Detect broken SSL or insecure content warning with Selenium, BrowserStack, & Node.js - node.js

I'm trying to setup some automated testing using Browserstack's Selenium and their Node.js driver. I want to check if the page is showing any insecure content warnings when accessing the URL via HTTPS.
Is there a way to detect that in Selenium? If one browser does it easier than another that's fine.

Here are a few different ways to detect this using Selenium and other tools:
iterate through all links and ensure they all start with https:// (though via Selenium, this won't detect complex loaded content, XHR, JSONP, and interframe RPC requests)
automate running the tool on Why No Padlock?, which may not do more than the above method
utilize Sikuli to take a screenshot of the region of the browser address bar showing the green padlock (in the case of Chrome) and fail if not present (caveat of using this in parallel testing mentioned here
There is also mention here of the Content Security Policy in browsers, which will prevent the loading of any non-secure objects and perform a callback to an external URL when encountered.
These proposed solutions intend to detect any non-secure objects being loaded to the page. This should be the best practice for asserting the content is secure. However, if you literally need to detect whether the specific browser's insecure content warning message is being displayed (aka, software testing the browser vs your website), then utilizing Sikuli to match either the visible existence warning messages or the non-existence of your page's content could do the job.

Firefox creates a log entry each time it runs into mixed content, so you can check the logs in selenium. Example:
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
browser_logs = driver.get_log("browser")
and, in browser_logs look for
{u'timestamp': 1483366797638, u'message': u'Blocked loading mixed active content ""', u'type': u'', u'level': u'INFO'}
{u'timestamp': 1483366797644, u'message': u'Blocked loading mixed active content ""', u'type': u'', u'level': u'INFO'}


how to perform a post through chrome extention?

How can I perform a post through the chrome extention, lets say I want to send the current tab page title to a webpage
You can do POST XHRs from chrome extensions to any URL, as long as you have host permissions defined in your manifest. See these docs.
In a chrome extension the best way to try and do what i think you want is via a content script see documentation a word of warning however pinging your server with a POST request every time someone with your extension installed opens a web page is going to be extremely heavy going on your servers especially if you have a lot of installs. A possible solution is to use the content script to keep tally of the sites a user visits and save this data in a HTML5 database (wich chrome supports) then using background.html sending the data at given intervals in bulk with an AJAX request, this will significantly cut down the number of times your server is pinged.

How can I pass a message from outside URL to my Chrome Extension?

I know there's a way for extensions and pages to communicate locally, but I need to send a message from an outside URL, have my Chrome Extension listen for it.
I have tried easyXDM in the background page, but it seems to stop listening after awhile, as if Google "turns off" the Javascript in the background page after awhile.
I think you may try some walk around and build a site with some specific data structure, and then implement a content script which will look for this specific that specific data structure, and when i finds one it can fetch the data you want to be passed to your extension.
Yes, you need a content script that communicates with the page using DOM Events.. Instructions on how to do that are here:

How to open new window's from XUL Browser?

I'm wondering, is it even possible to treat the request for the Xul Browser component to open a new window? I tried changing the function, but looks like it's never called.
All links that open in a new window are not opening in my application.
I found this page on the subject, but the provided solution is showing no different behavior.
Any hint on this?
(by the way, I'm developing a stand alone application, not a Firefox's extension)
I'm assuming you are in a XULRunner application, and that you are trying to load a chrome URL from a non-chrome source in a browser (e.g. HTTP or local file). While enabling UniversalXPConnect and UniversalBrowserWrite can be helpful, they are also a security risk (since any arbitrary script on the web could use them), so they tend to be disabled in browsers (for example, running that line in Firebug will give you an exception):
>>>"UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite");
Error: A script from "" was denied UniversalXPConnect UniversalBrowserWrite privileges.
How about you try using codebase security principals and see if that makes a difference? ( For me in Firebug it does allow me to get the additional permissions after I OK it with a big, nasty looking dialog), but still doesn't allow me to open a Chrome URL with The next step is probably to try changing your conf file to use contentaccessible so that the relevant parts of your content are accessible (see
To avoid the nasty message when elevating permissions, you could try setting permissions for the right files automatically as described at
Also, make sure you check the browser type ( If the browser type is not chrome, then it might be worth trying making it chrome and seeing if that makes a difference.
If any of my assumptions are wrong get back to me and I will try something else.
does normal js not work?,windowname,flags);
There are two ways that I know of.
The first is to set the browser.chromeURL preference to a chrome URL that contains a <browser type="content-primary">. The page that the content window tried to open will load into the given browser.
The second is to set the property window.browserDOMWindow with an object that you define to implement the nsIBrowserDOMWindow interface. This allows you to divert the open call into a tab, if you are using a tabbed interface. Note: the tabbed browsing preferences must be set to allow windows to be diverted into tabs, otherwise XULrunner will fall back on browser.chromeURL.

Is it possible to detect Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration in javascript?

Is there any method to tell from javascript if the browser has "enhanced security configuration" enabled?
I keep running into problems with certain controls not working from within dynamically loaded content. This only happens with browsers running on Windows Server 2003/2008 systems - even when I add the server to the "trusted" zone.
Maybe somebody has already develoepd a method for accomplishing this task?
Thanks in advance
Instead of testing for IE ESC directly, we can test for its effects.
I found that with ESC enabled the onclick events of dynamically added content would not fire.
So I am testing those events directly.
var IEESCEnabled = true;
var testButton = $("<button style=\"display: none;\" onclick=\"IEESCEnabled = false; alert('No problems here.');\">Test IE ESC</button>");;
if (IEESCEnabled) {
alert("We have a problem.");
<script src=""></script>
In my application a test like this forwards the user to a page explaining their issue. It is accompanied by a noscript element to check that they have JavaScript running at all.
I don't think it's possible, and if it still is, than that's a bug that might sooner or later be fixed.
One of the main points of this "extra security" was for the client to have it but not to be detected by the servers, thus leaving them no way to know when to try to circumvent it and when not.
Isn't javascript disabled when using enhanced security configuration?
Then if you only want to display a message to the user, simply display a message in normal html and hide it with javascript so only users without javascript will see it. If you need to handle it on the server side (e.g. outputting a differerent version of your website) simply include javascript to redirect users to your javascript enabled version. Users without javascript will remain on the non-js page.
If only scriptable activex are disabled, the same method applies, simply insert a activeX and try to "script" it, if it fails you can redirect, show a message etc.
The above of course doesn't detect enhanced security configuration per se, but the symptons that occur when it is enabled. So it probably wouldn't be able to distinguish between users with using enhanced security configuration and users that simply have JS/ActiveX disabled or use a Browser that doesn't support scripting in the first place.
I think you can look for SV1 in the user agent string.

Which Web Development Browser Plugins Do You Find Useful?

I find that when I am doing web development there are a few browser plugins that are very useful to me.
For Firefox I am using:
Firebug - Great for inspecting the HTML elements and working with CSS.
YSlow for Firebug - Developed by Yahoo! and gives timing and tips about page resources.
Live HTTP headers - Lets you inspect the headers that are sent to your browser.
For IE I am using:
Fiddler - "a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet"
I am always looking for other great tools to use. So what is everyone else using?
In addition to what you have:
Web Developer toolbar adds alot of extra functionality (cookie, form, image inspection, viewing generated DOM, etc).
HTML Validator - great for a quick check to make sure your pages are valid. Also good when there are display errors, you can quickly see if it's from improperly generated HTML.
ColorZilla - I use this alot to pull exact colors from a page to the clipboard.
Fireshot -- takes screenshots and annotates them convieniently, helpful.
Extended Statusbar modifies the status bar to show speed, percentage, time, and loaded size (useful for seeing how many images are being loaded, page weight, etc)
ShowIP Displays the IP address of the current page in the status bar
external IP Displays your external IP address in the statusbar
On a side note, I also find it useful to run these extensions in FirefoxPortable, so that I've got a browser setup specifically for development work with the relevant extensions installed, and to avoid slowing down or destabilizing my primary browser (eg. Firebug used to crash my browser all the time when accessing Gmail).
URL Params (Firefox extension) to view the POST and GET parameters of a webpage. Useful for checking your forms.
The one that prevents you from accessing StackOverflow is pretty useful.
All of these are Firefox plugins.
Firebug for Javascript and CSS debugging. Firebug allows for example to examine DOM tree while javascript modifies it. Firebug is my main tool.
Live HTTP Headers for looking at what data actually is inside request and responses.
Web Developer toolbar contains smaller utilities. For example it can validate html and CSS.
Dust Me Selectors finds which pieces of CSS are unused.
IE Developer Toolbar
Venkman debugger for Firefox
Firecookie and console 2
How about twitterfox to help twitter with developer colleagues and friends.
For getting exact size of items rendered on a page in FF.
Firebug - Also let's me see the JS requests being sent from one page to another and which data is being sent.
- I can see the data inside the JS variables
- Replaces Error Console. It also outputs in the statue if it has found an error, so I can inspect it.
- Good for seeing the structure of the html when developing AJAX application.
