alllow filtering, data modeling in cql - cassandra

I'm currently using and researching about data modeling practices in cassandra. So far, I get that you need have a data modeling based on the queries executed. However, multiple select requirements make data modeling even harder or impossible to handle it on 1 table. So, when you can't handle these requirements on 1 table, you need to insert 2-3 tables. In other words, you need to make multiple inserts on 1 operation.
Currently, I'm dealing with a data model of a campaign structure. I have a campaign table on cassandra with the following cql;
CREATE TABLE campaign_users
created_at timeuuid,
campaign_id int,
uid bigint,
updated_at timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (campaign_id, uid),
INDEX(campaign_id, created_at)
In this model, I need to be able to make incremental exports given a timestamp only. In cassandra, there is allow filtering mode that enables select queries for secondary indexes. So, my cql statement for incremental export is the following;
select campaign_id, uid
from campaign_users
where created_at > minTimeuuid('2013-08-14 12:26:06+0000') allow filtering;
However, if allow filtering is used, there is a warning saying that the statement have unpredictable performance. So, is it a good practice relying on allow filtering ? What can be other alternatives ?

The ALLOW FILTERING warning is because Cassandra is internally skipping over data, rather than using an index and seeking. This is unpredictable because you don't know how much data Cassandra is going to skip over per row returned. You could be scanning through all your data to return zero rows, in the worst case. This is in contrast to operations without ALLOW FILTERING (apart from SELECT COUNT queries), where the data read through scales linearly with the amount of data returned.
This is OK if you're returning most of the data, so the data skipped over doesn't cost very much. But if you were skipping over most of your data a lot of work will be wasted.
The alternative is to include time in the first component of your primary key, in buckets. E.g. you could have day buckets and duplicate your queries for each day that contains data you need. This method guarantees that most of the data Cassandra reads over is data that you want. The problem is that all data for the bucket (e.g. day) needs to fit in one partition. You can fix this by sharding the partition somehow e.g. include some aspect of the uid within it.


Select row with highest timestamp

I have a table that stores events
CREATE TABLE active_events (
event_id VARCHAR,
number VARCHAR,
start_time TIMESTAMP,
PRIMARY KEY (event_id, number)
Now, I want to select an event with the highest start_time. It is possible? I've tried to create a secondary index, but no success.
This is a query I've created
select * from active_call order by start_time limit 1
But the error says ORDER BY is only supported when the partition key is restricted by an EQ or an IN.
Should I create some kind of materialized view? What should I do to execute my query?
This is an anti-pattern in Cassandra. To order the data you need to read all data and find the highest value. And this will require scanning of data on multiple nodes, and will be very long.
Materialized view also won't help much as order for data only exists inside an individual partition, so you will need to put all your data into a single partition that could be huge and data would be imbalanced.
I can only think of following workaround:
Have an additional table that will have all columns of the original table, but with a fake partition key and no clustering columns
You do inserts into that table in parallel to normal inserts, but use a fixed value for that fake partition key, and explicitly setting a timestamp for a record equal to start_time (don't forget to multiple by 1000 as timestamp uses microseconds). In this case it will guaranteed to be the value with the highest timestamp as Cassandra won't override it with other data with lower timestamp.
But this doesn't solve a problem with data skew, and all traffic will be handled by fixed number of nodes equal to RF.
Another alternative - use another database.
This type of query isn't valid in big data because it requires a full table scan and doesn't scale. It works in traditional relational databases because the dataset is smaller. Imagine you had billions of partitions each with thousands of rows spread across hundreds of nodes. A full table scan in a large cluster will take a very long time if it was allowed.
The error:
ORDER BY is only supported when the partition key is restricted by an EQ or an IN
gets returned because you can only sort the results provided (a) the query is restricted to a partition key, and (b) the rows are ordered by a clustering column. You cannot sort the results based on a column that is not part of the clustering key. Cheers!

Cassandra - Same partition key in different tables - when it is right?

I modeled my Cassandra in a way that i have couple of tables with the same partition key - Uuid.
Each table has it's partition key and others column representing data for specific query i would like to ask.
For example - 1 table have Uuid and column regarding it's status (no other clustering keys in this table) and table 2 will contain the same Uuid (Also without clustering keys) but with different columns representing the data for this Uuid.
Is it the right modeling? Is it wrong to duplicate the same partition key around tables in order to group each table to hold relevant column for specific use case? or it preferred to use only 1 table and query them and taking the relevant data for the specific use case in the code?
There's nothing wrong with this modeling. Whether it is better, or worse, than the obvious alternative of having just one table with both pieces of data, depends on your workload:
For example, if you commonly need to read both status and data columns of the same uuid, then these reads will be more efficient if both things are in the same table, which only needs to be looked up once. If you always read just one but not both, then reads will be more efficient from separate tables. Also, if this workload is not read-mostly but rather write-mostly, then writing to just one table instead of two will be more efficient.

What is best possible way out to sort records by aggregate value in Cassandra?

I have following data model for cars production data.
date date,
color varchar,
modelid varchar,
PRIMARY KEY ((color), date, modelid)
I want to sort it by total column in cassandra, which I was expecting to be generated as follows:
SELECT color, count(*) AS total
FROM cars
WHERE date<='2017-12-07' AND date >'2017-11-30'
GROUP BY color
ORDER BY total
But as I come to know Cassandra only support sorting by clustering columns and I can't keep aggregate value in table apriori, what is best possible way out to do this sorting?
First thing - the query that you're using is very ineffective - by using ALLOW FILTERING you're performing scanning of data on all servers - this may work for small datasets, but won't work for big datasets. You need to model your tables around queries that you're planning to execute.
Coming to your question - you need to use either Spark to do it, or do a sorting inside your application.
You shouldn't think about Cassandra as SQL-like database - to use it you need to follow some rules about data modelling, querying, etc. I would recommend to take DS220 course on DataStax Academy to learn about modelling for Cassandra.

Cassandra Allow filtering

I have a table as below
day int,
id varchar,
start int,
action varchar,
PRIMARY KEY((day),start,id)
I want to run this query
Select * from test where day=1 and start > 1475485412 and start < 1485785654
and action='accept' ALLOW FILTERING
Is this ALLOW FILTERING efficient?
I am expecting that cassandra will filter in this order
1. By Partitioning column(day)
2. By the range column(start) on the 1's result
3. By action column on 2's result.
So the allow filtering will not be a bad choice on this query.
In case of the multiple filtering parameters on the where clause and the non indexed column is the last one, how will the filter work?
Please explain.
Is this ALLOW FILTERING efficient?
When you write "this" you mean in the context of your query and your model, however the efficiency of an ALLOW FILTERING query depends mostly on the data it has to filter. Unless you show some real data this is a hard to answer question.
I am expecting that cassandra will filter in this order...
Yeah, this is what will happen. However, the inclusion of an ALLOW FILTERING clause in the query usually means a poor table design, that is you're not following some guidelines on Cassandra modeling (specifically the "one query <--> one table").
As a solution, I could hint you to include the action field in the clustering key just before the start field, modifying your table definition:
day int,
id varchar,
start int,
action varchar,
PRIMARY KEY((day),action,start,id)
You then would rewrite your query without any ALLOW FILTERING clause:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE day=1 AND action='accept' AND start > 1475485412 AND start < 1485785654
having only the minor issue that if one record "switches" action values you cannot perform an update on the single action field (because it's now part of the clustering key), so you need to perform a delete with the old action value and an insert it with the correct new value. But if you have Cassandra 3.0+ all this can be done with the help of the new Materialized View implementation. Have a look at the documentation for further information.
In general ALLOW FILTERING is not efficient.
But in the end it depends on the size of the data you are fetching (for which cassandra have to use ALLOW FILTERING) and the size of data its being fetched from.
In your case cassandra do not need filtering upto :
By the range column(start) on the 1's result
As you mentioned. But after that, it will rely on filtering to search data, which you are allowing in query itself.
Now, keep following in mind
If your table contains for example a 1 million rows and 95% of them have the requested value, the query will still be relatively efficient and you should use ALLOW FILTERING.
On the other hand, if your table contains 1 million rows and only 2 rows contain the requested value, your query is extremely inefficient. Cassandra will load 999, 998 rows for nothing. If the query is often used, it is probably better to add an index on the time1 column.
So ensure this first. If it works in you favour, use FILTERING.
Otherwise, it would be wise to add secondary index on 'action'.
PS : There is some minor edit.

Cassandra asks for ALLOW FILTERING even though column is clustering key

Very new to Cassandra so apologies if the question is simple.
I created a table:
create table ApiLog (
LogId uuid,
DateCreated timestamp,
ClientIpAddress varchar,
primary key (LogId, DateCreated));
This work fine:
select * from apilog
If I try to add a where clause with the DateCreated like this:
select * from apilog where datecreated <= '2016-07-14'
I get this:
Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING
From other questions here on SO and from the tutorials on datastax it is my understanding that since the datecreated column is a clustering key it can be used to filter data.
I also tried to create an index but I get the same message back. And I tried to remove the DateCreated from the primary key and have it only as an index and I still get the same back:
create index ApiLog_DateCreated on dotnetdemo.apilog (datecreated);
The partition key LogId determines on which node each partition will be stored. So if you don't specify the partition key, then Cassandra has to filter all the partitions of this table on all the nodes to find matching data. That's why you have to say ALLOW FILTERING, since that operation is very inefficient and is discouraged.
If you specify a specific LogId, then Cassandra can find the partition on a single node and efficiently do a range query by the clustering key.
So you need to plan your schema such that you can do your range queries within a single partition and not have to do a full table scan like you're trying to do.
When your query is rejected by Cassandra because it needs filtering, you should resist the urge to just add ALLOW FILTERING to it. You should think about your data, your model and what you are trying to do. You always have multiple options.
You can change your data model, add an index, use another table or use ALLOW FILTERING.
You have to make the right choice for your specific use case.
Anyway you want to make it work.
select * from dev."3" where "column" = '' limit 1000 ALLOW FILTERING;
