Select and Copy non blank cells in excel - excel

I am trying to copy the nonblanks cells in my excel file to txt file. My data looks like:
1 2 3
1 2
1 2 3 4
So, if i select all and copy, txt file shows like the empty cells have data which is not something that i want.
I tried this:
Go to special
These commands selects the nonblank cells but I cannot copy them. Is there a way to copy them? I get:
That command cannot be used on multiple selections.

If you got notepad++, you can use the regex find and replace to remove all the extra tabs at the end of a line.
Open the txt file in notepad++ and hit Ctrl+H.
In find, put:
In replace, leave it blank.
Then check the radio button for the search mode from 'Normal' to 'Regular expression'. After that, hit 'Replace All' and this should be it.

Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim stream As TextStream
Dim str As String
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set stream = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\myTextFile.txt", True)
For i = 1 To 10
For Each cell In Range("A" & i & "F" & i)
If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
str = str + cell.Text + " "
End If
Next cell
stream.writeline (str)
str = ""
Next i
End Sub
all you gotta do is change what you wanted separated by ( the " " at the end of the str line) and the range you want ( i = rows 1 through 10 as is) and ("a" & i ":f" & i which indicates a through f, in this case for rows 1 through 10)
hope this helps

With Word as your text editor, copy Excel as is and Paste Special as Unformatted Text. Replace ^t^t with ^t until no more replacements are made, then ^t^p with ^p.


How from Columns separated dataset, to a comma separated one?

i need to separate the columns of my dataset into comma separated how con I do this? I need a dataset that looks like this:
#VBasic2008 here is what i get in the middle of the sheet: the first and second row are my tries with your function CONCAT. While i need something like the rightest part of the image.... like 6,40,45,52. Not all the values merged..
So i did it using CONCAT function but i had to manually compute that for each column i show how for the ones that eventually will need help (note i used ; instead of , beacause my excel seems not working with ,)
and this is finally the final output
Ok but what if I have a dataset of 1000 columns? This process need to be much much quicker than this. This is not optimized.
I have written several comments on your question which may be hard to follow. So I decided to make a full solution which actually a trick.
Note that Microsoft Excel tries to guess the data structure of the file content if the file is suffixed with .csv (extension). For that reason, whenever you open a .csv file, you get your data in columns instead of a single columns with comma separated values.
In order to achieve what you want, first, save your data as in the comma separated values (.csv) file format.
Then change your file extension from .csv to, i.e. .txt (text file) for example:
if your file name is "data.csv", change it to "data.txt". Please make sure you see the file extension as csv before you change it because in some case you don't see the file extension; therefore when you rename it, it remains a csv file.
Note: If you don't see file extension, if you are on Microsoft Windows, follow this link.
Once you rename the file into txt file format, you can then open it in your Excel application by going to File -> Open -> then browse the txt file.
There you go and get what you one.
You don't need to code or use any functions to achieve that although you can choose to do so if you wish as it is also a good solution.
If you are looking for a formula solution
TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, Range)
where Range is the column span of expected values
Option Explicit
Sub CSV()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim LR As Long, xRow As Range
LR = ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each xRow In ws.Range("A1:A" & LR)
xRow.Offset(0, 6).Value = WorksheetFunction.TextJoin(", ", True, xRow.Resize(1, 6))
Next xRow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This is already separated by commas, so you just have to rename it to a .csv file.
in Windows Explorer, go to the ribbon and go to the 'view' tab and enable 'File Name Extensions'.
Navigate to your file, right click and rename it to THEFILENAME.csv instead of THEFILENAME.xlsx
Now when you open this up in excel, it should have the grid.
What is the extension of the file? .xls, .txt or .csv?
If it is in .xls then you can simply open the file in Excel and then use the File->save as menu and then selecting the Comma Separated from the file type drop down.
If file has .csv extension and you are trying to open it in Excel then you will see columns even the file has commas in it. To verify that if the file is comma separated then simply open with notepad or other text editors to see the comma separated values.
If there is any other separator like colon : or other and want to replace with comma then simply use the find and replace option in notepad.
I wrote this a while ago.
In VBE add a module and copy the following code to it.
The Code
' Purpose: Concatenates the values of cells of a specified range.
' Read only. String.
' Syntax: CONCAT(Range, Separator, Row0Column1)
' Inputs:
' Range A valid range in any open workbook. Required.
' Separator A string to be used as a separator between the values.
' Default is the space character. Optional.
' Row0Column1 If 0 it concatenates by row, if 1 then by column.
' Default is 0. Optional.
' Returns: A string containing all the values of the specified range.
Function CONCAT(ByVal Range As Range, Optional Separator As String = _
" ", Optional Row0Column1 As Long = 0) As String
' Variables
Dim xdRowStart As Long, xdRowEnd As Long, xdRowCounter As Long
Dim xdColumnStart As Long, xdColumnEnd As Long, _
xdColumnCounter As Long
Dim xdSep As String, xdString As String, xdCheckEmptyString As String
Dim xdWS As Worksheet
' Values
xdString = ""
xdSep = Separator
Set xdWS = Range.Worksheet
xdRowStart = Range.Row
xdRowEnd = xdRowStart + Range.Rows.count - 1
xdColumnStart = Range.Column
xdColumnEnd = xdColumnStart + Range.Columns.count - 1
' Determine concatenated direction: by row or by column
Select Case Row0Column1
Case 0
GoTo ConcatenateByRow
Case 1
GoTo ConcatenateByColumn
Case Else
MsgBox "Row0Column1:" & vbCr _
& "Ommit or use 0 for Concatenating by Row." & vbCr _
& "Use 1 for Concatenating by Column."
GoTo ConcatenateFinal
End Select
' Concatenate by Row:
For xdRowCounter = xdRowStart To xdRowEnd
For xdColumnCounter = xdColumnStart To xdColumnEnd
If xdString = "" Then 'xdString is empty; all cells were empty so far
xdCheckEmptyString = xdWS.Cells(xdRowCounter, xdColumnCounter)
If xdCheckEmptyString <> "" Then 'Cell is not empty
xdString = xdCheckEmptyString
End If
Else 'xdString is not empty
xdCheckEmptyString = xdWS.Cells(xdRowCounter, xdColumnCounter)
If xdCheckEmptyString <> "" Then 'Cell is not empty
xdString = xdString & xdSep & xdCheckEmptyString
End If
End If
Next xdColumnCounter
Next xdRowCounter
GoTo ConcatenateFinal
' Concatenate by Column:
For xdColumnCounter = xdColumnStart To xdColumnEnd
For xdRowCounter = xdRowStart To xdRowEnd
If xdString = "" Then 'xdString is empty; all cells were empty so far
xdCheckEmptyString = xdWS.Cells(xdRowCounter, xdColumnCounter)
If xdCheckEmptyString <> "" Then 'Cell is not empty
xdString = xdCheckEmptyString
End If
Else 'xdString is not empty
xdCheckEmptyString = xdWS.Cells(xdRowCounter, xdColumnCounter)
If xdCheckEmptyString <> "" Then 'Cell is not empty
xdString = xdString & xdSep & xdCheckEmptyString
End If
End If
Next xdRowCounter
Next xdColumnCounter
GoTo ConcatenateFinal
CONCAT = xdString
End Function
Usage in Excel
=CONCAT($A1:$G1,",") and copy down:

Excel VBA find/replace text in .txt file

I have near zero experience with VBA so bear with me here.
I'm trying to create a macro that open a text file and find the text located in Excel's cell A1, and to replace it with text in cell B1. Then, it should find the text located in cell A2, and replace it with cell B2, and so on until the last cell in column A that contains data.
Now, I've searched a bit and stumbled upon this working code:
Sub Replace_Text()
Dim strFile As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strText As String
Dim cell As Range
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path
If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
i = FreeFile
strText = Space(FileLen(strFile))
With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
.Global = True
Open strFile For Binary Access Read Write As #i
Get #i, , strText
For Each cell In Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
.Pattern = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(cell.Value, "?", "\?"), "*", "\*"), "+", "\+"), ".", "\.")
strText = .Replace(strText, cell.Offset(, 1).Value)
Next cell
Put #i, 1, strText
Close #i
End With
End Sub
It's working exactly as intended, except for 1 minor problem. It seems to copy the last few characters in the text file and append it after the last character, making some duplication.
Column A | Column B
<Var1> | Patrick
<Var2> | ghosts
Before running code:
This is <Var1>.
There are <Var2>.
Some random text
After running code:
This is Patrick.
There are ghosts.
Some random textom text
The last few characters "om text" got duplicated and output as such. Sometimes more characters got duplicated depending on the file size. How do I fix this?
Probably, this happens when the output string is shorter than the input. You are opening the file for read and write, read the text (let's say 100 bytes), do your replaces (let's say 90 bytes). Then you write the 90 bytes at the beginning. The remaining 10 bytes in the file stay untouched.
You should open the file first just for read (and close it), then open it again to write the text into it - the old content will be thrown away when you open the file for Output
Open strFile For Binary Access Read Write As #i
Get #i, , strText
Close #i
For Each cell In Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
Next cell
Open strFile For Output As #i
Write #i, strText
Close #i

Excel VBA - append formatted text to cell

I need to add a "padding-bottom" to a cell in VBA.
A way to get what I need might be to append to a cell a char with smaller font size (let's say a small dot) in a new line.
How can I achieve this in VBA?
The following will insert "my text" into range A1, you can adapt it as you need.
It works as follows:
Get the current number of characters in Range A1 (lOldTextLen)
Insert two line breaks and "my text" into Range A1
Update the characters in Range A1 to font size 8, starting from the end of the previous text (using lOldTextLen)
Dim sText As String
Dim lOldTextLen As Long
sText = "my text"
lOldTextLen = Len(Range("a1"))
Range("a1").Value = Range("a1").Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & sText
Range("a1").Characters(lOldTextLen + 1).Font.Size = 8

VBA code to extract multiple words within multiple bracket from a text file

How to take input from a text file and extract each word within the square bracket (a simple text within each bracket) to an Excel sheet.
For example:
text file->(Hi this is [john doe] and phone number is [12345]..... )
output->john doe
If all of the strings are the same, it would be easiest to open the notepad document, go to edit, replace and replace all brackets with commas and just before the content write what the headers would be. for example, your file would look like:
remove, name, remove, phone
Hi this is ,john doe, and phone number is ,12345,
then save it as file.csv, open the file in excel, and remove the columns that say remove on them
you could use
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim fileNr As Integer
Dim lines() As String
Dim iLine As Long
Dim arr As Variant
fileNr = FreeFile '<--| get a free file index for subsequent `Open` statement
Open "C:\Users\Luvish\Data\Test.txt" For Input As #fileNr '<--| open your file (change path and name as per your actual needs
lines = Split(Input$(LOF(fileNr), fileNr), vbNewLine) '<-- read all lines
Close fileNr '<--| close text file
For iLine = 0 To UBound(lines) '<--| loop through all read lines
If InStr(lines(iLine), "]") > 0 Then '<--| if current line has a "]" character
arr = Split(Replace(lines(iLine), "]", "]["), "[") '<--| split current line and collect wanted data in even index elements
MsgBox Left(arr(1), Len(arr(1)) - 1) & " " & Left(arr(3), Len(arr(3)) - 1) '<--| build your current line data
End If
End Sub

Skip blank rows when copy range to text file

My procedure copy Lg1 rows form an Excel range to a text file. I want to prevent any blank row form being copied to the text file. First cells of each row contained this formula : =IF(L39C7=0;"";L15C20). As you can see, the cell is or empty " ", or contains L15C20 value.
EDIT : here is one fulle row. All rows have same content:[=IF(L39C7=0;"";L15C20)],[=IF(LC(-1)="";"";IF(L39C7<0;"…";"5272"))],[=IF(LC(-2)="";"";IF(L41C7<0;"…";"2302"))],[=IF(LC(-3)="";"";"salaire")],[=IF(LC(-4)="";"";"0")]
Here is part of my code:
With ws
Set RngSelect = .Range(Cells(FirstRow, FirstCol), Cells(31, LastCol))
End with
With RngSelect
For Lg1 = 1 To (LastRow - FirstRow + 1)
If .Cells(Lg1,1).Value <> "" Then 'Here is my issue
Txt = Txt & vbCrLf & Join$(Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(.Rows(Lg1).Value)), vbTab)
End If
End With
Lg2 = FreeFile()
Open FilePath For Append As #Lg2
Print #Lg2, Mid$(Txt, Len(vbCrLf) + 1)
Close Lg2
I have tried with no success various tests to evaluate If cell <> " " but keep having blank rows in my text file. What shall I write to solve my issue?
Thank you for help.
It could be better to check for blank in this way (here, for the first column within your range):
If Len(.Cells(Lg1, 1).Value) > 0 Then
