htaccess deny from all in specific subfolder - .htaccess

I have a .htaccess in root public_html/.htaccess
Order deny,allow
Deny from .cn
I have deny ip from china
however I want lock one of folder admin folder
Is that possible to use .htaccess deny from all in specific subfolder

Is that possible to use .htaccess deny from all in specific subfolder
You could use a simple forbidden rule to deny anyone from accessing anything from a specific folder like this:
RewriteRule ^admin/folder - [F]
It would return a error 403 message like this:
You don't have permission to access ADDRESS on this server.
The above would forbidden anyone from accessing anything inside the folder public_html/admin/folder
Or you can simplify and just put an .htaccess on the folder you want to block with the following content:
Order deny,allow
deny from all

Put a .htaccess inside that folder withdeny from all


htaccess Deny from all not working

Trying to deny access to a specific subfolder on a site.
I put an htaccess file in the subfolder with the following text:
Deny from all
But it has no effect. I also tried:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Wondering if there's some configuration I have to change?
I use GoDaddy for hosting.
Any help is appreciated.

500 server error when denying access to subdirectory

I am trying to deny direct access to a subdirectory using .htaccess:
# Deny direct access
<Directory "/cron">
Deny from all
The above code is in the .htaccess file of my public_html directory. The subdirectory I am trying to block is located at public_html/cron.
When I enter an address within the /cron folder directly in the browser, I get a 500 server error instead of a 403. Any idea why?
You can't use <Directory> in .htaccess files.
Context: server config, virtual host
Use in your /cron/.htaccessfile:
deny from all

Htaccess - restrict access to file but only in present directory

I have index.php file that i want to allow access only for specific ip with htaccess.
However i want to allow access for files named index.php in subdiectories for everyone.
How should I write rule that would affect only index.php in present directory? This is what i tried but with no success, it blocks index.php in subdirectories too:
<Files "./index.php">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
You can write a .htaccess inside the subdirectories which contained the Allow from all, thus allowing access to those specific directories, and subdirectories from them onwards.

How to keep certain files exempt from .htaccess redirect?

I have one website ( that I have on a temporary redirect to another folder ( I also host another site in the root folder of called It has it's own URL, but I can't figure out how to make that entire sub-folder exempt from the redirect! Any ideas? Here is what my .htaccess file looks like right now (which is perfectly redirecting everything to the temporary landing page).
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from ***
allow from ****
allow from *****
ErrorDocument 403
<filesMatch ".(htm|html|php|css|js|php|gif|jpg|db|png)$">
order allow,deny
allow from all
Any ideas? thanks all!
try putting an .htaccess file in the subfolder that does not contain the redirection rules. That should work just fine -- it can even be a blank file.

Configuring .htaccess for subdirectories

Hello I don't know much about the .htaccess configuration, but I want to restrict access to php files on my web server and I want to have only index.php with parameters accessible.
My files are in subfolder like: I want to have access to open that index.php in subfolder, css files and js files.
Here is my configuration I have so far:
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
<Files /index.php>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
<FilesMatch "*\.(css|js)$">
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
I have tried to do something like <Files sub/index.php> but everytime it restricts all php files in subfolders and works fine.
Can anyone help me with it?
You can move all files except ones needed to be accessible by http (index.php, css, images etc.) out from DocumentRoot directory to upper level, so directory layout looks like this:
where /html is your DocumentRoot.
In this case you won't need any additional restrictive rules in .htaccess or VirtualHost configuration/
htaccess may not be the best option to preventing direct access to some of your Php files. Instead, create an access value and set it to some value in the page you wish directed access to and don't set it in other pages otherwise.
$access = 'some value';
if(empty($access)) { header("location:index.php"); die();}
This way other php files will only be accessible via include or require. Hope that helps.
