bash: check if multiple files in a directory contain strings from a list - linux

I have a text file which contains multiple lines with one string per line :
I would like to read every line of this file and then search for those strings inside multiple files located in a different directory.
I am not quite sure how to proceed.
Thanks very much for your help.

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} { for (word in a) if ($0 ~ word) print FILENAME, $0 }' fileOfWords /wherever/dir/*

for wrd in $(cut -d, -f1 < testfile.txt); do grep $wrd dir/files* ; done

Use the GNU Grep's --file Option
According to grep(1):
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Obtain patterns from FILE, one per line. The empty file
contains zero patterns, and therefore matches nothing. (-f is
specified by POSIX.)
The -H and -n flags will print the filename and line number of each match. So, assuming you store your patterns in /tmp/foo and want to search all files in /tmp/bar, you could use something like:
# Find regular files with GNU find and grep them all using a pattern
# file.
find /etc -type f -exec grep -Hnf /tmp/foo {} +

while read -r str
echo "$str"
grep "$str" /path/to/other/files
done < inputfile


How to rename fasta header based on filename in multiple files?

I have a directory with multiple fasta file named as followed:
etc. (about 200 individual files)
The fasta header look like this:
>BC-1_k127_3926653_6 # 4457 # 5341 # -1 # ID=2_6;partial=01;start_type=Edge;rbs_motif=None;rbs_spacer=None;gc_cont=0.697
I now want to add the filename to the header since I want to annotate the sequences for each file.I tried the following:
for file in *.faa;
sed -i "s/>.*/${file%%.*}/" "$file" ;
It worked partially but it removed the ">" from the header which is essential for the fasta file. I tried to modify the "${file%%.*}" part to keep the carrot but it always called me out on bad substitutions.
I also tried this:
awk '/>/{sub(">","&"FILENAME"_");sub(/\.faa/,x)}1' *.faa
This worked in theory but only printed everything on my terminal rather than changing it in the respective files.
Could someone assist with this?
It's not clear whether you want to replace the earlier header, or add to it. Both scenarios are easy to do. Don't replace text you don't want to replace.
for file in ./*.faa;
sed -i "s/^>.*/>${file%%.*}/" "$file"
will replace the header, but include a leading > in the replacement, effectively preserving it; and
for file in ./*.faa;
sed -i "s/^>.*/&${file%%.*}/" "$file"
will append the file name at the end of the header (& in the replacement string evaluates to the string we are replacing, again effectively preserving it).
For another variation, try
for file in *.faa;
sed -i "/^>/s/\$/ ${file%%.*}/" "$file"
which says on lines which match the regex ^>, replace the empty string at the end of the line $ with the file name.
Of course, your Awk script could easily be fixed, too. Standard Awk does not have an option to parallel the -i "in-place" option of sed, but you can easily use a temporary file:
for file in ./*.faa;
awk '/>/{ $0 = $0 " " FILENAME);sub(/\.faa/,"")}1' "$file" >"$file.tmp" &&
mv "$file.tmp" "$file"
GNU Awk also has an -i inplace extension which you could simply add to the options of your existing script if you have GNU Awk.
Since FASTA files typically contain multiple headers, adding to the header rather than replacing all headers in a file with the same string seems more useful, so I changed your Awk script to do that instead.
For what it's worth, the name of the character ^ is caret (carrot is šŸ„•). The character > is called greater than or right angle bracket, or right broket or sometimes just wedge.
You just need to detect the pattern to replace and use regex to implement it:
for file in $location/*.faa
#scape special chars
filename=$(echo $filename | sed 's_/_\\/_g')
echo "adding file name: $filename to: $full_filename"
sed -i -E "s/^[^#]+/>$filename /" $location/$full_filename
Just pass the folder with fasta files:
bash /foo/bar
Regex: matching up to the first occurrence of a character
Extract filename and extension in Bash
Locating your files
Suggesting to first identify your files with find command or ls command.
find . -type f -name "*.faa" -printf "%f\n"
A find command to print only file with filenames extension .faa. Including sub directories to current directory.
ls -1 "*.faa"
An ls command to print files and directories with extension .faa. In current directory.
Processing your files
Once you have the correct files list, iterate over the list and apply sed command.
for fileName in $(find . -type f -name "*.faa" -printf "%f\n"); do
stripedFileName=${fileName/.*/} # strip extension .faa
sed -i "1s|\$| $stripedFileName|" "fileName" # append value of stripedFileName at end of line 1

Read in file line by line and search another file for a line with a partial match

I have a file with partial matches to lines in another file. In order to do this I was looking to generate a while loop with read and substituting a variable for each line of partial matches into a grep command to search a database files with a partial match but for some reason, I am not getting an output (an empty outputfile.txt).
Here is my current script
while read -r line; do
grep $line /path/to/databasefile >> /path/to/folder/outputfile.txt
done < "/partial_matches.txt"
the database has multiple lines with a sequence name then DNA sequence after:
and the partial matching search file has lines of text:
and I'm looking for a return of:
any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you are using GNU grep, then its -f option is what you are looking for:
grep -f /partial_matches.txt /path/to/databasefile
(if you don't have any pattern in partial_matches.txt but only strings, then use grep -F instead of grep)
you can use a for loop instead:
for i in $(cat partial_matches.txt); do
grep $i /path/to/databasefile >> /path/to/folder/outputfile.txt
Also, check if you have a typo:
"/partial_matches.txt" -> "./partial_matches.txt"

Remove the path prefix of the fullpath stored in a file

I have a file containing multiple full path
and I want to get the basename of every file
I only know that I can get the every line and use command
Is it possible to achive my goal more simple? Thank you.
The simplest way I came up with is this:
basename -a $(<foo.txt)
Which works because the process substitution $() is the redirected output of the file, which is then split into multiple arguments because of word-splitting. Basename takes multiple args with -a.
Note that this doesn't work if there are spaces in the pathnames in the file (because of the said wordsplitting).
Another in awk:
$ awk 'sub(/.*\//,"")||1' file
awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' Input_file
Making "/" as field separator and printing the last field of each line.
A solution that use only shell tools:
readarray -t arr <file.txt
echo "${arr[#]##*/}"
This assumes that each file is one line (even with spaces). Filenames with newlines will fail as some other structure would be needed in the file.

Looping through a file with path and file names and within these file search for a pattern

I have a file called lookupfile.txt with the following info:
path, including filename
Within bash I would like to search through these files in mylookup file.txt for a pattern : myerrorisbeinglookedat. When found, output the lines where found into another recorder file. All the found result can land in the same file.
Please help.
You can write a single grep statement to achieve this:
grep myerrorisbeinglookedat $(< lookupfile.txt) > outfile
the number of entries in lookupfile.txt is small (tens or hundreds)
there are no white spaces or wildcard characters in the file names
while IFS= read -r file; do
# print the file names separated by a NULL character '\0'
# to be fed into xargs
printf "$file\0"
done < lookupfile.txt | xargs -0 grep myerrorisbeinglookedat > outfile
xargs takes output of the loop, tokenizes them correctly and invokes grep command. xargs batches up the files based on operating system limits in case there are a large number of files.

Add a prefix string to beginning of each line

I have a file as below:
And I want to get:
I could write a Ruby script, but it is better if I do not need to.
prefix will contain /. It is a path, /opt/workdir/ for example.
# If you want to edit the file in-place
sed -i -e 's/^/prefix/' file
# If you want to create a new file
sed -e 's/^/prefix/' file >
If prefix contains /, you can use any other character not in prefix, or
escape the /, so the sed command becomes
# or
awk '$0="prefix"$0' file > new_file
In awk the default action is '{print $0}' (i.e. print the whole line), so the above is equivalent to:
awk '{print "prefix"$0}' file > new_file
With Perl (in place replacement):
perl -pi 's/^/prefix/' file
You can use Vim in Ex mode:
ex -sc '%s/^/prefix/|x' file
% select all lines
s replace
x save and close
If your prefix is a bit complicated, just put it in a variable:
Then, you pass that variable and let awk deal with it:
awk -v prefix="$prefix" '{print prefix $0}' input_file.txt
Here is a hightly readable oneliner solution using the ts command from moreutils
$ cat file | ts prefix | tr -d ' '
And how it's derived step by step:
# Step 0. create the file
$ cat file
# Step 1. add prefix to the beginning of each line
$ cat file | ts prefix
prefix line1
prefix line2
prefix line3
# Step 2. remove spaces in the middle
$ cat file | ts prefix | tr -d ' '
If you have Perl:
perl -pe 's/^/PREFIX/' input.file
Using & (the whole part of the input that was matched by the patternā€):
cat in.txt | sed -e "s/.*/prefix&/" > out.txt
OR using back references:
cat in.txt | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/prefix\1/" > out.txt
Using the shell:
while read -r line
echo "${prefix}$line"
done <$file > newfile
mv newfile $file
While I don't think pierr had this concern, I needed a solution that would not delay output from the live "tail" of a file, since I wanted to monitor several alert logs simultaneously, prefixing each line with the name of its respective log.
Unfortunately, sed, cut, etc. introduced too much buffering and kept me from seeing the most current lines. Steven Penny's suggestion to use the -s option of nl was intriguing, and testing proved that it did not introduce the unwanted buffering that concerned me.
There were a couple of problems with using nl, though, related to the desire to strip out the unwanted line numbers (even if you don't care about the aesthetics of it, there may be cases where using the extra columns would be undesirable). First, using "cut" to strip out the numbers re-introduces the buffering problem, so it wrecks the solution. Second, using "-w1" doesn't help, since this does NOT restrict the line number to a single column - it just gets wider as more digits are needed.
It isn't pretty if you want to capture this elsewhere, but since that's exactly what I didn't need to do (everything was being written to log files already, I just wanted to watch several at once in real time), the best way to lose the line numbers and have only my prefix was to start the -s string with a carriage return (CR or ^M or Ctrl-M). So for example:
# Monitor the widget, framas, and dweezil
# log files until the operator hits <enter>
# to end monitoring.
for LOGFILE in widget framas dweezil
tail -f $LOGFILE 2>&1 |
nl -s"^M${LOGFILE}> "
) &
sleep 1
kill -- -${PGRP}
Using ed:
ed infile <<'EOE'
This substitutes, for each line (,), the beginning of the line (^) with prefix. wq saves and exits.
If the replacement string contains a slash, we can use a different delimiter for s instead:
ed infile <<'EOE'
I've quoted the here-doc delimiter EOE ("end of ed") to prevent parameter expansion. In this example, it would work unquoted as well, but it's good practice to prevent surprises if you ever have a $ in your ed script.
Here's a wrapped up example using the sed approach from this answer:
$ cat /path/to/some/file | prefix_lines "WOW: "
WOW: some text
WOW: another line
WOW: more text
function show_help()
cat /path/to/file | prefix_lines "WOW: "
WOW: some text
WOW: another line
WOW: more text
echo "$IT"
# Require a prefix
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Check if input is from stdin or a file
if [ -z "$2" ]
# If no stdin exists
if [ -t 0 ]; then
# Now prefix the output
sed -e "s/^/$PREFIX/" $FILE
You can also achieve this using the backreference technique
sed -i.bak 's/\(.*\)/prefix\1/' foo.txt
You can also use with awk like this
awk '{print "prefix"$0}' foo.txt > tmp && mv tmp foo.txt
Using Pythonize (pz):
pz '"preix"+s' <filename
Simple solution using a for loop on the command line with bash:
for i in $(cat yourfile.txt); do echo "prefix$i"; done
Save the output to a file:
for i in $(cat yourfile.txt); do echo "prefix$i"; done > yourfilewithprefixes.txt
You can do it using AWK
echo example| awk '{print "prefix"$0}'
awk '{print "prefix"$0}' file.txt > output.txt
For suffix: awk '{print $0"suffix"}'
For prefix and suffix: awk '{print "prefix"$0"suffix"}'
For people on BSD/OSX systems there's utility called lam, short for laminate. lam -s prefix file will do what you want. I use it in pipelines, eg:
find -type f -exec lam -s "{}: " "{}" \; | fzf
...which will find all files, exec lam on each of them, giving each file a prefix of its own filename. (And pump the output to fzf for searching.)
If you need to prepend a text at the beginning of each line that has a certain string, try following. In the following example, I am adding # at the beginning of each line that has the word "rock" in it.
sed -i -e 's/^.*rock.*/#&/' file_name
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (!YourPath!\longfile.csv) do (echo !YourPrefix!%%a) >> !YourPath!\Archive\output.csv
