Play videos automatically in Raspberry Pi Qt - linux

I want to play videos on Raspberry Pi which built Qt as well. thing is i have try out a example on github link but it seems to be not working for me. I want to play videos using omx player automatically once i have uploaded a xml config file
any clue

If you want to use omxplayer, then you should checkout it here: I see from the code it can be controlled using a pipe.
EDIT: omxplayer also has a dbus interface.


Embed and play sound (via audio element) in electron app

The actual task is to play mp3 file that should be embedded with the electron app.
I placed the mp3 file near my electron app "main.js".
I wanted to play it using some "sound-play" ( package using bridge api, but it didn't worked out, sound is not playing.
So I want to just play it using an audio element (which seems to be more universal), but I don't get what src url I should supply to it. And then I wonder how to correctly add an additional asset to the built version (I'm using electron-builder).
Working with extra/local resources in election apps is kind of obscure topic for me. Advice would be appreciated.

How to play the audiobook .m4b file in julia?

I want to play a audio book file xxx.m4b in a web app, but I can't find a package to handle the m4b file. I find a possible package called ffmpeg but I have no idea how to implement it. How can I play a audio book file in a web app or just natively in my desktop?

Is there a way to emulate keystrokes and mouse-clicks in a Linux OS such as Raspbian?

I am working on a project that edits photos of mine and then uploads those photos to a google site. I'm using Selenium to upload the photos to the portfolio site, but I need a way to select the image I want to upload from the file manager.
The idea is that this project will run on my Raspberry Pi 3b without any need for human intervention. Is it even possible to emulate human interactions with the OS?
I have done some research and have come across the program AutoKey, but I am not entirely sure if this will work for what I need on Raspbian. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I attempted to install autokey on to my raspberry pi, and even though the install seemed successful, I am unable to open or use the application. It seems I may be missing some dependencies or that autokey just isn't compatible on Raspbian. All I really need is a way for me to navigate to the path of the photo I want to upload and to select it.
Second Update:
While searching through the selenium documentation I found this which seems like it could be a solution. I have not yet had time to try this out yet on both my Macbook and Raspberry Pi.
Final Update
I was able to upload the file using selenium, but part of the process is jerry-rigged to work. I am curious to know if there is another, more professional way to do this so I will leave the question up in the meantime.

Chromecast from a node media server

I used npm hls-server to setup an hls streaming server on my dev machine. Then i took android sample app and tried adding another video with url that of my localhost.
The video plays fine inside the sample app but i am unable to cast it to chromecast.
I tried changing mediatype and also setup cors proxy using npm package cors-anywhere.
I used ffmpeg to generate hls playlist and .ts files.
Would be great if someone can help out.
The problem was with my HLS stream. What I did was to use sample receiver app from google and attached debugger to see error code/exceptions.
Then i took another video and used ffmpeg to produce hls again which worked out quite fine.

Linino (openWRT) on arduino Yun & nodejs - Nodejs Serial module not working

I'm using my arduino yun board to try a protocol I've made to control a robot I'm making using arduino.
The same job, using a raspberry pi for the previous project, worked pretty well and I had no issues with anything at all.
Basically, my environment WAS:
Raspberry PI
Arduino mega (board)
NodeJS serial module
Aaaand I had literally no problems, but since I was very confident with the arduino yun board, I decided to try doing basically the same thing but, instead of using my raspberry pi, I wanted to use only my arduino yun board.
After correctly configuring the arduino yun board, compiling, and installing nodejs following this guide, I correctly can run node:
Now, npm, unluckily doesn't work (as expected from the above tutorial):
Since npm is not working, I proceded this way:
Under /www/, I've made a directory called "nodejsTEST":
cd www
mkdir nodejsTEST
accessed it, and made a pretty basic server.js file:
The above code works perfectly, and by accessing at arduino.local/nodejsTEST it actually outputs "Ohay :)".
Now, next step:
I downloaded the same library I was using on the raspberry pi:
and, since I can't use npm, I've copied it to the nodejsTEST folder but, when I'm requiring it from nodejs (I've looked around here in stackoverflow about how to include it correctly) keeps telling that some modules are missing, suchs as this one:
I've tried downloading the module itself but it doesn't work at all, so what I was wondering is where all the modules were stored, since there usually is a /usr/local/bin/node folder.
Surprisingly, there literally is no trace about node.
Even by printing its path and trying to access it, it's telling me the path does not exists:
Any idea of how to solve this issue? I'm really looking forward to be able to use the serial port library with nodejs, since I had a really positive experience on my previous project both from the point of view of the performance and from the point of view of its stability.
After looking around for (quite long) while, I came up with this link:
Which actually allows you to use your external SD card as available space either for linino and for storing basicly anything and, moreover, it actually even allows you to install both Nodejs and the Nodejs-serialport module.
