css background image issue in google site - google-sites

I am trying to specify a backgroud image for my google site, i have the following code inside the HTML Box
body {
background: #372412;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 13px;
color: #FFFFFF;
i tried different options but the HTML Box Properties page just reports an error and i cannot get the image into my page.
i have one more image loaded using
<img src="/a/mysite/my/home/img11.jpg"
this image is shown properly so i suppose that the link is referring correctly.
can someone give me some direction to solve the above issue

I don't think you can change the background in Google Sites like this. The HTML Box is sanitized, and this CSS will probably go away.
Instead, use More -> Manage Site, then choose Themes, Colors & Fonts, and specify the background you wish to use.


Set background image URL in CSS file to another site

I set a background image URL in CSS file to another site as below:
body.teaching {
background: url("http://sample.com/beijing.png") no-repeat no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
After I deploy to the server (e.g. www.foo.com), the URL changed like below (404 error):
I think it is caused by CssRewriteUrlTransform, so my question is:
What is the correct way to set the image URL to another site? I don't want to disable CssRewriteUrlTransform, because many other image URLs need to be transformed.
I extract the background url to another css and without applying CssRewriteUrlTransform, it works now

Website Overlay, Is It Possible?

Can anyone come up with a solution?
We sell phone systems from a supplier www.voipstudio.com
Our customers login to their account at www.voipstudio.com/login
We want to hide everything around the login page so it only shows the login details.
Is there anyway to over white boxes around the login dialog box?
This picture shows how it currently looks
This picture shows how we would like it shown
Is there any way to maybe load pop up boxes over the sections that we don't want the customers to see or another method?
Based on the information you provided and the page that you referenced in your question. If you add this css to your css file it will hide all of the divs you want to not be on your page.
This works because I am using the css to not show the data.
.page-id-653 .main-image {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .dark-bg {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .ft-button {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .site-footer {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .ft-button-twitter {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .ft-button-facebook {
display: none !important;
.page-id-653 .vs-page .header {
display: none !important;
Please notice that I added the class .page-id-653.
The reason I did this is to make sure we don't hide the data on any other page besides this specific page.
In order to enter the css please go to
Appearance / editor / style.css
From your Wordpress Dashboard
If you do not have access to this site and you are trying to serve it up with an iframe you could attach the id of the area you want to show to the url.
<iframe id="iframe" src="http://voipstudio.com/en/login/#l7p-login-form" width=400 height=400></iframe>
The social media sidebar they have on the page was acting a little difficult for me but this one of these answers should get you twoards one of the best solutions for your situation.
There are many ways you can get tricky with iframes. I suggest searching SO for more on, "position iframe on specific points".

Different Styling for Captions on Two Different Nivo Sliders on One Page

I am trying to put two Nivo sliders on one page. Some of the attributes are different. So I have simply created two scripts for these attributes, "slider" and "slider2". That's no problem.
However, I want to make the title style a little different for the second slider. I noticed that the text style of the slide title is controlled by this style:
.nivo-caption p {
color: #000;
font-size: 16px;
However, I don't see that css style called within my html. (When I look at the web page source code I see it but not when I'm actually looking at the code file itself.)
I'd love to simply create a new style for my second slider, something like:
.nivo-caption2 p {
color: #000;
font-size: 12px;
But I need to know how to actually call that within my html. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Actually, I figured it out. Since I have ids of "slide" and "slide2" for each slide show, I simply appended that to my new style and that worked.

Drupal autocomplete search UI bug

Hi in Drupal 7 I am using autocomplete search. In search input it displays part of ajax loader animation all the time even when the input is not focused. Bug is marked with red square .
Any suggestions please why there is this bug. (I am using boostrap theme)
Thank you for help.
It's not a twitter bootstrap error.
See your drupal installation's misc/throbber.gif file. You will see that it's actually a sprite and when the ajax request is in progress, it changes its position to show the animated throbber.
You will need to create a new one and adjust CSS accordingly to workaround this issue. Your text field has a relatively higher length than this sprite's
Add the following CSS to your theme's css file. These styles are defined already, so you will only need to override them. See inline comments.
html.js input.form-autocomplete {
background-image: url("/misc/throbber.gif"); // Enter a new thribber image here.
background-position: 100% 2px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
html.js input.throbbing {
background-position: 100% -18px; // Adjust this -18px to the height of your new throbber.

dreamweaver button link CSS help

Hey guys I'm currently having trouble with my CSS linking. Basically I want the colour of my links to change when I hover over them, and click on them and such. But for some reason it is not working when I view it on a browser. Below is my HTML code and my CSS code, they are seperate files and are linked togather. Thanks in advance. (I apologise if the codes are not appearing correctly but it is all there)
EDIT: Don't worry its fixed now :D thanks for the help
from what I see, you don't have a:hover,a:vistied, or a:active defined anywhere, which is what controls the behavior you're looking for.
Are you coding by hand or using Dreamweaver as a WYSIWYG?
NOTE: This could be because the files aren't formatted well in your question, so Markdown could have dropped some characters from the display.
From what I can see, the CSS file isn't written correctly. I'm going to give one example for you which fits for the whole file:
content {
width: 510px;
float: left;
This snippet above looks for the <content> tag in the HTML, and when it finds that tag, it will give it a width of 510px and floats it to the left. The problem here is that there are no <content> tags in your HTML page OR in HTML 4.01 itself. What you need to do is change it to this:
.content {
width: 510px;
float: left;
By adding the '.' before 'content' in the CSS, it changes 'content' from <content> to finding a tag that has class="content" as an attribute.
Also, to get the <a> tags to change on hover, etc, use the pseudo-elements (pseudo-attributes?) of :hover, :active, and :visited, for when a user hovers over a link, clicks on a link, and has previously visited a link, respectively.
a {
color: blue;
a:hover {
color: red;
In this example, a link will display as blue unless the user has their mouse on the link.
