perform a save in the on load.

How to create a Custom Select List for a netsuite field?

I have a field on a custom record. The name of the field is reference_code.
I want to populate "reference_code" with my own dynamic list which would be presented as a drop down to the user.
How do I do this? I defined my field as Free-Text. Do I need to keep it hidden but then show it as a drop down before I load the form?
I thought this might do something:
nlapiInsertSelectOption('custrecord_rulereferencecode', code, code, false)
But I would need to convert the field to a select?
Typically, instead of creating the field as Free-Text, you would first create a Custom List (Customization > Lists/Records/Fields > Lists > New) with all of your dropdown options.
Then you would create your field as a List/Record field and select your new Custom List as the "List/Record Type", as depicted below.
This can be done by giving a source to your drop-down menu. The source field accepts an internal id of a list. This internal id can be an in-built(provided by netSuite) or a custom list created by a user. For Eg: I have a custom list with an internal id '23' which has some list items in it, these can be populated in the drop down menu by the following syntax.
var start = function(request, response)
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Custom Form');
form.addField('custpage_selectfield', 'select', 'select a color', '23');//here 23 is the internal id of my list
or you could generate you own field's dynamically using the addSelectOption() function.
var start = function(request, response)
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Custom Form');
var myselectfield = form.addField('custpage_selectfield', 'select', 'select a color');
myselectfield.addSelectOption('1', 'Red');//Here 1, 2 and 3 are the id's
myselectfield.addSelectOption('2', 'Green');//which are returned when the
myselectfield.addSelectOption('3', 'Blue');//form is submitted
I solved this by creating two fields. One is created in the RecordType and will store the info. I set this as hidden. The next field, with the custom dropdown is added in user event. I then process data for my custom dynamic select list and add that to my added user event field.
Then in my change event, I set the record type field to the value selected in my dynamically added field.
function userEventBeforeLoad(type, form, request){
if(type == "edit"){
form.addField('custpage_referencecode','select','Reference Code',null, null)
In my Client Script:
function clientFieldChanged(type, name, linenum){
if(name == 'custpage_referencecode'){
//obtain the upper case value
var codetext = nlapiGetFieldValue(name)
//make sure it hasn't been set
if (codetext != nlapiGetFieldValue('custrecord_rulereferencecode'))
nlapiSetFieldValue('custrecord_rulereferencecode', codetext );
return true

Kentico 7 hide editable text if it's empty

I have an editable text web part on a page template. It has a custom HTML envelope before and after the text. How can I hide the whole thing, envelope included, if the editable text is empty?
I need to hide it because the envelope adds stylized markup that shouldn't be visible when there is no text.
Can it be done with a K# snippet on the Visible property? I'm unclear how interrogating a document's property works.
Try this as the "Visible" property:
{% (ViewMode != "LiveSite") || (CMSContext.CurrentDocument.editabletext != "") #%}
Change "editabletext" to whatever you have for your web part control ID.
I'm not familiar with Kentico but these solutions might help. They may not address your problem specifically but might aid in a solution.
CMSEditableImage Extension Method
I came up with a way to check this, I added an extension method for
the CMSEditableImage class that takes the CurrentPage PageInfo object
to check the value of the editable region, don't know if this is the
best way or not, but here's the code.
public static bool IsPopulated(this CMSEditableImage editableImage, PageInfo currentPage)
bool isPopulated = false;
string value = currentPage.EditableItems.EditableRegions[editableImage.ID.ToLower()].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
value = value.ToUpper();
isPopulated = (value == "<IMAGE><PROPERTY NAME=\"IMAGEPATH\"></PROPERTY></IMAGE>") ? false : true;
return isPopulated;
JavaScript Method
The webcontainer needs an id, example:
<h2 id="webpart-header">Headline</h2>
Then I have a small javascript function that is attached in an
external js file:
/* Hide Webcontainer via javascript if empty*/
function hideLayer(element) {
elem = document.getElementById( element ); = "none";
Now in the wep part configuration, at no data behaviour, you uncheck the checkbox and call the js function by entering following
script in the no record found text: hideLayer("webpart-header");
Whereby webpart-header the id name of your container is. You could
also have a more complex <div> structure here.

Sharepoint List redirect with new id

I have a list within Sharepoint, using a custom new form I have added a custom list form control ("New item form" for the list) and changed the SaveButton to a standard input HTML button, and added an 'onclick' event that is as follows:
onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent('__commit;__redirect={NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=}')}"
This works as in saves the data and redirects to the NewFormWizard2.aspx?id= page.
How do I get the ID of the created item to be passed to the redirected page?
Thus once the form is completed it would redirect to NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=23
jtherkel was close, but was missing a '}' on the end of the redirect url. I used an extra concat below
<input type="button" value="Submit" name="btnSave" onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={lists/MyListName/DispForm.aspx?ID=',/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#ID,'}'))}" />
I am not sure where the ID will exist on the page you host the Javascript from. Does it appear in the querystring or on a field on the page?
There is nothing in the request or response that will identify the item. I have had this issue when doing some web loadtesting.
I can only suggest that your create the item using the webservices as that at gives you some return xml.
This answer does not solve the "new form" issue, but it might help others with the syntax for screens that contain existing list items.
I tested this quickly in my SharePoint (MOSS 2007) environment.
onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={NewFormWizard2.aspx?id=',/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row/#ID))}"
The concat syntax is an XSLT instruction that tells the processor to combine the values enclosed in single quotes. I adapted this answer from info I found here.
Loading Values in a Custom List Form
I hope this would be helpfull:
1- In SharePoint Designer create new page, call it for example "LastItem.aspx" and place a dataview on it with a single form view for the destination list item.
2-Limit paging to just one record, set the sorting by ID and descending and filter the list to just show item which is created by [current user].
3-Now you do not need to pass any query string to this page. just replace the default "OK" button in NewForm.aspx of the list with a standard HTML input button and add this to its definition "onclick="javascript: {ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('__commit;__redirect={LastItem.aspx}". After submitting a new item to list you will be redirected to an edit view of the created item.
You can do the same for save button in LastItem.aspx to redirect to some other page after clicking on save button.
found an approach using pure javascript (JQuery) and the SPAPI code from
The list contains two fields, title and BodyCopy
I've thewn created a form that asks for a title and a question, both text fields, then the submit button calls the following function: (note that ServerAddress and LIST_question need to be updated to your own details).
The function then uploads the details using the SOAP service within LISTS.ASMX and using the response gets the ID of the new item and redirects the page.
var LIST_question = '{xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}';
var ServerAddress = 'http://xxx/';
function submitQuestion()
var title = new String($("#title").val());
var t = new String($("#question").val());
var lists = new SPAPI_Lists(ServerAddress) ;
var newItem = { Title : title, BodyCopy : t};
var items = lists.quickAddListItem(LIST_question, newItem);
var id=-1;
if (items.status == 200)
var rows = items.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('z:row');
if(rows.length ==1)
var r = rows[0];
var id = r.getAttribute('ows_ID');
alert("Error: No row added");
alert('There was an error: ' + items.statusText);
You can achieve this using JavaScript
