How do you programmatically - or from CLI - rotate a PDF? - linux

What I need to be able to do is to rotate a PDF clockwise or counter clockwise either programmatically or from the CLI.
I have spent considerable time researching and attempting to rotate PDFs with GhostScript (as GS is already installed for other reasons) to no avail, nothing seems result in any rotation.
I have looked into using pdftk but it requires java libraries, and I would rather not have java installed on the system.
We've even looked at modifying the PDF file ourselves, and we have had some success with this, but we haven't come across a reliable method that works for all PDFs.
So my #1 preference would be to achieve this with existing resources on the system.
My #2 preference would be to do a little modification to the existing system as possible to achieve this.
The server in question is using Linux (OpenSuse 11) with PHP 5.2 and I have Ghostscript 9.0 installed.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

You can use pdfpages LaTeX package
The LaTeX document above, compiled via pdflatex, produces a document rotated 45 degrees.
There are also tools (wrappers of pdfpages) like pdfjam that can be used directly from command line:
$ pdfjam --suffix rotated45 --angle 45 --fitpaper true document.pdf

There is a way to do this with ImageMagick, if that's available to you.
$ convert originalfile.pdf -rotate <cw_angle_degrees> newfile.pdf
Note, however, that since this is a raster-based rotation, there will (generally) be a noticeable loss of quality AND increase in filesize.

You haven't said how you are trying to do this with Ghostscript, but if you want to use the pdfwrite device you will need to set /AutoRotatePages=/None or it will rotate the final page so that the majorty of any real text is horizontal.


ImageMagick issue on AppEngine Standard (PDFs and NodeJS)

I am using App Engine Standard. Since ImageMagick is available on it, I tried a few PDF manipulation libraries and basically, what I would like to do, is simply converting a PDF into an image.
The issue I am getting is this:
'convert-im6.q16: not authorized /tmp/ygM1sF-Txq00JkGbpal8YWBQ.pdf\'
# error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.\nconvert-im6.q16: no images
defined/tmp/ygM1sF-Txq00JkGbpal8YWBQ-0.png\' #
error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.\n' }
After some research, I found out that post here: Fix for ImageMagick convert errors with pdf files. Here is what he says:
PDF files on Linux systems are usually handled by ghostscript (via the
terminal command gs). And, ImageMagick (done through the terminal
convert command) uses ghostscript for reading and writing PDF files.
Because the security problems are serious and numerous, ImageMagick’s
access to PDF files is then cut off.
Granted, through these security flaws in PDF someone could craft a
malicious image file that, when converted by ImageMagick into a PDF,
will then do very nasty things to your computer.
But, ghostscript has since been updated once and once again with
security fixes. How about a fix for ImageMagick to get PDF
functionality back? Or, at least an explanation of progress towards
fixing this issue?
I can't change the ImageMagick configuration on App Engine Standard, but I wonder if there is something else I can do. Or maybe the engineers at Google would be able to update ImageMagick instead and remove that limitation?
I really need to convert PDF into images, so I wonder if it worth waiting, or if I need to find another solution.
Thanks for your ideas.

AlphaData alternative in Matlab

In Matlab I'm plotting a matrix (let's call it M) using imagesc over an image using imshow. I would like M to have a degree of transparency so I can actually see the image below. This is what I'm doing:
imshow(img); hold on;
h = imagesc(M);
set(h,'AlphaData',0.4); % set transparency to 40%
However, the last line generates an error when running it on Linux. I've been trying to solve it but nothing seems to work. I wonder if there is an alternative to the "AlphaData" property to make it transparent. Thanks!
EDIT: I'm using Matlab R2014a and Java 1.7 on a Linux CentOS 6.6
As Luis Mendo suggested, I just needed to change the renderer. You can:
>get(gcf,'renderer'); % to see which render engine is Matlab using
>set(gcf,'renderer'); % to get a list with all the possible renderers in your machine
So, at least in Linux, to change the renderer it's necessary to start Matlab from terminal by calling it as:
matlab -softwareopengl
Once this is done, setting transparency in an specific plot, as shown in the description of the question, is possible.

Add margin to PDF file when merging using PDFTK or similar

I have a large collection of half-page sized PDF cut-sheets that are held in a folder on my Linux server. A user to the site will want to create a booklet from a subset of these. The booklet will be bound therefore the even pages of the collection will want more margin on the right side and the odd pages will want more margin on the left side. There can be up to 200 pages in a collection out of a universe of 500 pages so I don't want to regenerate each page to set the margin of it. It would take too much of the servers time to run the content through the DOMPDF. Just building the document using PDFTK is fast.
I'd like to merge the document with PDFTK from a centered PDF file and add the appropriate margin for the odd or even page.
If not PDFTK then is there another tool that might do the job?
If you use ubuntu, you can install pdfcrop:
sudo apt-get install -y pdfcrop
Despite its name, pdfcrop has the option to add margins:
pdfcrop --margin '29 0 29 0' input.pdf output.pdf
(Note: the unit is bp. 72 bp = 1 inch. 29 bp is approximately 1 cm.)
Then, use pdfjam to do the offset trick for the right and left pages.
pdfjam --twoside --offset '1cm 0cm' file.pdf
Note: pdfcrop does have problems with some pdf files. (!!! Error: Ghostscript exited with error code 139!).
If you are still interested in this, you should have a look at pdfjam which allows you to offset and clip pdfs. With respect to your particular question you might do something like
pdfjam --twoside --offset '2cm 0cm' file.pdf
This shifts the even pages 2cm to the right and the odd one to the left.
pdfjam is a front end to the pdfpages package of pdflatex.
Even if it is a bit late, but it might help someone. In response to #ElkeSpaak comment, it's the package texlive-extra-utils:
dpkg-query -S /usr/bin/pdfcrop
texlive-extra-utils: /usr/bin/pdfcrop

How to Crop Geotiff without GDAL using GUI based tool?

I need to crop Geotiff files without using command line GDAL. I am looking for a GUI based Geotiff or related file editor. I need to freely select any area to crop. I need to preserve lat long information so I can merge multiple Geotiff files. I would not mind converting Geotiff files to some other format and then crop and convert to Geotiff.
You need a desktop GIS. Qgis: will do it along with a zillion other mappy things, or there's gvSIG, OpenJUMP, uDIG and others, see or search. Did I mention these are all free and open source?
Another idea is to use R, the statistics package. It can read in Geotiffs, plot them, allow selection from the graphics window, subsetting, and saving, but it is a programming language so a bit of typing is necessary. The process would be something like this:
r = raster("myraster.tiff")
bounds = locator(2) # you then click corners for cropping
c = crop(r,bounds) # might be 'extract' or 'mask' or something...
Excuse the vagueness.
For those who may be interested, we have started to work on an open source GUI utility, Rasterix, using GDAL and the Qt framework.
It can perform some of the tasks already implemented in several GDAL command line utilities for raster processing, but using a friendly graphical user interface.
The complete source code and the pre-built binaries for Windows, Linux and macOS are hosted on github at
We will add more features in the future, but should you be interested in something in particular, please let us know using github's issues.

beamer includegraphics with screenshots

I'm using the LaTeX-Beamer class for making presentations. Every once in a while I need to include screenshots. Those graphics are pixel-based, of course. I use includegraphics like this:
\includegraphics[width= \paperwidth]{img/analyzer.png}
or usually something like this:
\includegraphics[width= 0.8\linewidth]{img/analyzer.png}
This leads to pretty bad readibility of the contained text, so I'm asking for your best practices: How would you include screenshots containing text considering, that I will do the output PDF with pdflatex?
EDIT: I suppose I'm looking for something like an 1:1 presetation of the image within beamer. However, [scale = 1.0] doesn't achieve what I'm looking for.
Your best bet is to scale the image outside of Latex for inclusion, and include it in 1:1 ratio. The scaling done by graphics packages in Latex isn't going to be anywhere near as good as possible from other tools. Latex (Tex) has limited floating-point arithmetic capabilities, whereas an external tool can use sophisticated algorithms to get the scaling better.
Another option is to use only a part of the screenshot, the one you want to concentrate on.
Edit: If you can change the font size before taking the screenshot, that's another option—just increase the font size for the screenshots.
Of course, you can combine the two methods.
I have done exactly what you do and e.g defined
\includegraphics[height=7.8cm,transparent]{#1}}} % 7.8in
which worked with whatever style I was using at the time. The files included with this macro were all PNGs created with one the usual Linux screen capture tools.
Edit: You may have to play with the size (height and width) of your input files. It came out rather nice for me (and this was from a presentation in 2006).
How about scaling it as follows:
This works for me.
Have you tried to convert the image to .eps or .pdf file and use this file in LaTeX?
Maybe try also latex, dvips and ps2pdf.
Problem might be in used viewer, in Linux I use Document viewer or ePDFViewer and output is much worse than in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, which I use in Windows...
