SVG mask doesn't work if a media query is present - svg

TL;DR: I need to mask out a portion of one rectangle in SVG, based on the size and position of another existing rectangle, which will be changing dynamically. A Chrome bug is blocking the mask + use approach I tried. How can I do a mask or inverted clip path based on an existing shape?
Full Overview:
I'm using D3.js, and I am using the brush control to add a brush to a rectangle in an embedded SVG. By default, this adds some extra elements to the SVG, including a rect with class extent that shows the size of the brushed area.
Rather than have the brush extent be rendered as a semi-transparent overlay on top of the rectangle, as in most D3 examples, I am trying to "cut out" the extent from a semi-transparent overlay, so that the brush area shows the true color below. Per this question, I am trying to do this with a mask element, with a child use element referencing the extent. With some D3 magic, I now have a structure like this:
<svg width="100" height="100">
<g class="brush-layer inverted">
<mask id="mask835">
<rect fill="#fff" width="100%" height="100%"></rect>
<use fill="#000" xlink:href="#extent848"></use>
<g class="brush" style="pointer-events: none;">
<rect class="overlay" mask="url(#mask835)" width="100%" height="17"></rect>
<rect class="extent" x="30" width="52" height="17" id="extent848"></rect>
This works great... sort of. It turns out that there appears to be a tricky Chrome bug, which I've filed here, which prevents the mask from being applied if there's a #media query in the CSS. You can see the working version here and the failing version here (fails in Chrome, works in FF).
I need this to work in Chrome, and can't drop the #media query. I also need to make the use element work, because D3 will automatically resize the extent rectangle, and that's the shape I need to mask out.
So, how can I mask out a portion of one rect, based on another rect, without using the mask + use strategy above?

One possible workaround might be to use a custom clip-path, but it's probably not going to be as elegant. Some examples of how to do do this with clip-path can be found in this question.


Styling SVG elements with stroke and globally-positioned pattern

I am trying to replicate this effect algorithmically:
This is for a project I am working on where I need to make stylised visualisations of different kinds of pizza. The image shows a Margherita (tomato base, mozzarella and basil on top).
The rules I need to adhere to:
each ‘layer’ consists of uniformly positioned objects with a stroke and filled with a pattern (that shares coordinates)
the layers need to cover lower layers
To achieve the uniform distribution, I use Poisson-Disc sampling.
I chose SVG because I need the result to be visible in the browser and generate this server-side.
For efficiency and simplicity – as the viewing size will be smaller – I decided to reference one object with <use> elements and vary it only with rotations, as opposed to the sample.
Every approach I tried reached a dead end:
Creating a <clipPath> filled with <use> elements for clipping the background.
This does not allow me to add a stroke around the clipped area, which I need. A workaround would be to use a feMorphology filter, but that seems like it’s going to be needlessly costly on the client. A second workaround seemed to be:
Grouping the elements and using that group twice: once in a <clipPath> for clipping the pattern background, once directly on the canvas with an added stroke.
This does not work as <g> elements are unsupported in web browsers due to completely arbitrary reasons (it does work in Inkscape, however, which I used for the proof-of-concept). A workaround would be to use two copies of all the <use> elements, but that would essentially double the file size.
Grouping the elements and applying a fill with SVG patterns.
This does not work as since we create the distribution using <use> elements, the pattern looks identical in every instance. Moreover, I cannot rotate the objects, as the pattern would get rotated too. A workaround would be not to use <use>, but that would create the same problem as in point 2.
Those approaches won't work because patterns are affected by any transforms applied to the same shape.
In the solution below, we create a whole layer of an ingredient (id="basil-layer"). Then use that layer to first draw the ingredient outlines (strokes). Then afterwards we use a mask, created from that same layer, to draw hatching on top of the outlines.
You'll need to duplicate this process for each of the ingredients.
More documentation of what's happening inside the code.
<svg width="600" height="400">
<pattern id="diagonalHatch" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" viewBox="0 0 4 4" width="16" height="16">
<rect fill="black" width="4" height="4"/>
<path d="M-1,1 l2,-2 M0,4 l4,-4 M3,5 l2,-2"
style="stroke:green; stroke-width:0.5" />
<!-- Definition for a leaf of basil -->
<ellipse id="basil" cx="0" cy="0" rx="60" ry="30"/>
<!-- A layer of N pieces of basil -->
<g id="basil-layer">
<use xlink:href="#basil" transform="translate(300,200)"/>
<use xlink:href="#basil" transform="translate(400,150) rotate(45)"/>
<use xlink:href="#basil" transform="translate(450,200) rotate(110)"/>
<!-- A mask that consists of all the pieces of basil -->
<!-- The fill is white to keep the *insides* of the basil shape.
And we stroke with black so that this mask doesn't hide any of the
green stroke outline of the leaf, when use this mask to lay down
the hatch pattern on top of the drawn basil leaves. -->
<mask id="basil-layer-mask">
<use xlink:href="#basil-layer" fill="white" stroke="black" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- Fill SVG with a black background -->
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>
<!-- Draw all the basil pieces with a black fill and a green outline -->
<use xlink:href="#basil-layer" fill="black" stroke="green" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- Finally draw the basil layer hatching.
This is a whole-SVG sized rectangle of hatching masked by the basil layer mask -->
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#diagonalHatch)" mask="url(#basil-layer-mask)"/>

What's the difference in accessibility between having SVG inline or as an image?

I am developing a web page trying to focus on accessibility, and created different graphics in SVG to go in it. After reading different sites online (1, 2, and 3), I included the <title> and <desc> tags, and added the attributes role and aria-labelledby to make the SVGs more accessible.
Some of those sources, seem to claim (directly or indirectly) that using SVG inline is better for accessibility; so I ran a few tests with NVDA to see the differences, but I fail to see any at first sight.
For example, using a simple SVG:
<svg width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100" role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc">
<title id="title">Abstract Forms</title>
<desc id="desc">Red square containing a white circle containing a blue triangle pointing up.</desc>
<g stroke="none" stroke-width="0">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="red" />
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="white" />
<path d="M 50,20 80,70 20,70 Z" fill="blue" />
If I add it to the page like that, NVDA reads "Graphic. Abstract Forms. Red square containing a white circle containing a blue triangle pointing up."
And if I save it into a myImg.svg file, and add it to the page like this:
<img src="myImg.svg" alt="Red square containing a white circle containing a blue triangle pointing up" title="Abstract Forms" />
NVDA then reads "Graphic. Red square containing a white circle containing a blue triangle pointing up." (same thing as before, just not reading the title).
This may be an NVDA thing, and other screen readers may do it differently, but there doesn't seem to be any considerable difference between the two. At least not to claim that inlining the SVG is better for accessibility.
Then I thought it could be related to reading additional information; for example, if there was some text within the graphic. So I added a <text x="50" y="50" fill="black">Hello World</text> at the end of the SVG... but NVDA read the same thing as before; not even selecting the text it will read it (again I don't know if this is an NVDA thing and if other screen readers do it differently).
So my questions are: what are the differences between having SVG inline or as an image? And what are the benefits (for accessibility) of having the SVG inline?
You probably already self-answered your question.
Inline-svg is interpreted as part of the html webpage. So your svg title and description are interpreted as well and read by the screen reader.
When using an ‘img‘ tag to include the svg, the file is handled like an external file (like a jpg) and so only the ‘alt‘ attribute of the img tag (= the image description) is interpreted/read by the screen reader.
I have currently no source and can't test it a the moment, but I think there are also differences for links within the svg code: Links within inline svg are read by the screenreader, links within external svg files not.

Avoid line between tiled SVG shapes

I am using multiple differently colored rectangles to build a SVG data visualization. This works great but sometimes background color bleeds through between the rectangles. I am browsing with Chrome but other browsers seem similarly affected.
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<rect x="10.5" y="10" height="100" width="100"
style="stroke:none; fill: #00cc00"/>
<rect x="110.5" y="10" height="100" width="100"
style="stroke:none; fill: #00cc00"/>
In Chrome, if the x offset is an integer, the line is not visible.
I'm sure I can avoid lines by making rectangles a little larger than the space they have to occupy. But this seems like a hack: is there an SVG idiom or best practice to achieve perfectly tiled shapes without "grout"?
I'm also concerned by rendering performance because my visualizations can be very large (say 100MB XML .svg). I'd like to be able to give the renderer hints like "none of the shapes in this <g> are overlapping"?
This is antialiasing at work between the shape and the background. If you want to turn it off set shape-rendering="crispEdges" on the shapes. You can either set that on the rect elements or on the <svg> in which case the rect elements will inherit it.
You may be able to adjust the line's positions by adding 0.5 to the co-ordinates. See the cairo FAQ for more details on this.

Constant border in a dynamic SVG graphic

I want to have a rectangle that takes all the place in a SVG file. It should also have a border (3px stroke width). The size of the graphic should be easy changeable (by changing attributes "width" and "height" of the "svg" node). I came up with following construction:
<svg width="150" height="35" >
style="fill:#ffffff; fill-opacity:1; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:3;"
height="100%" />
But it produces following image with dirty border:
I need something like this:
Is it possible at all? As mentioned before it must work for any size of the graphic.
Thanks in advance!
Alas, no, at least not with purely declarative SVG. The stroke on a shape is painted on both sides of the geometric line that defines that shape (in your case, there's 1.5 on either side). Because of that, it will get clipped for a shape that fills the whole viewbox.
In which context are you using this? You should be able to script it: get the size of the viewbow, on rect set x and y to stroke-width/2, width to width - stroke-width and height to height - stroke-width. If in a dynamic context you will need to detect resizes, but that's often possible.
You need to place the ractangle at half pixel coordinates like x="0.5" y="0.5", then the borders won't be blurry. Also add vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke to the rectangle's CSS to be sure that the border is always 3px wide regardless of zoom level.

Change SVG Colour

Can you change the color of a shape inside an SVG? Currently I'm using a PNG that I have to manually create in Photoshop for each different menu and I'm wondering if I can make the whole process dynamic.
Can't you just use style="background-color: #------;" (or maybe color:)?
EDIT: My mistake, the one you need is fill, so style="fill:#------;", and it should work with any shape.
You could use a hue-rotate filter, or you could fix the colors as suggested above. Probably more compatible to change the colors to what you need, but in any case, here's an example of the filter variant:
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<filter id="h200" x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1">
<feColorMatrix type="hueRotate" values="200"/>
<image xlink:href="" width="207" height="46" filter="url(#h200)"/>
You can see it live here if you use a browser that supports svg filters, e.g Opera or Firefox.
#Brendan_Long is correct, all you need is the style tag on a path object. See a demo here:
Code like so:
d="M 125.0,478.0 172.0,305.0 337.0,266.0 508.0,438.0 482.0,586.0 287.0,659.0 z"
Make a path matching your image then programmatically change the colour attached to it. You might want to use a tool like inkscape to lend a hand.
