NameServer do not forward - dns

i bought a domain at networksolutions and try to forward dns to my vps, the problem is, its not forward when i try to open page, ie gave me that error.
i also use the plesk panel
The requested URL could not be retrieved
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
Unable to determine IP address from host name
The DNS server returned:
Server Failure: The name server was unable to process this query. This
means that the system was not able to resolve the hostname presented
in the URL. Check if the address is correct.

It appears that you do not have DNS name servers configured for that domain. At least the DNS roots do not know about them. You will need to work with network solutions to have them add glue records for your name servers, or if they are hosting the DNS for you then you need to add the NS records etc for your domain.

Related’s server IP address could not be found

I've attempted to set up a test binding through IIS to, but it's not resolving to my local IP address. My understanding of is that it should resolve automatically. In Chrome is get the error message:’s server IP address could not be found.
And when pinging I get the following error:
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
In IIS I have a site that's bound to with the following settings:
Everything I've read online advises that should resolve automatically? Is this the case or is there setup step I'm missing?
You can simply add this entry in your host file locally, and it will work.
On windows machine - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
On *nix machine - /etc/hosts
It sounds like you didn't register the domain in either DNS or hosts file.
1.So if you are in an AD environment, please add a CNAME in your local DNS Forward lookup zone.
2.If you are going to access the website from public domain, then please purchase the domian from domain provider and point it to Server's public IP.
3.If you just want to access the website locally, please add the domain to hosts file.
The hosts record would looks like:

Publishing Google Site to a Google Domain URL doesn't work: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

I've created a Google Site on my personal account and am trying to publish it to my custom URL hosted on Google Domains through that account. Per the instructions I did this using the Publish settings... dialog and entered the custom URL:
The normal URL works fine, but the custom one doesn't:
My DNS settings in the Google Domains console are pretty simple, just some G Suite mappings and what looks to be the resource record automatically populated by Google Sites:
How can I fix the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issue to get the site forwarded correctly?
The DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN problem was started due to incompatibility of IP addresses with computer DNS. To be more technical, DNS converts all messages from a domain into a form of IP address. The real problem arises when someone enters a URL in their browser; it's up to DNS to find a server with the appropriate server IP address. While in the general case, the search process is directed to the target site, but if the DNS fails, this will produce an error. Changing DNS server to Google DNS or OpenDNS , or remove all cookies and cached files on your browser will help to resolve this issue immediately. Like any other error, there are several ways you can solve these problems by yourself:
Release or Renew Your IP Address
Change DNS server
Restart DNS Client service
Reset hosts file
Reset Chrome Flags
Reset Winsock program

How do I configure Google Domains for Dynamic DNS?

I have a domain name on Google Domains that I want to point to my website running on my raspberry pi server at home. My public IP address is dynamic, and I cannot figure out how to keep the domain pointing at my IP when the IP is updated. Is anyone familiar with Google Domains dynamic DNS configuration?
I initially configured a "Custom Resource Record" on the DNS tab of Google Domains because the description says "Resource records define how your domain behaves. Common uses include pointing your domain at your web server or configuring email delivery for your domain." That works until my IP changes, then the domain name no longer points to the correct IP.
Next, I tried adding a "Dynamic DNS" Synthetic record to my Google Domains DNS configuration. I have a cron job that runs on my server every 5 minutes and runs the following (with USERNAME and PASSWORD set to match the credentials generated by Google Domains synthetic record):
curl https://$USERNAME:$$HOSTNAME&myip=
When the curl command runs, it does successfully update the IP address in the Synthetic Record, as I would expect. But, the IP address in the "Custom Resource Record" does not update and the domain no longer points to the correct IP. I need to manually change the Custom Resource Record to the correct IP for it to work again.
Actually figured this out. I was giving the synthetic record a made up subdomain because I thought I had to and the solution was to simply leave it blank.
If you want to configure the entire domain, rather than just a subdomain, place '#' (without the quotes) in the sub-domain field. This will redirect everything

Domain not attached to the Cpanel

I registered domain on the WHM and create a new user cpanel with the domain, the domain is added to the cpanel. But when i try to browse the domain name it getting server DNS address could not be found.i updated the name servers with my server name, but nothing changed.
when i try to go through myip/~newuser it going fine to the site file, but with the domain name it's not.
You have a DNS issue in this case. Please check your DNS zone with a tool like intoDns:
See if you get any errors there. If you do, then you have issues with your DNS configuration. Be sure that you have create the parent DNS servers for your domain if you want to use the DNS from WHM (the parent DNS servers should point to your WHM server ip).
Try using external services to query your DNS server to see if it actually works (like MXToolBox etc). Or you can use nslookup or dig right from your WHM server by connecting via ssh.

Azure DNS Zone name servers updated to Domain registrar but unknown host even after 4-5 hours

How to setup root domain ( ) to point to Azure DNS zone? I am not sure whether it is because of propagation lag, but if I try to access ( for example here ), it gives me unknown host.
My Steps:
Created the Azure DNS Zone for the
Created the DNS zone.
Delegated subdomain to Azure DNS zone created in step #1 above for www Name server record.
Logged in to domain registrar and updated the 4 name servers of step 1 DNS Zone name servers as shared by
Note: It is 4-5 hours now and even now, accessing ( dummy ) gives me unknown host. I tried the following as well and details are as below:-
a. Ping
List item => Gives following:
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
b. Telnet on port 13782 but Couldntfind .. message.
c. nslookup gives below:
DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Default Server: UnKnown
Address: fd00::1
set querytype=soa
Server: UnKnown
Address: fd00::1
DNS request timed out.
But, I find the DIG and intoDNS showing all good, properly set the nameservers on registrar panel. I am not sure if I am missing anything.
Using DIG tool,{}&type=&ns=resolver&useresolver= 299 IN SOA 1 3600 300 2419200 300
Hoping I did all right, and validating on anything I could have missed. Please suggest , if any.
The Apex domain now works perfectly following the cmdlets with corrections as recommended added. Ref: Azure DNS - Domains Not Being Found By Public Internet
I had my registrar with a A record pointing to webapp IP, and nameservers to that of azure DNS zone for in place of default registrars.
But, gives me unknown host but i checked each step as recommended still but not able to make out what I am missing during setup. (Default): 9 IN CNAME 59 IN A (Default): 59 IN A
Okay, It appears that gets properly routed to Parent DNS zone on Azure from the Domain registrar recorded settings for Name servers. But was not getting delegated to child DNS zone.
On top of the settings in this picture, I added a A # record at Azure Child DNS zone pointing to IP.Now both root domain, and www subdomain works.
I am not sure if you have already found the answer to your issue, given this question is very old. I was having same issue and I found your post here helpful.
Coming to your issue that is getting unknown host, I created an A record and pointed that to the VM public IP address. I figured we can set Load Balancer IP address as well here.
I created 2 A records
1) set www in name field when creating A record.
2) leave name field blank when creating A record
