Beginner - setting up local host for Angular app using XAMPP on Windows 7 - node.js

I have taken a Angular App which works on Local host when I use visual studio IIE server.
I don't want to use Visual Studio and I am trying to test the app locally using XAMPP.
I am a complete beginner, and I cannot get the local host to pick-up the html initialization file. I have checked the following:
Skype is off and the port is set to 80 in XAMMP
the root server in HTTPd.conf is setup correctly (no slash at end)
I am getting a little confused as to 'how' angular will work on the XAMMP local host.
Do I need to get Yeoman or grunt (seen these apps in some posts, but they seem to be for command line environment).
Any help, or even a pointer to a step by step set-up would be great!

Angular is no different from a normal html web page, when it comes to working in a localhost.
Does your XAMPP work with standard HTML files?
Do you have any error generated?

OK. Got this sorted. I was over complicating things entirely, angular runs sweet on regular XAMPP, no Grunt/ Yeoman etc. required.
All you need to do is: 1. install XAMPP 2. Close Skype 3. Place you app, libraries and everything else in the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\
it works.
You may need to adjust the port number on the localhost (default is 80 e.g. localhost:80/...)
You can also change the root folder in your XAMPP config setup to point to your local GIT.
Do this by changing the line in the HTTPD.conf file (click 'config' on the apache module)
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "C:/myLocalGIT"
Hopefully this will help all the new guys out there. Good luck!

Skype blocks the port 80, which is used for browsing. XAMPP uses the same port so exactly.
If you use mysql, also open first XAMPP and start your services and then keep working on your SO as always.


Serving Node.js files from a LXC Turnkey container -Apache configuration needed?

I hope that I will not waste everyone's time, nor embarrass myself, but please hear/read my problem. I am new to this, so please bear with me.
Someone at work wrote a crude code in Node.js and I can see the .html files by having localhost: 8080 as the URL in the browser, while having the VisualStudio starting the npm with npm start command. Am I explaining this clear enough?
The webpages are displayed and all, but now comes the hurdle.
How can i have those pages served from a a Linux server?
If by analogy, I put some.html page inside the /var/www/ in a Apache server, pointing to the server's IP/somepage.html i can visualise it, what needs to be set up on a similar Node.js server?
Where do I have to put those files, inside what directory and what configuration is needed?
I thought to create a small LXC container and have those files and services saved as a template, but first I need to set this up correctly. Can Apache serve those files, do I have to make another configuration first?
I have those files served from a Windows machine from local host, and put the same files in a /node ,/opt/ www directory in a Linux machine, but no dice.

Yarn - ARR- URLRewrite - Troubles with web, runnin fine with yarn on localhost:3030 but not on (urlredirect aar to localhost:3030)

Im trying to run a code by KPlaySearch on my IIS Windows webserver 2008 R2 or 2016.
I installed Git, Yarn install and yarn start, now, within my webserver, if I connectto localhost:3030 it runs the web ok and search is done ok.
But if I run externally, the domain web ( has configured URLrewrite to redirect to localhost:3030. The same website is shown to me (as if I were on localhost:3030 on webserver) so seems ok, but when I hit on the search box of KPlaySearch (NOT the first one in a iframe, so the bottom one) the search does not work. So something is not working.
What can I do ?
RESOLVED: It was nothing to do with ARR
Issue is that original developer uses ROOT relative paths, and as Im using the code under a webdomain/path1/path2.. it wasn't work. Resolved, changing on index.js the paths "/categories" and "/search" for "categories" and "search"

How can I use (Node) Livereload on a development server in my network

Background: My PHP projects (CakePHP, Wordpress) run on an Ubuntu server in my network, I access them through a development TLD (.dev for example) setup through a local DNS server and I edit the files through a Samba share.
I would like to utilize Livereload for my development, preferably have it running on the server itself. I have basic Node/Gulp knowledge, but haven't been able to get this running.
Livereload (or a middleware server) should proxy the 'real' URLs, making sure all websites run as they would normally and Livereload should be available over the network (so not just localhost, because that runs on the development server)
Desired result:
Livereload runs on my dev server (IP:, my project is called, I browse to on my machine and see proxied through Livereload. I now edit a CSS file over the Samba share and the CSS is reloaded without a refresh.
I've tried using a few NPM packages, gulp-livereload, livereload, node-livereload, with their provided examples that come with the packages, but haven't been able to get the desired result. They all expect you to run in locally, don't support access to the Livereload URL over the network, cannot proxy the 'real' URLs or require static content.
Can anyone provide an example or 'proof of concept' code of my wish, so I can see where to start?
I found the answer:
This does EXACTLY what I need.
I can run
livereloadx -y -l
and I'm ready to roll.
The -y option creates the proxy to the 'real' URL and the -l makes it serve files from local filesystem instead of through its proxy.

Xampp not working on Linux

I recently installed Linux and Xampp server. I had been working on it last night and this morning without any problems. This morning I started working the zend framework. Everything was going well until I had to restart my computer.
After restarting, when I tried to access localhost I was getting this message in my browser:
It works!
This is the default web page for this server.
The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.
I have restarted xampp and apache. In the httpd.conf file I have changed the port from 80 to 8080. I'm running php 5.4.6. I have also reinstalled xampp just to be sure.
As far as I can tell, the only alterations I made outside of the zend project directory were the httpd.conf file. I changed "allowOverride None" to "allowOverride AllowAll". I also installed Composer and phpUnit, though I can't imagine how they would have caused the problem.
Any help you can throw my way would be great. I'm very stuck with this.
This is the default content of index.php or index.html file. Try rename these files.


I am very new to Linux but I am trying best to learn. We have dedicated hosting server of CentOS 6. It is configure with Apache Server as our public website. Now we need to install PHP JAVA Bridge on it.
What I did is, I install TomCat 6 and jdk 1.6. Then I copy JavaBridge.war file to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder and jar files on $CATALINA_HOME/lib folder. When I check from tomcat 8080 port JavaBridge is working very good.
Then I make symlink of $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/JavaBridge on my apache server. Untill here everything is okay
But when I try to browse from browser like I will get following error
You don't have permission to access /JavaBridge/ on this server.
Apache Server at Port 80
Now my question is that do I am doing it in wrong way or do I have to get rid of Apache server or I am missing something.
Kindly help on this experts :)
Actually it was my mistake. I just re-image my server and re-install everything it start working everything. thanx for help every body
