XPages and Rich Text - " Item Note already exists" error - xpages

I'm migrating a Lotus Notes application to XPages. One Lotus Notes Form has a rich text item so on the XPage I added a Rich Text control and bound it to the item on the Notes form. Now whenever I edit the XPages document and make a change in the rich text editor, on saving I get the error " Item Note already exists". Is there any way of solving this prolem? I'm using 8.5.3. The rich text field on the Notes form is called "Note". Ideally I would like to be able to edit the documents both in the Lotus Notes client and in XPages. Here is the code on my XPage:
<xp:inputRichText id="NoteRT" value="#{document1.Note}" style="height:150.0px; width:300.0px" rendered="#{javascript:currentDocument.isEditable()}">
<xp:dojoAttribute name="toolbarType" value="Slim">
<xp:text escape="false" id="NoteRead" rendered="#{javascript:!currentDocument.isEditable()}" value="#{document1.Note}"></xp:text>

and here
you can read, that this is an error which is already fixed in fix pack2
but if you have no time to update to fp2, you could try to change the property of computeWithForm of the data from 'both' to 'onLoad' or 'onSave'.
go this way
I donĀ“t know, which is right for your case, just try it and tell us if its helped.


How to display and work with tabbed table in XPages?

I have database where all documents were created by Lotus Notes client. Documents contain Rich text field with tabbed tables with text and attachments on every tab.
Now I want to show documents with XPages. But tabbed tables are not visible in XPages.
How can I display Rich text field with tabbed table in XPages?
The answer isn't as straight forwarded as you would like and involved some wizardry. There are several moving parts. The first is the quality of the RTF-HTML conversion. I superstrongly suggest you give Ben a call. In case he doesn't handle tabbed tables (which are a beast), these are the steps to get a solution (I hope the force Javascript is strong with you):
Familiarize yourself with the Table handling and rendering. To do so, open the RichText field on its own in the browser. The trick is the ?OpenField command as documented by Carl.
In that HTML you can click on the various tabs to show that content, look at the URL and the source to learn about the exact syntax (which AFAIK isn't documented - or the documentation is well hidden)
By now you should have an idea how to identify a tabbed table by its HTML markup. Try to construct a Dojo selector or a JQuery (whatever is your poison).
Now show your page without the RichText field, but place a placeholder <div id="RTPlaceholder" /> where you want to show your content (or place a dijit panel there).
Use an Ajax call to ?OpenField to get the content. With your query expression you check for tabbed tables - if none there, just render the content
If you found a tabbed table, you construct a dijit tabbed table (or a UI framework of your choice equivalent) and make one call per tab to fill them. Some clever queries are needed (you don't want the surrounding table, but only tab-label and content).
That's the general direction. So Step 1: a little chat with Ben. As usual the devil is in the details, so you need to be brave.
Memento bene:
RichText > HTML => false;
HTML > RichText => false;
HMTL != RichText => true;
Let us know how it goes!

Can I prevent embedded view from putting a database on the workspace?

I have two databases, A and B. I want to surface a view from B into A. I can do this using an embedded view in an outline or a form and it works fine.
But I do not want database B put on a user's workspace. If I add it and the user opens a doc or opens the view, then it puts that db on the workspace.
Is there a way around this? What if I embed an Xpage?
That's a built-in behavior of Lotus Notes and unfortunately there's no way to turn that behavior off.
As an alternative you could write an Agent that pulls the data in from Database B into Database A, and then just display that data within a Database A view.
As Ken already said that it is a built-in behavior. You can try to programmatically remove the database icon. This Technote describes it.
#Command([AddDatabase]; "Server Name":"DatabaseB.nsf");
I haven't tried it myself, but you can put this code on close of form of embedded view. Also, its not possible to remove a database icon from the Notes client workspace using LotusScript, JavaScript, or Notes API.
It works as Naveen describes it. However, even if you manage to clean up the icon, in Notes there is a built-in fault when using an embedded view from another database.
The problem is -- you cannot use the traditional Notes templates because the link to the source database of the embedded view is hard-coded using the replicaid. So if you pull a template from your design and create a new database for production, the embedded view will still point to your test database.
I have used this configuration, but then each time you deploy a new template you need to modify design, so that it points to the correct database. It can be programmed for example by using DXL export/import but is not a trivial Notes deployment any more.
Multiple options here: computed text to display the contents of the view using HTML, creating an Xpage that displays the view, or some AJAX to get the data and display in HTML.
Computed text to display the view
This is relatively simple. Add computed text, set to use pass-through HTML, that does a DbColumn on a new view in the source database. Either add a hidden column at the end of the existing view or create a new, single column view that has the HTML for a single row in the view.
For the computed text, just a simple formula:
"<table>" + #DbColumn( "Notes" : "NoCache" ; "MyServer/Company" : "SourceDatabase.nsf" ; "HTMLview" ; 1) + "</table>"
Then, for the column formula, use something like this:
"<tr><td>" + PartName + "</td><td>" + PartNumber + "</td><td>" + Price + "</td></tr>"
XPage for view
Just create the XPage with a simple view, like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel1">
<xp:pager partialRefresh="true" layout="Previous Group Next" xp:key="headerPager" id="pager1">
<xp:this data>
<xp:dominoView var="view1" viewName="COPApprovals"></xp:dominoView>
<xp:viewColumn columnName="$11" id="viewColumn1" style="font-weight:bold;color:rgb(0,0,160)">
<xp:viewColumn columnName="$10" id="viewColumn2" style="font-weight:bold;color:rgb(0,64,0)">
<xp:viewcolumn columnName="$12" id="viewColumn3">
A good intro to using AJAX to display Notes data can be found in Scott Good's AJAX name-picker. I've built a number of views and picklists using that format. The laptop that has the modified designs is on the fritz right now. If I get access again, I will post samples.
Hope you get some ideas there.

How to edit the contents of a RichText field in Xpages using only a basic textarea

How do you disable the CkEditor for Rich Text fields so you only render a basic <texarea> tag with no editor whatsoever?
I'm sure I must be missing something obvious but I don't see to be able to create a document using an XPage with a field stored as RT without using the CkEditor. I want to be able to prompt the user to enter 'a lot' of text but only via a simple multiline input and have that stored as RT.
If I have a..
form with a RT field
an XPage with a xp:inputTextarea control bound to said field
a save button
a documentdatasource linked to that form
on save the document is created with the field value but it's stored as text rather than RT. Adding in computeWithForm to the dds properties doesn't help.
Is the only way to have some kind of querysave or custom converter to manually turn it into RT?
If I use the xp:inputRichText control it saves fine as RT but I don't want the CkEditor in the UI, just a basic . Is there a someway to do a editor=plain to the xp:inputRichText control?
I've been looking at trying to override the dojoType or renderType with no luck
You can use <xp:customConverter> in <xp:inputTextarea> to convert the text to rich text item.
For getAsObject you would write this code (document1 is your data source):
var rtitem:NotesRichTextItem = document1.getDocument().createRichTextItem("rtfield");
return null; // Return null as field has already been created
And for getAsString you would simply fetch the contents of rich text field and textual value.
The variable value is a standard variable which contains the actual value of the field. So you code for <xp:inputTextarea> would look something like this:
<xp:inputTextarea id="inputTextarea1" value="#{document1.rtfield}">
<xp:customConverter getAsString="#{javascript:value.getContentAsText()}">
<xp:this.getAsObject><![CDATA[#{javascript:var rtitem:NotesRichTextItem = document1.getDocument().createRichTextItem("rtfield");
return null;}]]></xp:this.getAsObject>
NOTE: If you wish to update the rich text field using the text area then you need to write additional code in getAsObject
I am not sure how to manipulate the field type. I assume that Domino know what is going on with the control in much the same way that the custom controls are formatted to match the content type. You might be able to force the content type.
I can present this as an alternative. You can do a custom toolbar in the ckeditor to remove the toolbar and make it appear like a normal text field. There may be UI complications with doing so though. You would also have a status bar to contend with to make it appear as a plain white box. There should be another dojo attribute type for this.
This code will give you a rich text box with no toolbar
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1"
<xp:dojoAttribute name="toolbar">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var myToolbar = "[['']]";
return myToolbar}]]>

xpages extension Library dialog read only

Can the xpages extension library dialog box (xe:dialog) be open so that it's fields are read only ?
Lotus Domino 8.5.3 version update 1 extlib
If you make a panel control read only, the controls within the panel control are read only too. So, add your fields inside a panel control and make it read only:
<xp:panel readonly="true">
Add your fields here
The content of the dialog is defined by the structures declared within it, so you'd just make your elements within the content area computed text, or readonly fields, however you want to do it. If your question is can it be opened read-only sometimes, save a variable to the scope and use that to determine whether or not to render controls as editable.

Action (button) to open an existing form

I have created a view which displays some informations.
Also, on top of view I created an action bar containing 2actions: New entry & Delete entry. There is also a form called 'formmain', where I have some fields & listboxes where I insert the informations that will appear on the view.
What I want to do and I ask for your help: I want when i click the action button 'New entry', the form called 'formmain' will open/be displayed. Thank you!
You can use the #Compose Formula command for this. Here's an example for your specific form:
#Command([Compose]; ""; "formmain")
I will recommend that you take a look at the Lotus Domino Designer Help database which is part of your Notes installation. It has a lot of useful information including code examples.
