How can you execute a command again listed in the
option in vim. There are numbers shown. Is the only way to copy the command by hand, then re-enter it? Or is there something like in shell script.
:history is only there for you to look at it.
To re-execute a previous command, you have two options:
Use <Up> and <Down> at the command prompt:
(do stuff)
Use the "command-line window":
You can call it with q: and navigate with search and use the beautiful normal mode commands we all love.
Position the cursor on a line and hit <CR> to re-execute the command.
Edit a command and hit <CR> to execute the new command.
You can quit the command-line window with :q.
See :help cmdline-window.
I use q: shortcut in normal mode to open interactive command history window. You just move to the right command and execute it by pressing Enter. You can find more information and other ways of accessing history here.
What I like to do is type the first few characters in the command and press <UP>. For example if you want to repeat an edit command of the file file.txt you could:
:e fil<UP><ENTER>
If the first <UP> does not give you the command you want, keep pressing<UP> until you find the command you were looking for.
If Vim is compiled with +eval you can use histget( {history} [, {index}])
:exe histget('c', 15)
That isn't exactly convenient to type, so you can also create a user-defined command:
:com -nargs=1 HI exe histget('c', <args>)
Thereafter you can use HI {index} to execute the history entry:
:HI 15
I wanted to paste the yanked line in the vim command prompt after typing certain command.
I saw a solution where they asked to enter <Ctrl-R><Shift-"> to paste the yanked lines in the vim command prompt, however I am having the following problems:
When I try like, :tabnew and then type <Ctrl-R><Shift-">, whatever yanked line gets pasted after :tabnew line.
Eg: :tabnew /disk/bin/hello.log
The above solution doesn't work if I map the same above command in the vimrc. I tried adding the following map in my .vimrc:
:map <S-P> :<C-R><S-">
When I try :tabnew and type <S-P>, it is not pasting the yanked line, i.e. the mapped command is not working.
Can anyone help me on the above scenario?
Is it possible to mix normal mode and command line mode operations?
For Eg:
a. I have a line in text file which is a directory path and wanted to open that directory in vim.
b. Instead of doing Yanking [S-Y] the line and then doing mapped command [map <C-T><C-O> :tabnew <C-R><S-"><bs><CR>] to open the directory for vim, is it possible to do something as given below ?
nnoremap <F7> <S-Y>cnoremap:tabnew <C-R><S-"><bs><CR>
Please drop you comments/suggestions?
The : command line prompt is "Command-line-mode" (see :h Command-line-mode, :h cmdline, or :h : [all show the same help]). You can map keys in that mode using :cnoremap. So you seem to be looking for this:
:cnoremap <s-p> <c-r>"<bs>
The backspace at the end removes the trailing end-of-line character that is (probably) at the end of the buffer.
I very strongly suggest you use a different mapping than <s-p>, because that will be triggered every time you try to type a capital "P".
I am aware I can select an entire line in Vim in visual mode by pressing Shift+V. Now, can I achieve the same (i. e. placing the cursor to the specific line within a file and selecting this very line) from the shell, using only Vim command line options?
Currently, the best I have is
vim +[line] -c 'set cursorline' [file]
but this is not exactly what I want.
Use the normal command normal to run commands in normal mode.
vim +[line] -c 'normal! V' [file]
Take a look at :h normal
is there a way to use vim/vi in the vim command line? Sometimes I write a long
command in vim such as:
:!./script /home/user/pet --flag=1
and I want to change for instance "user" by "other". What I usually do is to
navigate the command line with right arrow which is time consuming and even more
when I want to go to the beginning of the line. I would like to have something
like "0" to go there or w/b to move by words. Or use j/k to go to the next/previous
:h cedit
in command line, type ctrl-F(default) to enter command window.
or in normal mode type q:
(for search, type q/)
Vim has a feature called the "commandline window". You can enter it with Control-F by default when you're already on the commandline, or q: from normal mode, edit the commandline using vim commands, and press enter to execute. It also contains your command history so that you can yank previous commands if you like. See :help cmdline-window for more information.
I'm not aware how you can use Vim commands to edit a command directly on the command line, but if you enter the command window q: you get can use regular Vim editing to edit commands.
From there you can execute commands by hitting <CR> or use Ctrl-C to copy the command to the regular command line.
If you run set -o vi you will have vim capabilities in your command line. Just put 'set -o vi' in your .bashrc file or equivalent to have it by default.
If I have a file with a shebang line (e.g. #!/bin/bash) open in Vim and the file has execute permissions (i.e. chmod +x) I know I can type this to execute it without leaving the editor:
:! %:p
: for command mode
! to run a shell command
% to refer to the file in the current buffer
:p to use the full path of the current file
Is there a shorter shortcut for this frequent task?
e.g. there is a ZZ shortcut for :wq, etc.
,without the spaces, is shorter.
If you want an even shorter shortcut, you can create a custom mapping:
nnoremap <F9> :!%:p
or the more "mnemonic":
nnoremap <leader>r :!%:p
If you haven't set permissions you can run:
:! sh %
None of the previous answers work if your filename/directory path has spaces in it. Simple fix.
After you've executed that once, a short :!! will repeat it.
When starting vi, specify file path explicitly, like this "vi ./blablabla"
vi ./
Then start with !%
The other variant is to invoke the vi command like this
You can add a key mapping to your .vimrc
map <F5> :!%
Lets say I am copying a file with the vim command mode and my cursor is at the end of the line.
:!cp path/to/original/file path/to/new/file
Is there a way I can jump back a word like I can in the shell by typing Esc b?
You cannot use "Esc b" because, obviously, that would discard the command you where typing. However you can bind some keys to move around.
The question as already be answered here : Navigating in Vim's Command Mode
The easy way is just to add :
cnoremap <C-a> <Home>
cnoremap <C-e> <End>
cnoremap <C-p> <Up>
cnoremap <C-n> <Down>
cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
cnoremap <C-f> <Right>
cnoremap <M-b> <S-Left>
cnoremap <M-f> <S-Right>
In your .vimrc
For entering and editing complex commands, you may like working directly in the command line window which is accessed with the normal mode command q:. See :h 20.5 and :h q:. Or if you are already in command mode, you can access the command line window with C-f.
For example, in normal mode type q: to get into the command line window. (or type C-f from command line mode.
You can move around previous commands using standard motions and you can edit as usual.
When you want to execute a command that you just edited, press enter in normal mode in
this command line window. The line your cursor is on will be executed as a command in
the window you were in before you opened the command line window.
Another option to consider is to edit/yank the command from another buffer. You can do this by yanking the desired text and pasting it in command mode by typing C-R n, where n is the register you yanked to.
BTW: I like the mappings that #rks provided. But if you don't have these mappings, you can use the out of the box commands. Look up :h c_<S-Left> and :h c_<S-Right> and :h 20.1.
A nice vim feature is ctrl-f. Typing ^f (or whatever key is specified in the cedit option, with ctrl-f being the default) from command line mode has the same effect as typing q: from normal mode; it pulls your entire command history into a window and lets you edit it as a buffer. Try :help cmdwin for more details.
In vim's command mode, I just use ctrl-left and ctrl-right arrows. The same works in bash - I wasn't aware of the esc-b method there.
No editing of the .vimrc file is required for this on my Ubuntu and Debian systems, but YMMV on others. It's presumably based on the standard configuration that's packaged for the OS