How to detach variable from the backing bean in JSF? - jsf

I'm in a situation, where I need to pass a variable to some dialog(in custom tag component), the field with the value should be editable, but the dialog shouldn't be able to modify the original value in the managed bean.
This is how I call the component:
<my:aerodromeSelection value="#{fpl.adepIcaoId}" id2="adep"/>
This is fragment of the composite component(only relevant parts included):
<composite:attribute name="id2" required="true"/>
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-search" update="#{cc.attrs.id2}_dialog" oncomplete="#{cc.attrs.id2}"/>
<p:dialog widgetVar="#{cc.attrs.id2}_dialogAerodrome" dynamic="true">
<p:inputText value="#{cc.attrs.value.icaoCode}"/>
After clicking the button, the dialog is shown and I can edit the value. The problem is, that I don't want the value to be set to the original variable.
I tried setting the value to the managed bean of the custom component and use those values instead, but if I do it like this, then having multiple dialogs in one page, I always get the value of the last one:
<c:set value="#{cc.attrs.value.icaoCode}" target="#{adSearchBB}" property="icaoCode"/>
So I need to solve one of two problems:
Why is the value in the adSearchBB(RequestScoped, but I've also tried ViewScoped) shared among all dialogs
How to "unbind" the variable passed to custom component
Also, what should be the scope of the managed bean? I'd ideally want one bean per component.
I'm using
Primefaces 3.5
Apache MyFaces 2.1.10


How to reference component inside a composite component when using a converter

I have a composite component that mainly consists of a selectManyCheckbox component. As it should be designed in a generic way I pass in selectItems, ajax handling etc. from the calling level using
This works quite well for most of the stuff. Now I need to use this composite component with a converter. As the converter (a kind of Omnifaces' ListConverter) is not needed all the time (sometimes I want to have the value-binding of concrete entities that back the select items, sometimes I don't), I'd like to pass it in as the parts mentioned before (e.g. selectItems, ajax event handling).
Given this it is necessary to use the converter tag's 'for' attribute to reference the component inside the composite component. At least that is what I understand.
Unfortunately I have no idea what value should be used. Do I have to include the name of the composite component (naming container)? Do I have to use the clientId? I have tried a lot of combinations but the converter has not been invoked. As soon as I put the converter tag inside the composite component definition, it works.
To make things easier, let's assume I have the following:
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="#{}" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
This component should be used as follows:
<my:selectManyCheckbox id="myComponent" value="...">
<f:selectItems value="..."/>
<o:converter for="___" converterId="..."/>
Perhaps someone can give me a hint what value should be given to the 'for' attribute.
I found the answer myself. You can use the following
<composite:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<composite:editableValueHolder name="input_component">
<h:selectManyCheckbox id="input_component" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
The important part is the editableValueHolder tag. From the page using this composite component, you can now use
<o:converter for="input_component" converterId="id_of_converter" />
This is the solution that is working for me. I hope this helps others having the same problem.

Send parameter to request on every action for composite component

I have a composite component, which has an id I would like to send as a parameter when executing one of many posiible actions inside the composite component. I know I can use something like;
<h:form id="testForm">
<p:commandButton value="#{testReqBean.label}"
process="#this or #form" update="#form" ajax="true" >
<f:param value="#{}" name="CC-Id" />
now, imagine I have many forms or buttons with specific actions inside the composite component... is there a way to define the parameter I want to send in the request just once ? I mean not adding an f:param inside each form/button (depending on the process #form or #this) but one for the whole composite component?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe one solution would be to use viewparam but this only works if you can add a request parameter.
<f:viewParam value="#{your_bean.your_property_name}" name="request_param"/>
The only problem here is that whoever implements your composite component would have to set the above when needed, but it still an abstraction to this problem of having to set the same property for all components in same page.
I gather that the <h:form> is enclosed in the composite component itself.
Just use a plain HTML hidden input field.
<input type="hidden" name="CC-Id" value="#{}" />
<p:commandButton />
<p:commandButton />
<p:commandButton />
Unrelated to the concrete problem, having an entire form in a composite is kind of strange. This is then food for read: When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?

Losing inputs submitted in composite component

I have a problem with submitting composite components.
Most of my composite components contain both the input components and the "submit" button.
When I tried to put the button still in the same h:form but not in the same composite component, the submitted value seemed to be "lost" somewhere. And, for instance, my validators got called on original values.
Example :
<composite:attribute name="titreContext" required="true"/>
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanel" styleClass="selectionTitreDetails">
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanelInner" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.titreContext.selected}">
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="panelId">
<h:outputText id="idLabel" value="Id :"/>
<h:outputText id="id" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titeluid}"/>
<p:tooltip for="id" value="Identifiant unique"/>
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="titelePanel">
<p:outputLabel for="selectTitele" value="Titre :"/>
<p:selectOneMenu id="selectTitele" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele}" effect="fold" styleClass="fullWidth">
<f:selectItems value="#{constants.getTitelesForTypman(cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele.typman)}" var="titele" itemLabel="#{titele.titelelil}" itemValue="#{titele}" styleClass="fullWidth"/>
<p:column styleClass="fullWidth">#{titele.titelelil}</p:column>
<p:commandButton id="confirmerModifications" icon="small_edit" type="submit" value="Confirmer les modifications"
action="#{elutersEditionContext.confirmeModifsSelection}" process="mandatsTerritorial"
update="mandatsTerritorial #{cc.attrs.notifUpdates}"/>
But putting the p:commandButton out of the composite :
<mylib:mycomponent /*parameters *//>
<p:commandButton /*parameters*/ />
does not work. When I debug my validators, I can see that the modified values where not even submitted. Neither getLocalValue, getSubmittedValue nor getValue is changed.
Is there a syntax in composite component declaration to use to correct this situation ?
By the way : when I was writing my components as composite components rather than custom components, retrieving #{asen} in the backing bean just worked.
Thanks in advance.
I am using :
PrimeFaces 3.4.1
CODI 1.0.5
OpenWebBeans 1.1.6
MyFaces 2.1.9
Tomcat 7.0.32
(update) This very strange problem was caused by h:form nesting.
Very strange because h:form nesting did not perturbate the processing of the first level of composite components, but caused this strange "input lost" in nested composite.
Nesting looked like this :
<p:tabView ...>
<my:composite ....>
You're using a relative client ID in the process attribute of the <p:commandButton>:
<p:commandButton ... process="mandatsTerritorial" />
A relative client ID is relative to the parent NamingContainer component. It will be searched as direct child of the NamingContainer component. If the child is by itself a NamingContainer, then its children would not be searched.
Composite components are by itself in fact also NamingContainer components. If the button is placed in the composite, then this will be searched as direct child of the <cc:implementation>. In your particular case, only the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" will be processed on form submit, including all of its children (note that this component is nowhere visible in the code posted so far, but I'd imagine that you omitted it for brevity).
If the button is placed in <h:form>, then this will be searched as direct child of the <h:form>. However as this is apparently been placed inside the composite (which is, as said, another NamingContainer component), it wouldn't be found and hence basically nothing would be processed. You'd need to fix the process to point to the right client ID. E.g.
<mylib:mycomponent id="mycomponent" />
<p:commandButton ... process="#this mycomponent:mandatsTerritorial" />
This way it will process itself (mandatory to invoke the action!) and the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" inside the <cc:implementation> of the composite with id="mycomponent".
As a completely different alternative, which would work just fine in this particular construct, is to remove the process attribute altogether. It defaults to #form already which will thus process the entire form.
Update as per your question update: nesting forms is invalid in HTML. Using the JSF <h:form> representation doesn't change that; you'd still end up with nested forms in HTML. The browser behaviour is unspecified as to which data would be submitted to the server. Make sure that you don't nest <h:form> in JSF as well.

How to create a composite component which switches between inputText and inputSecret?

I'm writing a Facelets composite component that switches between using inputText and inputSecret based on a parameter:
<composite:attribute name="myId" required="true"/>
<composite:attribute name="secret" required="false" default="false" />
<h:inputSecret rendered="#{cc.attrs.secret}" id="#{cc.attrs.myId}" />
<h:inputText rendered="#{!cc.attrs.secret}" id="#{cc.attrs.myId}" />
The problem is that I get the following error:
Component ID [JSF mangled id] has already been found in the view.
Use a view build time tag like JSTL <c:if> or <c:choose> instead of the JSF component's rendered attribute. View build time tags are evaluated during constructing the JSF component tree, while the rendered attribute is only evaluated during generating HTML based on the JSF component tree (and thus you still end up with both components with the same ID in the JSF component tree!).
<c:if test="#{not cc.attrs.secret}">
<h:inputText id="input" />
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.secret}">
<h:inputSecret id="input" />
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the myId doesn't make sense. Just give those a fixed ID. In case the reason was the inability to reference them from outside by ajax, head to Referring composite component ID in f:ajax render.
Whether or not the component is actually rendered doesn't matter.Both components will still exist in the view's internal component tree and will require a unique id. We ran into this problem as well.
We suffixed the id with a _1 and _2 and if we need to get a hold of the id inside javaScript, we use JQuery's partial matchers.
In your case, can you not make your bean's getMyId() method return a different id based on the value of the secret property?

JSF 2 composite component, passing attributes to backing bean

I'm stuck on simple JSF2 question:
<xvf:simpleOut identifier="12345"/>
Composite component is supposed to pass "12345" to backing bean and do some output:
<composite:attribute name="identifier" required="true" type="java.lang.String"/>
<!--#elvariable id="arg" type="java.lang.String"-->
<ui:param name="arg" value="#{cc.attrs.identifier}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.getTestOutput('???????')}"/>
How do I pass identifier value, '12345' in my case, to bean's getTestOutput(String arg) method?
You don't need the <ui:param> tag at all. This should work:
<h:outputText value="#{myBean.getTestOutput(cc.attrs.identifier)}"/>
But it might a a good idea to pass myBean through the interface as well rather than refering to it directly, since it would make the composite component reusable.
