what is the use of "wgetrc" command in wget download - linux

What is purpose of "wgetrc" in the below commands.
-sh-3.00$ WGETRC=/hom1/spyga/spp/wgetrc_local wget --directory-prefix=/home1/spyga/spp/download
wgetrc_local files having the credentials of ftp server.
normally i am downloading the files from ftp server using below command.
-sh-3.00$ wget --ftp-user=xyz--ftp-password=12345 ftp://localhost/outgoing/DATA.ZIP
what is the different between above commands.
Please help me out to understand the commands.
Thanks you.

The first command simply specifies an alternative configuration file to use instead of the default ~/.wgetrc. You could also specify it using --config=/hom1/spyga/spp/wgetrc_local as argument to wget.
This file can contain wgetrc commands that change the behaviour of wget. In this case it's probably done so user and passwords don't have to be supplied on the command line. Specially on multiuser systems it is a security risk to pass passwords on the command line, as that can possibly be viewd by other users, so it's a little better to store them in a file with restricted access permissions instead. This way only processes started by the owner of the file can access it.
Another use of the wget startup file is to change it's default settings, user agent etc...
It's all documented here.


FTP From Local Desktop to Server As Sudo User

I have a file on my desktop that I need to FTP to a server. As I've been navigating this server, I need to login with initial credentials to access the box and then needed to run sudo -u [username] ksh to access the folder I need. (No password)
In Filezilla however, I only enter credentials once and therefore, don't have the option to sudo as the user and get permissions to the folder.
Am I going about this process wrong and if so, what's the usual way to do this?
There is no way to switch user on the ftp protocol. You need to know the correct credentials in the first place.
The closest you could come would be to ftp the files to a directory you do have access to, log in with a shell, and then move the files using shell commands after switching user.

Linux, command line program's config file on home-dir-less setup

Several programs for Linux invoked from terminal/shell use config file where options normally put to program's invocation command line string are put. For instance Vim, for instance curl and their config files ~/.vimrc, ~/.curlrc.
If to take curl and Vim they look for such file in the home directory (it works this way at least according to their man pages).
However I know Linux setups without home directories. For example a NAS.
The known NAS houses several shared volumes / directories to be accessed from client devices via several protocols and by registered users. By default however the NAS does not create home directory for each user newly registered. The administrator hesitate to enable the option "create home directory for this user" if such is needed only for the above purpose.
Is then the usage of program's config file on such setup not possible at all?
To quote from the curl manual:
When curl is invoked, it always (unless -q is used) checks for a
default config file and uses it if found. The default config file is
checked for in the following places in this order:
1) curl tries to find the "home dir": It first checks for the
CURL_HOME and then the HOME environment variables. Failing that, it
uses getpwuid() on Unix-like systems (which returns the home dir given
the current user in your system). On Windows, it then checks for the
APPDATA variable, or as a last resort the '%USERPROFILE%\Application
2) On windows, if there is no _curlrc file in the home dir, it checks
for one in the same dir the curl executable is placed. On Unix-like
systems, it will simply try to load .curlrc from the determined home
So no home directory is needed to store the config files as long, in the case of curl, the variable CURL_HOME, which can point to any location, is set.
Other programs have similar mechanisms.
But I am asking myself: Can one can log in (via ssh?) as a user without a home directory?

Setting path variable for apache user on Amazon EC2

I can't add /usr/local/bin to the apache users PATH variable. The user doesn't have a .profile, I can't su to the user, I can't export to the PATH from php using exec and adding
SetEnv PATH /usr/local/bin
To either the http.conf or the .htaccess file doesn't make a difference. I can't find the envvars file to change that but I suspect there's some other problem.
I have restarted apache, and indeed my server.
Ended up following what Alfe suggested in his answer, except rather than in the /etc/init.d/httpd file (which could be overwritten easily on update) I added to /etc/sysconfig/httpd:
export PATH=${PATH:+$PATH:}/usr/local/bin
Have a look at the /etc/passwd to see which login shell the apache user has (on EC2 Ubuntu instances it should be /bin/sh which is a link to /bin/dash). Then have a look at the man page of that shell and find out which configuration files are read upon login. (For /bin/dash that would be .login in the user's home directory.) In those you should be able to extend your $PATH as you like.
Since you seem to have no login shell for that user: Have a look at the /etc/init.d/* scripts which start the system services. Apache will be one of them. They are started as root and may change the current user (e. g. to the apache user). In there you might be able to adjust the PATH as you like it.
Patching those scripts, however, is not considered typical configuration. Updates might overwrite what ever you patch there.

Apache 2: calling 'a2ensite' from a bash script in Linux

I am currently writing an admin page for my webserver, to make it easier on myself to create new apache domains from my browser. Everything is pretty much working as I want it to, except for one thing.
To elaborate: I have a cron job on my server running a bash script as root that checks a file containing a list of domain names that I want to be created. If the file contains a domain name, it automatically creates a new virtual host for this domain, edits my hosts file, and restarts the server. This all works perfectly, however what I would like for the script to do, is that it activates the domain that it automatically creates before it restarts the server. I tried doing this using apache 2's a2ensite command, however the script returns an error saying the command is not found.
Is there a way to call this command from a bash script, or is there an alternative to this command that I can call?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$ which a2ensite
Usually, cron has a quite restrictive $PATH, not including /usr/sbin or /sbin, which are system binaries (for use by root). It's always a good idea to use fully qualified path names. So either call /usr/bin/a2ensite in your script, or define a variable:
${A2ENSITE} new-domain.com

how to transfer a file to my server directly from another server

Hey guys what is the easiest way to transfer a file to my server directly from another server, this way I won't download the file to my pc and then upload it to my server, so the requested file should look like http://www.examplesite.com/file.zip
my server is running linux, but I don't have SSH access.
So how can I do this ?
and thanks guys :D
Without SSH it will be very difficult. Possibly rsync might work, if its on both servers with damons set up. RCP (remote copy) exists, its simlar to SCP with out the SSH part, but I doubt its installed due to security concerns.
You have to start a shell on your server. Then try :
man wget
And use :
wget http://www.examplesite.com/file.zip
If you can not have acces to a shell then tell us exactly what control you have over your server.
