Can't get new iOS 7 camera to scale inside UIPopoverController - xamarin.ios

My iOS 6 code to show the camera in a UIPopoverController works fine but iOS won't scale the camera view. Please see images below. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
public class NoRotationUIImagePickerController : UIImagePickerController
public override bool ShouldAutorotate ()
return false;
//place imagePicker into a container so that we can control the size of the popover
container = new UIViewController();
container.ContentSizeForViewInPopover = new SizeF(parentViewController.View.Frame.Width, parentViewController.View.Frame.Height);
_popOver = new UIPopoverController (container);
//If no camera is available, return false and do nothing.
if (IsCameraHardwareAvailable())
_imagePicker.Delegate = new PopUpGalleryPickerDelegate (_popOver, _imageSelected);
_imagePicker.SourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera;
_imagePicker.AllowsEditing = false;
_imagePicker.MediaTypes = new string[] {"public.image"};
RectangleF popRectangle = new RectangleF (new PointF(parentViewController.View.Frame.Width/2, parentViewController.View.Frame.Height/2), new SizeF (1, 1));
_popOver.PresentFromRect(popRectangle, parentViewController.View, 0, true);
_imagePicker.View.Frame = container.View.Frame; //change to frame must come after popover is presented.
cameraAvailable = false;

The solution I ended up with was to make the camera full screen instead of using a popover controller.


How do I change the background color of a tabbed page in Xamarin iOS?

I need to change the background color of the currently tabbed page in my UITabBarController. I've searched through every stackoverflow post I could find but nothing worked for me. I thought there would be something like UITabBar.Appearance.SelectedImageTintColor, just for the background color but it doesn't seem so.
For example, I want to change the color of that part when I am on the right tab:
Does someone know how to do that?
You could invoked the following code in your UITabBarController
public xxxTabBarController()
//...set ViewControllers
this.TabBar.BarTintColor = UIColor.Red;
//3.0 here is if you have three child page in tab , set it as the current value in your project
var size = new CGSize(TabBar.Frame.Width / 3.0, IsFullScreen());
this.TabBar.SelectionIndicatorImage = ImageWithColor(size,UIColor.Green);
double IsFullScreen()
double height = 64;
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(11, 0))
if (UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate.GetWindow().SafeAreaInsets.Bottom > 0.0)
height = 84;
return height;
UIImage ImageWithColor(CGSize size, UIColor color)
var rect = new CGRect(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0);
CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
UIImage image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
The trick is to use the SelectionIndicatorImage Property of the UITabBar and generate a completely filled image with your desired color using the following method:
private UIImage ImageWithColor(CGSize size)
CGRect rect = new CGRect(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
using (CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
context.SetFillColor(UIColor.Green); //change color if necessary
UIImage image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
To initialize everything we override ViewWillLayoutSubviews() like this:
public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews()
// The tabbar height will always be 49 unless we force it to reevaluate it's size on runtime ...
double height = myTabBar.Frame.Height;
CGSize size = new CGSize(new nfloat(myTabBar.Frame.Width / myTabBar.Items.Length, height));
// Now get our all-green image...
UIImage image = ImageWithColor(size);
// And set it as the selection indicator
myTabBar.SelectionIndicatorImage = image;
As mentioned in this article (google translating it step by step when necessary lol) calling InvalidateIntrinsicContentSize() will force the UITabBar to reevaluate it's size and will get you the actual runtime height of the tab bar (instead of the constant 49 height value from XCode).

UILabel overlap in UICollectionView Xamarin.ios

I needed to create a UICollectionView containing the profiles of users searched in my database.
The UICollectionView must contain a UILabel and a UIImage, the name and image must be taken from PHP. I currently get both, but when I go to do a new search, the old information overlaps the new, creating a confusing effect like this:
I am developing on xamarin.ios, I am attaching the portion of code that deals with the visual output of the UILabel and UIImage elements.
public void UpdateCell(string elemento)
img = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromBundle("ProfiloImgNotFound"));
UILabel name = new UILabel { Text = elemento, TextColor = UIColor.SecondaryLabelColor, TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center };
name.Font = UIFont.FromName(".AppleSystemUIFont", 20);
var labelHeight = 20;
var labelWidth = img.Bounds.Width;
name.Frame = new CGRect(0, img.Bounds.Height + 10, labelWidth, labelHeight);
AddSubviews(new UIView[] { img, name });

MapKit not showing custom Annotation pin image on iOS9

My code worked fine from iOS 7 to 8. With the update yesterday the custom images on my pins were replaced by the standard pin image.
Any suggestions?
My code:
extension ViewController: MKMapViewDelegate {
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView! {
if annotation is MKUserLocation {
return nil
let reuseId = String(stringInterpolationSegment: annotation.coordinate.longitude)
var pinView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(reuseId) as? MKPinAnnotationView
if pinView == nil {
pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
pinView!.canShowCallout = true
pinView!.image = getRightImage(annotation.title!!)
let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure)
pinView?.rightCalloutAccessoryView = button
return pinView
The function to get the image returns a UIImage based on the name:
func getRightImage (shopName:String)-> UIImage{
var correctImage = UIImage()
switch shopName
case "Kaisers":
correctImage = UIImage(named: "Kaisers.jpg")!
correctImage = UIImage(named: "sopiconsmall.png")!
return correctImage
No the map looks like this:
Instead of creating an MKPinAnnotationView, create a plain MKAnnotationView.
The MKPinAnnotationView subclass tends to ignore the image property since it's designed to show the standard red, green, purple pins only (via the pinColor property).
When you switch to MKAnnotationView, you'll have to comment out the animatesDrop line as well since that property is specific to MKPinAnnotationView.
Following code works perfectly on all iOS 6 to iOS 9 devices:
- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation
// create a proper annotation view, be lazy and don't use the reuse identifier
MKAnnotationView *view = [[MKAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation
// create a disclosure button for map kit
UIButton *disclosure = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeContactAdd];
[disclosure addGestureRecognizer:[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self
view.rightCalloutAccessoryView = disclosure;
view.enabled = YES;
view.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"map_pin"];
return view;
For Swift 4
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
if annotation is MKUserLocation {
return nil
let reuseId = String(stringInterpolationSegment: annotation.coordinate.longitude)
var pinView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: reuseId)
if pinView == nil {
pinView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
pinView!.canShowCallout = true
pinView!.image = getRightImage(annotation.title!!)
let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.DetailDisclosure)
pinView?.rightCalloutAccessoryView = button
return pinView

JavaFX ScrollPane showing objects outside of viewport

In my current application I have created a ScrollPane with an AnchorPane as content. Depending on the actions of the user this AnchorPane will be filled with more or less images for which I use a Canvas(necessary for drawing more information on the image).
However when I scroll through the ScrollPane, all the child images are still being repainted even when they aren't inside the ViewPort. Has anyone else had this problem or a solution for this?
Initialization of the scrollpane:
iconPane = new AnchorPane();
iconPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: white; -fx-border-color: gray;");
scrollpane = new ScrollPane();
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(scrollpane, 13.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(scrollpane, 13.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(scrollpane, 13.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(scrollpane, 13.0);
Creation of an icon:
private VBox createIconPane(TaskInformation tinfo) {
VBox vbox = new VBox();
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(75, 75);
GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
Image im;
if (tinfo.getCurrent() != null) {
if (tinfo.isCurrentStop()) {
String status = utilities.getCurrentTaskVersion(tinfo.getTask()).getStatus();
if (status.equals("finished")) {
im = new Image(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("dna-current.png"));
} else if (status.equals("failed")) {
im = new Image(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("dna-failed.png"));
} else {
im = new Image(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("dna-processing.png"));
} else {
im = new Image(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("dna-current.png"));
} else {
im = new Image(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("dna-excluded.png"));
gc.drawImage(im, 5, 5);
gc.strokeText(tinfo.getFinished() + "", 59, 15);
gc.strokeText(tinfo.getFailed() + "", 59, 28);
gc.strokeText(tinfo.getProcessing() + "", 59, 41);
Label namelabel = new Label(tinfo.getTask().getName());
return vbox;
Addition of all icons to the view:
private void createChildIcon(TaskInformation tinfo) {
VBox taskicon = createIconPane(tinfo);
taskicon.setLayoutX((tinfo.getTask().getLevel() - 6) / 2 * 120 + 5);
if (tinfo.getTask().getLevel() <= levelLastAddedTask && maxYCoor != 5) {
maxYCoor += 95;
levelLastAddedTask = tinfo.getTask().getLevel();
for (int count = 0; count < tinfo.getChildren().size(); count++) {
JDK: 7, but it can be compiled as older versions as well
JFX: 2.2.21
After some testing with one of my colleagues we discovered that it must be a Windows issue. It works perfectly on Linux, but not on Windows.
Try adding VM option "-Dprism.order=j2d". This is a work-around rather than a solution because it is replacing your hardware accelerated graphic pipeline with a software pipeline. If this works, add VM option "-Dprism.verbose=true" so that we can see what hardware was problematic.
I added a bug in the JavaFX Issue Tracker:

App using MonoTouch Core Graphics mysteriously crashes

My app launches with a view controller and a simple view consisting of a button and a subview. When the user touches the button, the subview is populated with scrollviews that display the column headers, row headers, and cells of a spreadsheet. To draw the cells, I use CGBitmapContext to draw the cells, generate an image, and then put the image into the imageview contained in the scrollview that displays the cells.
When I run the app on the iPad, it displays the cells just fine, and the scrollview lets the user scroll around in the spreadsheet without any problems. If the user touches the button a second time, the spreadsheet redraws and continues to work perfectly, If, however, the user touches the button a third time, the app crashes. There is no exception information display in the Application Output window.
My first thought was that the successive button pushes were using up all the available memory, so I overrode the DidReceiveMemoryWarning method in the view controller and used a breakpoint to confirm that this method was not getting called. My next thought was that the CGBitmapContext was not getting released and looked for a Monotouch equivalent of Objective C's CGContextRelease() function. The closest I could find was the CGBitmapContext instance method Dispose(), which I called, without solving the problem.
In order to free up as much memory as possible (in case I was somehow running out of memory without tripping a warning), I tried forcing garbage collection each time I finished using a CGBitmapContext. This made the problem worse. Now the program would crash moments after displaying the spreadsheet the first time. This caused me to wonder whether the Garbage Collector was somehow collecting something necessary to the continued display of graphics on the screen.
I would be grateful for any suggestions on further avenues to investigate for the cause of these crashes. I have included the source code for the SpreadsheetView class. The relevant method is DrawSpreadsheet(), which is called when the button is touched.
Thank you for your assistance on this matter.
Stephen Ashley
public class SpreadsheetView : UIView
public ISpreadsheetMessenger spreadsheetMessenger = null;
public UIScrollView cellsScrollView = null;
public UIImageView cellsImageView = null;
public SpreadsheetView(RectangleF frame) : base()
Frame = frame;
BackgroundColor = Constants.backgroundBlack;
AutosizesSubviews = true;
public void DrawSpreadsheet()
UInt16 RowHeaderWidth = spreadsheetMessenger.RowHeaderWidth;
UInt16 RowHeaderHeight = spreadsheetMessenger.RowHeaderHeight;
UInt16 RowCount = spreadsheetMessenger.RowCount;
UInt16 ColumnHeaderWidth = spreadsheetMessenger.ColumnHeaderWidth;
UInt16 ColumnHeaderHeight = spreadsheetMessenger.ColumnHeaderHeight;
UInt16 ColumnCount = spreadsheetMessenger.ColumnCount;
// Add the corner
UIImageView cornerView = new UIImageView(new RectangleF(0f, 0f,
RowHeaderWidth, ColumnHeaderHeight));
cornerView.BackgroundColor = Constants.headingColor;
CGColorSpace cornerColorSpace = null;
CGBitmapContext cornerContext = null;
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(RowHeaderWidth * ColumnHeaderHeight * 4);
if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Out of memory.");
cornerColorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
cornerContext = new CGBitmapContext
(buffer, RowHeaderWidth, ColumnHeaderHeight, 8, 4 * RowHeaderWidth,
cornerColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst);
cornerContext.FillRect(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, RowHeaderWidth, ColumnHeaderHeight));
cornerView.Image = UIImage.FromImage(cornerContext.ToImage());
if (cornerContext != null)
cornerContext = null;
if (cornerColorSpace != null)
cornerColorSpace = null;
cornerView.Image = DrawBottomRightCorner(cornerView.Image);
// Add the cellsScrollView
cellsScrollView = new UIScrollView
(new RectangleF(RowHeaderWidth, ColumnHeaderHeight,
Frame.Width - RowHeaderWidth,
Frame.Height - ColumnHeaderHeight));
cellsScrollView.ContentSize = new SizeF
(ColumnCount * ColumnHeaderWidth,
RowCount * RowHeaderHeight);
Size iContentSize = new Size((int)cellsScrollView.ContentSize.Width,
cellsScrollView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
CGColorSpace colorSpace = null;
CGBitmapContext context = null;
CGGradient gradient = null;
UIImage image = null;
int bytesPerRow = 4 * iContentSize.Width;
int byteCount = bytesPerRow * iContentSize.Height;
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteCount);
if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Out of memory.");
colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
context = new CGBitmapContext
(buffer, iContentSize.Width,
iContentSize.Height, 8, 4 * iContentSize.Width,
colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst);
float[] components = new float[]
{.75f, .75f, .75f, 1f,
.25f, .25f, .25f, 1f};
float[] locations = new float[]{0f, 1f};
gradient = new CGGradient(colorSpace, components, locations);
PointF startPoint = new PointF(0f, (float)iContentSize.Height);
PointF endPoint = new PointF((float)iContentSize.Width, 0f);
context.DrawLinearGradient(gradient, startPoint, endPoint, 0);
for (UInt16 i = 1; i <= RowCount; i++)
(0f, iContentSize.Height - i * RowHeaderHeight + (Constants.lineWidth/2));
iContentSize.Height - i * RowHeaderHeight + (Constants.lineWidth/2));
for (UInt16 j = 1; j <= ColumnCount; j++)
context.MoveTo((float)j * ColumnHeaderWidth - Constants.lineWidth/2,
context.AddLineToPoint((float)j * ColumnHeaderWidth - Constants.lineWidth/2, 0f);
image = UIImage.FromImage(context.ToImage());
if (gradient != null)
gradient = null;
if (context != null)
context = null;
if (colorSpace != null)
colorSpace = null;
// GC.Collect();
UIImage finalImage = ActivateCell(1, 1, image);
finalImage = ActivateCell(0, 0, finalImage);
cellsImageView = new UIImageView(finalImage);
cellsImageView.Frame = new RectangleF(0f, 0f,
iContentSize.Width, iContentSize.Height);
private UIImage ActivateCell(UInt16 column, UInt16 row, UIImage backgroundImage)
UInt16 ColumnHeaderWidth = (UInt16)spreadsheetMessenger.ColumnHeaderWidth;
UInt16 RowHeaderHeight = (UInt16)spreadsheetMessenger.RowHeaderHeight;
CGColorSpace cellColorSpace = null;
CGBitmapContext cellContext = null;
UIImage cellImage = null;
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4 * ColumnHeaderWidth * RowHeaderHeight);
if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Out of memory: ActivateCell()");
cellColorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
// Create a bitmap the size of a cell
cellContext = new CGBitmapContext
(buffer, ColumnHeaderWidth, RowHeaderHeight, 8,
4 * ColumnHeaderWidth, cellColorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst);
// Paint it white
cellContext.FillRect(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, ColumnHeaderWidth, RowHeaderHeight));
// Convert it to an image
cellImage = UIImage.FromImage(cellContext.ToImage());
if (cellContext != null)
cellContext = null;
if (cellColorSpace != null)
cellColorSpace = null;
// GC.Collect();
// Draw the border on the cell image
cellImage = DrawBottomRightCorner(cellImage);
CGColorSpace colorSpace = null;
CGBitmapContext context = null;
Size iContentSize = new Size((int)backgroundImage.Size.Width,
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4 * iContentSize.Width * iContentSize.Height);
if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Out of memory: ActivateCell().");
colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
// Set up a bitmap context the size of the whole grid
context = new CGBitmapContext
(buffer, iContentSize.Width,
iContentSize.Height, 8, 4 * iContentSize.Width,
colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedFirst);
// Draw the original grid into the bitmap
context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, iContentSize.Width, iContentSize.Height),
// Draw the cell image into the bitmap
context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(column * ColumnHeaderWidth,
iContentSize.Height - (row + 1) * RowHeaderHeight,
ColumnHeaderWidth, RowHeaderHeight),
// Convert the bitmap back to an image
backgroundImage = UIImage.FromImage(context.ToImage());
if (context != null)
context = null;
if (colorSpace != null)
colorSpace = null;
// GC.Collect();
return backgroundImage;
private UIImage DrawBottomRightCorner(UIImage image)
int width = (int)image.Size.Width;
int height = (int)image.Size.Height;
float lineWidth = Constants.lineWidth;
CGColorSpace colorSpace = null;
CGBitmapContext context = null;
UIImage returnImage = null;
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4 * width * height);
if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new OutOfMemoryException("Out of memory: DrawBottomRightCorner().");
colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB();
context = new CGBitmapContext
(buffer, width, height, 8, 4 * width, colorSpace,
context.DrawImage(new RectangleF(0f, 0f, width, height),
context.MoveTo(0f, (int)(lineWidth/2f));
context.AddLineToPoint(width - (int)(lineWidth/2f), (int)(lineWidth/2f));
context.AddLineToPoint(width - (int)(lineWidth/2f), height);
returnImage = UIImage.FromImage(context.ToImage());
if (context != null){
context = null;}
if (colorSpace != null){
colorSpace = null;}
// GC.Collect();
return returnImage;
Not sure if this will solve your problem (I'm even newer to this than you are), but it seems from this answer that MonoTouch prefers a different paradigm for creating/releasing graphics contexts, along the lines of:
var context = UIContext.GetCurrentContext();
// ... do stuff ...
UIImage image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// ... do something with image ...
I don't know if it's releasing everything properly, but otherwise it seems to work.
