How to change start-index and max-results parameters by Java - pagination

As usual, I want to get more than 25 comment of a video by using Youtube API v2. Documents say that with start-index parameter, I can decide the interval and with maxresults parameter I can decide the max result. maxresults parameter is default 25 and is maximum 50. Iteratively i can get comments up to 1000. But, How can i change the maxresults parameter and star-index parameter in this code :
YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(key);
String videoEntryUrl = "";
VideoEntry videoEntry = service.getEntry(new URL(videoEntryUrl), VideoEntry.class);
String commentUrl = videoEntry.getComments().getFeedLink().getHref();
CommentFeed commentFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(commentUrl),
for (CommentEntry comment : commentFeed.getEntries()) {

Off memory, I think it is ( well should be )
String videoEntryUrl = "";
Just set your start index to where you want to start from and then set how many results up to 50.


M (PowerQuery), set the value of a non-primitive variable in a let statement

I'm writing a custom M Language (PowerQuery in Excel) function to query a RESTful interface. This interface has a large number of optional parameters.
Starting with a simple case- I handle an optional limit passed as a simple (primitive) value as follows-
* RESTful API Get from the named endpoint
(endpoint as text, optional limit) =>
// query limit
// If limit is supplied as a number, it will be converted to text
// If limit is not supplied it will be set to the value "1000"
limit = if limit <> null then Text.From(limit) else "1000",
As the full API has many paramaters I wanted to use a Record to pass them to the function, but then I realised I don't know how to persuade M to write the default values into the parameter record.
I tried a couple of options.
Direct access-
(endpoint as text, optional params as record) =>
params[limit] = if (params[limit] = null) then "1000",
the result is a syntax error-'Token equal expected'
Merging the new value of limit as a Record with "&"
(endpoint as text, optional params as record) =>
params = params & if params[limit] = null then [limit = "1000"] else [],
result syntax error-'Token Literal expected'
I'm clearly missing something about the syntax rules for let statements, I know I need a variable = value assignment, and it looks as if putting anything other than a plain variable name on the LHS to write elements inside a structured value is not allowed, but i'm not sure how to acieve this otherwise?
Not sure exactly what you want here, but to create a List of Records where some Records have a default parameter and others do not, you could try something like:
(newParams as record) =>
default = [limit=1000, param2=2, param3=3],
final = Record.Combine({default, newParams})
With regard to Record.Combine, the beauty is that the right hand record will override the left hand record if both are present; and it will just add to it if nothing is present.
So something like:
Source = [limit=400, param3="x", param7=246],
conv = fnParams(Source)
Depending on the required format of your output string, you can build it using List.Accumulate. eg:
Source = [limit=400, param3="x", param7=246],
conv = fnParams(Source),
list = List.Accumulate(List.Zip({Record.FieldNames(conv), Record.ToList(conv)}), "",
(state,current) =>state & "&" & current{0} & "=" & Text.From(current{1}) )
=> &limit=400&param2=2&param3=x&param7=246

Retrieving value using a nested variables in JMeter

I am writing a data driven test in JMeter, which has a JDBC request querying some book information.
I need to to randaomly pick 2 books of the list and inputs those items into a subsequent PUT request.
Book_1 and Book_10.
I have writing the following code in JSR223 PostProcessor:"Book count : "+${IDs_#}); // COming from the JDBC Request from a
upper = ${IDs_#};
lower = 0;
Random a = new Random();
for (i=0;i<2;i++){
//generating a random number between upper and lower
randNum =Math.abs( new Random().nextInt() % (upper - lower) ) + lower;
var ="Book_"+randNum;"${var}");
Var value would be "Book_10". I need to get ${Book_10}.
However when I enter"${var}") it is considering it as String and not resolving the value of the variable.
I want it to resolve the value of ${Book_10}.
Please check if the below helps with your requirement:-

Get actual count of matches in Azure Search

Azure Search returns a maximum of 1,000 results at a time. For paging on the client, I want the total count of matches in order to be able to display the correct number of paging buttons at the bottom and in order to be able to tell the user how many results there are. However, if there are over a thousand, how do I get the actual count? All I know is that there were at least 1,000 matches.
I need to be able to do this from within the SDK.
If you want to get total number of documents in an index, one thing you could do is set IncludeTotalResultCount to true in your search parameters. Once you do that when you execute the query, you will see the count of total documents in an index in Count property of search results.
Here's a sample code for that:
var credentials = new SearchCredentials("account-key (query or admin key)");
var indexClient = new SearchIndexClient("account-name", "index-name", credentials);
var searchParameters = new SearchParameters()
QueryType = QueryType.Full,
IncludeTotalResultCount = true
var searchResults = await indexClient.Documents.SearchAsync("*", searchParameters);
Console.WriteLine("Total documents in index (approx) = " + searchResults.Count.GetValueOrDefault());//Prints the total number of documents in the index
Please note that:
This count will be approximate.
Getting the count is an expensive operation so you should only do it with the very first request when implementing pagination.
For REST clients using the POST API, just include "count": "true" to the payload. You get the count in #odata.count.

Obtaining FluentValidation max string length rules and their max values

We want to implement a character counter in our Javascript data entry form, so the user gets immediate keystroke feedback as to how many characters he has typed and how many he has left (something like "25/100", indicating current string length is 25 and 100 is the max allowed).
To do this, I would like to write a service that returns a list of dto property names and their max allowed lengths.
{Name='SmallComment', MaxLength=128}
{Name='BigComment', MaxLength=512}
The best way I can think of to do this would be to create an instance of the validator for that dto and iterate through it to pull out the .Length(min,max) rules. I had other ideas as well, like storing the max lengths in an attribute, but this would require rewriting all the validators to set up the rules based on the attributes.
Whatever solution is best, the goal is to store the max length for each property in a single place, so that changing that length affects the validation rule and the service data passed down to the javascript client.
If you want to maintain a single source of reference for both client/server I would take a metadata approach and provide a Service that returns the max lengths to the client for all types, something like:
public class ValidationMetadataServices : Service
public object Any(GetFieldMaxLengths request)
return new GetFieldMaxLengthsResponse {
Type1 = GetFieldMaxLengths<Type1>(),
Type2 = GetFieldMaxLengths<Type2>(),
Type3 = GetFieldMaxLengths<Type3>(),
static Dictionary<string,int> GetFieldMaxLengths<T>()
var to = new Dictionary<string,int>();
.Where(p => p.FirstAttribute<StringLengthAttribute>() != null)
.Each(p => to[p.PropertyName] =
return to;
But FluentValidation uses Static properties so that would require manually specifying a rule for each property that validates against the length from the property metadata attribute.

Flickr api doesn't return the estimated value

I am using flickr api in order to count the how many times a tag occur. I want this information in order to calculate the Normalized Google Distance. I am using this query in my java code:
But i don't get good results. For example when i search "bank" the count value is 357439, when i search "credit" the count value is 59288, but when i am search for "bank credit" the count value is only 2. When i searching with the search box at for "bank credit" i get a lot of results. But as far as i can see the query it uses is
which i am not able to use through my java code. I am trying to pass this
and it says
Parameterless searches have been disabled. Please use instead
How can i solve this problem?
Your generated url is incorrect
is missing the question mark
UPDATE based on OP comments:
I didn't see you had the question mark on the top url string. Looking at it again, I did realize you are not passing in any valid parameters. "q" isn't one of the listed parameters on the search api page. Try something like below to search photos with "bank" tag
or one with bank in description/title
I got the same error. but when I added media = photos in the parameters, it got resolved.
e.g. :
baseurl = ""
params_d['api_key'] = 'XXXXXXX'
params_d['method'] = ''
params_d['tag'] = "river,mountains"
params_d['tag_mode'] = 'all'
params_d['per_page'] = 5
params_d['media'] = "photos"
params_d['nojsoncallback'] = 1
params_d['format'] = 'json'
resp = requests.get(baseurl, params = params_d)
